Truck Reviews (15215 Posts)
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183mm Inavaders
On 8/6/1999 Jake
wrote in from
Has anyone else tried these? They come w/the Black29 completes, so thats how I ended up w/them. Haven't seen em in any shops, or anybody riden em. I'm curious how they hold up at say, 30-40 mph. They are the lowest, widest trucks Ive seen, but I'm wary of takin them to higher speeds cus of the old school design. Anybody tried it? They cruise really nice and make your board look like a low rider.
Randal IIs
On 8/6/1999
wrote in from
Herb N,
I don't think that Randal ever claimed that RIIs would turn a 6' circle.
I think that was exKate and more than likely true.
On 8/5/1999 Herb N
wrote in from
24.25 between inner truck bolts, 76mm wheels, kingpins even with end of the nuts, now push in circles, keep turned as tight as possible ,this gives about a 11 or 12 foot turning circle (hmmm could someone have mistaken diameter and radius) anyway the wheels were right on the edge of wheel rub but not willing to go any further, maybe with wedge pads the pivot angle could be steepend and it may cut the turning circle by just a little but not to 6ft. They are very impressive and steer way sharper than any regular truck but that is uncontested anyway because most regular trucks are designed for quick initial steering and don't have the range to carve a tight circle.
On 8/5/1999
wrote in from
just got sum exkates....oh yea! makin' turns that i wouldn't even think about on my indy's. good stuff.
randles again
On 8/4/1999 Herbn
wrote in from
gonna pull out some R2s for my first Libtech longboard, I have to tryem the racing trucks are real demanding they insist that you go fast, especially on some the narrower hills that I ride on, I breifly tested some R2s on a customers board and they did steer really well ,almost to quick to beleive they'd be good at speed. We'll see.
green exkate 201's...
On 8/3/1999 eggman
wrote in from
yeah, I got a pair. I like them more than the 101's. Why? Don't really know, I just like them. They seem to give a little more of a stable ride, but I am not sure. I have to admit, they look better on my board, cause I have a wide one. I think narrow trucks on a wide board look dorky, but what do I really know anyway? I have the green bushings too. The green bushings are great for down hill, but you loose some carvyness (is that a word?) Many people have commented on the fact that the exkates are "twitchy". This is not the fact with green bushings, they don't twitch at all. This translates into being "harder" to carve ( You actually have to put your weight into the turns) Basically I think exkates with green bushings are like the Randal comp II's. Less carvy and more stable at speed. So that makes you wonder, why buy the exkates at all? Cause you can switch the bushings! That is why. Don't get me wrong, Randal's are great trucks, maybe even the best. (proven race winning technology!) I presently have a green bushing and a blue bushing on my board. I think it is a good combo between stability and the ability to carve. I hope this helps. Later late.
On 8/3/1999
wrote in from
Congradulations to Randal Speed trucks riders at the Mammoth Downhill Festival. Results: 1st: Manu Atuna - Team France (Comp-II's) 2nd: Todd Lehr - Team Dreggs (Comp-II's) 3rd: Biker Sherlock - Team Dreggs (Comp-II's)
Bombing Trucks
On 8/2/1999 Adam
wrote in from
If you're into serious hill bombing there's really only one truck I'd recommend: Randal. Either the original Speed Downhill truck, or the Comp II Speedboard truck if you're competing or are just into trick gear.
Exkate 201's
On 8/2/1999
wrote in from
Can someone tell me what the handling differences are between the wider and narrow exkates. I am considering a pair of 201's with green bushing mainly for bombing purposes. Anyone famililar with this setup/think it it will be stable at speed.
not trying to trash Indy's but..
On 8/2/1999
wrote in from
This all started on the complete page so I gotta finish it here. Judge-The pure physics involved with the old roller skate trucks vs. a design like Randal's should be enuff to settle the debate, all I have to say is please be careful on those things, and dont forget to try sumthin different every once in awhile.. you might like it.
randle racing trucks
On 8/1/1999 herbn
wrote in from
oh yeah ,one warning, if your board has a kicked nose or tail and when redrilling for these trucks you go around the bend a little you'll need to use a soft riser or better still shim up one side of the truck (correctly of course,no botch jobs) because when you tighten up the bolts you'll flex the baseplate and the pivot will lift out of the pivot cup ,and things will get sloppy ,and the thought of getting wobbles on a board with raceboard level traction is so scary. I can only imagine cause I havn't had wobbles on my speedboard yet, and my board isn't even that much of a race board yet.
