On 1/26/2007 PSR
wrote in from
United States
Ryan, you'll have to Search for yourself... However, Luging is not a 'high cost' sport (unless you count Traffic Violations), as it's the Rail (board), safety gear (helmet, leathers, gloves) and Brakes (Shoes!). Costs for a complete set-up should be under 2 grand easily, with gas money to spare. A less-expensive, not-quite-as-fast alternative is 'Buttboarding, where the sleds are restricted in Length, width, simplicity-of-construction, wheel-sizing, and have no Footpegs. They're fast, but better on short hills. Otherwise, it's a nearly-identical sport, worth looking into if your hills are are less-than 2 miles long, or you're on a tight budget. I can't say whether GSI is still doing Luging Training, but they used to up in the White Mountains in New Hampshire. there are also some local groups in various areas, like So-Cal, Vegas, Oregon, South Carolina, and New England. I hope you get into it. It's been a fun sport for me for nearly 30 years, and I've only had 2-3 scars (one took my freckles off my arm) result in thousands of over-the-speed-limit runs. What you can descend without worry is amazing if you think like a Skateboarder, and is comparable to what Motorcycles could do 40 years ago in terms of handling. There's nothing quite like feeling the tarmac rush by, inches from your body, at a-mile-a-minute or faster! Good uck finding a goiod sled and gear!