Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Truck Reviews (15215 Posts)
Truck Review
On 11/2/1998 bb wrote in from ()

Torsions turn great but there are some flaws that Jason at Exkate should R & D.
1) They weigh a ton. This makes a difference, especially when you have to push/pump a few miles or make a quick turn off the coping.
The baseplate is overly thick.
2) Trucks absorb no shock. I find myself avoiding sidewalk cracks.
3) The mounting threadingin the baseplate needs some kind of plastic lock sleeve. I find myself constantly tightening them.

Despite these drawbacks. They are still perhaps the best all around longboard truck out there because nothing turns like them. But its still no reason not to work out the kinks.

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exkateTorsion Trucks
On 11/1/1998 James wrote in from ()

These Torsion Trucks are The Bomb!!!!

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On 11/1/1998 Scheckey wrote in from ()

Just found more on the "newest" truck. Not much more news on them, but a way to buy them.

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Still got old trucks?
On 10/31/1998 Drew wrote in from ()

If you still have the old style trucks and get pissed
reading about how great torsions are, try this. You
should have at least one bushing that tapers, two if
you have indy's. flip them around so the narrower part
inwards. You'll probably have to flip the washers around.
Tighten the trucks down tighter than normal. It helps to
have high risers and wheel cutouts, but they aren't
DEATH!! save up and get some torsions as soon as possible.
I've got a pair on my Fibreflex and they are worth the cash.

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On 10/27/1998 BRAD wrote in from ()

Glen to help you decide on what truck you should ride
check out the SOUL CARVE WEB SITE. Look at the D'ADV
review This review gives a honest review of the only
two trucks you should consider for carving. KAPU or EXKATE

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Indy's, Sector 9 or ?
On 10/25/1998 Glen wrote in from ()

I'm thinking about getting back into skating ( @ 35 ) and need some opinions on trucks.
I used to own Tarckers and Indy's in the old days ( 17 years ago ) and liked the Indy's the best. How are they now for old dudes who want to carve up pools and banks?

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On 10/23/1998 tim wrote in from ()

Where can I order a set of Jones?

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On 10/22/1998 SOUL CARVE wrote in from ()

When I get my new Randals which should be soon Soul Carve will run a comparison between the Exkate, Kapu and both Randal trucks which will measure turning radius, smoothness etc at all the different settings (bushings) I have. So if someone is out there from Jones Trucks send me a pair.

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jones, exkates, and randals
On 10/22/1998 phil wrote in from ()

well, I don't really have to say anything about exkates. They're still definitely my favorite truck. The jones trucks don't come close to the turning feel or radius, but they're so much lighter that I can honestly say I'm considering permanently mounting them on my board, saving the exkates for a newer deck. Randals seem to be only for bombing, can't wait to see the randals II's cuz these can't turn at all from what I've seen. Granted I've only had them a day, so don't take me too seriously.

It looks like the jones turning radius is about 60-75% of what exkates can do, that's just from trying to feel it so once again don't take me too seriously, and the response isn't nearly the same. I haven't tried them on hills yet so I can't really talk in that area. Consider a set of these though cus they're a little easier to do walking tricks with and they're so much lighter.
skate hard

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eXkate Torsion Trucks
On 10/22/1998 Jason wrote in from ()

Hey Sk8ers. I've got some news. We have solved the problem of the infamous "rattle"
with the torsion truck 101 series. The noise was coming from the wheels, we now have spacers and they
completely eliminate the "rattle" anyone who has a set of our trucks and wants we will send a free set of
spacers at no charge. Just e-mail us and your spacers will be mailed to you. More news!!!!! We now have a new
version of the torsion truck, it's the trk-201 it has an overall width of 250 mm or 10 inches. It rides sweet
no lift no matter how hard the carve, very stable. Look for pics on our web site next week. Congrats to "Waldo"
our team rider who went out to West Virginia last week and took first in Street Luge using, what else, the Cherry Bomb.
Thats only after taking 1, 2, and 3rd in Mammoth 2 weeks ago in luge and stand up, those races were the qualifiers for
the Sony Extreme Games in Australia in December 98. eXkate has 2 new wheels about to come out, a 65mm 78a Hurricane and a
100 mm Jumbo. Our Polyurethane department is growing . People thanks for your support and skate ON!!!

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E.xkates/Randal IIs cont.
On 10/19/1998 Duane Gabel wrote in from ()

For all of you out there who love the new Randal IIs, can you tell me what the turning radius is? Also, how is the smoothness of the ride in comparison to the (somewhat rough, I think) E.xkate ride? None of the shops in Denver carry the Randals, so I can't demo them, and I am dependent on your kind responses before I place a mail order! Thanks.

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On 10/18/1998 Haans wrote in from ()

What kind of turning radius do they have?

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Jones Trucks
On 10/14/1998 skategeezer wrote in from ()

Well, I finally got a set of Jones Trucks. A pretty interesting design with a fairly small weight factor. The Trucks turn a little better than my Indy's and are fairly stable. A few things to note: The mounting system is pretty smart-your nut actually fits snuggly into the baseplate. You can get different types of "triangle bushings", however, you have to change these bushings with the trucks off the board. This was a design flaw. Still, in my first week of use, I must say the Jones Trucks are doing ok for themselves. They certainly look a hell of a lot different than your traditional trucks.

