Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Topic Bulletin Board
Mini Ramp
On 5/3/2007 Curtis wrote in from United States  (67.106.nnn.nnn)

I've got a 4' mini ramp in my back yard that I need to get rid of as I am trying to sell my home and have no where to store it. I am St Paul, pretty close to the capital. Anyone know anyone who might want it?? I'd disassemble it into 8 pieces if someone could come pick it up. It's a great ramp and I'd hate to completely demo it. If anyone knows of a better place to post this, please let me know.

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Database maintenance completed
On 4/23/2007 Adam wrote in from United States  (208.64.nnn.nnn)

From the webmaster..

Page load times should be back in the 2-3 second range following another round of database maintenance/archiving.

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Salem slalom footage on Youtube
On 4/20/2007 Josh Meredith wrote in from United States  (71.220.nnn.nnn)

Footage from the Salem Slalom-o-Rama, March 18, in Salem, OR:


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On 4/10/2007 Adam wrote in from United States  (198.144.nnn.nnn)

From the webmaster..

Sorry for the outage folks.. a database maintenance/Windows Update didn't go as planned.

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50th Birthday Bash and Crash
On 3/12/2007 Waldo Autry wrote in from United States  (71.107.nnn.nnn)

Whattup all you damned skater folk. Myself and Digger Green are throwing a 50th B-Day party and downhill race at Barrett Junction (about 5 mi. before the Tecate Mex. border) Sat. the 31st of march, And April fools day. Saturday will be a fun free run day, then party at the cafe and camp out in the newly re-modeled party compound. They have a huge stage and dance/mosh floor, all gated in for legl private party and camp area. They have 3 cool little rental bungalo/ cabins available for rental, and a large adjoining parking lot for RV's or campers. SO, COME ON DOWN!!!! R.S.V.P. @ waldoautry@hotmail.com or crash the bash! I am trying to post a pic, bear with plz.

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On 3/3/2007 slim wrote in from United States  (71.146.nnn.nnn)

Pretty funny. If you actually do go to google and search how did E40 get killed, the first result is this very page, ha!

Anyway, E-Pheezy is alive and well.

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Did yall know?
On 2/21/2007 Mrs.Teviun wrote in from United States  (152.163.nnn.nnn)

Did yall know dat E40 got killed not 2 long ago?
For more info on wat happened go2 google.com search how did E40 get killed.

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Dogtown...30 years later
On 2/6/2007 tasos wrote in from United States  (69.236.nnn.nnn)

so if anyone of you were out at nathan bressler's rager in venice beach before they demolished the house and pool, then you know what a rager it was indeed...police helicopters and all...the new music video from our band with the footage of the party is up now on our myspace page at myspace.com/oceantribemusic for your enjoyment ... and for all you og surfers and skaters, the crew is hanging at our free shows every tuesday at santa monica's own og club/bar, 14 Below, at 9pm - club is 1384 14th st between arizona and santa monica blvd...bring your posi flow and add to the pure stoke, you are invited!

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On 2/3/2007 slim wrote in from United States  (71.146.nnn.nnn)

Pat, HP doesn't seem to have a discussion forum. But I can tell you that one can post links to microsoft's website on apple's discussion boards and vice versa without any trouble at all. Because the point of forums is to exchange information, not sell goods.

There are many things NCDSA could do to increase reasership (and therefore ad revenue), including updating this 1995 era forum software to something that makes it easier for people to post photos and videos (without knowing html), and end this silly "read from the bottom of the page upwards" thing and have instead software that allows "view posts since last visit" or whatever so that we can keep up without having to scroll up and down on pages trying to figure out where we had read up to the last time we were here. And so on. In other words, gain "marketshare" by improving customer experience instead of trying to guard marketshare by preventing readers from learning that there are threads on other forums that may answer the question they've asked here.

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Linking and ownership and "spirit" of internet
On 2/2/2007 Pat Chewning wrote in from United States  (67.189.nnn.nnn)

I don't think that NCDSA prohibits links, just certain links to sites that the owner thinks are in competition. Notice those advertisements on the side? They help pay for the site (I think) and the sponsors will not pay if the traffic level goes down (e.g. due to a competitive site).

So I think it is OK to prohibit links to the "competitor's" sites. Just as you would never expect any links on Hewlett-Packard's web site to point to IBM.

And if this is against the "spirit" of the internet, then take it up with Al Gore -- since he invented the internet :)

-- Pat

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On 2/2/2007 slim wrote in from United States  (71.146.nnn.nnn)

Sure, someone "owns" every website. However, they operate on the internet and there are certain conventions that should be followed. In fact, the whole point of the world wide web was to hyperlink information from one site to another.

That people now use the publicly developed internet to make private money is fine. But they should do so only in ways that are in keeping with the spirit of the internet. This site is not billed as a commercial business. It is a place people get together to share information. Therefore, I feel that not allowing linking is uncool and contrary to the spirit of internet forums. I've been on hundreds of forums over the last 15 to 20 years and this is the only one I've ever been on that messes with the member's ability to link to other websites.

