Pre-1980 Vintage Gear (6027 Posts)
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G&S Hester single cut-away Fibreflex
On 12/5/2001
Dan Jackson
wrote in from
I'd love to buy one in decent shape. Mine went missing last year, it was the best Fibreflex slalom board of the several that I owned. 29" with a long. deep single rear cut-away. I also sent a request to G&S to see if they could re-issue the shape. You never know...
White G&S YoYo's
On 12/5/2001 Joe T
wrote in from
I have just discovered that my set of 4 YoYo's contain 2 marked with the word Pro, in all other ways they seem identical, anyone know what the difference is?
On 12/5/2001 Herbn
wrote in from
I have a 8.25 Chris Strople Wedgetail, 5 plys wood two glass the glass was between the outside plys and the middle three, i don't think there were any cross grains of wood, some were thinner thanm others but just by using thinner plys.
On 12/5/2001 SSofS
wrote in from
Hmmm... never heard of em myself. What can you tell me about these wonder dex?
pig decks
On 12/5/2001 Glen
wrote in from
Arab, I like to be able to feel the rails of the deck. For me the best deck width matches the width of a set of Indy 166 axles. I don't like having the wheels hidden under the deck, I like to look at them, and I don't like Indy 215's. I remember when I went from a 30x10 Alva to a 31x11 Andrecht. I liked the Andrecht but it never had the feel that the Alva had to me.
Maybe when I grow up and fill out a bit, I'll be able to ride one of them wide pigs again.
On 12/5/2001
wrote in from
I'll have to agree w/you there WINSTON T.GRANT, Casters were the bomb then and (if I had one) now! Great flex and awesome shapes. I do believe that there were two layers of glass sandwitched in between the 8 ply maple if memory serves me right. Sure do miss them now.
On 12/5/2001 SSof S
wrote in from
In deference to Psycholloyd, my spiritual leader, I have decided not to hassle Debs any more about classic reissues! She knows all about it anyway and is on the case... Let's talk instead about the newschool decks she's hatching. Suppose this isnt the place for it, but I am well excited at the prospect of all that knowhow going into brand new designs... Just think! The classic FFx looks with all the advances in rideability of the new decks (and let's face it, they're nothing if not easy to ride, despite the charisma bypass theyve undergone since the 'golden days'!) If it IS true that there's not enough demand at grass roots for the Bowl\Team Rider reissues (and we all seem to agree that a totally literal remake would be misguided in any case) maybe we should just all get behind Debs in coming up with a BOMB shortboard that may just catch on outside our own circles and get kids to look at things afresh... A tall order,as in my heart of hearts I know theyve all gone too far down the kickflip path to change, it may not be til the next generation that skating and moves on (or back) to surf-based moves.
Reissues (with searing performance)
On 12/4/2001 WINSTON T.GRANT
wrote in from
i'd like to say a few words on behalf of the legendary,Ultra-hype decks of yore: 1.The Caster Tom Inouye When i first saw this thing,a little, tiny kid named HAWK was riding it (with great success) in the CASL bowl series,and we all know where he went from there.I got to try one out and found out why.First off, the shape was PERFECT for anything from flatland to vert(it's true,as strange as its sounds)and....it FLEXED! which on the face of it SEEMED crazy,at the time, but I could PUMP this modified pig to SLALOM SPEEDS!!I wasn't sure about the construction(i think it was wood/glass/wood)but it was extremely durable,had that VICIOUS pop-flex, and it was apparently unbreakable, because i've NEVER seen one for sale anywhere.Anybody else ever ride one?(besides Tony and all the other kids that got bought off by big companies after RULING on Casters)......
30x10 G&S
On 12/4/2001 Glen
wrote in from
Tooo wide. Too hard for most shops to figure out what trucks to put on it. Build it to fit a set of 149mm trucks with centerset wheels or 129mm with offset wheels.
G&S fflex
On 12/4/2001 Stevie B
wrote in from
Here's one to talk about would a 30x10 Fiberflex bowlrider shape work ?