Randle dh trucks
On 8/1/1999 herbn
wrote in from
excellent. its gonna take sometime to get reprogramed, from my old twitchy regular trucks. You just don't think you'll make it to the bottom without wobbles, but you do;hopefully,because I also quickly realized that its the initial twitch in the turn that breaks traction and lets me slide to slower speeds and avoid speeds where wobbles happen on loose trucks. I can still slide but the technique needs to be modified ,but much greater traction is available because of the geometry of the trucks allows for more control,I can compare it to the stopping power of disk brakes on a downhill mountain bike compared to regular brakes,even with the same tires, the disc brakes rule.
On 7/30/1999 Sean
wrote in from
just wanted to thank you guys for your asistance. I appreciate it.
Large Pivot Cup
On 7/30/1999 Adam
wrote in from
Automobile shock absorbers use such bushing cups. You might be able to find some discarded ones at a shop that installs a lot of shocks. Alternately, they may be available in an auto parts store sans shocks.
big bushing caps
On 7/30/1999 Chris
wrote in from
You might try a good hardware store. Not Home Depot or places like that, but the ones that sell nails by the pound and just one bolt if that's what you need. They may not have anything but it's worth a shot. Plus, they may be able to refer to some place that has them.
Good luck,
old school trucks I found
On 7/30/1999
Ralph Machio :)
wrote in from
I found some oldschool trucks in my garage. They are completely unscathed. The only problem i have is one of the trucks'is missing. The pivot cup is a helluvalot bigger than all my other trucks, and nobody could hook me up with a decent replacement anywhere i looked. So i was wondering if any of my fellow bombers can help me out. I am so desperate to ride them that i am about to melt some plastic into the trucks' baseplate and see how that works. I just want to know if ya'll had a better idea before i go and ruin my good misfortune. Thanks for your help. Sean
On 7/29/1999
wrote in from
Anybody know where i can get some trucks for pretty cheap?? Im looking for independents or somthing like that.
Randal Bushings
On 7/29/1999 Chris
wrote in from
I would just email Randal and ask the man himself. Theres's an email link to him from
If you find out, post it here in case it happens to someone else or they want to try harder or softer bushings. Good luck,
Randall Bushings
On 7/29/1999 Matt
wrote in from
Can anyone help me? I seem to have cracked the front bushing on my Randall 2's. I want to replace it but I am not sure what duro. Randall uses. Can I use doh-dohs or whatever they are called and just shave them down? Does it matter if I have a cracked bushing?
Randal IIs
On 7/28/1999
Carlo Medina
wrote in from
I have been hearing all this ranting and raving about Randal trucks. Today I purchased a set for my Envy "Classic 57" and all I can say is that these trucks rock! A very positive feel with excellent carving ability. No speed wobbles at all. Randal has done an excelent job at providing us longboarders with a truck that performs exactly as expected. Give them a try. There is no mistaking in regards to the way they feel. Simply awesome.
On 7/28/1999 Rich
wrote in from
From the number of emails I have had lately trying to get hold of brad from Kapu fame, plus the things I have heard from various industry types saying they aren't getting their trucks I would have to conclude that kapu trucks and Brad have gone ! If anyone knows different tell me ! So that leaves Randal and Exkate to pave the way, so Wade what about answering those questions I posted, the only reply I got was a snotty letter from Jason for some unknown reason.. so are the damper bushings out yet are they in the UK yet Take care Rich
jones truck
On 7/28/1999 herbn
wrote in from
have not seen them in person ,but it looks(from pictures) like you that owns a vice. Maybe a friend could compress the springs while you slide the bolt through.
Jones Trucks
On 7/27/1999
wrote in from
HELP!!! can anyone give advice for chaning bushings on jones trucks? I cant get the hanger back in. I am having a hard time squashing the bushing. thanks!
Those Sector9 Trucks
On 7/27/1999 I
wrote in from
Are those sector9 trucks really that bad??
stroker 2000
On 7/23/1999 Herbn
wrote in from
Still working on these throw-forwards from the past decided to not take any chances on slidefits and went with bearings everywhere (blackpanthers in the main pivot) real aircraft heim joints. I had the steering knuckles welded yesterday and bored and fitted them this morning. Next is mounting the bearings (three per knuckle) and then its time to assemble.