Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Slalom Skateboarding Pro Mike Maysey

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Q&A: Slalom Pro Mike Maysey (2489 Posts)
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BMW Stalking...
On 4/28/2003 Miko wrote in from (66.81.nnn.nnn)


The main thing when traveling on an intersecting path with an oncoming car is to stay low so there's a smoother *bump* as it rolls over you. Those rubbery tires aren't nearly as hard as all that nasty steel, glass and plastic, so it's best just to jump right under them, as I so aptly demonstated last november.

See ya next week, if I survive this week...

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Wheel wear
On 4/28/2003 Smokestack wrote in from (217.39.nnn.nnn)

Wheels wear out fast when slaloming.


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On 4/28/2003 Hamm wrote in from (63.175.nnn.nnn)

Sounds to me like Julius may have some bent/out of alignment axles

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Coned wheels
On 4/28/2003 Julius wrote in from (199.2.nnn.nnn)

Mike, I think I figured out the wheel situation.
Due to the alignment of the sun, moon and stars,
the gravitational pull on my wheels was greater than John's
More riding, less talk should solve this problem.
Looks like I'll be buying a set of wheels for John
after I waste them at the Gravity Festival S.F.

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coned wheels
On 4/28/2003 john kim wrote in from (207.126.nnn.nnn)

Hey Mike, Julius, and Miko,

I thought through the difference in wear and tear between our wheels yesterday. It definitely isn’t a difference in the quality of the wheels (btw: the new avalons are awesome!) I guess the difference in wear and tear between our wheels was due to riding style, which brings up a good question.

The last few months I’ve gotten pretty comfortable with sliding at speed, but I didn’t feel that it was necessary to slide on any of the courses we set up at Encinal yesterday. So, my question is this:

Is it faster overall to charge harder into the cones and slide occasionally in the course to get through it? Or is it faster to charge a little less, focus on taking a smoother line without needing to slide the rear end? (Smoother line, meaning occasionally going wider to slow the speed and shallower to increase the speed)


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more on coned wheels
On 4/28/2003 Julius wrote in from (199.2.nnn.nnn)

Here's the scoop on the coned wheels.
Encinal has a rougher surface.
I tend to ride a lower stance than John Kim.
I can slide thru turns, John can't ( YeT )
John weight is 20lbs heavier without pads.
My toe side turn is stronger ( regular ) John is Goofy foot.
I even rotated the wheels to even out the wear.
We both took about the same number of runs.
I figure i'm running a little harder into the turns
and scrubbing more. 2 different styles, 2 rates of wear.
Your guess is as good as mine? We both were running clean.
Encinal is a great street to break in a new set of wheels
anyways. You know, you've been there !
2 cops drove by, no bust !!!
( give me an hour and i'll cone some wheels for you ).

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On 4/28/2003 hg wrote in from (208.14.nnn.nnn)

Yesterday must have been the day for crashes - Dylan took a dive without pads on his way to the course, and I slammed hard right in front of Heidi and Dylan on my first test run after setting a course - did a pretty good job freaking Heidi out a bit. Probably my first real fall in 6+ months, though I somehow managed by reflex to bring knees up to absorb some of the impact on the pads before hitting my upper thigh, shoulder and head. Shook it off, fixed the course, and continued on, but it was a not-so-gentle reminder that asphalt is harder than water.

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On 4/28/2003 hg wrote in from (208.14.nnn.nnn)

John - I'll take a look at Julius' wheels at Gravity SF on Sunday. It is very unusual for those wheels cone quickly.

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On 4/28/2003 davd wrote in from (192.211.nnn.nnn)

miko, so whats your technique for crashing into expensive BMWs?

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On 4/28/2003 Miko wrote in from (66.81.nnn.nnn)


Since I have a heel-spur, I'm paying a bit more attention to how I fall. Meaning I now get low, and just go into knee-slide or body-surf position rather than step onto my right foot (rear) and do more harm to it. If I don't have that split-second to adjust, I take one step if I can or just take the dive.

I'm calling the orthopedic guy today for another appointment and cortizone shot right after the Gravity Fest...

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Avalon 75a Wear and Tear...
On 4/28/2003 Miko wrote in from (66.81.nnn.nnn)

John... There are 2 possible reasons for differing weel wear which may or may not apply to your case sunday.

1. You were taking the straighter line down the hill and staying lighter on your wheels through the turns. (Juilius was scrubbing more?)

2. You were just riding slower... (Julius cranking and getting more pump.)

Obviously, you will have to be the judge of which scenario works for you! I think you were both riding well yesterday, so it's hard to say?

Note: I was trimming my Avilas with the usual Midtown file-on-rolling-board method, and one particular wheel really went down fast... like butter. I would think it HAD to be different in some way (either softer or harder) from the other wheels.

I've switched the Avilas to my mainstay Blue ICK Carerra for a bit of testing to see if I can keep them on the ground with that board. (That board is total magic for me!) I'm still not used to the Retro-Flattie, and I tend to get into trouble on it. (As you may have noticed... )

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On 4/28/2003 mike maysey wrote in from (65.234.nnn.nnn)

Nice one Miko!!
Yup...starting a job a week from today. I had a little crash myself yesterday. Nothing terrible, but my bad knee won't bend all the way this morning. I slid because my wheels lost traction and I tried to run it off (as usual). After a step and a half, I realized I couldn't run it off, so I made a snap decision to go to the knee pads. I executed the best knee slide on black top I've ever done. I even left a couple 8' white marks on the pavement from the caps on my knee pads.
I would rather shred pads any day of the week instead of shredding skin or worse.

