Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Truck Reviews (15215 Posts)
Truck Review
Old School Trucks
On 3/10/2008 Glenn wrote in from United States  (159.153.nnn.nnn)

I've just put an old Lazer Slalom on the front of my kid's slalom board, he loves it and reckons it turns better than the RTX he had before.

My own slalom board has a skennet on the front. this turns like I remember the Lazers turning in my youth. Why isn't the Lazer on my board?, it looks a little to spindly for my weight....

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On 3/7/2008 Speed-dealer wrote in from Canada  (70.75.nnn.nnn)

Phish - We did prototype a ball pivot and a spherical bearing pivot but after testing them I felt it really wasn't worth doing. Ball pivots have a habit of not centering and the Bennett pivot works just fine—no need messing with perfection.

You're right, we don't do the mods for sk8kings—I believe Richie does those himself.

Cam - website works fine: www.speed-dealer.ca

We're currently out of stock and moving our machine shop, again, so it'll be awhile before we're set up again.

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re liam
On 3/7/2008 herbn wrote in from United States  (67.83.nnn.nnn)

if you want to imagine a very high set of trucks with big wheels 100mm+, then make a board that brings the standing area/platform back close to the ground. Your weight trys to center the steering. The opposite would be camber or a lot of risers,that makes things more likely to tip over. Positive and negative offset at the hanger has a similar effect perhaps a bit more controlled, abit closer to the bushings and it doesn't vary when the board flexes. I'll have to check on maguns,but offset is either positive,negative or zero.

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steering angle..
On 3/7/2008 Liam Fourie wrote in from United Kingdom  (135.196.nnn.nnn)

herbn you should have a look at the new magun hangers they are offset differently to his previous design.. apparently it has given the truck more traction. If you get a chance to compare them you should have a look. I think that man is a very dedicated designer and had the opportunity to meet him last year while he watched his riders win both male and female categories at the World Champs at Jungholz..

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steering angle!
On 3/7/2008 Liam Fourie wrote in from United Kingdom  (135.196.nnn.nnn)

thats a very interesting point herbn! i fancy myself as a bit of a tech freak and that there is very interesting piece of info! Could you possibly explain more about the similarities of droping the board to negative/trailing (rake)? I have also become aware of your knowlege of old school gear on the vintage forum...very informative!

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Old School?
On 3/7/2008 Brett H. Nelson wrote in from United States  (69.110.nnn.nnn)

As far as old school trucks go...

I recently got a set of Bennett Vector trucks and I love them. Not sure what you mean by "old school" but Randal also has a mini truck out now too.

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Randal - Bear
On 3/7/2008 Brett H. Nelson wrote in from United States  (69.110.nnn.nnn)

I know... I am just saying that LY claims that the angle is changed but by flipping randals you achieve the same thing.

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old school trucks
On 3/6/2008 elle wrote in from United States  (68.209.nnn.nnn)

what are the best old school trucks for turning and pivoting.

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geometry vs turning angle
On 3/6/2008 herbn wrote in from United States  (71.251.nnn.nnn)

while the truck geometry does change when you flip a conventional truck,turning angle doesn't,not the way that the turning angle changes on gog adjustable trucks, different saismics(see ad on side),there are two important measurements involved in truck geometry,angle and rake(distance axle is offset from the turning axis),ride height also factors in two trucks with the same angle and the same offset,but with different ride heights would handle different.

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steering angle
On 3/5/2008 herbn wrote in from United States  (67.83.nnn.nnn)

the pivoting angle of the randal 2 doesn't change when you flip it, tightening it down makes it sag a bit,but what does change is the offset(rake)it goes from positive rake to negative,leading/trailing. Positive rake destabilizes the truck just a bit and gives the axle just a bit more leverage over the bushings,negative rake(flipped) stabilizes things just a bit it gives the bushing just a bit of leverage to return the hanger to center. Dropping the board closer to the axle does sort of the same thing.

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Randal - Bear
On 3/5/2008 Brett Nelson wrote in from United States  (204.62.nnn.nnn)

I have own and have quite a bit of experience with Randals, Grizzly Bears and Smoky Bears. The Smokeys and the other two can't really be compared.

Between the Randals and Grizzlys however, I prefer the Randals. They have been around much longer and have been making quality trucks for a long time. The grizzlys are nice however the bushing cup has failed on me twice. It doesn't allow enough room for the hanger to move as much as it would like to and when it hits the kingpin the bushing cup deforms. Then you are stuck with a truck that favors one direction.

I think that a large reason people are going with Grizzlys is that they say the hanger can be flipped to change the steering angle of the truck. Randal II hangers have a similar feature.

Especially considering that Randal is under new ownership, I would recommend that you go with the more proven company.

Until Landyahctz works out the kinks, go with Randal.

