Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Banks & Ditches (2951 Posts)
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On 9/3/2003 Sledgehammer Jenkins wrote in from (63.171.nnn.nnn)

ever notice how when school starts, all this crud comes washing down the tube?
i'd bet norcal is a bored 13yr old sitting in class trying to sort out his naked man fantasies. he probably doesn't even skate.
oooooh, norcal. it's time to go to gym class and look at the other boys in the shower.

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nor cal regulate this
On 9/3/2003 scumbag wrote in from (209.150.nnn.nnn)

nor cal wants to keep his precious secret spot, so what does he do, (or fanatsizes about doing) he strips 5 dudes down and leaves em stranded....Now if 5 naked drunk guys wandering around your spot doesnt get it shut down then nothing will....You dont need any "kook" out of towners risking your spot....you and your "tribe" are doing a good job all by yourselves. Nor Cal you are your own worst enemy.......

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That's Amir not Gus
On 9/3/2003 K-LEE wrote in from (129.24.nnn.nnn)

My good buddy Andre pointed out a fallacy that I made on my website. The pictures of "Gus" are really of Amir. I knew their names while they were out here, I just got them crossed after scanning the pics in. Sorry for the mix up, it will be corrected soon, the 'puter I'm on right now doesn't have full network capabilities.

If and when any skaters come out to skate NM ditches, they will NOT get stripped and beat down. Quite the contrary, there is much hospitality amongst ditch skaters here in the desert. Show us an ounce of respect, and we'll show you more ditches than you can handle. Here's my question of the day: Let's say some "kooks" (which is quite an objective term here latley) raise some hell at "your" ditch and get busted. Okay, so the "kooks" got busted, but you did not. How is the ditch MORE of a bust than it was before? Was it totally legal before, and only after the "kooks" brought it to the MAN's attention did it become illegal, or are there undercover ditch partolmen hiding in the bushes waiting for the elusive locals to finally come back to the scene of their crimes? Or would they just bulldoze the ditch, or what? I understand that spots are getting busted out there, but why play vigilante? United we stand, devided we fall. My bet is that the MAN is more worried about drunken naked beatdowns and other general misbehavior than any actual skating. Maybe THAT'S why your spots are being busted, because of the territorial pissings going on. To the MAN, it looks like gang warfare.

But maybe I'm just a dehydrated desert dweller and don't know how hardcore the true scene really is out there. Maybe I don't want to know. I like the scene here, it's a lot of fun, anyone wanna come out and skate with me?

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On 9/3/2003 Sledgehammer Jenkins wrote in from (63.171.nnn.nnn)

the norcal frootbooter ditch goon boys pinned down the guys who were skating and stripped them nude?
that's so funny. They must have just gotten outta' juvenile detention center and had a thirst for men.
not that there's anything WRONG with that. oh wait...yes there is.

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re: the tough guy from nor cal
On 9/3/2003 cabbage (Mid Atlantic) wrote in from (63.188.nnn.nnn)

Hey "Nor Cal"I think your a moron, and if the "tribe" tryed to pull that sh@t on me,the tribe would have got beat down. Bring the tribe to lansdowne or any ditch in MD and look me up. So basicly you think your cool for break'n up some other sk8er's fun huh? I bet it would have been alot easier to pick up some cans. I'm sure fighting is alot better for your scene anyway. What ditch is that good? Nor Cal you got a name? You sound like a idiot, I know one thing, it makes me want to go to Nor Cal, and invade some "secret spot" suck it and grow up. I give respect to those that deserve it, and after reading your post, you get none. Localism, is the same as racism, as far as skateboarding is concerned. Good thing you have "rules" at your spot. I think I know why the "outsiders" didn't offer you a beer, any kook stating rules as I roll up on a ditch,aint get nothing but a hard time from me and my crew, unless the ditch is in your backyard. Ok now tell me how it is in NorCal, and email me your name if you don't want anyone to know secret agent man.

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On 9/2/2003 NOR CAL wrote in from (63.183.nnn.nnn)

RESPECT, we will give it only after received. But I sense that people here are finally getting the idea of what IS up.

Recent occasion of "Localism"-

Local is finishing up a session. A few (5) unfamiliar faces show up to a certain ditch. Local explains a few rules. Outsiders agree with rules. Then outsiders bring ice chest full of brewskies w/o offering local any. Local tells them they have to put it back in car because he does not want spot busted. They do. Local leaves but knows better. Local calls the tribe and gives them the 411. The tribe gathers for extreme measures. The tribe waits for dark, cruises down en mass, and sees outsiders drunk, loud, and sitting in ditch. Of course they have cans and bottles everywhere. So the tribe executes it's plan.........

