Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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May Fest in Sheff
On 3/5/2002 SSofS wrote in from (195.93.nnn.nnn)

Re Sheffield 'May Fest' (which is the real name, not my version)
Its some sort of annual ding-dong in Hillsborough Park, near the Wednesday ground. It's a family thing... Dont know much about it, but The House always take some ramps and get loads of skaters ridin em for free. They asked me if I wanted to do a Board Fest-type thing as well as their bit, assuring me there was a perfect long, smooth bit that would be spot-on for the purpose. (I'll have to formally check it out, but let's assume thy're right about that for now...)
The date would be tied to the May Fest. Having said that, if it clashes too much with Aviemore and the Gathering, I could consider simply doing it another time, but the good thing about the May Fest would be the 'ready-made audience' and 'general public' exposure factor.
What do you think? (let's assume the surface and course is indeed spot until proven otherwise)

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On 3/5/2002 Clingfilm wrote in from (195.195.nnn.nnn)

Well well well! It shows how clever we all are that we seem to be the only English people who speak French. No hiding away in language in this site.

Tommorrows language is Dutch. (LSD - Linford speaks Dutch)

Personally I only speak Cockney, Australian (but only in California), East coast American and German (whenever I ask a German do they speak English they say "of course").


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On 3/5/2002 christophe wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

ah ha! Michel : Un anglais qui veut etre un francais? Qu'est ce que tu fais???!

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On 3/5/2002 chris @ lush wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

deck = une planche

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On 3/5/2002 Michel wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

deck = planche n'est pas?

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fff et son turner
On 3/5/2002 chris @ lush wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

bon! vous l'avez recu quand? (votre turner, fred)
il est arrive en bon condition j'espere?
bientot tout les francais vont glisser sur turners!
le mot pour "deck" en francais, c'est quoi?
et pour "trucks" aussi - les sites sur l'internet me donnent "camion"!

Udo (germany) - where are you? you should have your turner by now; join the forum :)

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On 3/5/2002 fff wrote in from (172.149.nnn.nnn)

salut jean michel
pour la turner,c'est regle!!on vient juste de m'en livrer une:un bijou!!et surtout une paire de101's...la,ca devrait booster un peu plus;bon bien sur je doute toujours qu'un anglais puisse avoir de l'humour et encore plus qu'ils soient capable d'eviter un cone(a voir...)mais par contre il faut reconnaitre que pour te livrer une planche en un temps canon ce sont des rois(j'ai commande ma planche jeudi!).je t'appelle ...

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On 3/5/2002 martin pavey wrote in from (203.57.nnn.nnn)

i would love to fly over and skate with you guys but i have two hunry teens .i have my own woodturning studio which does not bring in mega bucks but i love the work.i live in margaret river west oz which has the most powerful surf in oz .this morning i hooked in to a 10 ft monster riding a wave ski its a good rush.enough about me.yes simon i remember you well at the ramp brighton and harrow .thinking back there was this young kid always asking questions and keen as mustard,good on you simon.if any of you want to come to oz your welcome

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bob has surfaced!
On 3/5/2002 jonathan wrote in from (212.126.nnn.nnn)

hey mr priapus we knew you were out there somewhere! how's it hanging dude? Living in oz must be a sartorial pleasure for an erstwhile sk8r like yourself. gettin any riding in?
I remember back in the 70's you were adept at pulling big beefy air! what are you riding- short or long?
Great to be back in touch after all these years!

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On 3/5/2002 Jean-Michel ATTIA wrote in from (80.13.nnn.nnn)

Hey, Michael, les rosbeefs, en France, on les mange !
Mais bientôt nous pourrons en découdre (good luck for the translation !)sur notre terrain favori, un bon vieux parcours de slalom !
Plus sérieusement, j'essaie de t'appeler cet après-midi au sujet du Turner business.

Hey, FredFredFred (fff), j'ai bien eu ton dernier mail...Dommage que tu ne m'aie pas contacté avant concernant ta Turner (je travaille en direct avec la marque...1 semaine de délai pour la livraison et un très bon prix).
Je suis à Lyon très prochainement; décides toi à me contacter au 06 79 67 94 34 pour que nous puissions nous rencontrer, je pourrai ainsi te détailler la situation actuelle en matière de calendrier des contests...et ne doutes pas une seconde du sens de l'humour de personne comme Michael Stride ou Brady "SCABS"; j'échange des mails avec eux depuis un certain temps et c'est toujours un plaisir !

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RE: Brands Hatch
On 3/5/2002 lee wrote in from (213.123.nnn.nnn)


i think that dates is the only one i can get but i will try the 13-14 july but at the moment we are looking at 15th june so i dont know.

