Pre-1980 Vintage Gear (6027 Posts)
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Tracker bplt
On 4/20/2002
Paul D
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Tracker bplt.
On 4/20/2002 Paul D
wrote in from
Stan, I've got 1 small pivot tracker baseplate to sell or trade. Cup? nope. Paul
Tracker kingpins
On 4/18/2002
Geezer X
wrote in from
If it's cast in place, the only way your'e likely to get the remains out without destroying the casting is with an EDM machine. Electrical discharge Mill. Some machine shops that deal with more esoteric stuff will have one. If it's a stud, just center drill it, heat the baseplate, soak some liquid wrench or aero-kroil around it, and use a screw extractor. The tapered square ones (looks like the washington monument)don't expand the stud in the hole, and as such work better.Remember not to lick the baseplate 'til it cools off.
Oldschool Tracker Kingpins
On 4/16/2002
wrote in from
Weren't those things actually cast in place? Or were the studs run in after the base plate was cast? All I know is when the kingpin snapped it was time for a new baseplate. If I remeber right, Tracker guaranteed them for life...you just sent the thing in and they sent you a new one. Wonder if they'd still do that? LOL
Is there really a way to replace the broken kingpins? Would somebody become a patron saint if they develpoed a machining process to cut the old kingpin stub out and inlet the base plate to accept a modern-style (ie, bolt, replaceable) kingpin? Or is there a current Tracker baseplate that is the same as the old ones but with a modern kingpin?
oem kingpins
On 4/15/2002 herbn
wrote in from
original, original tracker kingpins? the stud ones? they thread into the base, when you look at the part of the base that is bolted to the deck ,it's smooth. If these are the kingpins you need you could try a very good automotive supply, or a machine shop supply,i think it might be a 1.75 length of 3/8-24 threaded rod.You can try to find a source, or make one by cutting the head off a regular kingpin and cutting 3/8-24 thread on the end where the head was. if it's a newer ,more easily replaced kingpin, knock it out , and put a grade 5 or higher ,2.0 inch 3/8-24 bolt , no course 18 thread garbage.
1970s Tracker Full-Tracks
On 4/15/2002
Stan the Man
wrote in from
Looking for NOS King Pins and Nuts for my original Full-Tracks, Also a two sets of Bushings top and bottom, and pivot cups. Does anyone know if the Reissues will work? Or do any of you have some?
On 4/14/2002
wrote in from
I'm a GULL-watcher...Nice job BoBo!
On 4/14/2002
wrote in from
Hi Gary,
I have two I can sell or trade. One is a yellow 27", and it is in excellent condition, but is drilled 4-hole.
The other is a blue 27" and drilled 3-hole (Chicago style). It is also in great shape.
I can email a couple of pics if you like.
Nike Blazer hi-tops
On 4/14/2002 VSAS
wrote in from
Further to my earlier post about the ltd edition re-issue Nikes ... they are available mail order from Fly clothing & are identical to the ones back in the day ...(pics on VSAS)
email them here... mail@fly-clothing.com
iceman blades
On 4/13/2002
hugh r
wrote in from
I have a new in the box set of these iceblades... comes with 4 blades and all the necessary washers and bushings...
What are you looking to trade? These are worth about $40 to me... HR
Kent Sherwood
On 4/13/2002 msk
wrote in from
For all those Z-Flex fans wondering what Kent Sherwood is up to these days, this was on the front page of today's LA Times:
Bahne or Fiberflex Wanted
On 4/13/2002
wrote in from
27" or longer Bahne or Fiberflex WANTED. 70's only / drilled for Bennett / chicago 3 hole setup. Gonna get ridden in Vintage Class Races. No NOS boards.
Gullwing Pros
On 4/13/2002
wrote in from
They're beautiful...
I just got our Gullwings vintage sticker today to go on our Blackbird.
Another perspective
On 4/13/2002
wrote in from
Just a different view.
Before and after
On 4/13/2002
wrote in from
Left side is before [I'd already scrubbed em down with a 3M pad once, they were that bad.]
The right side is after. Low light but you get the idea.
Shined em up
On 4/13/2002
wrote in from
Yes, I know he's talkin crap. I've been chastized for being emotional and will now rise above it. I polished up those Gullwing Pros and here is a pic. I think they came out pretty well all things considered. I used Mothers mag wheel and aluminum polish on em. Put the buffing wheel on the Dremel and went to it. Let me know what you think.
On 4/13/2002
wrote in from
ice blades
On 4/13/2002
wrote in from
I looking for a set to buy or trade
On 4/12/2002 Parker
wrote in from
Hey Quadgal, Where is BoBo? GBJ is talking all kinds of smack on him on the slalom page.
XX wheels and Deck
On 4/12/2002 Quadgal
wrote in from
The XX wheels went on BoBo's Pleasure Point skater. There they stay.
The deck? He mentioned the trash. Not sure if he was serious or if he stuck it in the closet. He can say later.
Bobo & QG: XX wheels and Deck
On 4/12/2002
Steve from AZ
wrote in from
Whacha' gonna do with the beater Weed deck and the XX's?
I've got a place for both of them! Get back to me.
Gulls on the Dressen
On 4/11/2002 Quadgal
wrote in from
I stand corrected ... it's the trucks on the deck that are vintage? How about a pic of the trucks as they were before BoBo started working on them? See below...
My bad. I'm still learning. It's still a very pretty deck. :^)
Help I.D. This One
On 4/11/2002
Darvus Russell
wrote in from
Found a board in an old building. It is 30" long- 5 1/2" wide. Solid wood deck that is flat and rounded on both ends. It has a set of steel wheels mounted on both ends near the center area and it has a metal brake lever that you step on. It is red with a white lettered logo in the center that says Road Surfer-Then a thunderbird type picture of an eagle? or whatever under that then Soen-Patton Inc. Lancaster, PA. Would appreciate any help on this. Thanks - Darvus
Post-1980 Dressen
On 4/11/2002 SSofS
wrote in from
Hmmm...very nice Im sure, but Im afraid it's not pre 1980... Wipe it off now, webmeister!:-)
Santa Cruz Dressen
On 4/11/2002
wrote in from
The NOS Santa Cruz Dressen in question... it came across the pond from the UK. NOS Black Bones Cubics are on their way from Hawaii. We also found NOS Gullwing bushings for the Pro trucks that BoBo is so painstakingly restoring.
It was love at first sight... that goes for the Dressen, too. ;^D
Vans... yeah, that's gonna happen... NOT.