The Tribe gathered all the moron's skateboards, trash, and personal belongings. That includes wallets, glasses, watches, car keys. Oh, but even more. The tribe pinned each member down and stripped them naked. So these 5 drunk morons are down in the ditch with NOTHING! The tribe brought all there property up to the moron's car and locked everything, including the keys, inside their car. (Hey, the keys were left on the seat!) So, they either had to walk real far naked to get a ride back to open the car up or break a window to get their stuff and drive off.

So the next day, everything was gone except the glass fragments from a window they busted to get out of there. We cleaned the glass up, had a great skate session, and lived happily ever after........

I love happy endings.

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re: stuff
On 9/2/2003 cabbage wrote in from (63.188.nnn.nnn)

right on banks and ditchers, good stuff going on everywhere, get yours I been gett'n mine...Team Fun I'm ready to go visit our friend Lee....I like ditches in the morning banks in the evening,ride'n permission back yard concrete roundwalls with friends..Life is so much better when your not at work...

Dillon call me, and you moth@# $Uc%$er's better give mark some respect! Threats just turn into some negative vibes that gets people hurt, and ncdsa will clip your ass on some sh@ttalk'n, been down that road,huh brewmaster, I mean webmunster???/ by the way I love banks and ditches...
go sk8

arOund wAll,


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Not in Nor Cal
On 9/2/2003 K-LEE wrote in from (129.24.nnn.nnn)

Neither I nor anyone I personally know has ever posted directions to any ditch in NM or elsewhere. Pictures, yes. Video clips, oh yeah. Satellite photo's, for sure. But directions, never have I done such a thing, nor would I. That is the reason I only give e-mail links of locals in the know on the ditch directory, and not actual directions. We already had this discussion when the directory was being built. Did ya miss that one?

Also, neither I nor anyone I personally know has ever done any kind of vandalism to any ditches in NM or elsewhere. To do so would result in definite beatdown. But I fear this more from stupid bored LOCAL kids, not outsiders coming to pay respect, which is something these ditches demand whether you're willing to give it or not.

Now that I've got that cleared up... I've updated the directory again. Now online are some killer shots that Andre took while he and the boys were in ABQ a few weeks ago. Here are some of my favorites:






You can find those and more at the ever-respectful ditch directory:


GBMII: How did the rest of the Tour go? Did you catch my last slam on Saturday on film? I left a lot of skin all over the bike path, right in front of an old guy peddling up the trail and a group of shortboarders walking up. Should've been wearing my Bear Paws.

Which reminds me: If ya wanna come out and have full on shuttle runs at the best ditches in the world, go over to the Contest Calendar and sign up for GI Joe's Sandia All-Around Challenge. No ditch races this time, but plenty of ditch riding! (had to get that plug in, I told Joe I would)

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Nor Cal Ditches
On 9/2/2003 Yet another Nor Cal local wrote in from (12.162.nnn.nnn)

Respect the spot, for sure. Respect the locals, for sure.

Bring shiny tokens to barter with. 12-ounce aluminum cylinders filled with cold beverages usually do the trick.

If there is a crew skating there, ask the following:

"What's up? Is it cool if I/we skate here?"

I have witnessed beat downs over spots here in Nor Cal, some very recently. The natives are restless and they will likely demand something from you, and it will probably be respect, silence, and beverages. Provide these three and the 'crete shall be free to thee.

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On 9/2/2003 Tony wrote in from (64.234.nnn.nnn)

Yo, after all my years skating, i have never witnessed a beat down of a non local her in Burque, nor do I ever want to. Now if a bunch of punks came down and started spray painting graffitti, in them they should expect to get beat down. If you come here, skate, have a good time and leave, you should have nothing to worry about. Thats the way it should be everywhere. I just can't see a bunch of 45 year old locals beating other people down for wanting to have fun. It's just childish.

You give respect, you get respect.

now lets go skate.

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On 9/2/2003 Andre wrote in from (12.237.nnn.nnn)

I agree with GMBII, respect is the key. Respect those that came before you, the locals. Respect the businesses and homes around it, it is their backyard. Respect the man in blue if he makes and appearance, he's doing his job. Respect the spot, or it won't last.

I've been in this for less than an year, so my experiences are limited. But I do know that respect with a cop is the difference between a fine/jail time and a simple "go home". I also know that ditches have been made available for my skating due to my respect to the locals, both here in Dallas and in NM.