I will keep you informed.

later sk8ers

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Slade Farm
On 3/5/2002 Clingfilm wrote in from (195.195.nnn.nnn)

Slade sounds about right. There is a car park with a path beween it and the skatepark. This is where you can do slalom, I am not sure about longboarding, but it looked possible higher up.
I have a friend who works for the council. I will see if she can find out who runs the park if you wish to try to co-ordinate.


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On 3/5/2002 Dave T wrote in from (212.219.nnn.nnn)

Cheers Chris I think that could be Ensbury park/slade farm?
Will investigate. Still moving in down here, but have mentioned to Michael that I would be willing to help/organise a race in the area, in time.

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On 3/5/2002 Clingfilm wrote in from (195.195.nnn.nnn)

The venue has the name "Farm" in it somewhere. It has a small skatepark and the path next to it is long, 30- 400 cones, and smooth. It was bitterly cold there on Saturday, and I was showing and Friends kid how to ride a ramp, not my best area.

Anyone else know it? I'll get more details.


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mr scabs
On 3/5/2002 longboardbuddha wrote in from (62.31.nnn.nnn)

hey scabs naaaaaaaaah, its a stealth plot, camouflage stylee attempt to lull you in the colonies into a warm bed cold day scenario.......we are angry slalom monsters chewing the edges of our decks in a desire to reek speed and style on da cones. you saw it here first.

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Slalom venue
On 3/5/2002 Dave T wrote in from (212.219.nnn.nnn)

Where be that venue in Bournemouth ????

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professor scabs...
On 3/4/2002 fff wrote in from (172.148.nnn.nnn)

F#@&ing ????

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On 3/4/2002 Scabs wrote in from (66.21.nnn.nnn)

Over in the states, dudu is something we avoid stepping on...he he!!!

FFF - F#@&ing Fast Frenchy

Shlalom and mozzletoff to you guys on the other side of the pond. I get the impression that you skate for fun. What a novel idea...keep it alive

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be famous!
On 3/4/2002 chris wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

put a picture of your baby/beast up on the internet, like a kind of "riders' rides" thing. hit the link on the lush longboards website.

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The french
On 3/4/2002 Michael wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

Before anyone thinks I'm being rude to the French, they should know I spend most summers there. I speak French. I love France, and I cant wait to race there. Allez les Ros Beefs!

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its true
On 3/4/2002 longboardbuddha wrote in from (62.31.nnn.nnn)

its true its true, it doesnt matter who came first last or whatever but how stylish was the run, how deep the carves, how loud the shirt, who did the betties and groms chase into the crowd, who laughed the loudest, who knocked over the most cones, who missed the cones altogether, who had the best boardfest...... cos they won.

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Simons Run at Sheff
On 3/4/2002 michael wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

Simon was indeed using his favorite Santa Cruz deck for his runs at Sheffield. The Turner prototypes were picked up by me that morning from Heathrow. I see that Ferrari used last years car in Australia, so I ask you, if you had 2 minutes of use of a prototype board what would you do....me i'd stick with what I know. Mind you, the wheels were Turners.
And as for getting an indication of how ANYONES performance would be, I'd leave that for a sunny day, a dry surface, and a load of slalomers of all abilitys.
As for what Simon was wearing, well in all my years of downhill racing I found that wearing a Hawian Shirt flapping in the wind sure annoyed the leather suited guys when I passed them.
Just working out what 'FFF' could mean but 'Fat French F*****' might be close? Oh for gawds sake...its not meant to be taken so seriously!!!!!! Lighten Up.

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On 3/4/2002 bob Priapus wrote in from (195.93.nnn.nnn)

Well you guys all seemed to have an awesome time up north, almost like the fun we used to have dodging cone sat rom barefoot!!!
sorry i couldn't make it but as some fo you knw its a long old drag form oz and well, the weathers just too dam good, downhilling on black ice or downhill in the black mountains, you makes your choices..
until the next time
old skool out

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Martin Pavey
On 3/4/2002 Simon 'Smokestack' Levene wrote in from (217.35.nnn.nnn)


You've skated with me enough times in the past to guess what setup I was using ..... or don't you remember? The last time was around 1980, though (or was it at a Harrow comp??). I might have been using a combo of Taperkick and 1st generation brown graphite... its hard to remember.

Think "Brighton .... West Pier Ramp" (and by ramp, you know I mean slope!).

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On 3/4/2002 Clingfilm wrote in from (194.154.nnn.nnn)

When in May for a comp in Sheffield. Remember Aviemore at the end. May 4th is also the Gathering in the US so we can not expect much of a turnout then.
Can you upload a picture of the site and check out the surface. How long can we go?
We'll be there if we can.

Are the dates for Brands confirmed. The Longboard Championship is the following weekend, so again we can not expect too many from the States. Can we go for a larger one on 13-14 July, no comps yet.


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