Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Banks & Ditches (2951 Posts)
Topic Message
On 9/1/2003 NOR CAL wrote in from (158.252.nnn.nnn)

Now, after having the 1000th post..........

Mr. Hugh R,

You exhibit the perfect approach that we are trying to convey w/ our messages regarding NOR CAL - RESPECT!

We don't mind having a friend from "elsewhere" join us in a fun skate around in a secret ditch. We just bring people that understand The Code.

The reason we've become stern about NOR CAL is because of a few people on this forum (Dano especially) disrespecting protocal (And he says he is a local! HA!) Locals sometimes have to crack down in order to bring things back to "normal". After things get back to normal, traditional good willed-honarable visiting skaters get to jump into the mix.

I know who you are MR. R, when things become status quo, you might, repeat might, hear from me. Thanks for understanding.

PS All you low lifes that don't know what respect is, pay attention to the wisdom of what 42 years has given Mr. R. Learn from it! If you can't, maybe your parents didn't spank you enough.

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On 9/1/2003 NOR CAL wrote in from (158.252.nnn.nnn)

I just wanted the 1000th post............

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code of silence
On 8/31/2003 hugh r wrote in from (205.216.nnn.nnn)

It should go without saying that I would of course be sworn to silence and would not take any pictures or ever speak of the spots in a way that would even give a clue as to their locations... HR

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favorite spots
On 8/31/2003 hugh r wrote in from (205.216.nnn.nnn)

Not that I have any trips planned to nor cal from so cal anytime in the near future... but I do find myself up there from time to time.

If I were to find myself in the northern half of this beautiful state that has been my home for most of my 42 years on this earth... would there be a way for a guy like me to be able to hook up with some locals in order to experience the flavor of your ditches? HR

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On 8/31/2003 NOR CAL wrote in from (158.252.nnn.nnn)

Do you have any more suggestions to help people barge a secret spot? The whole point is to keep your (our) mouth shut! Not to help them find places!

Bottom line: If you are NOT a local and you show up to one of our NOR CAL spots uninvited; traditional means of "welcome" WILL occur. We might even improvise and create new expressions of "hospitality".

If I lose my VERY valuable every day spot because of any non-local (or stupid locals) - I'll go F-ing George Dubbyah on your ass!




STAY COOL IF THEY ARE LOCAL - EVEN IF YOU DON'T KNOW THEM. (REMEMBER - some guys have been skating some places for 30 years, learn from them!)




Remember, it's like your little sister. You look out for her and protect her. What would you do to the person that violated your sister........ Know what I mean?

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On 8/31/2003 snoball wrote in from (68.200.nnn.nnn)

As a native of Cali I grew up and saw localism
at it's ugliest. I know what you're saying. The
implied threat of repurcussions for busting spots.

I don't think it's totally unwarranted either. It's
unfortunant that some skaters find a spot and trash
it to hell or pull the heat in through some other
kind of behavior. You have every right to be pissed.

The only thing you're overlooking is that, unlike the
70's or even the 80's, anyone with a computer, a search
engine, and a couple of brain cells to rub together
can 'look' for the spots you speak of. They're
often outlined in civil engineering maps etc that
are posted as everything from open .html files to
.pdf reports between agencies. It's not a matter of
having to rely on any insider grapevine or invitation
anymore. There's a reason this is called the Information
Age. Anyone who knows how to use Mapquest can find anything
from ditches to hills to pipes if they know what they're
looking for.

Given that, your alternative is to stand guard over
your spots but can you be there 24/7? Or, people ( skaters )
are going to just have to understand that if you
do find a spot and you mess it up for the locals you're
f'd ( most old skoolers 'get' this..i'm not sure
if it's the same with the kids..). In any event, those who might do this could very well get away with it never incure your wrath.

What then?

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On 8/31/2003 NOR CAL wrote in from (158.252.nnn.nnn)

What a horribly overlooked and obvious reason why I'm here:

NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Downhill Skateboarding Association


New Mexico Blab Your Secret Spot Skateboarding Association

Have you ever surfed in Nor Cal as an un-invited guest at a local spot and found out what happens? Do you know what it means by living under and respecting the unwritten laws known as "Mountain Rules"? My guess is, "No."

Well if you cross the line at a Nor Cal skate secret spot, you might find out. Same rules and reprecussions apply. If you are lucky, you might:

A- Be there and get out before the locals come.


