Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Pre-1980 Vintage Gear (6027 Posts)
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Sims slaloms or Vortex?
On 7/12/2002 Steve in AZ wrote in from (192.175.nnn.nnn)

The Bowl Riders are just as wide as those, but they're all off-set, with the inner bearings flush with the back of the wheel.

The GS wheels on that board (with the ACS-650's...my personal favorite 70's truck) I always knew as "Vortex" Wheels...Almost center-set bearings, looking like someone had glued 2 old PowerPaw wheels together and added fins to the inner lips.

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Sims slaloms
On 7/11/2002 Herbn wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

You tawk'n about the GS bowlrider, a three inch wide center set wheel that almost didn't have a truck you could mount it on, Cal slaloms, and maybe wide bahnes. OR are you talking about the double radials in the original quicksilver ad, they looked like original "Bones" but poured from Sims Pureslug er juice:) how about that vortex truck?

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Sims Slalom Wheels
On 7/10/2002 C-Money wrote in from (207.152.nnn.nnn)

These aren't mine, and if I hadn't just been to Boston and if I weren't leaving for another vacation with my honey to Hawaii on Friday, I'd be bidding for this, if only for the wheels. Those bitchin' semi-center-set Sims slaloms. The trucks aren't bad, either. Current bid just over 100 bucks.:


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Taperfakes in AZ
On 7/8/2002 Steve's Garage in AZ wrote in from (130.13.nnn.nnn)

Drex and Paulie-D...

Drex, I'm sorry I haven't had the time to get the pix to you. The 30" Taperkick second and the 36" Quicksilver Re-issue are gonna be pixed and sent to you soon, I promise.

Now about those boards that Paulie makes...

GET ONE! That's about all I can say. He makes a KILLER repo of the the 36" taperkick, complete with those faded wheelwells. It's not gonna be a pool pounder by any means, but mounted with those RII 150's and Flashbacks, it will be the BEST of both worlds! I would recommend some clear grip on it so you can gaze at the sweet inlay while you crash. ;-0

Paul, if you still have one of those 30 x 8" 9-plys (like the Alva Fake), turn Drex on to one of those. Now THAT is a board that you can plain punish in pool or park without that PESKY front-side new-school kictail crap.

In short, I am MOST impressed with Paulie's work. I still have yet to set them up with trucks and wheels, but I'll let everyone see the finished product when it's done.

Sneak peak...The 36" Fakerkick is gonna get Bennett Adtracks and either RR6's or Krypto RL 70mm Reds (beat to hell and not for sale!). The Alva fake will either get Fultracks or 1st series Indy T-hangers with 65mm Krypt. 2nd series Blue or Yoyos or Hard Red (opaque) Sims Snakes.

So much OS stuff, so little time.

-=S=-, it's been a GREAT birthday! 38 and sore.

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taperkicks in AZ
On 7/8/2002 drex wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

Hey Paul, Do you know if Steve is riding the board you made him? and how many dineros would it take for you to part with one of em?

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On 7/8/2002 Paul D wrote in from (207.134.nnn.nnn)

Check out B-S-T for what I'm looking for.

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On 7/8/2002 Paul D wrote in from (207.134.nnn.nnn)

Ask Steve from AZ (I hope its the same Steve) how He likes the taperkick I made him. Cause I've 2 more ,w/out the logos, still to sell or trade. I'm not sure it'll ride the same though. The core's not the same.
Paul D

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sims 27" taperkick
On 7/7/2002 Steve in AZ wrote in from (130.13.nnn.nnn)

Hey, Drex. I recently got a 30" board from the 70's (with a few scratches), never mounted that looks very much like the old taperkicks in construction, with no logo painted or stickered.

The guy who sold it to me said he got a number of "seconds" from different manufacturers like Sims, Tunnel and Logan. Drop me an email, and I can get you a picture. Not for sale or trade, Adam. Just to look at!


ps...Jack: Got any of them BAHNE fade stickers made up yet?

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27" taperkick
On 7/7/2002 drex wrote in from (152.163.nnn.nnn)

Hey Jack, thanks for the info on the new old-school oak BAHNES, any idea of when they'll be coming out? and where I can see em?

Thanks again...

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27" Taperkick
On 7/6/2002 Jack wrote in from (24.205.nnn.nnn)

Hey Drex,

BAHNE Skateboards will soon be offering 30", 36" and 48" solid oak boards with kicktails.

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sims 27" taperkick
On 7/5/2002 drex wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

Does anyone know of anyone who's making boards similar to the old sims taperkick boards? I just scored some randal 150's & flashbacks in the mail, so just to try em' out I mounted them on my old 27" SIMS Taperkick. Holy smokes, what a ride, it sure brought back some memories. But rather than thrash my old sims, Id like to get a new board that'll give me that "old" classic ride.


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Taperflex - thanks
On 7/4/2002 SE wrote in from (217.184.nnn.nnn)

Thanks for the comments and the help dating it.

Size of the deck is 30x7, btw.

Here's a Taperflex water ski:


It even has a similar decal under the nose. Comparing that ski to the Maherajahs I'd say they don't look like the same shop, more like comparable gear of the same era.

Here are some Maherajah skateboards:


Mine looks a bit better in the photos than it actually is. It has slight scratches on the top side, after all I did ride it, not much though. The bearings in the photos are not original because those were stuck (shielded as well). I replaced them a few years ago. I'll see if I can reverse that.


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Old Skateboards
On 7/3/2002 SSofS wrote in from (195.93.nnn.nnn)

Old skateboards...
I love em, me!

