Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Banks & Ditches (2951 Posts)
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Members only directory
On 4/8/2003 K-LEE wrote in from (129.24.nnn.nnn)

Nah, I don't see "members only" being the way to go, I'd like everyone to see the pics. And besides, it would actually be way easier for a kook (i.e. someone who puts WAX on a ditch!?!?!) to become a "member" than to get through the local's email filter. Good idea though, we've got to keep it select somehow. So far, the idea I have is to just list ditches by city and state, then have pictures and/or video and a brief description, then an e-mail link if you want the lowdown. A real low key site, no flashy graphics that take forever to load (some of us still dial up, and text is ideal), no frills, just like ditch skating.

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"noun's ditch"
On 4/8/2003 chris wrote in from (63.242.nnn.nnn)

well noun it sounds to me that not knowing when to just keep quiet and leave got your buddy joe in trouble with the cops ,not the "old geezers" who were upset about the wax, etc..I don't know how long you guys have been going to king's ditch, but I do know that it has been skated trouble free for at least three years by some of those "old geezers", and now something has occured to make them tear it out. WOW! I wonder what brought that on? I guess I won't be coming up to Allentown anymore, Thanks!

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noun's ditch
On 4/8/2003 Jerry wrote in from (24.102.nnn.nnn)

If you have to add grinders and (shudder) WAX to a ditch, maybe ditches aren't your thing. Maybe you should stick to skateparks.

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Proved the point
On 4/8/2003 Lenny wrote in from (156.63.nnn.nnn)

That's part of the reason why the "geezers" (if you're referring to old schoolers) DON'T want the word on great ditches to be blown high and DON'T want people the grafitti, etc.! Keep everything low-key there, boyo! Even if you hate them, at least act like you're listening to the cops. Your actions took what could have been a simple "yes sir yes sir" leave for 30 minutes, come back and skate to your spot being jackhammered.

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On 4/8/2003 noun wrote in from (63.171.nnn.nnn)

we put up some bitchin rails and grinders on the king ditch and some old geezers were whining because they got something against grind rails and wax and grafitti.
so they called the cops and the cops came and we told them "this is america" we are free to ride. then they told us we were trespassing and would get busted if we stayed so joe decides to take one last run and the cop gets all pissed and took his board and wrote him a citation for trespassing and said he would arrest us all if we didn't leave. then he said he'd be watching for us to come back so he could arrest us since we were warned.
when we went back there the other day they had jackhammered the transitions so we cant even skate it anymore.
all because of the lame old geezer kooks.

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Ditch directory
On 4/7/2003 Mick Team known wrote in from (68.33.nnn.nnn)

I was thinking maybe you should make it a members only site. So only skaters that are ligit and will respect places, can get the info. I dont think it would be the best idea to publish the directions of ditch's to everone in the world. Thats just a notion I had. I support this project and have spots I can add to it.
Peace Mick

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On 4/7/2003 HoThEaD wrote in from (68.33.nnn.nnn)

yo man i got a team 39 gravity is it good for ditches

-JOE aka hothead

SK8 or DIE

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Ditch Directory
On 4/7/2003 Eric B wrote in from (152.163.nnn.nnn)


Agree. To have pics with the email of the local who submitted the pics can't be harmful. This way it would be about perogative on behalf of the person who submitted the pics. Respect and common courtesty should be shown in return if and when the ditch loc' decides to flow them the privilage.


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ditch directory
On 4/7/2003 66 wrote in from (65.83.nnn.nnn)

been following the discussion.....

www.longboardmaps.com is doing a hill directory, streets are hardly "secret spots" so i don't think what they are doing is a much of a threat as a ditch directory

but as skateboarders, we all know the unwritten code of keeping spots on the down low.....

in the mid 80's, some dude from Columbus, Georgia sent a picture of a spot called "Juniors Ditch" to Thrasher with a small scene report - the picture was wrongly identified as being in Athens, Georgia

well, we were inspired by the picture, renamed our most prominent local ditch, "Juniors", a name that has stuck

what does this have to do with the ditch directory? nothing, but going off on tangents is my specialty


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Ditch Directory
On 4/7/2003 Lenny wrote in from (156.63.nnn.nnn)

For waht it's worth, I think Photos, descriptions and an email link to the "local" who submitted the ditch would work really well. I too have seen way too many great spots become a bust when it becomes too widely known.

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Directory elitism
On 4/6/2003 K-LEE wrote in from (172.191.nnn.nnn)

I've been chatting a bit via e-mail with some of you, and the best idea we've collectively come up with so far is to have an e-mail link accompanying each set of ditch photos. If someone wanted directions to a ditch, they'd have to e-mail one of the locals, who then could screen the inquiries and filter out the kooks and narcs. So, the directions wouldn't be listed explicitly on the site, but you would have contact info and would be given directions, if you were cool enough. I'm working on it, I've got some major Number Theory homework due this week, but the next biggest priority is the directory website. Keep those ideas coming!