B- Be able to run real fast for a real long time. (I like to show up on a dirt bike, I'm more "mobile" that way. Can you run that fast?)

Remember: Old School rules, Old School skaters, Old school spots, Old School localism. Proud of it.

PS Respect goes a long way. Thank you.

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NorCal spots
On 8/31/2003 Another NorCal Local wrote in from (12.234.nnn.nnn)

ABQ and NorCal are different. You can't necessarily see the ditches and spillways from the road here.

Plus, the stakes are higher. It's currently a $1500 fine if you're busted skating one of our larger and more infamous spots.

If you find a spot on your own, fine. If someone who knows brings you there, okay. But if you leave any evidence of your visit, or bring someone who blabs its whereabouts, that is never a good thing.

Why do you think we've PURPOSELY misspelled our spots for those who inquire for more than 20 years? To keep out the great unwashed - those who would bring grafitti, trash, noise, and unwanted attention to our spots.

Blatant localism? Yup. And why not? There are way more spots here that have been busted than are skateable.

Why are we here? Isn't this the Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association?

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Nor cal
On 8/31/2003 Nor cal wrote in from (158.252.nnn.nnn)

Stories are great, technique is great, equipment is great, talking about ditches that are visible from the road and everyone knows is great, "big fish" stories are fun. But -


Keep the code. I have lost spots because of big mouthed people inviting too many people to a spot - breaking stuff and painting graffiti everywhere. It was not cool and I don't want to lose another spot. Is that unreasonable? HELL NO!


Why do I come here? I come here because it's one of many forums on NCDSA, which I've come to every day for ??? years. I won't post on "your" forum (Ha! Ha!), if you guys don't post about our ditches.


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Say no to spot posting?
On 8/31/2003 K-LEE wrote in from (129.24.nnn.nnn)

It is bad to post spots on this forum? Then what the hell is it supposed to be used for? Bragging and teasing? Is that what skaters do? Well, I guess this forum just became useless. One more question for the Nor Cal's, why were you even here in the first place?

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On 8/30/2003 rol wrote in from (24.130.nnn.nnn)

posting spots? so sad, where you get of calling yourself a skater?

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San Jo Ditch Tour
On 8/30/2003 Another NorCal Local wrote in from (66.87.nnn.nnn)

We keep our spots secret for a reason. We don't want them to be published, blabbed, smoke-signaled, and otherwise broadcasted to the general public.

We have enough spots that have been busted by the authorities. The PG&E reservoir is the latest of these to be shut down. Did you have anything to do with that, by bringing everyone and their brother?

Advertising spots on the Internet is not cool. Ever.

Stop it. Now.

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On 8/30/2003 NOR CAL wrote in from (63.183.nnn.nnn)



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San HO ditch tour
On 8/29/2003 dano wrote in from (208.200.nnn.nnn)

don't tease my crippled arse, check your e-m

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On 8/29/2003 ICE wrote in from (165.121.nnn.nnn)

So when's the San HO ditch tour begin??

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ditch blah blah
On 8/27/2003 snoball wrote in from (68.200.nnn.nnn)

Hey tony...no, i didn't skate the ditch behind lowes..just
took a pic of it...didn't skate 528 either...

sorry i missed you too...maybe next time mayn :-)

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On 8/27/2003 Tony wrote in from (171.75.nnn.nnn)

Killer pics. I am back and everything is cool. I'm sorry I missed you, looks like you had a kick ass time here in Burque. I see you skated Big Pink and the ditch behind Lowes. those are some of my favorite spots. did you make it out to 528? Just think, people come from miles around just to play in the gutter.


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ditch pics
On 8/26/2003 snoball wrote in from (68.200.nnn.nnn)

more film than stills but here's some stuff fer now,
if anyone's interested...not sure if these belong
here or not but anyway...


btw, the pic that says at the bottom 'palmer4hillsDitch.jpg':

JC and anyone else watching it can confirm Palmer has HUGE cajones....at the bottom of the ditch you'll see a drop off...the cement slants down over 45 degrees and drops about 9 feet into a small diameter sewer...*maybe* 5' around...Palmer decided it would be a good idea to skate into this tunnel of love ( or hate, depending on the outcome )....i sat there video cam in hand and had to switch to IR just to catch him it was so dark...I can't remember but I think John West went in too...