On 12/4/2001
PA Dan
wrote in from
I run a skate program at my church. We have a 1/2 pipe 1/4 pipe and rails/boxes and other new school stuff. The kids are stoked by my boards(Powell mini-logo, biggest one made with 65mm Hawaii K's-"Wow, they're FAST and SMOOTH"-and Powell Hot rod Flame 9 3/8 x 33 w/red 70mm Classic K's), some of them even like to tool around on my slalom board-"how do you kickturn this thing?". But even though some of them can do more "tricks" than me not one of them can do more than 1 or 2 180's on the halfpipe, and none are as fluid and smooth as me on it. And I'm not even very good!! No, I can't do an ollie to 50-50 but I can do, in one run, stylish front and backside grinds and nosegrabs. But you know what? Most of the kids, though they think it's cool(maybe just 'cause I'm an old geezer), seem to have no desire to try this kind of riding. So where was I going??? Oh yeah, I think more important than getting kids to change boards, we need to get them to see the fun of riding fast, soft wheels, and actually RIDING, rather than staying in one place and trying to ollie/kickflip/shove-it/whatever. Sorry for the rambling post. Dan
On 12/4/2001
wrote in from
i agree with you on tech tricks. skateboarding is killing itself in that area. (and being argued to death on the organization site, ie. vert is dead)it has gotten so that if you are a kid and can't kickflip varial judo twist 25 stairs, in the current trendy clothes, well then you just ain't a skater. we gotta get em carving. Debs from G&S told me to wait til spring, re: April 2002 for some new models that will blow us away. from the quality she was showing a La Costa it will be worth the wait.
The Reissue the Fibreflexes Movement
On 12/4/2001
Solid State of Sheffield
wrote in from
True, Gavin... I dont take my Bowlrider out now but it used to get quite a bit of interest from younger kids (usually 'What's THAT?') Now Im slumming around on a Powell MiniLogo (bog standard modern shape) I get interest just cos of my wheels (red Classic K's 65mm)and the kids who try em are amazed for all the obvious reasons. I think youre right, there IS a problem in that the tricks which make up the staple repertoire of the modern skater are just TOO DAMN DIFFICULT!!! In time, this might mean a few kids break away, buying some soft wheels and, who knows, RIDING their boards instead of causing them wilful damage on kerbs and rails. If you saw XGames on Channel 5 last night, I have to say the skating was all pretty tedious next to the BMXers, once youve seen one youve seen em all... the tricks are incredibly difficult to do, yet are not actually all that thrilling to watch. In the words of Skip Engblom in the Dog Town and Z Boys film... STYLE IS EVERYTHING. I dont care, even if it's a piece of piss, I just like to see a cool move well executed. New school street skaters seem to spend a lot of time doing rock-hard moves reasonably well and coming off their boards. Ok, that's an over-simplification, there's incredible skill and dexterity too... but theres little or no flow in the routines. I would soon lose heart if I was 12 and had set my sights on emulating this stuff only to find out that the real story for most rookie skaters is endless hours spent either standing still or breaking bones on rails or other rogue surfaces! Anyway I doubt there's anyone reading this who doesn't agree with the basic point Im making, which is that shortboard skating seems to have entered a cul-de-sac for which the only remedy is surely...
Reissue The Fibreflexes!
PS Debs has a team working on modern short board shapes too, should be cool! And a good plan to meet the kids halfway on this.
ff bowlrider
On 12/4/2001
wrote in from
'Most youngsters examining my Teamrider seem pretty unimpressed, despite my best efforts.'
in ride (albeit badly) a bulldog 34 and at the local park (mount hawke in Cornwall)get massive interest from the kids on kickflippers, many of them want a go and some of them get really stoked on the board because it is so different from the norm. personally i think that modern skating (in its popularly percieved face)is at a point where its really hard to be even semi proficient, and that like in surfing, longboards and retro inspired boards have the ability to give back the slide and flow in a really acesible form.
as for the ff bowlriders, i bought an original one (later model) because its a really nice thing to have around (i love that rocker) so if the chance came about to get a 36 retro version that i could actually use i'd be there (wife and credit card willing). to make em popular with the kids, well to get back to surfing again.. you just need a joel tudor on one!
