Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Home Made Boards (6188 Posts)
Topic Home Made Boards
Herbns trucks
On 9/9/2007 yoyo schulz wrote in from Germany  (87.166.nnn.nnn)

This one is hosted on tinypic.com
So, Herbn, this works as well......

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Herbn's trucks
On 9/9/2007 yoyo schulz wrote in from Germany  (87.166.nnn.nnn)

So, here is the foto

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Re: tag
On 9/9/2007 yoyo schulz wrote in from Germany  (87.166.nnn.nnn)

Herbn, I just emailed you.
Email the fotos to me and I'll find a solution.


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On 9/9/2007 herbn wrote in from United States  (205.188.nnn.nnn)

I"ve gone to tiny pic.com,i clicked on browse, i then "browsed" through my computer to the removable disk (that's my memory stick from my camera) what is my "tag"? i don't have a herbn.com,i have herbnmnn@aol.com that's just for emails ,right? what would be my, "tag" ?

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Tray method
On 9/8/2007 herbn wrote in from United States  (205.188.nnn.nnn)

seems to be very likely to work . some of the sections of balsa that are off the side of the deck entirely,the four corners, i just stapled them down no need to waste glue and the time it takes to thoroughly coat a piece with glue if it's not gonna make a difference.

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Re: Herbn's trucks and fotos
On 9/8/2007 yoyo schulz wrote in from Germany  (87.166.nnn.nnn)

About posting a foto:
Well, it should not be to difficult.
Let's see: I found some instructions on ncdsa under 'posting guidlines'.
You have to host your foto first, maybe on your webspace or other well known foto sites. I am not an HTML geek either, I'd rather skate.....
What I will do next is, to insert a link (without the tag)of to a foto of me as an example:
So what you have to do as a next step is to add the tags to make it work.Keep in mind that the pic is not too large (50 kb and max width 600 pixels).
There may be other ways, but this should work....

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gluing has begun
On 9/8/2007 herbn wrote in from United States  (205.188.nnn.nnn)

i started gluing my next board,it's going to be a balsa cored composite,i made a tray, that will eventually be part of the board. It's a surface skin of 3/32 birch multiply(3 plys) with ash rails screwed then glued on,and front and back cross grain rails of poplar that will not be part of the board. The skin is very close to the final outside dimensions of the board. The balsa is cut from a thick beam of balsa, the thickness of the slices determines the thickness of the core,i have three stingers of ash that will divide the core into equal areas. The hole pattern is already drilled in the skins and the final shape of the board is already traced on both sides of both skins.I have short scraps of stinger material(ash) these will be used inplace of the balsa in likely impact areas of the nose and tail,i'll probabely get fancy and notch a few squares of balsa and fabricate little pieces of ash that will fit right in,there will probabely be some exposed balsa in the low impact areas of the rails, this is a downhill/cruising board impacts won't happenas much or as hard as they would on a ramp or skatepark board.i'm gonna use a little carbon fiber between the core and the skins,i'll avoid having it in the areas that i cut through,and i may just have three strips of carbon in the middle of the board(lengthwise)on the rows of balsa. The last board i made like this was not only light but actually a bit stiff, i havn't gotten around to softening it up with truck pockets,partially out of laziness,partially because i have other boards to ride,and lastly i don't remember exactly where i put the carbon fiber and i'm not thrilled with the idea of routing though an area of the board with carbonfiber in it.

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On 9/4/2007 Daniel M. wrote in from United States  (68.14.nnn.nnn)

I'd love to see some pics of these new trucks.

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On 9/3/2007 herbn wrote in from United States  (205.188.nnn.nnn)

got a serious mental bloc on computer stuff

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On 9/3/2007 herbn wrote in from United States  (205.188.nnn.nnn)

i meant to put my email in there

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posting pics
On 9/3/2007 herbn wrote in from United States  (205.188.nnn.nnn)

i don't get it. I've looked at the instructions a couple of times and when i read them all i hear in my head is like what the kids on the peanuts cartoons hear when the teachers are talking wap wap waaap wap.... I have some current shots of my latest trucks and sort of would like to post them up for feed back or just to maybe inspire some other do it yourself work,it looks like it might really just take a minute or two for someone to post them. Anybody interested?

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On 8/24/2007 arbi wrote in from Australia  (220.237.nnn.nnn)

Gonna cut the nose off turn it back to a 4 wheeler one day... Any tips on sealing material under resin out there???

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6 wheeler conversion
On 8/19/2007 Jaybyrd wrote in from (98.194.nnn.nnn)

Arbi, that's not a bad looking board, but why leave it un rideable when you could take 1 of the trucks off, reshape it and then ride it like you stole it.

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6 wheeler
On 8/15/2007 Arbi wrote in from Australia  (210.49.nnn.nnn)

Cheers for all the advice... The nose on the long board was shattered so the extra truck is kind of holding it together, I ride the short one just about everywhere now, real sticky...

