Pre-1980 Vintage Gear (6027 Posts)
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Sims Pure Juice
On 3/29/2002
wrote in from
Nice board here!
Does anyone know what trucks were originally used on a stock Sims pure juice board?
Also, whoever was looking for a mint Bahne, I have one I might trade for something?
On 3/29/2002
Cliff Coleman
wrote in from
P.O.P. used to also have an amusement park along with the pier. That is what all of the debris is in and along the water in the new "Dogtown" documentary. Before Dogtown and the Z crew, we used to go there and ride the coasters and such in 1965 with the Hobie Team. Even though I'm from Northern California, P.O.P. is a part of my history.
z-flex p.o.p
On 3/29/2002
wrote in from
Thanks guys, I will definately have to think a bit more, this is the pier where they used to lob stuff at people who surfed on their patch aint it. I believe the footage in downhill motion with the guys in the zephyr shirts is taken there? I love watchin downhill motion, specially the pool bits, and the downhill, the bit with the cat is funny too
On 3/27/2002 KK
wrote in from
Please Tell me that Bob Turner is not dead. I am reading it here for the first time. Please tell me it's not true!
On 3/27/2002 Kirtis
wrote in from
It rocked before Disneyland.......... It was instrumental in Wes Humpstons art........... It was destroyed by corruption and then Fire. The Infamous......... Pacific Ocean Park, on the pier in Santa Monica........... Home of DOGTOWN and the original ZEPHYR team. Jay,Tony,Shogo,Stacy,Jim,Peggy,Alan,Went zle,P.C.,Bob,Nathan and Alan.
On 3/27/2002
wrote in from
It means Pacific Ocean Park Pier
z-flex z-pig initials p.o.p
On 3/27/2002
wrote in from
hi, I recently got one of the new z-pigs, but the question thats bugging me is what does the initials P.O.P stand for and the letters SM stand for on the old boards? is SM santa monica which if i guess right is where jay adams stepfather was instrumental in starting the company. sorry if this is a dumb question
Yandall Wheels
On 3/27/2002
wrote in from
I am, as many of you know, an average skater from the midwest who weighs about 40 pounds more than I should.
I just had to put on this forum that I ran a set of old Yandall wheels (bright yellow) in the GS at the Presidio TLP Battle by the Bay race, and they rocked. I thought they were yandall slaloms, but eric groff said he thought they were different. 60mm or so, wide like an oj slalom, big lip, about 90a.
This was a serious hill, that several folks decided not to run because of lack of a run-out. Several of the SSS crew and others were running OJ slaloms on the back of their boards, but my little Yandalls held my 210# to the ground around some pretty big offsets at speed-it was awesome. Imagine how a great skater could have done on em!
carl kincaid
old school nikes
On 3/26/2002 VSAS
wrote in from
for info on the re-issue Vans style 95's & Nike hi-tops check ... http://www.vintageskateboardappreciationsociety.com/
On 3/24/2002
wrote in from
With Bob Turners passing yesterday, I feel the little humor I was hinting at about my Blackbird is somehow misplaced.
I will cherish this skater for the rest of my days.
Thanks for the board Bob. I knew it was made for me.
1979 laguna seca downhill video
On 3/23/2002
wrote in from
yes, they made videos in 1979.unedited race video from the laguna seca downhill.shows qualifying,racing the 16 man dual downhill bracket and consolation round.I need to know how many copies to make and whether to edit it down. thanks
What is this?
On 3/22/2002 BoBo
wrote in from
Can anyone tell me what this is?
OK, it's a skateboard [duh].......
I need details.
Got it at a swap meet for 15 bucks.
Is it a bird?
PA Dan's lue Suede Nike's
On 3/19/2002 Boardman
wrote in from
I'd still kill for a pair of those to skate in........
RE: '77 Skateboarder
On 3/19/2002
wrote in from
Hey Duane. I didn't know thw MotorMorons were still around. They opened for a band I was in in DC years ago. Sort of a surf/noise thing. I remember they had a guy that "played" a bench grinder with a big can. What a racket. I used the name 'cause I'm sort of an all purpose gearhead; bikes, karts, cars, whatever. So is than old concrete skatepark near baltimore still there? are there other carve/slalom types around our area? let me know. -Eric.
"PA" Dan's 1978 Slalom Gear
On 3/17/2002
wrote in from
I hope this is "PA" Dan's pic of his 1978 Slalom Gear.
Here is a link to the album page with description as well. CLICK for PIC...
"PA" Dan, I love the pic. Description to follow?
On 3/16/2002
Cliff Coleman
wrote in from
FibreFlex was indeed there in the sixties. At the Anaheim International Skateboard Championships, May 22/23, 1965 we competed against their team. Willie Phillips won the Slalom on a G&S FibreFlex. G&S did so well in the Slalom with their "flex" boards that they took second overall in the team competition. There were about three hundred contestants.
If you want pictures, contact either Ed Economy or Skatelab. They both have copies of the Quarterly Skateboarder, volume #3. This magazine and also volume #1 & #2 have ads for the "New" G&S Fibreflex. It has a photo of the board being run over by a car and not breaking. Volume #3 has many articles of the International Championship as well.
Gordon And Smith with Larry Gordon was there in the early days and was one of the true pioneers of the sport.
Pre-mid 70's GnS FFx
On 3/16/2002 SSofS
wrote in from
'I gotta question as serious as cancer...'
As per usual it's re Fibreflex...
When exactly did GnS launch the brand? Ive heard 'the 60's' mentioned a lot but never seen a pic or read of a specific model pre-70's. Even Alvin's Kickturn site has never seemed to show anything beyond the familiar stuff (OK, lots of rare and unusual variatioms, but 70's anyway...)
Any of you got pix or details of earlier stuff? Thanks
Roller Sports wheels
On 3/15/2002 Scabs
wrote in from
They are red. Interesting email I received from Jack Smith in that this was the same set up he used to ride across America as he was sponsored by Roller Sports...in 1976
Roller Sport Mark IVs
On 3/15/2002 GBJ
wrote in from
My guess is that those Roller Sport Mark IV wheels are not truly as red as they might appeara in the photograph. I have a couple sets of these wheels and the raw, clear urethane color has "yellowed" so badly over the years that they appear red at a glance. Being viewed with a red board as background probably completes the illusion.
Red Roller Sports Board and Wheels
On 3/14/2002 Bman
wrote in from
Scabs, that Roller Sports setup is cool. Did you know that board is made of Lexan? Just an FYI. Cool red RS MK IV's too, don't think I have ever seen 'em in red.
On 3/14/2002 "PA" Dan
wrote in from
I give up!!
1978 Slalom Gear
On 3/14/2002 "PA" Dan
wrote in from
Well, sorry, try again later. Dan
1978 Slalom Gear
On 3/14/2002
"PA" Dan
wrote in from
My first try posting a pic. Description to follow if it works. Dan
Tracker pivots
On 3/14/2002 Duane
wrote in from
Whoever said Bobo was out of line for wanting $5 for small pivot cups was mistaken, as six sold on ebay yesterday for exactly $5.05 each, shipped.
On 3/14/2002 Duane
wrote in from
hey motomoron, you aren't part of the band MotorMorons or Motomorons ??? who I've seen play in Baltimore a couple times (at Sowebo fest last time, couple years ago)