Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Bearing Reviews (4976 Posts)
Bearing Review
On 11/29/1998 T DOG wrote in from ()

These bearings kick ass !! just as they say on the box.
If you want some awesome ABEC - 5 for only like 20 bucks
and they run forever get these

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On 11/29/1998 SHEA MANNING wrote in from ()


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how to keep em goin smooth
On 11/22/1998 nick wrote in from ()

alright now people are telling you all about speed cream and clean and lubricate your bearings once a week. all thats bull. it make s you go a little faster but not much. the trick to good bearing is ya gotta break em in for 2 weeks or so then they ride great for the rest of your life. ive had mine for 2 years now, they were cheap abec 3's when i got them but i kept ridding them and inside of 2-3 weeks they were spinning faster then the 1's my friend filled up with other lubricants

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On 11/13/1998 Demon wrote in from ()

Hello, I was just wondering if anyone out there can tell me what bearings would best suit a mountian board!!??!!??

__ _____ __ PEACE OUT!!!!!!!

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Bearing Maint
On 11/11/1998 Charles wrote in from ()

My thoughts on Bearings are as follows:

I hate to buy bearings $15 - $30 for good ones, I feel like I am violated, and taken advantage of every time. My son currently rides Swiss Gold Bones (Way to Expensive, but they are the best bearings I have yet to encounter), and Two of my boards use China Bones. I am very happy with the Powell products including the Speed Cream, and will continue to use them, but only because they are readily available and convenient. However I stumbled on to this document one day and really like what the author had to say (“http://www.minibearings.com.au/skate.htm#2”). I tried all of the suggestions in his arguments and have come to the following conclusions:

1.) ABEC is a ratting skaters not need concern them selves with. I recently got sent a set of ABEC 5’s and my china bones put them to shame. According to the document ABEC has to do with tolerances and not materials used. Powell does not put the ABEC Ratting on any of their bearings.

2.) Clean Your bearings. When I purchased my newest long board It came with cheap Chinese bearings, straight out of the box the road like hell, but this was because they had packed them with axle grease at the factory. I cleaned them with carburetor cleaner and applied a thinner lube and they worked very well. Their performance was not that of any of my Powell products but they very very close and cost $0.49 each. I try to clean all of my boards monthly, but with 6 boards in the family I don’t get around to it as often as I should

3.) Light weight / Light coating. I have noticed that many skaters have a tendency to go overboard with lubricants. Many of my sons friends are rolling WD40 repositories. On the speed cream bottle the instructions call for two drops of speed cream, and they want you to use it up fast so you will buy more. I have found that one drop spun into the bearing is almost to much (Big Dropper). I have switched to Slick 50 One Lube and a hobby serenge with a fine pointed tip. If you use too much lube it spins out and provides a tacky surface to collect grime. Do not use any product that says it cleans or contains solvents such as WD40 I have heard that it will damage duralin, urethane, and other petroleum based products.

I will not get into the PTFE(Teflon) Argument but Slick 50 one lube does contain PTFE If any one knows of a Non-PTFE Light oil post and I will give it a try.

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Bearing Removal
On 11/8/1998 Adam wrote in from ()

Use either the axle from an old truck or get a skate key with a bearing tool on one end. The skate key works best.

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Bearing removal
On 11/8/1998 Tyler wrote in from ()

How do I take bearings out of my wheels without busting the bearing up?

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bearing suckas
On 10/31/1998 ss wrote in from ()

Don't waste your dime on expensive bearings. The only difference is in your pocket and between your ears. But for those who insist on buying anything higher than Abec three - they're born every minute.

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On 10/31/1998 Bearing man wrote in from ()

The shield be it green or any other color or type has zero to do with how its hold load, its only a dust shield,
and the color makes no difference. The way they can slow a bearing down is by bending it in when you mess with
it, then the shield kinked in will hit the balls, that the deal eggman, read early on and note what the other
guy said, these were design for hundreds of pounds of force vertical, and horizontal is a three to one ratio.
If you can bend a bearing from getting air then you had better turn pro and get your butt to the X games...

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On 10/27/1998 eggman wrote in from ()

I heard that the front bearing cover (the green one) is not that strong. I guess if you are a big guy and get air, they can get bent. This makes them not roll as good. (so I have heard). China Bones are killer, strong, fast and cheap. I have luckys on a cruzer board and they work fine, but I don't get air with them.
later late

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On 10/26/1998 bb wrote in from ()

Nuff already with Danny Will/Will not crap. Save it for note passingin the back of class. Someone tell me if these bearings do the job.

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lucky bearings
On 10/21/1998 Chris wrote in from ()

danny will,

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lucky bearings
On 10/21/1998 danny will wrote in from ()


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china bones
On 10/21/1998 tl wrote in from ()

Abec Shmabec.
Take your used Abec 7's and replace them with 15 dollar china bones and I guarantee the CB's will shred them. Basically, when you put new bearings in they almost always go faster than the old ones regardless of the abec rating. For Abec ratings to really make a marginal difference, you need to going almost 300 mph and weigh over 700 lbs. All I know my new China Bones destroy my Abec 5 Black Holes for reasons unknown and reasons that have nothing todo with price and Abec rating.

