Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Cabbage crates over the briny
On 7/3/2003 Mike B wrote in from (62.30.nnn.nnn)

Don't understand your banter...

"I wore them to the bearings"

That phrase just made me laugh out loud due to its (albeit vague, if not tenuous) "fashion/social event" connotations.

Ah, never mind...

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avon and skuda
On 7/3/2003 clingfilm wrote in from (195.195.nnn.nnn)

a board with no kick tail made out of fibre glass, sounds like a slalom board!!!
Skuda wheels were the same as Avon boosters. The ones i had were the same shape as OJs, slalom and hot juice. Great wheels, soft and grippy. I wore them to the bearings.


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Weather in the streets
On 7/3/2003 PaulW wrote in from (194.223.nnn.nnn)

Okay, it's brighter than it was. Pavements are dry. Shadows are being cast. It's like a different season.
As you were...

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Avon Boosters
On 7/3/2003 Darren wrote in from (62.173.nnn.nnn)

I have a set of those wheels!! They were set up on until recently a Duraflex deck, Stroker Trucks and Booster wheels.. Biggest piece of s h i t ever.. Grippy Oh yeah but slow as you like... Made in Melksham just down the road from where I live.. I Do have a set of 100mm red Avon Luge/Downhill wheels 1 of only a few sets ever made produced for a speed car as I understand.. Wiltshire Urethane represent Yo!!!

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Wet and Dry
On 7/3/2003 Graham wrote in from (80.0.nnn.nnn)

Lovely rubber wheels...

Reminds me of my first skateboard, a fibreglass Skuda with no kicktail and no griptape. When it got wet your feet slipped straight off the board. Tried sand paper but it just disolved. Went down to the local hardware shop with my mates for large quantites of wet and dry paper and a tin of evostik. Old bloke behind the counter starts getting excited..."you got a big job on boys?". He tried to stay enthusiastic when we mentioned the skateboards, but I don't think he had a clue.

The sun is out at the mo in Chorleywood, if it stays dry I'm gonna get myself down to HP this evening.

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il pleut deux
On 7/3/2003 gavin wrote in from (195.194.nnn.nnn)

in which case you need...

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On 7/3/2003 Michael wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

Mmmmmmm..."changable" here in Harpenden.
Sunny down in Devon/Cornwall.

I really want to try my tight setup so if it looks dryish i'll be at HP, maybe 6.30 onwards as the parkings free then.

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Il pleut
On 7/3/2003 PaulW wrote in from (194.223.nnn.nnn)

Erm, are you talking about a different Hyde Park? Because from the high-falutin' proximity of Hanover Square -it's raining like a bastard at the moment.
You must be bringing a ton of cat litter!

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hyde park
On 7/3/2003 edwin wrote in from (217.169.nnn.nnn)

I'll be at Hyde but not until at least 8pm.
Parents evening and all that.
Micheal, Paul Butler (cozy) will be showing up, please make him welcome, as I'm sure you will.



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On 7/3/2003 Darren wrote in from (62.173.nnn.nnn)

Oh yeah I forgot the Downhilling and being clad in leather is a bonus as well rhhaaaaaaa, Ukksa should run a book on the results.. Shame we will be a few soldiers down... Ross Snowdon, Jason Muskat, Luke Wetherall and Tim are going to skate a real downhill comp in Austria (Hot Heels)... Good luck guys wish I was skating miles and miles of endless hairpins... But Bude will suffice...

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On 7/3/2003 Darren wrote in from (62.173.nnn.nnn)

Yeaaahhh Get yer arses down to Bude dawgs.. Not the fastest or most technical hill on the planet but the whole package of being by the sea, the party, the slalom, the Think team pro skaters, pritch and dainton, Warbo, pasties, Kernow, seagulls, surf, booze, the party, Slayer, all the stuff to make a good weekend..

Catch me if ya can!!!

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On 7/3/2003 Michael wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

Anyone else up for Hyde Park tonight? Five thirty ish onwards?
Hoping to shake down and tweak a couple of Bude boards before the weekend.

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On 7/2/2003 David_o wrote in from (195.93.nnn.nnn)

It is 9.30 pm Wednesday night. I am just packing for an early get away tommorrow morning. Should arrive in Bude for about 3pm.

See you all there.

Leon, friday night at the manor if not before.

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parachutists nightmare
On 7/2/2003 grindmaster wrote in from (132.185.nnn.nnn)

make sure next time you head for the rom to come of the motorway - heading east from the isle of dogs - at the macdonalds (its signposted). there are two 25ish ft weird pointed black cones with massive transitions in the middle of the roundabout. they look stupidly skateable!!! oh and a nearby cafe called 'spofers.'