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Avalon 75's
On 4/28/2003 mike maysey wrote in from (65.234.nnn.nnn)

I'm bummed I missed skating with you guys. We got a decent crew together for a GGP session yesterday. I set a pretty fun and tough course. Clayton was looking very fast, Sully was too.
I honestly don't have any clue why his wheels coned while yours only lost the shine. Maybe Howard could help out if he pops in here...or you could shoot him an email to ask if he has any idea why Julius' wheels are coning and yours are not.

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On 4/27/2003 Miko wrote in from (66.81.nnn.nnn)

Yeah Mike...

you missed seeing me do a way cool toe-side high-side into a wonderful spread-eagle slide at top speed. (Big ICK and Avilas combo... I've gotta get a bit more respect for that setup and not charge so hard on it... No carnage at all... but me pads are completely shredded.)

So a JOB eh? Am I gonna be the last to get one of those too?

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Avalon 75s
On 4/27/2003 john kim wrote in from (209.179.nnn.nnn)

Hey Mike,

You missed a great session today at Encinal. Judi, Hut, Gary H, Julius, Miko, and I were getting ready for the SF Gravity Fest. Funny thing though, Julius and I both had a brand new set of 75s on the rear of our boards, which coincidentally are identical (turner Fatboys with Seizmic and TTC trucks). After about 5 runs, Julius's wheels were starting to cone. My wheels were just starting to lose their shine. Wonder what your thoughts are on that?


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girlfriend thinks i fidget too much
On 4/25/2003 mike maysey wrote in from (67.192.nnn.nnn)

Hamm, I don't know man...I just come here and talk skateboarding....yeah I got a job FINALLY!!! Starting the second week of May.
So far, I've gotten 3 "Best Of Ncdsa" marks for that post, that's a record for me. I didn't want to stir anything up by asking that, I just want to know what's gonna happen with that 'credit' offer. I sent an email to info@fcrseries.com a few days ago...no response yet.

I know FCR will take care of all the racers they owe winnings too, I'd just like to know how and when.

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girlfriend thinks i fidget too much
On 4/25/2003 Hamm wrote in from (63.175.nnn.nnn)

Mike, you got a job!? But I thought you were a Pro Slalom Racer?
Oh, that's right, you haven't been paid your winnings........ I couldn't help noticing your post about your winnings over in the Slalom forum got a few 'Best of' rankings. Personally I'm cannot believe FCR hasn't found a way to post final standings from Elsinore. You'd think Don could find a way to get them to Jack or something. Amazing!

I take a wrench to at least one of my boards every night. There is always something I wanna check or change; bushings, bearings, wheels, risers, something. Sometimes its as little as adjusting trucks, other times I'm changing out whole front & rear truck set-ups. My girlfriend is just about OVER IT. I'm gonna have to start doing my adjustments on the hill or I truly will be 'fidgeting' by myself

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Thanks for the help Wesley
On 4/25/2003 mike maysey wrote in from (65.234.nnn.nnn)

thanks for lending a hand in here Wesley...I've been a little busy lately. I'm starting a new job next month on the 5th, so I've been getting stuff together for that and haven't had too much time this week to pop over and answer slalom questions.

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On 4/25/2003 mike maysey wrote in from (65.234.nnn.nnn)

I've never had any Avalon 75's. I do however have some Avalon 78's which were early prototypes. I was into using them on the front for a while...used them at the worlds as a matter of fact. As of late, I've gone back to the more traditional use of soft wheels in back and harder in front.

I like to experiement a lot with equipment and I encourage everyone else to do the same. I constantly change wheels, trucks, risers, bearings....my girlfriend thinks I figit with my skateboards too much, but how else will I find the optimal setup? I encourage you and everyone to experiment, try things you don't think will work, try things you think will work. My problem is, I don't take notes on any of my experiments so I end up repeating things....but whatever. It's still skateboarding and it's still all fun.

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wheelbase adjustment
On 4/25/2003 rob wrote in from (208.61.nnn.nnn)


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Previous Wheelbase Discussion
On 4/24/2003 Wesley Tucker wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)


I hope I don't sound like a slacker saying this, but we spent a good week discussing this subject just earlier this month. Maysey, myself, Gilmour and ur13 all weighed in with advice and reasons for doing different things with different wheelbases (I even drew pictures.)

For the sake of repeating it all again, just use the "older 25" button at the top of the page and go back to April 10. That's pretty much where it started and read forward. You'll get an earful as to why different riders like different wheelbases for different courses. And your question as to whether or not to drill forward or backward will be answered IN DETAIL!

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wheelbase adjustment
On 4/24/2003 rob wrote in from (208.61.nnn.nnn)

What is the intended result of changing wheel bases on a multi wheelbase board on the front versus the rear? I've got a turner fatboy xl and would like to stiffen it so should I do it from front or back? thanks Rob

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Reds... again
On 4/24/2003 Henry J wrote in from (12.148.nnn.nnn)


I ordered some reds. i remember from the old turner site some pics of your boards... you had some 75a avalons on the FRONT, not the rear... any thoughts on that?

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Deck Makers
On 4/24/2003 Wesley Tucker wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)


Roe and FibreFlex.

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Pics of trucks(wedged)
On 4/24/2003 Mark wrote in from (152.163.nnn.nnn)

Where can i get a glimpse of slalom trucks and boards(pics of wedged and dewedged).Saw some pics of ick boards (sick).Works of art.What other board makers beside ick,turner,bahne,comet and pocket pistol.I`m new to slalom tech. THanks,Mark

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