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On 2/2/2007 bara wrote in from United States  (69.14.nnn.nnn)

that could be true Slim.....I may have only noticed the more controversial posts...if so, my bad.....
As far as this thread goes though..It's easy to forget that most websites are owned by somebody...in this case, Adam.......we have so many liberties in sites such as this that it usually feels like a truly public place....but the truth is it's paid for by somebody, monitored, updated, maintained, etc. ... The site owner doesnt necessarily owe anybody any explaination for any rules whatsoever....same would hold true for the owners of SF.com or SS.com, Skull and bones, BDS, ...any of them.....it's easy to miss that though

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On 2/2/2007 slim wrote in from United States  (71.146.nnn.nnn)

Bara, you may notice the gripes, but i post all kinds of stuff on many different websites.

on this website, it's pretty easy to find our recent posts. go to the search page, put in user name "slim" and select the last six months or whatever and hit search. I think you'll find tons of helpful posts i've made to answer questions in the bearing, wheel, truck, etc. forums.

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Other skate websites
On 2/2/2007 Cat wrote in from United States  (67.117.nnn.nnn)

On 1/30/2007 Adam wrote in from United States (208.64.xxx.xxx)
"Well, slim.. I don't expect anyone but Internet search professionals to understand my reasons but it comes down to this: After witnessing the sleazy tactics Ncdsa.com's competitors have used in their unethical attempts to siphon off our members and our traffic, I didn't think Link Dropping was beneath them."

Adam, What's the beef between you & Silverfish?
Aren't we all here for the same reason? To talk and ask questions about skating, to share experiences with one another & spread and share the stoke?
I don't understand.

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On 2/2/2007 malcolm wrote in from Canada  (204.239.nnn.nnn)

hey i posted links from sf to here, and the ebasiler never said anything. mabey he'll ban me hahaha

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Just so you know, Slim
On 2/2/2007 Joe I wrote in from United States  (63.87.nnn.nnn)

I've been requested by the moderators of SFish to not refer users to NCDSA or to post links. It kinda killed my enthusiasm over there.

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Posts to slalomskateboarder.com
On 2/1/2007 Pat Chewning wrote in from United States  (67.189.nnn.nnn)

It would make it slightly more convenient if www.slalomsk8boarder.com would not be translated to www_slalomsk8boarder_com but it is Adam's site and if he wants to protect it in this way he can certainly do that.

It is not that difficult to cut the translated link, paste into the browser, edit the _ into . and be on your way... A pretty small (and in my opinion unnecesary) hassle, but a small price to pay in order to have 2 sites with different audiences, approaches, etc.

-- Pat

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On 2/1/2007 bara wrote in from United States  (69.14.nnn.nnn)

hey slim....how come whenever i see your name posted up on one of the skate sites, you've got something negative to say or are griping about something?...what's with that?

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On 2/1/2007 slim wrote in from United States  (71.146.nnn.nnn)

So...they attempt to get visitors to their sites through some (yet unnamed) methods, so you feel the need to prevent users here from pointing at threads on those sites? If so, I'd be curious to hear what sort of unfair practices you believe those other sites are using. Because if they are doing lame stuff, I'd like to complain to them about it.

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On 2/1/2007 Adam wrote in from United States  (198.144.nnn.nnn)

slim, read my last post again carefully. It wasn't I who unleveled the playing field. I'm simply doing my best to re-level it.

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On 1/31/2007 slim wrote in from United States  (71.146.nnn.nnn)

All I know is that I am a member of the following skateboard related forums: skull and bones, silverfish, slalomskateboarder, old man army, middle age shred, bulldog skates, sleestak, and concrete disciples. I can post links to ncdsa on any of those websites. But here I can't post links to some of those sites. Why not compete with them for traffic on equal footing?

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On 1/30/2007 Adam wrote in from United States  (208.64.nnn.nnn)

Well, slim.. I don't expect anyone but Internet search professionals to understand my reasons but it comes down to this: After witnessing the sleazy tactics Ncdsa.com's competitors have used in their unethical attempts to siphon off our members and our traffic, I didn't think Link Dropping was beneath them.

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On 1/30/2007 slim wrote in from United States  (71.146.nnn.nnn)

Nice on the youtube addition.

Now...when will this website accept links to other skateboard websites without messing them all up! I've yet to discover another forum anywhere on the internet that purposefully rewrites links a user posts so that they don't go to the place they are trying to link to. Why do you do that Adam?

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Ncdsa now accepting posts with videos
On 1/23/2007 Adam wrote in from United States  (208.64.nnn.nnn)

From the webmaster..

Ncdsa.com's server will now accept posts with embedded video players from the following sites:


We'll support more sources as they become evident and prove to be stable in our pages.

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10 years and still going strong
On 12/27/2006 snoball wrote in from United States  (72.185.nnn.nnn)

Congratulations on your ten years here Adam and hope you have many more.

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