Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Truck Review
Grennett truck
On 11/6/2009 griffinsk8 wrote in from (72.207.nnn.nnn)

[img:32cjef00]http://i179.photobucket. ;com/albums/w301/thane1999/Griffin09661-1.jpg [/img:32cjef00]Base plate

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Grennett truck
On 11/5/2009 griffinsk8 wrote in from (72.207.nnn.nnn)

[img:1rjje4da]http://i179.photobucket. ;com/albums/w301/thane1999/Griffin09503-1.jpg [/img:1rjje4da]Faced hangers

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Grennett truck
On 11/4/2009 griffinsk8 wrote in from (72.207.nnn.nnn)

[img:3730o479]http://i179.photobucket. ;com/albums/w301/thane1999/Griffin09531-1.jpg [/img:3730o479]Fully machined 4.3 Grennett

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Why doesn't someone make a slalom truck like this?
On 11/1/2009 steve wrote in from (75.72.nnn.nnn)

[quote="sk8norcal":ea4inl5c]Steve, those extra holes for the munkae trucks are more for wheel bite/ deck cut out clearance issue.. good feature..here Cindrich's adjustable baseplate...[/quote:ea4inl5c]Thanks for the info. I've always been interested in new/different truck designs.Thanks for posting the Cindrich truck.

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Why doesn't someone make a slalom truck like this?
On 11/1/2009 sk8norcal wrote in from (98.234.nnn.nnn)

Steve, those extra holes for the munkae trucks are more for wheel bite/ deck cut out clearance issue.. good feature..here Cindrich's adjustable baseplate...[img:1wlxpvh5]http://i705.pho tobucket.com/albums/ww51/dave427cin/current%2 0trucks%20and%20bases/DSC01167.jpg[/img:1wlxp vh5]

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Why doesn't someone make a slalom truck like this?
On 11/1/2009 donald20 wrote in from (88.77.nnn.nnn)

the truck design has been stolen by the czechs.they even admit it and say that we also stole a skateboard truck design from the very first guy whou could have invented it so they haveall the right in the world to copy the entire truck.but...they make them cheaper,1 euro less and its a steal.am i pissed?mhh yes for sureand this won't go by unnoticed for surestealing a homer truck concept completely without asking or understanding the truck and the way itworks. wow...

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Why doesn't someone make a slalom truck like this?
On 11/1/2009 steve wrote in from (75.72.nnn.nnn)

Here's a Munkae truck with a sort of adjustable baseplate. But I don't really see how it could change the wheel base much more than a tiny amount since the baseplate doesn't look any longer than a typical baseplate - it just has lots of holes.[img:1g72ugab]http://img258.imagesh ack.us/img258/8540/munkaetrucks.jpg[/img: 1g72ugab]

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Why doesn't someone make a slalom truck like this?
On 11/1/2009 steve wrote in from (75.72.nnn.nnn)

The adjustable angle part looks like a GOG.[img:2x76k2y1]http://img255.imageshac k.us/img255/8839/czechopy.jpg[/img:2x76k2 y1]

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Why doesn't someone make a slalom truck like this?
On 11/1/2009 sk8norcal wrote in from (98.234.nnn.nnn)

more pics here..http://mbcko.rajce.idnes.cz/truck_predn ... slalomare/that hanger design is pretty generic,like a machined bennett..[img:cpffnf68]http://img5.rajce.idnes.cz/d0506/2/2709/2709269_b40b37c0d3790fefc19e852693753263/images/IMG_6253.jpg[/img:cpffnf68]here's another hanger they made that looks different...[img:cpffnf68]http://img5.rajce.idnes.cz/d0506/2/2709/2709269_b40b37c0d3790fefc19e852693753263/images/IMG_6225.jpg[/img:cpffnf68]

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Why doesn't someone make a slalom truck like this?
On 10/29/2009 steve wrote in from (75.72.nnn.nnn)

I'm glad someone is working on an adjustable baseplate - too bad the rest of the truck is a copy of a GOG.

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Why doesn't someone make a slalom truck like this?
On 10/29/2009 pierre wrote in from (69.70.nnn.nnn)

Someone in Czech republic has copied the GOGs and added this feature:[img:1ug7afoe]http://img5.rajce&# 46;idnes.cz/d0506/2/2709/2709269_b40b37c0d379 0fefc19e852693753263/images/IMG_6246.jpg[/img :1ug7afoe]They must be really heavy though and Donald is pissed! But you gotta admit the work is clean.