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heat and humidity
On 8/4/2007 herbn wrote in from United States  (64.12.nnn.nnn)

my first new project in a long time is set for pressing but it's been tropical here in jersey the heat is not a big deal my presses are in the basement of my store but the humidity,well actually i may just be procrastinating. It's gonna be a cool v grain balsa with carbon triax and 3/32 bich multiply as skins,and metal tips. I'm gonna hold the slices of balsa together by stapling them to the base birch skin,i accidently drilled the holes in both skins so i need to line them up,not a big deal, i'll glue the base ply a layer of carbon and the balsa on the first pressing,then drill through the core,then add a layer of carbon and the top ply,then bolts can be used to line things up.

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re:clear grip.
On 8/2/2007 fitz wrote in from Australia  (220.236.nnn.nnn)

If you really like your board that much you'd seal it all over including all drilled holes. This keeps the moisture level in the timber just right.

Provided your board is sealed, you can use a really old method.

Apply a layer of nice clear epoxy glue to the areas you want grip. Mask off areas you don't want first. sprinkle with rock salt or coarse sugar depending on how grippy you want it. Don't over do it though! Once the glue is hard wash the surface with hot water to dissolve the salt. There you have it. GRIP.

Once the grip wears away with timely use, simply sand back and repeat process.

Even though this method takes longer than just sticking on the tape it won't go all cloudy or discolour as bad.

PS: do it without the trucks on to avoid moisture and salt getting into places you don't want it.

I'm sure someone will find flaw with what I've said here. So I'm gonna beat you to it.


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clear deck grip
On 7/27/2007 herbn wrote in from United States  (205.188.nnn.nnn)

anybody come up with one that's actually better and/or more reliable than good ol jessup? i mean i'd like to find a current avilable equal to bearfoot, my retro vision being as clear as most "clear griptape",remembers that as being amazing,it was very black and not at all transparent. All clear grip seems to be as a way to make your board pretty to look at,or are some people trying to make pizza deck,with clear glue? . Don't look at it so much while you're riding,and hang it so you see the bottom when you're not skating.

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Clear Grip
On 7/18/2007 David V. wrote in from United States  (69.178.nnn.nnn)

Just finished putting the first coat of stain on my first attempt at a homemade deck and was pondering various ideas for grip tape. Anyone got a clue where I can get clear grit/grip or how to whip up a batch myself? In case you're curious...the board is 10"x6'made from poplar and oak, tapered at both ends with a small fishtail and a rounded nose. When complete, it will be outfitted with R2 180's,Flashbacks and wedged risers. Can't wait to hang some toes!!

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small precise wheelwells
On 7/10/2007 herbn wrote in from United States  (205.188.nnn.nnn)

i always feel as though a deep accurate wheelwell, is a good place for a stress fracture/ delamination to start

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more complicated
On 7/10/2007 herbn wrote in from United States  (205.188.nnn.nnn)

you could modify a truck with ball joints at the pivot and or between where the bushings would be a few spacers to replace the bushings and your truck swivels accurately and easily; add the sanding drum,there you go. Personally i dont' like that precise style of wheel well, i like big blended bevels or just full cutaway,getting an accurate cutaway is a nice little challenge sometimes. A few hole options in the board and/or some fine tuning hole options in the baseplate,and you can use a few different wheel sizes.

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re: wheel well tool.
On 7/10/2007 fitz wrote in from Australia  (58.105.nnn.nnn)

Nice job mate but IMHO its way too complicated.
Just make the drum sander the same size as the biggest wheels you have in your collection and fit it with a pair of 608 bearings in the end.
Take the top bush off your trucks and plug the drum into your axle. The trucks don't even come off your board. While the drum is spinning and deck firmly clamped, turn your trucks to their deepest point. Perfect wells.

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Big wheel, little board
On 7/5/2007 PSR wrote in from United States  (75.69.nnn.nnn)

Bob, Skateboard wheels are pretty much the same, though there's a few that run narrower cores (like the ones NeverSummer uses). The big issue is wheel diameter. Too big, and they'll rub on the skateboard deck (hence, why many longboards have wheel-well cutouts). The OldSchool solution is Riser Pads, just jack the trucks up away from the deck 1/2", and you can run up to 67mm wheels without being too concerned. Go with Bigger wheels, and your shortboard might feel a bit tippy, so don't go too big with the wheels, or too fat with the risers.

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long. wheels on shortboard
On 7/5/2007 bob alva wrote in from United States  (65.9.nnn.nnn)

but how do you do it? Can you do it? Somebody please HELP!!!!!!!!! Anybody i need to know if you can do it or how you do it?

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Long/short wheels
On 7/4/2007 Brat wrote in from United States  (75.69.nnn.nnn)

With a half-inch socket wrench, dude.

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long.. wheels on a short board
On 7/4/2007 bob alva wrote in from United States  (65.2.nnn.nnn)

How or can you put longboard wheels on a shortboard?

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