Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Truck Reviews (15215 Posts)
Truck Review
On 5/2/1999 f wrote in from (209.208.nnn.nnn)

Jones now makes a longboard truck. Anyone out there try it yet?

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On 4/29/1999 Frank wrote in from (152.163.nnn.nnn)

Hey Tyler,
Go to this......www.severesports.com/terrain.html

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On 4/29/1999 eggman wrote in from ()

Hey I got my exkates yesterday too! It only took less than 2 weeks, from when I ordered them to when I got them. They are the 201's with the green bushings. An extra set of bushings (blue) came with it too for free! They also gave me stickers, a pen and condoms! Way cool.(forgot the allen bolts though). I am way stoked (except the condoms have spermicide and some girlies get nasty yeast infections from it). Anyway, just wanted to let you all know that Jason at exkates is on the ball. I know DEM had some problems a few months ago, but no problems for me! Ok, just wanted to let you all know.

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Exkate 201's Green Bushing (hardest)
On 4/28/1999 dem wrote in from ()

I finally got to really try out my second pair. They're on my Black 29 Royale (forgive me ken) and it rules. The hard green bushings and the wider 201's on a very stiff five foot board is a great combination. Being able to turn that big a board around on a city street is sweet.

Big 75mm blue invisible wheels and soft risers take the rattle out of the trucks and it's even smooth on SIDEWALKS! Use risers just big enough to avoid wheelbite and it's all good. (especially with 75mm and up)

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On 4/28/1999 Adam wrote in from ()


Torsion trucks and Seismic trucks rebound back to center quickly and with lots of energy. Other trucks don't. Some people don't like this -- they prefer a truck that will track wherever they lean it over to. I prefer the lively feel the torsions and Seismics deliver and I don't mind having to exert a bit more force to keep the truck in a turn.

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torsion trucks
On 4/28/1999 Edziak wrote in from ()

What's with all this about n0n-torsion feeling? I was thinking about getting some R2s but now I hear this bit. I've never ridden them. Do torsion trucks feel *that* different from conventional ones? Am I going to have to get used to the different feel?

Edziak says hey

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wide trucks
On 4/26/1999 tyler wrote in from ()

Hey Franky why dont you copy paste that url in here? Gullwing is a pretty good company. I used to have a pair and they were allright. If you want a wide truck that you can pump and carve with and still get the non-torsion feeling go with the R-II

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Trucks longer than indy 215's
On 4/26/1999 Frank wrote in from ()

I saw these trucks on-line that were 15" long by GULLWING. By the way is GULLWING a good company?
E-mail me if you want the link to see these trucks.

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On 4/26/1999 scheckey wrote in from ()

(yes Im back.)To Indys or not to Indys. Well all I have to add is that a while ago when the big speed wobble thing was going on someone said they talked to a hill bomber and the hill bomber said he used Indys. I still like indys and feel they are a good starter or a decent all round truck.

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Invader Trucks
On 4/22/1999 Charles wrote in from ()

I started out on Indy 215’s on a 49” Powell Pele and I could hardly turn the board with in a residential street. I have ridden Exkates, and Randal 2’s. I currently stick to the Randals. However Black 29 ships with Invader 10” and they are just a shade off of Randals as far as response, and turning radius. I like them a lot and have not taken them off, of my Royal. The person I ride with prefers them to Randal 2s. She says the conventional truck feel cant be beet on down hill and she will sacrifice the increase in turning for added control. The Best Part of the Invaders is that they are dirt cheap. $27.98 per Set. As far as Exkate we both feel that they are twitchy, and that when the start to Shift the action dose not require increasing force to turn sharper. I might also add that of the standard “In Stock” skate shop trucks 215’s are the best recommendation, and at times I have had trouble finding them in stock. Would you rather the counter monkey recomend Destructos with a 5” hanger. My best advice is to read the information on this site and to note the different riding styles of the authors, don’t ask your skate shop (Mine is run by new schoolers that ride long boards like new school decks), buy mail order, and If you pick a conventional truck slanted risers are a must for longboards.

PS The price is off of www.skateboard.net

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Trucks can go in the complete catagory because a complete board includes trucks!
On 4/22/1999 Steve wrote in from ()

Indies give you that nice "Mr Toad's Wild Ride" feel when you're doing skatercross (I'm the only skatercrosser, but it's still good). If you like to feel like you're about to lose control and the only thing keeping you up is faith, skill, and sheer luck, then go and get yourself some 215's. If you like fearing for your safety and tempting fate, get yourself indies. If not, then get something else. I wouldn't know because I still haven't bothered to start saving cash for more trucks because I'm lazy.

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On 4/22/1999 tyler wrote in from ()

If you want a longboard to carve with in my opinion you must go with exkates or kapus. I don't even think Indy's can compete with them. Even with angled riser pads they are bad. Scheckey used to swear by Independants and I don't know why. Maybe if you losen them up enough and put angled riser pads you will be able to carve with them. Then you take them to a hill and get speed wobbles. It's a no win situation with these trucks in my opinion. And besides why ride what you did 20 years ago when there have been so many great inovations in truck designs?