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Why doesn't someone make a slalom truck like this?
On 10/29/2009 griffinsk8 wrote in from (72.207.nnn.nnn)

I agree for a truck of the 70's it was why ahead of it's time.GriffinSK8

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Why doesn't someone make a slalom truck like this?
On 10/25/2009 steve wrote in from (75.72.nnn.nnn)

Why doesn't someone make a slalom truck with an adjustable wheelbase similar to how this Makaha truck works?[img:34yfm4i6]http://img34.imagesha ck.us/img34/7945/makahatruck.jpg[/img:34y fm4i6]

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Virage Trucks
On 10/24/2009 michael wrote in from (87.113.nnn.nnn)

Look on vendors section Sam.Now. Get in that taxi and off to the airport!

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Virage Trucks
On 10/24/2009 samg wrote in from (193.35.nnn.nnn)

Any news on the Virage Vite super duper turning number? Enquiring minds want to know!

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Galacized Bennett Trucks
On 10/6/2009 jgalac wrote in from (98.176.nnn.nnn)

Here is a shot Chris Yandall's new Yandall Yellow Galacized Bennett 4.3's,which are now residing on his new YellowGalac POD...[img:1wj4nlmk]http://photos.s3. cdn.pmnw.net/thumbs/2934/2009/10/80873_t8 78288.jpg[/img:1wj4nlmk]Yandall ripping on his POD..[img:1wj4nlmk]http://photos.s3.c dn.pmnw.net/thumbs/2934/2009/10/80877_t87 8316.jpg[/img:1wj4nlmk]

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Grennett truck
On 9/23/2009 pre-school rider wrote in from (75.68.nnn.nnn)

And that little modification may just add Bennett to the list of 'Grindable' bowl trucks for those pesky uber-tight-tranny mini-bowls/mini-pipes that've popped up in a few spots. That list, btw, is damn short, simply because few trucks turn quickly enough to fully use a 7-ft. or tighter radiused ramp or bowl (radii being expressed in the Vertical, not around the lip!). I kept an old G+S Bowlrider set-up with gen-2 Indy's just for that kind of environment. Maybe now I'll have to nab a pair of Vectors for it instead? ;)

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On 9/23/2009 grand pappy wiggly wrote in from (75.167.nnn.nnn)

On my slalom board I use a cut down Randall as my front truck. For the past 4 years I've been devoted to Khiro and still stand behind Bob's product. But when I went to Worlds in July I was turned on to Venom and Reflex. Man what a differance,urethane vs. rubber. Venom makes a copy of Trackers Stimulators (called Eliminators) at half the price. Chaput has a bushing called Reflex, they come in barrels and cones. Currently I'm riding Venom Eliminators on the bottom and Reflex Barrels on top. I ride my slalom deck loose, and the ride is killer. Great rebound,quick,stable. They come in every duro one would need. Try it I think you'll like it.Another peice of advice if your useing Randalls. Replace your king pin, I've seen stock pins break so you need to replace it with a grade 8 bolt.I hope this helps and sk8 fast and helmet up.

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Grennett truck
On 9/23/2009 griffinsk8 wrote in from (72.207.nnn.nnn)

The grennett inverted king pin is here. Bringing back the old Bennett from 1977. The Dead Bolt king pin is from 1988 and is new old stock. The king pin is a grade 8. I am using a new insert nut from Grind King that is machined and pressed into the base plate. You can replace it at anytime if needed. All I can say is no more stopping on your king pin on the front truck. The truck is real fun. Bringing the ride of the old truck back for those who used to ride a Bennett back then. thane@ griffinskateboards.com[img:1kcs5jxv]http://i179.photobucket& #46;com/albums/w301/thane1999/Griffin09516-2-1-1& #46;jpg[/img:1kcs5jxv][img:1kcs5jxv]http://i1 79.photobucket.com/albums/w301/thane1999/ Griffin09539-1.jpg[/img:1kcs5jxv][img:1kcs5jx v]http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/ w301/thane1999/Griffin09431-1-1-1-1-1.jpg[/im g:1kcs5jxv]GriffinSK8

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Virage Trucks
On 9/22/2009 roba wrote in from (86.130.nnn.nnn)

......and Sam told me he had been cured of his "Hemingway habit". Just as well its an old number!Happy to act as tester when my knee is back to operational capacity!

