Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Region: Europe (5207 Posts)
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On 2/1/2002 michael wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

for those of you not interested in skating, or if it rains, I suggest we visit the internationally renowned 'Flat Hat Museum', and SSof S will be providing re-mixes of the Grimethorpe Colliery Brass Bands greatest hits.
Seriously though, whatever happens it will be a laugh. You tell me where else we can gaurentee a dry course, however long, with the prospect of the best session before spring....Its only 3 hours from London, or if Simon Levines giving you a lift, its only 2. Great move, Sheffield guys!

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On 2/1/2002 Paul K wrote in from (195.110.nnn.nnn)

sorry, hit return,

from the pic i got from Michael Stride, its flatland with ramp start

Paul K

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On 2/1/2002 Paul K wrote in from (195.110.nnn.nnn)

Travelling slalomer, jg i suspect

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RE: Boardfest
On 2/1/2002 Smokestack wrote in from (217.35.nnn.nnn)


Johnny Boy, it may be a little far to travel for some indoor slalom, with the possibility of outdoor stuff, if it doesn't rain. Maybe you want to come so that you can carve the arse off of everyone on the dry slope!

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On 1/31/2002 traveling slalomer wrote in from (151.204.nnn.nnn)

I'm thinking about attending the boardfest. My question is this. Hill or flat land with ramp?

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Sheffield Board Fest
On 1/31/2002 Rahul wrote in from (62.7.nnn.nnn)

alright chris looks like this board fest thing is really gonna kick off big in sheffield.
ne help u need jus let me know. im comin back up to sheffield on sunday 3rd feb.
if u want send me a photocopy or print out of the poster to stick up round sheff hallam uni as i seen few people into longboarding in uni.
also message to Lee hopefully keep into contact so can perhaps go for a skate wen i get bac to nepwort, otherwise hope to c u all on the 23rd and 24th event in sheffield.
skate safe!!!

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board fest
On 1/31/2002 Lexx wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

thanks for the offer Lee, sadly I couldnt go even if I could get a lift down. Lack of time and money. I'll come next year, just this year its out of the question. I can print off some posters and put them around cardiff if it would help.

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BF2002 poster
On 1/31/2002 BoardFest wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

For a higher-res version of the poster (204kb) for printing send us an email (boardfest@lushlongboards.com)

For those without a printer/graphics program email your address details and I'll post a paper one for you to photocopy.

smashin'. cheers for the support - this is gonna be a good one!

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poster and posting it
On 1/31/2002 sk8brdr wrote in from (206.30.nnn.nnn)

you know, if more slalomers, etc put up posters that looked good like the sheffield one-skaters would definately take notice. i love street, etc but racing someone with cones or downhilling is just as exciting and totally different. hopefully more skaters out there will discover our roots by all the passion you all possess

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On 1/31/2002 gavin wrote in from (194.82.nnn.nnn)

agree with clingfilm that the poster is excellent, there was some discussion some while ago about using good imagery for slalom and for my money you've hit it on the head (out of interest is it a modern shot?).

sadly i can't make sheffield, but i plan to print off some posters and stick em up around the college where i work, local skatepark etc. its only a small gesture but i think if a few of us did this all over the UK - esp in new school dominated parks - it would be a great way of raising the awarness of the rebrith of slalom.

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RE: Attending Sheffield
On 1/31/2002 Simon Levene wrote in from (217.35.nnn.nnn)


I'll take Dobie and Sweeney up to Sheffield. Pass them my contact details if you can.


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BF2002 accommodation
On 1/31/2002 BoardFest wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

kipping down in The House is unlikely - I spoke to them and it's not really going to work. Plenty of cheap places round here, should be empty at this time of year, not too cold for sleeping in vans...

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Sheff Board Fest 2002 Accommodation
On 1/31/2002 SSofS wrote in from (217.204.nnn.nnn)

Accomodation in Sheffield...
Go to www.lushlongboards.com/boardfest
Chris will be posting scans from Sheffield Yellow Pages v soon. Good luck!

Clingfilm stand by... Chris is going to phone you to hammer out racing times

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Attending Sheffield
On 1/31/2002 Clingfilm wrote in from (194.154.nnn.nnn)

If you can get over the Channel it is an easy drive to Sheffield. I am sure that there will be places in cars if there are not too many.
Dobie and Sweeny are thinking of comming so they will need lifts. Charalambous is in the US for his daughter birthday and I await news from Jim Parry Jones.

I suggest anyone who wants a lift liase here when we know a little more in a week or two.
There must be spaces.

Accomodation will be critical. Any chance of bedding down in the park if B+B is a problem.

I love the poster, well done. I contacted my friend in Hud last night and they had already heard about it.


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On 1/31/2002 philippe wrote in from (212.194.nnn.nnn)

Is there a way for a French longboard company (chronic crew)to attend the Sheffield event ? please give me some informations.

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RE: Sheffield
On 1/31/2002 lee wrote in from (213.123.nnn.nnn)

HI all,

i can drive you if needs be chris. Are you talking about the 23-24 of feb or this weekend about going to hudds and testing the course?

Lexx i have a few team riders from wales who will be coming up for the event maybe you can jump in with them if you like. Let me know.

later sk8ers


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On 1/31/2002 BoardFest wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

lexx - why not come along? wales isn't far

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sheffield board fest
On 1/31/2002 Paul K wrote in from (195.110.nnn.nnn)


It seems that i will be able to attend the sheffield event,

I need a lift though as condition of attendance is that wife needs car!!!

any one coming Past or near Bexleyheath, Kent


Paul K

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board fest
On 1/30/2002 lexx wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

Good luck for your board fest guys... Sounds like its going to be fun. Tell you what, ill have my own little board fest on my own on the 23rd and 24th. Just me and my board in rainy wales, riding tame hills at tame speeds. Well, at least im happy...

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On 1/30/2002 BoardFest wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

email : boardfest@lushlongboards.com

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On 1/30/2002 BoardFest wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

pics of The House (the indoor park where the slalom-sprint bit will be) now online here

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Sheffield transport
On 1/30/2002 Clingfilm wrote in from (194.154.nnn.nnn)

Simon and Lee
Thanks for the offer, can I hold until I know more about who will need a lift. I can take my car if needs be, but if I can leave it here for Paula it would be easier.

I plan to go to Huddersfield Friday night, I have friends there and I am sure that you will be welcome to stay there.
I will approach Charalambous, Doby , Jim Parry Jones and try Sweeny again, still no luck there, the party animal.
Some of the Brixton guys may also need a lift if they can not get their van.

I will let you know


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On 1/30/2002 chris @ lush wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)


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On 1/30/2002 Smokestack wrote in from (217.35.nnn.nnn)


I'm also going up from Brighton. Empty car and all that. Do you want me to pick you up on the way?

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RE: Training/comp
On 1/30/2002 lee wrote in from (213.123.nnn.nnn)

Hi all,

we would like to get some advertising space and of cause we will offer some goodies in return.

Chris are you going to sheffield on friday or local to train. Let me know as i will probably come aswell.

later sk8er


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