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Torque Freestyle Deck
On 7/2/2002 C-Money wrote in from (207.152.nnn.nnn)

Thanks, Gareth. Interesting that it's from Seattle. We probably bought them at the same skateshop there in Lake Hills I'll bet!

Anyone got a picture of one?

Anyone got a handle on one of these? I've got a set of RR4s and ACS500s to finish it off with. Used, so NOS not necessary.


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Tom's warp tail
On 7/1/2002 tom wrote in from (24.50.nnn.nnn)

Sorry you're right on!
Mine is exactly 31.5" as well.
I was soooo getting off on myself bragging about everything well....you know.
This is really rare, there were two on ebay about six months ago and they both came from Bill in Reno I think. I don't think he has another. Mine is drilled but doesnt' even have holes in the original rubber grip. I don't think I've ever seen an undrilled Warp tail, but I think I've seen undrilled warp 2's. AAAHHH If I could get Stacy to sign it! My twenty nine inch came from Dave Anderson who I must say is one of the nicest guys on the planet...really straight up and seems to always find what I want eventually. Notice I say what I "want" and not what I need. I guess at this point "need" has nothing to do with my collecting...I WANT IT ALL!!
I've never seen another long one like this since.
I'd love to see a Sims longer than 36" but never have seen one for sale.
So there you go.

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Carl's board!
On 7/1/2002 Gareth wrote in from (12.228.nnn.nnn)

The board you are talking about was made by Torque - here in Seattle. I had one too!

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On 7/1/2002 C-Money wrote in from (152.163.nnn.nnn)

A little help, I'm embarrassed to say I don't remember who made one of my first decks. Purchased in '77 or '78. It was orange, made of fiberglass, kicktail with camber. Maybe 27-28" long. On the top it had the word "Freestyle" in big blue letters, with like an eagle head on it.

I think it may be a freeformer model, but can't be sure. I'd like more info on it so I could start looking for a vintage one.

Anyone? Anyone? Beuler?

carl kincaid

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Weaver's Hobie
On 7/1/2002 loneskater wrote in from (159.87.nnn.nnn)

Greg weaver rode for Hobie,the laminated deck you are referring to graced the cover of Skateboard Magazine in 77 (i have one just not in front of me) that deck was made by the Maheraja Water Ski company. it has a Hobie diamond burned on one side and Maheraja on the other. very strong pretty completely laminater deck. Maheraja made a rocker model also. these were eclipsed by the "pig" boards. i rode "needles" til about late 78 and made the transfer to pigs. the Maheraja ski company is still in business. they have the most beautiful waterskis and rode to championships with wood into the eighties, when waterski competition went to mostly glass/carbon and whatever else. their skateboards will show the lamination on top and the bottom. Maheraja decks are not talked about much, i have one left. solid, strong and beautiful. George

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33" Peralta Warp Tail
On 7/1/2002 Mark wrote in from (199.46.nnn.nnn)

You have a Gordon & Smith Stacy Peralta Warp Tail deck that's 33" long?
Are you sure about that length?
I have one that measures 31.5" long, and I've never seen another one like it.
Most are shorter: 29", 27" or 25".
I know that thousands of these decks were built and sold.
How rare are the larger sizes?

Mark Colden

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MarcoPolo Industries
On 7/1/2002 Leo wrote in from (199.82.nnn.nnn)

i rode this old deck, made of mahagony or birch maybe, its like an inch thik, flex its not in his glossary, wheels are 70mm red wine and i am guessing 80a, trucks are like the acs 650 but sez MPI
have anybody seen this deck and knos how much it worth?


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Duane's splits
On 6/30/2002 Steve in AZ wrote in from (130.13.nnn.nnn)

...how 'bout workin' with the folks that have no splits and need them first, D?

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Deadbeat splits
On 6/30/2002 tom wrote in from (24.50.nnn.nnn)

Wasn't me that deadbeat bid for sure, I was out of the country. Still have them for sale? Let's talk!

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Gullwing splits
On 6/30/2002 Duane wrote in from (63.20.nnn.nnn)

tom, I hope you're not the one who deadbeat bid my splits two weeks ago...just kidding but it was probably the skate gods saying "keep them...keep them"

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On 6/29/2002 Pre-School Rider wrote in from (216.114.nnn.nnn)

SE,Taperflex did get into the skateboard market in '76,and kept making boards thru '79,then bailed out.The Spoiler didn't come with the 'bumper' system( a plastic guard that wrapped around the board's edge; btw,a good year before Kryptonics boards ),so that dates it as pre-'77. I'd hazard to guess that you're looking at an early '77,or '76 model year.The bearings,shielded,on Paws along with having the 580's mounted with four screws,not three,puts it more likely in the '77 model year. Nice,rare,well set-up board! As much as I love to ride boards like this(of this vintage),I'd have to say it's a display board due to the condition of it. Too bad,'cause I bet it rides sweet!

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Tom's stuff...You need some RR's!!
On 6/29/2002 Steve in AZ wrote in from (130.13.nnn.nnn)

WHEW! Very impressive! Most of us don't have our FIRST set of splits yet. I've amassed every type of old tracker, bennett, ACS and Gulls EXCEPT the splits...they're the only hole in the collection.

...but I agree with Chuck in that you should get at least one of those planks set up in some GUC (good used condition) or NOS Road Riders...4's for the stuff under 27", or 6's for the stuff over 28". The RR's are really the only thing that I have an abundance of, and like yourself...I LOVE TO RIDE THEM!! I rarely EVER buy NOS stuff for that reason.

AFA the other Logan you were thinking of drilling...Measure twice, drill once, my O/S friend.

Drop me a line if you wanna chat.


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