Maybe my parent's spanked me just right, but respect has always been #1 with me.

Just my two cents


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Yikes - Ditch/spot localism??
On 9/2/2003 GBMII wrote in from (143.183.nnn.nnn)

I think the real key is repecting the area. Some spots in the Desert have been around for 20 years, some have just been built. Why are they still around?

In New Mexico you won't find an inch of skater generated grafitti at any of the spots. No stereos blasting or beer cans being tossed. And that's why the crew in New Mexico can broadcast far and wide and share their bounty.

It's not rocket science finding a spot. I can read a topo map, and I know how to get info from the city public works depts. I've found 'em all across the world; Florida, Cali, NM, Colrado, Georgia, Oregon, Spain, Italy and plenty of others. If somebody has found a spot before me I'll respect the local rules. If somebody hands me a map to a spot I'll make sure it's cleared with the crew first. If it means cases of PBR, I'm down with that. You want me to help pay for some building supplies for some of the improvements you made, cool - I'm in. But I WILL skate it.

Yeh - I'm real sorry that your pipe is a super bust now, and I real sorry about all the "Jake must die" backlash too. It was fun when I skated it in '78. Localism couldn't have saved that spot, but a little education and respect could have kept it open a bit longer.

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On 9/2/2003 NOR CAL wrote in from (158.252.nnn.nnn)

mark - Didn't see either post. They should NOT have been censored. Also, if you had a 12 pack - we would probably ask you to stay. (Heineken! F*ck that Sh*t! PABST BLUE RIBBON!)

hugh r - I use 82-85 duro depending on wheel size. I like bigger wheels, but risk serious wheel bite. I've tried boards with cut-outs and that might be the ticket so 70mm+ steamrollers can be used. Bearings, I buy ABEC 5 bearings in bulk (no brand name) and when they get dirty I throw them out. It ends up costing me about $2.50 a set and lasts from 1 1/2 to 3 weeks. Wheels last about 6-12 sessions.

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nor cal locoism
On 9/1/2003 mark wrote in from (198.81.nnn.nnn)

hey!!!who's censoring this forum.some joker posts that there will be great bodily injury to myself or others if you end up in his or hers ditch.i write a satircal reponse about protecting myself and you delete it from the forum. whats up with that?i guess the ncdsa encourages beatings of non locals? if so,maybe you should quit skating and just take up gang banging fulltime? P.S. nor cal next time i run into 6 locals near you im buying 1 12 pack and leaving.i grew up with heavy localism it was no fun then and still to this day its no fun.

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ditch wheels
On 9/1/2003 hugh r wrote in from (205.216.nnn.nnn)

What are you guys using for the less than perfect cement in most of the CA ditches (at least in so cal)

I have found the 78a 65mm NoSkoolz with PT ceramic bearings to be a very fast smooth quiet wheel... HR

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Banks & Ditches
On 9/1/2003 Ditch Poet wrote in from (129.44.nnn.nnn)

Me too! got new wheels to break in! :-)

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On 9/1/2003 NOR CAL wrote in from (158.252.nnn.nnn)

yet another nor cal local - You pegged it.

Ditch Poet - I always have a broom & trash bag. Yes, teach the young - stand up when neccesary.

Twain - quit thinking about my ass being spanked. Pervert.

I'm done w/ all this and I believe the rules are loud and clear. I'm going skating.


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nor cal ditches
On 9/1/2003 yet another nor cal local wrote in from (209.157.nnn.nnn)

i don't know any of these guys. at least i think i don't. maybe i do...

been skating ditches spillways reservoirs pipelines and other assorted flights of fancy here for a loooong time. no hassles with any of the other bros. its usually just me or a very small crew. we leave no indications of our presence anywhere we go. we run into other local crews and it's no hassle, 'cuz we keep it low profile, just like (most) of them. shut up, skate, get out. leave no trace of your presence, and it will likely be cool next time.

i do know that advertising or bringing in outsiders who will blow a spot is verboten. always has been, always will be. keep it quiet and you won't get in too much trouble. i do know that busts around here are more frequent, more vigorously enforced, and more expensive since 9/11. a certain pipe that has been exposed way too much in print is now a certain bust and an expensive one.

new mexico may be God's land of ditches, but out here in nor cal, we have to be content with God handing us the best weather in the world. ditches He was not so abundant with.

most of the locals around here are serious about their spots. they are not to be messed with or mocked. ask permission and you will likely receive. barge in and kook it up and you might regret it.

no noise. no graffitti. no trash. no broken glass. no stickers. and no blabbing or advertising it. no outsiders that might break any of the above rules. and you will likely get to skate here another day.