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On 9/21/2009 zakariahunbelievable wrote in from (98.96.nnn.nnn)

Don't be scared to speak your mind on what drives you. For now I'm definitely feeling some blood orange (86A), tall, conical (Maybe a Barrel on the Top-end) Reflex bushings to combat speedwobbles which is the problem I've had with the standard ones). I'm riding the fastrack trackers on a drop-through, I was leaning towards double barrel, but right now I just want to be leany n steezy. Next post

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On 9/19/2009 pre-school rider wrote in from (75.68.nnn.nnn)

I rarely find myself at odds with Herbn, but I want to distinctly clarify this about bushing shape; Fatter is more stable, Conical is turnier. Height can affect the amount of lean, too. Thus, a tall conical of a similar-or-same durometer will lean more, with less effort than a fattened bushing. Try it sometime with a low-profile Jim-Z in 85A and a red Randal or blue tall Khiro/Bitch on the lower of a front truck (don't do this on a rear truck, unless you're svelte and wispy! :oops: ). You'll find that the Z will hold better, turn less deeply, and be a bit less likely to wobble, though it may oscillate anyway (it does have good rebound). Oddly, though Stims had great (not just 'good' :shock: ) rebound, they could be great at high speeds, where oscillation quickly becomes the 'death wobs' :twisted: that take your board out from underfoot at 40* to your direction-of-travel, because they "seated" the hanger and bushing, which then added stability. Barrel bushings do this as well, but with a bit deeper turn initiation required before they "squish back" and counteract with a stabilizing effect, so you're deeper into a turn than if you're using a Stim, Jim-Z, or Venom fattened barrel. Radikal's fatty bushing works a bit differently, as it's molded to fit 'knuckled' hangers, so it can be WORSE for truck-steering-slop on Indy-type trucks, but works well with Randal-type trucks, or even RTS/Gnarly/Aggro Trackers (as a lower bushing, rubs on top + dosen't fit well). A Conical bushing will tip even deeper into a wob-starting turn before trying to return to center, so it can make things UGLY at speeds above 25 mph. I've seen split conicals in Slalom racing, where the rider simply crushed the bushing until it popped. I still use Conicals (mostly up front) in Slalom, and on cruisers or descenders that I want to have deep, quick, turns that cross the fall-line of the hill (they're also good on ramp/pool decks for tweaking that 'coping' touch, so my Old-school decks often have them). But, for bigger speeds, I tend towards barrels, Stims or other 'fat' bushings, and I run stiffer stuff out at the rear for thrust control and steering limitation. I also definately tweak the wedging to keep the front steering more than the rear. This alone keeps the wobbles a notch or two back. All these things, Bushing shape, bushing hardness, bushing height; Risers that're wedged, flat, and a differential of fore-aft steering; these items are relatively cheap to build into your board's set-up, and will keep your ride so much more ridable. It's well worth any fast skater's time to 'dial in' the boards at the bushings and risers. :geek:

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On 9/17/2009 beico wrote in from (200.221.nnn.nnn)


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On 9/16/2009 wavechaser wrote in from (65.183.nnn.nnn)

Bushings are cheap - buy 'em, try 'em, take notes if you need to...you will find what works for YOU, which is often quite different than what works for someone else. I could give you my advice/experiences, but put ten sk8rs in a room and you'll likely get ten different opinions. :-)-RF

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On 9/14/2009 herbn wrote in from (67.83.nnn.nnn)

The shape of bushings itself has very little to do with how a truck handles speed,turning angle and rake(axle offset to turning axis) both do more. A harder bushing,traditionally has been considered better for speed. A truck with a very shallow turning angle that won't get speed wobbles regardless of how loose you set it up,is the best for going fast,the shallow angle and the looseness lets you make instant yet subtle turns to keep balence and compensate for inconsistancies in the road. Barrel bushings ramp up more than the conical bushings as they are compressed. If you had two identical boards ,one with conical bushings and the other with barrel bushings even to the point of feeling the same when you start to lean, the barrel bushing would offer more resistance as you lean further.

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