On 12/4/2001 SSofS
wrote in from
Still awaiting wider KH feedback... Brady, you started this latest round of FFx madness... There's a movement afoot! Care to weigh in?
On 12/4/2001 SSofS
wrote in from
Oh, Joe T, stop being so REALISTIC about it!
fibreflex bowlriders reissue
On 12/3/2001
wrote in from
I'd love to see a reissue of the old bowl-riders. Like Mark Colden said though, make em a bit longer :) I'd say maybe 3 lengths, a 27", a 32", and a 36". Perhaps try some varying flex models too, the traditional soft/medium/stiff would work great calibrated by weight. And definitely get some of that 3M griptape too!!!! If this happened I'd get at least one...maybe more.
On 12/3/2001 Glen
wrote in from
Backpack boards are real popular with Jr.Hgh and High school kids. A lot are sold. A real 30" Teamrider would probably sell well to that market, if the price was not to high.
On 12/3/2001
Joe T
wrote in from
I wonder if re-issues would appeal to todays skaters, if not would there be enough of nostalgics Sk8ers to warrant production. Most youngsters examining my Teamrider seem pretty unimpressed, despite my best efforts.
Fibreflex will have to do some serious market research, but if its only based on skatepark surveys, it might not be a true market indication.
Any volunteers for conducting a survey? might be the first step to realising the dream.
The Reissue the Fibreflexes Movement
On 12/3/2001
SS of S
wrote in from
That was Knucklehead S S of S reporting on behalf of the Reissue the Fibreflexes movement.
Come on guys!
On 12/3/2001 Solid State of Sheffield
wrote in from
Right on, right on! True, tho, we dont necessarily want a slavish reconstruction where a slightly longer deck would obviously be beneficial. If you want a museum piece, you better start savin up, the point here is we want the ride without the worry. The old ones chip easily as I discovered to my horror when I first wheeled out the old Bowlrider not so long ago.
Debs, you know it isnt just me! And hey, no worries about the colour!
Knuckleheads, are you with us?
Fibreflex reissues
On 12/3/2001 Glen
wrote in from
I'd like to see reiisues of both the bowlrider and teamrider., but agree that they should be old guy rideable. lengths of 32"-36" would be good, not much wider than they are. I ride a Teamrider around a bit and it's 5 plys barely flex under my 275lbs. I'd agree to make them stiff for park and bank riding. The 44" G&S kicktail is very Teamrider in shape and is very stiff. I'd just want wheelwells and a tail that is 1" wider.
Fibreflex reissues
On 12/3/2001 Mark
wrote in from
I'm in! I'm in! I want a Fibreflex Bowlrider, or other kicktail, with the original shape, decal, 3M grip tape, the whole schmear. But, please, Please, PLEASE, make it longer than 25" or 27" long! Give us a reissue we can RIDE! Length(s) should be in the 32" to 36" range. It'll need to be a little firmer, too, like the 4-ply Response model, so we can ride it aggressively in parks and pools. Or maybe a normal 3-ply, but with an "aggressive" (thicker) bottom layer of Bow-Tuff that will stand up to boardslides and rock-n-rolls. I want one! I want one! I want one, NOW! I've been waiting since 1978!
Mark Colden Dallas,TX
On 12/3/2001 SS of S
wrote in from
Scabs, man... We're ALL tryin to get Debs to reissue those two! As you may know the colours are an issue, tho, we may never see those again...!
This is the issue that got me involved on NCDSA, and I feel right at home discussing it! Come on, lets get this Reissue The Fibreflexes movement off the ground so Debs knows were all feelin it!!