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On 7/2/2003 squid wrote in from (217.39.nnn.nnn)

I wasn't therte but I still think it had something to do with George Dubya!

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not on this knoll
On 7/2/2003 gavin wrote in from (195.194.nnn.nnn)

before any fingers get pointed i want to categorically state that it was'nt me!
: )

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Grassy knoll
On 7/2/2003 Mr Zapruder wrote in from (194.223.nnn.nnn)

Uh, if this helps.
As a keen follower of motor racing, I shot a lot of Super 8 during a recent trip to Brands and this, inevitably, involved getting some footage of those funny old guys on their strange "skate boards". Later, while I was parked at the Clacket Lane services, enjoying an all-day-breakfast Ginster and a 2.5 litre bucket of diet cherry Tango, I was approached by a couple of gentlemen who expressed an interest in "examining" my footage of the skate board people. I mentioned the bit where the guy fell off his skate board and they both looked shocked and surprised. Immediately, they demanded all of my film! I said that I'd probably not got the specific bit where the guy seems to be hit by several cones from different directions and they turned quite nasty; telling me that there "was only ONE cone, got it?". They both turned away and drove off in a Caterham. Strange... but one of them had a west country accent.

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Grassy Noll
On 7/2/2003 mad wrote in from (217.44.nnn.nnn)

After reading recent post I am starting to wonder if Clingfilm's recent injury was the result of an 'accident' or an attemp by a person (or persons) to get a free skate?

if anyone has a video of his last run could I get a hold of it to examine the direction the cone that jammed under his wheels came from.

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South West
On 7/2/2003 Squid wrote in from (217.39.nnn.nnn)

Well boys, I'm heading west tomoz, and to Bude on Friday - Don't suppose anyone is driving that way tomorrow are they?

Will be happy to help with petrol and smoke, and of course you would have the pleasure of my sintilating conversation without the spelling problems!!!LOL

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On 7/1/2003 edwin wrote in from (217.169.nnn.nnn)

A belated WELL DONE to both Sam Gordon and David O'Conner for their results on Saturday in the Men's Am Tight.

8th and 18th excellent results lads.


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end of story
On 7/1/2003 gavin wrote in from (80.225.nnn.nnn)

good so we're straight. and ok i admit, i was wrong on the 'free' bit. i originally thought that by 'free' you paid 20quid ukssa membership and then got one race free hence my original post. to clearly restate i never had a problem with joining for 20quid if that meant i got the bonus of a single event entry thrown in. but sadly it seems even with the correct version of one day totally free i was right that it'll still cost you 30quid (ukssa membership plus a tenner race fee) if you are a newcomer and want to do both days in the SW. oh well, at least the wife won't be pissy with me for going away!

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On 7/1/2003 Octane Sport wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

Prize is for wigglers. Not bombers.
The Slalom hill at Bude is not steep.
But dont let that stop you slamming.
Sponsored riders dont count.
Its a "prize" not a "board".
All characters names have been changed to protect the innocent.
Drug influenced slams dont count.
I get to do the blood test by sucking blood.
I'm a vampire.

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free board
On 7/1/2003 squid wrote in from (217.39.nnn.nnn)

Good idea Michael, but if you slam at bude you might not get up too quickly and your probebly not going to be in the mood for a free board, although if its me I'm holding you to it! LOL

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On 7/1/2003 Michael wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

I'll be happy to donate a prize for best "Slam" at Bude.

I was greatly dissapointed that the Swiss race didnt include my favorite catorgory, in fact the only catorgory I can do well in. I tried really hard to drag Paul Price into a free form co-ordinated slam, but he just shrugged me off.

Please ask the stores I mentioned if you can borrow the cones. Its a cunning plan becuase I know that it will encourage slalom and lead to more sales. Cynical ploy eh???

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On 7/1/2003 clingfilm wrote in from (195.195.nnn.nnn)

if you want to enter the event then you pay.
if this your first event it is free, and free means free, no cost, siltch, nothing.
if you enter bude free then you will need to pay hayle.

sorry if i offended you gavin but i have told you this before and i am bored of telling everyone and why should some pay and others not. Even Doby paid at Epic and you know how much that must have hurt.

you can alternatively skate for free on both days if you do noy interfear with the ukssa course, use your own cones, do not want coaching, do not want to use the timing equipment etc.

next year may be different, more money. Toby is laying out nearly £500 in insurance for the event and I would like to contibute. if we need insurance it may be £50+ membership


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