Palmer went for it and swoosh! disappeared into the darkness...only the echo of him sliding his feet in there
to break himself and his board running away down sewer
from him....he had to go further in to find the board and finally, came back out the hole....thank god, luck, and his skills...

it'll be a QT clip, believe me...

and this one's just folks chillin' in between moments


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D.R.U. in ABQ
On 8/25/2003 snoball wrote in from (68.200.nnn.nnn)

Reeeeaaaallly tired after getting in here but Sharon if you read this: I'm sooooooo sorry ( double letters, double letters..) for missing your call at the hotel and not
getting back to you..mad rushed with minutia details and
missed you at dinner...not catching up with you again is
my only regret of the trip...

Kaylee thanks so much for being patient and so generous with your time and you're a natural in those ditches ( i gots
proof too folks ;-) and Palmer, HUGE respect for your
skills man you rock big time even if you did stand there
laughing at me as i ate it ;-) just kidding ( though it would've been well deserved ha ha )...Jeff, thanks for the
surprise and making my bag that much heavier on the way home and finally, big, big ups to my bro' JC for making a haul in a truck with personality issues...you got HEART man...all you NM skaters are awesome folk and i look forward
to leaving more flesh around there in the future...thanks
for being kind to my Pop as well...my only real hero...it
was tough to leave there just to come back to the rain in
florida :-( But I got religion out there so i'll make
the pilgrammage back to ditch Mecca again one day...but
next time i'll stay longer and carry fewer boards..

The only thing I couldn't find was the one thing I should've
been able to leave with...a t-shirt that says

I got Ditch Slapped!!

ha ha ;-)

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K-Lee is da man
On 8/25/2003 Gus wrote in from (12.237.nnn.nnn)

Gotta give props to Kaylee for being such an amazing host. All around great guy and a great ambassador to the sport. C'mon not everyone would have hosted so many guests to the NM ditches and had such a great attitude all the time. From the newbs like me and my bros to legends like Wentzle Ruml.
K-lee, if before the trip me Andre and Amir were addicted, now there's no way back.
By the way Andre has some pretty good pictures for your site...
Say hello to Nyah. Me and Andre might head back there late Sept., depending on my class load...
Thanks once again,

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portland ditches
On 8/25/2003 Ben wrote in from (12.224.nnn.nnn)

I've already tryed the mapquest thing but I dont even know were to start looking. Besides I probably wouldn't recognize a ditch even if I did see one on mapquest (its not very clear)
Thanks anyways.


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Visitors come and go, but the ditches are ALWAYS being ripped!
On 8/24/2003 K-LEE wrote in from (129.24.nnn.nnn)

Just wanted to get in a quick THANK YOU to Pamela and her Daddio for being such awesome guests, not to mention Palmer for being insane, Jeff for being super extra generous, Sharon for emerging out of her lush garden, JC for making the trek in a questionable truck, and Nyah for being beautiful and understanding. It's 11:30 the night before my first day of classes for the last semester of my undergraduate career, gotta get up early and do a 7:30am session with Wentzle Ruml, then off to school I go. Man, Andre and his bros were in town last weekend, this weekend it was Pam, now Wentzle's here, next weekend it's the Florida Legends. Thank god I love ditch skating so much, otherwise this would burn me out! Too bad the Sandia race is next month, we've had 4 groups of people visit in a little over 2 weeks time! Gotta put a revolving door up at Indian School or something. I may be busy as hell for the next 16 weeks, but I'll be skating when I can, updating my site, and answering e-mails, so keep in touch, I'm here, no matter how silent I may seem. Later skaters.

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On 8/24/2003 -JC- wrote in from (65.179.nnn.nnn)

Ben; try mapquest. If you think of any area in town that is used for drainage, look it up, and then hit the photo option.

Joe; I'll be at the shop tomorrow, call you then.

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Portland OR area ditches
On 8/24/2003 Ben wrote in from (12.224.nnn.nnn)

Anyone know of some ditches in the portland oregon area? So far all ive found are a couple of ok banks but nothing exiting.
Also any tips on to find em?


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Sandia is Coming up
On 8/24/2003 Joe wrote in from (65.19.nnn.nnn)

Sharon, call me, JC, call me, Palmer, call me, Kaylee, I'll call you. Lowrie I'll be in town this week, let$ get together. Get ready to RACE! GBM3, will you race or write?

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