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On 3/5/2008 herbn wrote in from United States  (67.83.nnn.nnn)

and maybe a bit more precise,when i see pics of top racers most of the set up's seem really low.

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randal comp2 trucks
On 3/4/2008 jimpisano wrote in from United States  (68.55.nnn.nnn)

it seems none of the IGSA dh competitors are riding randal. seems in fact, that most if not all, are riding bear. im about to invest in some dh trucks for a new kebbek jon caften deck. does anyone know why no one seems to ride randal? are they merely out of favor?

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nice video
On 2/19/2008 herbn wrote in from United States  (67.83.nnn.nnn)

now we need one that shows the way randals should be bolted on to a deck

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truck animation
On 2/19/2008 hc wrote in from United States  (71.132.nnn.nnn)

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On 2/19/2008 hc wrote in from United States  (71.132.nnn.nnn)

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Paris Trucks
On 2/17/2008 Anthony Osgood wrote in from United States  (70.179.nnn.nnn)

Do paris truck's bolt pattern fit on the landyachtz dh race? I read on a site that they do, but I've been looking for more info on this topic.

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On 2/5/2008 herbn wrote in from United States  (71.127.nnn.nnn)

seismics don't have shocks,they have springs. Springs that do exactly the same thing that bushings do,center the truck,only with a springier feel. Shocks in trucks would absorb bumps/cracks/roughness,actually the springs in seismics absorb less shocks than regular trucks with bushings, because the pivot has less play.

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trucks with shocks
On 2/5/2008 Jose wrote in from United States  (75.7.nnn.nnn)

trucks with shocks are made called seismics. never tried them, but i hear they're not the greatest?

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Bennetts and Cam
On 2/1/2008 Christophish wrote in from Canada  (70.72.nnn.nnn)

No worries Cam! I hope I didn't come across as snotty, as it wasn't my intention at all. After reading my post and your response I immediately thought: "I'm a dick!"

Sorry dude....

Skennets are a great truk for those that love the feel of the Bennetts (like me) and want to use them for slalom without spending a ton of cash on modded ones. The Speed-dealer ones are definitely for those that REALLY love the feel, enough to go high end. More people should try the rear offset, it has a nice balance of giving traction at speed, yet remain turny enough for the tight stuff. Definitely NOT too turny as some probably assume when they see the offset and think "why?"

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On 1/31/2008 cam wrote in from Australia  (220.233.nnn.nnn)

oops, i meant to say the sk8kings bennetts were NOT done by speed dealer. I agree, from what i have seen and heard the speed dealer ones seem to be of a higher standard, not knocking the sk8kings ones, just saying the speed-dealer ones sound better.
Sorry for the confusion

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On 1/30/2008 Christophish wrote in from Canada  (70.72.nnn.nnn)

@ cam

Speed-Dealer does not do the modding for Sk8kings. Speed-dealer mods are exclusively sold by Speed-dealer.ca. His come in three different hanger widths(76mm, 88mm, and 99mm) with 8mm stainless steel axles, milled from 10mm leaving a radius edge so there's no need for an inside speed ring. He may be doing a ball pivot later, but I'm not sure. I know he's thought about it. The Skennett, which is a great entry level truck (a step up from an RT-X) only has one width (95mm) and 5/16 rolled steel axles.

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Bennett Vector KH
On 1/25/2008 Mig wrote in from Canada  (70.82.nnn.nnn)

Haaa! Haa! Ha! Those are not Geezer's or Speed-dealer's and I don't know what they're doing on CalStreets web site. Those are a friend's project who's a local slalomer. I actually tried the proto in those pics on his Fullbag board. KH stands for Krispy Hill, one of our local slalom spots.

He made that one. Ball pivot and cut to 100mm but keeps the original axles since they are already pretty good and straight and to keep the price reasonable. After conclusive testing last summer/fall, he went ahead and bought about a dozen trucks and he's modifying them (they probably are ready right now) to sell around here for friends and locals. Then he might expend the sales, at least that's what the plan was the last time I spoke with him.

I gave him a pair of my own to have the same mods done, just slightly different widths since I already have a Geezer-X one at 100mm with bal pivot.

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On 1/25/2008 hc wrote in from United States  (71.132.nnn.nnn)

from calstreets.com front page, (scroll down)

Mr. Bennett: Always a compliment when they modify our stuff.
Written by Skatepedia
Thursday, 10 January 2008
Bennett World's Finest TruksMr. Bennett: Always a compliment when they modify our stuff. KH Modified Ball Pivot Bennett Trucks. Click Photo to Enlarge. Click for Bennett Truks .


I don't see the speed-dealer offering ball pivots.

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hc -Bennetts
On 1/25/2008 cam wrote in from Australia  (220.233.nnn.nnn)

sk8kings does sell modded bennetts, but they were done by speed-dealer in canada, hence the canadian currency. available at speedealer.ca , or they were, the website doesnt seem to be working.

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