Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Home Made Boards (6188 Posts)
Topic Home Made Boards
On 3/26/1999 eggman wrote in from ()

Yo, dr greenthumb
That is an amazing sentence you posted. No commas, or periods or nuthin! Have you been partaking sampeling your crop?

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On 3/26/1999 dr green thumb wrote in from ()

tonight i was boming this hill with this really crap plank well i was ragging down this hill and i had a few of my mates with me and they where on short boards and i got half way down this hill and looked behind me and all the short boarders stated to get the wobbles and started to come of well when i looked round in front of me was this parked car so i tried to swerve and just missed it and went straight in to this pavement

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On 3/26/1999 dr greenthumb wrote in from ()

yo slideman you must think you are the big cheese but i reckon once you head explodes you will realize your home-mades are really terd and that you are just trying to show off over the net

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On 3/22/1999 FuryO wrote in from ()

Can anybody tell me what I can use for my coleman glove that won't wear down? Right now I am using the best cutting board I can find, but it grinds down too much. Any recomendations?

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On 3/22/1999 slideman wrote in from ()

man where do think I get my poplar from just spend more time picking the wood than making the deck! they also carry plywood that might do called golden birch but I haven't used it any thing that will not break will do

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On 3/21/1999 jeff wrote in from ()

I am thinking of just making homemade decks, and the only possible place I can get wood is at a Home Depot because I live in a pretty empty town. I was wondering what kind of wood I can use.

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On 3/20/1999 slideman wrote in from ()

if you still don't have board ideas you can fold a piece of paper to make a template get the shape you want and then transfer to board on a center line to get an idea on where to put the trucks put bricks under the board to test placement and most important if the board you chose is strong enough I jump up and down on all mine before I even think about shaping or drilling testing a deck before shaping isn't a bad idea either spend time choosing the wood solid wood will sometimes vary in strength and weight from piece to piece broken boards are not cool!

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On 3/20/1999 blindslide wrote in from ()

get an old trick ski 40 some inches long and more than ten inches wide for a longboard the rocker puts the trucks at an angle good for carving it probally will be strong enough for most people the one I made can be ollied that old wakeboard would do well too then if you want to wakeskate your deck stick bubble gum or surfwax in the holes one board carves and slides land or water

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On 3/19/1999 bakerhead wrote in from ()

slideman, you rock, cheers mate

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On 3/18/1999 slideman wrote in from ()

bakerhead try 4 feet long, 8 to 10 inches wide, and truck spacing of 35 inches i've made shorter and longer but those specs are good for speed, carving, sliding, and small places to ride
if any of yall are breaking baords why not make a spine for them you can screw or glue to bottom of board

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On 3/18/1999 bakerhead wrote in from ()

i am a short-boarder at the moment and i have run into a pair of trucks, sum wheels and bearings. i need info on how to make my own long-board deck though. i just need the spec help me

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On 3/15/1999 ju wrote in from ()

i've made several decks by using snowboard decks.thoose are graet because they are strong (5 mapple wood plys and 2 fiberglass plys) very flexible . most of all it is not expansive.more info? email me.

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On 3/15/1999 brian wrote in from ()

I've made several boards made of hardwood plys and I've
glassed the bottoms with two layers of 4oz just as a
test. I've broken them all. now i ride a flexdex 40' but
i feel this is to short for some hills. i am going to
try making an all glass/resin board any ideas?

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On 3/14/1999 Bob Smith wrote in from ()

i have a SEC9 , but i modified it slightly, i found a small chain saw engine at a pawn shop for $30, i took of the chain, and put on a new one hooked up to the back truck,
then i got a bigger gas tank and away i went, it do sent eat gas sense it is so small, and IT IS FAST

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On 3/12/1999 slideman wrote in from ()

yes poplar rules

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On 3/12/1999 Spencer wrote in from ()

Is there anyone out there that has any tips on the wood you should use for longboards?

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On 3/5/1999 Tommy wrote in from ()

I have a onw way signature series, it didn't come with grip
tape, it was laminated in with the finish, but now the sand
it gone, how do I find the right sand to redo to the deck
I don't want to use a tape, cause is a pretty sweet deck,
and it would be a shame to cover it with tape

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On 3/2/1999 Tom wrote in from ()

You need to learn how to do slides to stop easily when you're going fast. Go to altavista and do a search on +powerslide +coleman and a few web pages with good descriptions of how to slide should come up. It's really pretty easy to learn if you have good gloves, since you never actually hurt yourself when you fall because you're usually almost stopped anyways by the time you fall off.

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On 3/1/1999 sjbenson wrote in from ()

Ive made a downhill board and cruise the streets but come into difficuty when I need to stop do I need a kicktail with
with a piece of plastic so I can press the back down and skid to a stop, how do you guys stop huh

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On 2/26/1999 Gripfiend wrote in from ()

How can I peel off parts of the grip tape on an already gripped board? My current board has all black tape, and I'd like to cut out parts of it and replace it with other colors to make a sort of inlaid design, but I don't want to regrip the entire board. Any ideas?

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On 2/22/1999 Adam wrote in from ()

Sandy M,

Here's what I'd like to see in a composite deck,

48" x 12". Functional, not pointy.
Stiffly cambered +2". Deck should be as stiff as a 12-ply 3/4" baltic birch deck.
*Slight* concave, much less than current commercial models.
Wheel cutouts not necessary since eXkates and 70mm wheels will be used (new-school hole pattern required).
Kick tail *if* it can be made stiff enough. S9 Cosmic deck kicks are way too flexy.

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On 2/22/1999 Sandy M wrote in from ()

I'm thinking of putting together some nice flexy composite boards. Does anyone have any favorite recipes they'd like to share? ie length width, type of wood, type of fiberglass/carbon fiber/whatever... I welcome any and all suggestions.
Has anyone ever made or ridden on a carbon fibre board? Is it at all special or different from other boards?

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On 2/13/1999 Tyler wrote in from ()

Tannis, you're exactly right! Parents should buy their kids skateboards. And none of that Toys 'R' Us crap I'm talkin exkates and hyper carves. So if you have a kid go out and buy them a longboard and if you're bummed because you feel like buying a kid a skateboard and you don't have a kid remember you can always send one to me. I hope that you older guys take this into consideration!

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On 2/13/1999 Tannis wrote in from ()

I bought 2 Mahogony Water skis at a garage sale for $2.00. One was twisted from end to end, the other was okay, so I made a nice board for my daughters to ride, 4 feet long, Indy trucks, Hyper generic wheels, with cool girlie decals on the bottom. It looks great, the girls think it is "all that", "the bomb", and "totally sick"! It's been too icey for them to ride, so they have been rolling around on it in the basement, but come spring I am sure they will have a great time with it.
I have made them 2 more boards, similarly equiped, out of baltic birch. They should not have any excuses for not being the hottest girl longboard skaters around this summer. A small quarter pipe is in the works as well.
Remember, lets be sure our legacy lives on by at least giving our kids the opportunity and equipement to skate. I don't believe in pushing them into atheletic endeavors, but exposing them to it will allow them to decide for them selves whether they want to pursue it or not.
Make sure they have good equipement, forget the "Toys R Us" specials, get them the good stuff, like we ride. Put real soft bushings in the trucks so their little bodys can get the things to turn. They might suprise you at how quickly they get going at it. Mine did.
Anyway, waterskis make great starter longboards for kids, but us big middle aged daddy-O's might contain a tad bit too much mass for the ol' waterski boards!

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On 2/13/1999 GILBERT BROWN wrote in from ()


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