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Exkate/Randal 2's cont.
On 10/13/1998 James wrote in from ()

I have had some more time to ride these trucks in many different situations so let me give everybody out there a more helpful look at these 2 cutting edge trucks. First, I have the exkate glo bushing on a G&S fiberflex and the randal 2's on an envy classic 57. I have ridden these boards in and on structures(parking garages, business parks, ramps),parks( greer, derby), street, and hills. The exkate trucks on the flexy board are cool and give you a true smooth surf like feel. I have a good time riding anywhere with the set-up. I still have yet to get the green bushings so I have not gone over 20 on these exkates since almost breaking my neck over 30 on them. Jason at exkate has been really cool and helped me out. Let me tell everyone out there that THE BEST all around truck I have found is the randal 2 trucks. At around 25 bucks a piece these are the great quality and great performance for your hard-earned buck. I think they turn almost as good as the exkates but they are so far much more stable at high speeds. I have taken this setup and been able to carve, walk, and bomb hills they you want a board to. I had these trucks up to 40-plus and I was amazed at how smooth they were. They are wide and tall so I feel more stable on them. I still want to try the jones trucks and see what those have to offer. Let me sum this up by saying that if you have a shorter longboard the exkates are your best bet because they offer better turning and carving which is what you want in a shorter board. If you have a longer cruiser or downhill type board I would say that you can't find anything better than the randal 2 trucks. If you don't believe me go demo them at your local shop and if you live in the Nor-Cal area go to the Purple Skunk in S.F. and Wendel will let try anything you want and will hook you up.

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On 10/12/1998 Chris wrote in from ()

If you want to buy some randals, the number for "Skates on Hiaght" is 1-800-554-1235

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titan ti-lite
On 10/11/1998 simon jickly wrote in from ()

there the best truks for old school they our the bomd and the best

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Exskate torsion
On 10/8/1998 Bean Dip wrote in from ()

OH MY GOD!!! I've been riding B-2s for the past 3 months. (I got back into skating at the age of 32 after skating on and off for 25 years). I HAD no complaints with the Trackers, until now... These exskate trucks are unreal. They carve the way my chicago trucks used to carve on a 28" Bahne when I was 9, only I'm now riding a 48" sector 9. I can actually "pump" my LB all the way down my street and back, ON A LONG BOARD!!! What a fantastic toy. All I can really say about these trucks is get some...

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On 10/6/1998 Tyler wrote in from ()

Where can I see a picture of these?

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On 10/6/1998 Randal wrote in from ()

We are proud to announce that the new Randal 'R-II' Longboard Carving trucks are now available. This design features quick turning geometry, with a smooth and responsive turning feel. These trucks are wide (180mm), tall (no more wedge risers!), and as light as conventional trucks. The universal 6-hole mounting pattern fits all decks. The R-II's are made for all-around longboard riding. Skate them in parks, pools, ramps, street, structures, hills, whatever - they work good everywhere. These trucks will make any longboard perform better, and make any longboard rider skate better. They turn tight when you want them to, they carve with precision so you can get the power down, and they have the stability to bomb with confidence. Retail price is around $25- each (ask your shop).
The original Randal 'Downhill' trucks will still be available. These are the trucks that took the speed-wobbles out of bombing hills. For big power carves and all out speed runs down hills, there is still nothing better. Go to any downhill skateboard event and check out what the Pro's ride. These are the trucks for skaters with a real need for speed. Retail price is around $25- each (ask your shop).
We also manufacture the 'Comp II' Speedboard racing truck. This is the ultimate speed truck. With a 'floating axle' design, high speed geometry, special castings, CNC machining, etc. - this truck is built to win. Congradulations to Gary Hardwick and Todd Lehr for winning Gold in the two events at the recent Mammoth Lakes Downhill races, and especially to Gary for recently setting a new skateboard Guinness World Speed Record of: 62mph! These trucks are available special order for $75- each.
Also available is our Luge Racing truck. Designed and manufactured specifically for Streetluge competition, this truck has the performance to win. Congradulations again to 'Rat' Sult for double Gold in the '98 X-Games! These trucks are available special order for $75- each.

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Randals comp II (the top of the line)
On 10/5/1998 jim wrote in from ()

These trucks cost a wallet-draining $150 a pair!

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On 10/4/1998 Joe wrote in from ()

can anyone tell me what these cost??

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torsion trucks
On 10/4/1998 Matt Pluck wrote in from ()

They rock!I'm addicted I can't go back to standard trucks.
Never had speed wobble or board bite!You can't find a better
set of trucks.My only complaint is the noise if you can
prevent this e-mail me.

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randal 2's
On 10/2/1998 James wrote in from ()

Yes these are the randal 2's and yes they do rip

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On 10/2/1998 Dan wrote in from ()

james, did you get a set of the Randal II's? Or just the originals?

As far as Randal's WWW page... On a hunch, I checked www.randal.com and thats where you will be able to find it, once its officially up. The only thing there now is "This is the future home of Randal Design..."

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On 10/2/1998 Scheckey wrote in from ()

Ok. Randals can be bought at Skates on Haight. I dont know the number but there ad is is Thrasher and if you look into alomst any decent skate web page theyll have a link to em. I got my Randals there and have never heard of anyone having problems with SOH. In fact, when i called in my order, the guy that answered the phone and I chated for like 10 minutes.
BTW, whats up with the Randal page?

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