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nor cal
On 9/1/2003 twain wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

"Learn from it! If you can't, maybe your parents didn't spank you enough."

May be your spanked you too much?

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Banks & Ditches
On 9/1/2003 Ditch Poet wrote in from (129.44.nnn.nnn)

I clean the mess and keep skating... I don't like being someones parent, but in reality that's all you can do... clean it and keep going. I also let local home owning non-skaters know that the skaters have to clean the areas in order to use it. That helps a great deal, when they see a skater out there with a broom. Never under-estimate your power to change the minds of those around you who are ignorant. The young mess makers come in waves, most will dissapear, the ones who remain do it for the love of the glide and the cut on the bank, they learn respect for themselves and others along the way. We are all teachers to those who come after us, force changes nothing but only perpetuates the past. I personally would fight only when someone is in physical danger, something I have, regretfully, been forced to do on occasion.... My love for skating and my love for my brothers and sisters who choose to do it is my only true voice, those that choose to hear it will, those that choose not too will not.


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On 9/1/2003 NOR CAL wrote in from (158.252.nnn.nnn)

Now Ditch Poet, I respect that you've been around since 1974 skating the same ditches as I and 2 years longer. What would you do if a bunch of punks came around and graffitied everything, broke bottles and posted directions on the net so your spots become a bust and you can't ride them anymore? (and possibly getting a big $$ ticket?) Would you use your "Gullwings between the ears" trick?

And yes, I've skated the ditch closest to my house 4 times in the last 3 days. Nothing but respect and good times amongst all the local skaters. Young and old.

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On 9/1/2003 NOR CAL wrote in from (158.252.nnn.nnn)

I'm funny! HA!HA! I'm so glad you are amused. One post you support local traditions and localism, the next you are mocking it? Feeling a little bi-polar? (I love all these new catch words.)

No, I personally can't patrol 24-7. So, if someone gets in and out, they are safe.

You are right, it's not 1973. It's 2003 where it's more crowded, less resources, and the general disposition of the World is angrier and more militant. It's actually a good ol' USA tradition to wipe out any advisary when our toes are stepped on.

No, I won't punch out a kid, but I'll scare them off. But if you are an adult and can't take your lickin's. Don't call your self a man. Weigh your options wisely and ask, "Is it worth it?" I ask that all the time and being from NOR CAL, I know when to walk away. I posses a trait called self preservation.

Just know when to walk away.

PS Mark - Stealth = leave no traces. Wise way to work. But, what would you do if all of a sudden 6 local heavies came walking up? Are you buying beer for all of them?

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Banks & Ditches
On 9/1/2003 Ditch Poet wrote in from (129.44.nnn.nnn)

Now now childern....
If you love your ditches so damned much you should be out skating them and not talking about them on the net should you?
I've been skating the ditches of which you speek since I moved up from LC in 1974! I've got the scars to prove it, and the mind to move it, and I've seen days of drought that left me as the lone skater, What gives? When you die you're dust, you own nothing, this does not belong to you, and if you wanna claim it, step to my old azz and get some Gullwings between your ears! These are the by-product wastelands of man, and all earth cast of skater children are welcome here.

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On 9/1/2003 snoball wrote in from (68.200.nnn.nnn)

You're funny mr.nor cal...hilarious even..i love
your religious zeal...fantacism...

maybe you could start a secret society just for
the purpose of 'punishing' those who deign
to skate your spots without permission...

but then, again i'd ask...if you're not there, how
would you know?

All the posturing in the world, the rough talk..this
doesn't make you anymore credible than anyone else...
If anything, your inability to accept that it's not
1973 anymore makes you cartoonish...Juveniles
often get away with beating each other up, but adults
go to jail...i can see it now:

"What are you in for?"
"Well, I'm a skater and this skater was in my spot
so I kicked his ass."
"Uh huh. And uh, you're what...45?"

but you keep bellowing, keep fighting for that
flag on the hill, keep up the rabid growling...

it's mildly entertaining even..

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no cal
On 9/1/2003 mark wrote in from (198.81.nnn.nnn)

and another thing.maybe you need to clean your own house?respect do you know the definition of the word? checking I.D's HAH I enter quietly,skate in stealth mode,leave quietly!thats all we need another self important,self appointed guardian of skate medocrity.

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