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Swiss bones and Halo abec 7
On 10/11/1998 noah wrote in from ()

These bearings are the sickest. If you want to roll forever. you want these bearings. All you have to do to get goin fast is, clean em' with a sovent and use 2 drops of speed cream in each on. Then bomb a big hill and bingo. Lifes to short skate crummy bearnings.

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DO NOT use dry lubricants!!!!!!!!!!!
On 10/10/1998 Anthony Torrez wrote in from ()

Anybody that has had ANY education in the field of mechanical engineering/chemical knowledge knows that "Dry" lubricants are a quick way to destroy high speed bearings. The reason; "Dry" lubricants are composed out of high surface tension compounds like waxes and vegetable based fats. As for bicycle specific lubricants, they are designed for bicycles; which have almost no load/high speed movement on the chain (due to a plethora of parts), therefore it is quite redundant to use any type of high load/high temperature lubricants. This is not the case with skateboard bearings, which can come under extreme shockloads and relatively high temperatures. In these instances waxes and vegetable based oils (like in dry lubes) are forced to chemically seperate (break down). Therefore using a high temperature/high load capable lubricant (like Teflon [which can handle temperatures of 500+ degrees fahrenheit]) is first priority. As for "being stiff", teflon is only stiff when it's in a solid form (like a big chunk or a sheet). Any teflon that is in a lubricant has been micronized (ground REALLY fine) before it's added to any oil base. Molybdenum compounds are also very good.

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quickies black panthers
On 10/9/1998 luke wrote in from ()

better than standard tube abec bearings,
easy to clean and get out of old wheels,
beats speeed demons hands down. Any one know
aboout the ceramic bearing thing eh?

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Clean yer Bearings.
On 10/2/1998 Juha Sila wrote in from ()

Do not use teflon lubricants for bearings, they made a thick film which collect grap and dirt. It also make some compound for anothers oils. It is also too stiff for bearings. Teflon really sucks -I know it, because I have 15 years career of mountainbiking and roadbiking .For cleanig use soap (dish-soap). Use very liquid oils/lubricants for ex. PEDROS ROAD, PEDROS ATB, PEDROS ROAD DRY. Pedros road dry is best for bearings. Use only drop or two and let it over night. Then clean all extra. Remeber what Scheckey says "Too much oil attracts dirt and thats bad". Molybdensulfid lubricants are also good quality, but not so liquid. Keep rolling! Keep carving! And have fun!

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See below.
On 10/1/1998 Scheckey the non-spelling guy. wrote in from ()

Thats "House hold oil" not "hose hold oil". Man that would have been funny. I know someone would have been at the Home Depo. going "Look, Damnit. I know what I want..."

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Clean yer Bearings.
On 10/1/1998 Scheckey wrote in from ()

Get some heavy duty carburator cleaner and soak your bearings
in it over night. Then soak them in a light weight hose hold oil.
Over night.(You can use speed cream but its a lot of money.)
Shake them around a bit till you see bubbles. I know some people
say this dosent work but it always has for me. Do the same thing
for Powell bearings but dont soak them in oil. Just use like a drop
or two. Too much oil attracts dirt and thats bad. The real trick is
keeping all the junk out. So dont go ridding thru a big pile of
sand. I know, I know "But Scheckey, theres sand everywhere"
Just do your best. There berings after all and can be (and will be)
replaced. If your bearings are Really shot (like you can wiggle them
back and forth, time to think about getting some new ones.
I got some dry Teflon lube from Canuck Chemicals a while back
but havent needed to use it yet. I will soon and Ill let you all know how it workes out.
So untill next time, Stay chilly.

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Ruined Bones Swiss
On 10/1/1998 Rogue wrote in from ()

Does anyone know how to re-lube bearings? Does the speed
cream actually work?


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IDS abec 5 bearings
On 9/12/1998 Sarah Hill wrote in from ()

IDS precision bearings rock! You can run these bearings
through water and they still keep on going. I definitely
recommend them to the serious longboarder. They are a little
bit more money, but you will not have to buy bearings again!

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Sector 9 Greaseball bearings
On 9/2/1998 Onesk8rboy wrote in from ()

These bearings have to be the best bearings you can get! they spin and roll smothly for excellent cruises. I say they are the best!!!!!!!!!!!

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boss speed
On 9/2/1998 brock wrote in from ()

has anyone heard of these?? if so mail me back with the
details.thankx brock

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kyrptonic abec3
On 8/25/1998 kevin wrote in from ()

call me crazy but i got them wet 1 day and know there faster i dont know why but they are

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