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Indies ... yes it is the wrong category but may as well keep the thread here
On 4/22/1999 Rich wrote in from ()

Yes people do like other trucks but usually because they haven't tried RII's or torsions yet. Also people do not believe WHAT a difference they do make. Now as Chris says you may want to have Indies on a freestyle only board for the reasons he says. BUT most boards are sold as all round type of cruisers and by putting Indies on them the manufacturers are selling people short. Also loads of people have said they hate longboards 'cos they don't turn etc yet when I let them loose with alternative trucks they can't believe them. So while many people still use conventional trucks it is mostly an act of blind faith (nothing can be much better) also getting the alternative trucks (apart from RII's which are spreading nicely) is a nightmare unless you are lucky to have a shop who has them. When and if Jason ever gets the dampened version of Exkates out, and if Kapu manage to survive (Brad mail me please) then conventional trucks are DEAD, that is all there is to it man !

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In defense of Indy's
On 4/21/1999 Chris wrote in from ()

While I am not a fan on Independent Trucks, I do have a set on my freestyle longboard, and I plan to keep them there. The reason for this is simple. When I'm doing tricks, I don't want a board that turns well. There are lots of tricks from simple kickturns and 360s to wheelies to nose walking that are much easier to do on conventional trucks. You wouldn't expect a downhill skier to use the same equipment as a freestyle skier running moguls. Why should skateboarding be any different.

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Trucks (isnt this all in the wrong thread?)
On 4/21/1999 Sandy M wrote in from ()

Rich, in general I agree with you, but you kno3w what they say.... there's no accounting for taste. Just because most people like exkates and R2's the best, doesn't mean that all other brands of trucks should be abolished. Some people like them, which is the only *real* test of a product.

My $.02

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Indies and Kapu boards
On 4/21/1999 Rich wrote in from ()

First off let me say Kapu boards and trucks are probably equal best buys as completes on the market. The Nose rider is a superb smaller board with a rocker (48"), the wider one looks great. The trucks are superb, as to how they compare with Exkate, well they don't turn quite as much but are lighter and less responsive (they have a damper feel which many people like) the only thing I didin't LOVE on the completes were the wheels but they are easily swopped with some power paws. All in all BUY one and you wont be dissapointed.
Indies .... Tylers comments were true but a little hard for us oldies who grew up and swore by Indies. now though although Indies remain a superb ramp board there is NO reason to sell them with longboards. There are heaps of wider more turny conventional trucks now (b2's and pivots spring to mind) and then the LONGBOARD trucks of Exkate, Randal and Kapu. Face it mate Indies do not belong on modern longboards !

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On 4/20/1999 John wrote in from ()

That was one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. Independent trucks (for all around riding) are among the best. There are alternative trucks out there but for day to day riding only a few compare. Maybe R-2's and Torsion trucks but that is matter personal preference. With a pair of angled riser pads and my Indy 166's I can hang with anyone carving city streets, bombing hills, or riding the parks. I regularly hit speeds of 40-45+ and my Indy's have never let me down. I also own boards set up with r-2's and Torsions (I have no complints about either)but when I want to point it,and put my money where my mouth is, I'm on my Indy's. All you need to do is keep up, I don't care what you are on.

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On 4/19/1999 tyler wrote in from ()

What do you mean"plus they come with independant trucks" That is like a negative about the boards. How come there are so many great longboard trucks and you guys still chose to ride Independants?

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Randal ][
On 4/18/1999 J.P. Love wrote in from ()

Thank you Randal for balking convention and creating the worlds greatest longboard truck! The Randal II is the most versatile truck available. It excels at carving, turning and most importantly bombing. Its also a great design to work with: the extra width and height make it easy to build a board to suit your needs. Ride on Randal!

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Exkates weigh a ton
On 4/17/1999 fatboy wrote in from ()

When will a lighter and less rattly Exkate come out? Also how about figuring out a way to adjust them.

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On 4/14/1999 Crazy bastard with a pair of randals wrote in from ()

I got exxates and i thought they were pretty cool, they
turned like crazy. I was pretty stoked, but after a while I
figured out that I missed just cruising. With exxates I had
to really work to control myself at high speed, I could't relax.
They were really heavy and rattly too. So I sold them to
a friend and got a pair of Randals. Totally stable, super
light, these are perfect cruising trucks.You can relax, even
if you are going super fast. My friend sure like his Exxates though,
maybe I just wasn't good enough for them.

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On 4/14/1999 Joe Shredmeister wrote in from ()

Even though these trucks are not manufactured anymore,they are worth mention. These trucks were damn good and plenty solid! Near the end they were available with some wild paint jobs from the factory.

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On 4/14/1999 Zac Heise wrote in from ()

I have often wondered about the working of those things i ride MBS mountainboards and we have compresion springs, which the landsurfer designer thinks are super lame, I have seen a lot of designs at the mountainboard races and the MBS product still out preforms every other design ive ever seen. I have wondered alot abot why the land surfer has never been at any races. One thing is certain that design would be terrible for freestyle with that big frame, MBS admited that and made a board that still preforms with out a from. I dont work for MBS by the way, just a stoked rider. Later

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Jones Trucks
On 4/14/1999 Frank Wong wrote in from ()

Give me info on any truck but email it to me on sk8boarders2@hotmail.com

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off road trucks
On 4/14/1999 jon wrote in from ()


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