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ditch directory
On 4/6/2003 Glen D. wrote in from (216.102.nnn.nnn)

While I like the idea of finding out about ditches. I don't like the idea of their where abouts getting published. I have no problem taking people who I know will respect a spot and leave it cleaner than when we got there, but I have seen too many places get shut down by people having massive barge sessions or people tagging the spots or the spot becoming a party location and the neighbors getting fed up with beer bottles on their lawns or in the gutters of the streets surrounding the ditch. I think a directory would lead to more shut downs. I think having a list of long time sessioned spots if fine but don't go blowing out the less known, higher bust factor places.

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re:Ditch Directory
On 4/6/2003 Eric B wrote in from (152.163.nnn.nnn)


Please do a national/international ditch directory with every state of the union and anyone who wants to send stuff from overseas. I'd be glad to help out and send pics whenever it decides to get warm and stops threatening to rain/snow back east.


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Online Ditch Directory
On 4/5/2003 K-LEE wrote in from (172.194.nnn.nnn)

I've been toying much with the idea of a ditch directory, I'm kinda sorta working on a website right now, it's in the final stages but I have builders block. If anyone wants to send me pics or vids of ditches along location information, I might as well start version 1.0 of the ditch directory webpage myself. I'll get a crackin' this weekend, and hopefully have it up and running next week some time. I'll be able to have it hosted until at least summer 2004, so let's give it a go. Go ahead and send anything to the above email address. Let's do this.

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New York
On 4/4/2003 Lenny wrote in from (156.63.nnn.nnn)

I've never been to New York, but I was just on www.skatespots.com and there were quite a few spots listed under New York. Also, try www.longboardmaps.com

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Any in NY
On 4/3/2003 Jimmathy wrote in from (68.194.nnn.nnn)

Any banks or Ditches in the Long Island NY area??? i see all these videos of bank and ditch skating and it pisses me off cuz i cant even find a decent bank. well if anyone knows any good spots (even if its just a bitch'n hill) please respond... i dont wanna burn out and go back to shortboarding for lack of spotage...

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Ditch Directory
On 4/2/2003 doug wrote in from (209.150.nnn.nnn)

John 0
Id completely be onboard for a ditch directory. Nothgin fancy,
just a bare bones index with directions and pics. sweet

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ditches are sexy
On 4/2/2003 JAy wrote in from (170.213.nnn.nnn)

this may be a futile attempt but...
Looking for fellow cruisers to hang with and show me around good spots ( BAnks& Ditches) along my road trip/journey trough CAli /Arizona/ New Mexico.
I'm in San diego area now, but will be traveling around during the next few weeks.
Its too cold in my hometown on the east coast of Canada so I left...

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SandiaPro BankedSlalom
On 4/1/2003 WesE wrote in from (216.164.nnn.nnn)

Yo Joe! Would it be possible for me to enter the Timeship banked slalom events without paying an entry fee and then pass the prize money down to the next fastest racer if I manage to podium? It would help since I'm already paying mucho grande just to get there from DC..

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Sandia Pro rBanked Slalom
On 4/1/2003 GI Joe wrote in from (65.19.nnn.nnn)

TimeShip Racing event #1 will be a weekend of Banked Slalom in Albuquerque, NM. May 17th and 18th 2003. Go to the contest calendar for details, sign up and bring a full quiver. Prize money for combined events, fun for all!

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John O
On 4/1/2003 Lenny wrote in from (156.63.nnn.nnn)

Here are some shots somebody put up of a ditch here in Ohio. I think the ditch directory would be a great idea!


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RedBull UrbanWaves
On 3/31/2003 WesE wrote in from (216.164.nnn.nnn)

In general, speed was from the walls. Something that might shed some light: the course description on the UrbanWaves site is completely skewed. I showed up with a board that was built for getting speed on the 100 foot distances between the banks and did mediocre because the banks were only about 25 feet apart. The course was about 300 feet from top to bottom. It was still a fun race though, don’t get me wrong. I hope they have another one.

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Red Bull Urban Waves
On 3/31/2003 Darryl Freeman wrote in from (24.25.nnn.nnn)

Does anyone know if Red Bull is planning to hold this contest for a second time. Also, were you guys pumping between ramps or was all speed generated off the corners?

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On 3/27/2003 John O. wrote in from (198.81.nnn.nnn)

I'd love to see some more shots of your favorite local spots. I'm working on some right now. Maybe we could all get together and create an online ditch directory. K-Lee, what about a few shots of 3 Mile ditch? I have a serious ditch fettish.


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Good Luck Cabbage!
On 3/26/2003 Match wrote in from (192.104.nnn.nnn)

Glad to hear the Downer session seems to have gone well this past weekend. I wish I could have been there! Just wanted to drop a line to Cabbage and wish him good luck with everything down there! I hope it all goes well for you.
If anyone gets a chance - check out the trailer for the new KNOWN video at - KNOWN east.coast.longboarding
Sign the guestbook on the page and let us know what ya think!
keep ridin'

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