Longboarding (1457 Posts)
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Tip for Skating At Night
On 7/19/2004 JP
wrote in from
My only tip is to get a helmet and wear it . . . Day or night
Nite Rider...
On 7/19/2004 ss
wrote in from
Yeah, I've been getting into skating at night, too. I still feel more comfortable going fast in daylight, though.
I'm thinking about trying some of those Flux lighted risers. I'll put a white light in front for headlights and a red one in back for "brake" lights (like a car).
Maybe I'll put some reflective tape on my helmet (if i get one).
Do you guys have any tips for night skating?
On 7/19/2004 steven
wrote in from
hey jesus christ, ive noticed the same thing about going faster at nite too. i dunno if its cuz the ground is colder, but it seems that hills tend to get a tailwind at nite and a headwind during the day. maybe cuz of the heat rising up the hill... im not entirely sure either but thats my guess
On 7/14/2004 Smiles
wrote in from
well here in LA we use the sidewalk because of those new fangles auto mo biles that are drivin down them there streets.
Night Boarding
On 7/14/2004
North Carolina Longboarder
wrote in from
Due to my work schedule, family time, volunteer work as a fitness trainer for local high schools, my own workouts,time with my wife, and church, almost 80% of my skating is after sunset and 75% of that is after 10 pm. I live in a smaller town and don't have to deal with major metro traffic like "New York City" (read with a thick southern accent). Here in North Carolina during the summer pavement is also way too hot and the wheels do not roll near as fast. Sliding is difficult too, not to mention how it feels when you do crash. I have learned to love night riding and given the choice I almost always would rather ride at night. The only thing better would be a great dry, crisp October day. I don't have the luxury of always riding with a partner/or partners at night but when I do and we want to bomb bigger hills we basically take turns spotting for each other at intersections. The rule is that the spotter is always to shade to the conservative side when signalling that a car is coming. We have found cars approaching toward you directly with lights on are harder to judge their approach speed. The other time we ride, as you can tell by my posts regarding 421, is sun rise. Dawn Patrol has the coolest pavement, often less traffic (unless you are skating in an industrial areas where shift workers are heading in), and is just plain awesome. All of our runs down the mountain are done on Sunday mornings at the moment there is enough daylight to see.
Roll on Brothers and Sisters! Roll on Roll on! Day or Night!
On 7/14/2004
Jesus Christ
wrote in from
But Noah, there are also fewer cars and pedestrians. Even here, in the city that never sleeps (Manhattan's motto) there are many fewer people out at night. Boarding at night is best for a cruising experience in my opnion. It's easier to do than it is during the day, so it's more just a good time to relax. By the way, I've been wondering. Is it just me, or do lonboards go faster at night than at day? I'm almost possitive that it has something to do with the pavement becoming colder so the asphalt contracts and makes it smoother or some crap like that. You know?
Night Boarding
On 7/14/2004 Noah
wrote in from
I saw a few of you folks were talking about boarding at night. My friends and I just boarded from 10pm til 1am all over northern Los Angeles. We go to Occidental College in the eagle rock neighborhood, so we've gotten used to riding at night to avoid cars, pedestrians, and harassment by campus saftey. Tonight we had a diver which enabled us to destroy hills all over Eagle Rock, Highland Park and Pasadena. Although it's much harder to see obstacles in the road, cars are easier to spot, especially around corners because of their lights.
Au Contrar Monson!
On 7/13/2004
Jesus Christ
wrote in from
Au contrar monson! I did mean to offend! But only for the good of the common pedestrian! Just the other day I saw some punk trick boarder smash into an old lady!
respecting belief systems
On 7/13/2004
wrote in from
hey jc...
i'm sure no offense was intended but remember to consider how others may react to something intended to amuse when it could possibly offend.
peace ...monson
Get off the sidewalk!
On 7/12/2004
Jesus Christ
wrote in from
Just a note to all those ass#@! longboarders out there who board on the sidewalk: stop being such a pussy and go on the street. Don't you have any respect for pedestrians? Come on! Now my disrespectful language is such only because it's directed twards those who treat others as such! Just go on the street, it's much more fun!
On 7/11/2004 AdamH
wrote in from
How about a "frontside-in the neighbor's driveway-rail grab"
Front-handed Backside Rail Grab?
On 7/11/2004
North Carolina Longboarder
wrote in from
Nickluv: That's my guess...!
Roll on Brothers and Sisters! Roll on, Roll on, with either hand!
Grab name ?
On 7/10/2004
wrote in from
I wasnt sure where to post this , but what type of grab is this http://couchpotato.no-ip.com/fs/luvaul=HH19DJ/101_3250.MOV ? By the way thats me coming out of my driveway .
Checkersseries.com longboard contest sunday
On 7/9/2004
John Dillon, Team Fun
wrote in from
Hey fellow longboarders: come on out to Charles County Skate Park, half-hour drive(no traffic) SE of Washington,DC this sunday 7/11/04 and participate in the bowl and street contest on your longboard. Longboards must be a minimum 36" long. Have fun! I sure will!! For more info look at the website www.checkersseries.com This contest is a fundraiser for the Surfrider Foundation
Bozi Mad Bomber II Review
On 7/5/2004
North Carolina Longboarder
wrote in from
Okay Dudes and Dudettes! I have had my new Bozi Mad Bomber II for about 3 weeks now and have got to ride it a bit and here is my take on this ride. The set up on the board that Jeff Yarrington of Bozi suggested was the following: Wheels: Turner Avilas 76a rears and 85a fronts Bearings: ABEC 7 Trucks: 180mm Seismics 45 degree quick turn front/30 degree stable rear Board: Mad Bomber II Extra Stiff (I weigh 215 lbs and am 6')
At first glance, the width of those huge wheels and trucks concerned me a great deal but after playing on it for a while in the road in front of my house and then taking it down a slight grade I got use to it pretty fast. The more I rode it the more I realized how that width made this board the most stable thing I had ever ridden. I had read on one website that this board screamed to go fast and dudes, let me tell you that writer was not lying! This board is deceivingly fast. It is amazing how much momentum it picks up in a short distance. I have had to adjust my pushing a bit on certain hills because of carrying too much speed to early. What is more incredible is how this board will take a corner with speed. I am able to carry speed trough turns on this board like nothing I have ever ridden. Straight line speed is spooky fast too. What is even more awesome is how this thing carves. With the trucks set so far to the front and rear and with the cutouts you can rail this thing almost as far over as Carve Board and with a hell of alot more speed. For any of you out there that is looking for a very fast board that you can carve and bomb on, this is the one for you! And the price was right too! Bozi is a small company and you may have to wait a little longer for a board from Jeff than you would from one of the big clearing houses but believe me it will be well worth the wait.
evolution of language
On 6/29/2004 wacky
wrote in from
hey g-flash...
no worries language evolves as we use it... we shape the usage and definition on a daily basis i'm an english teacher and i always have fun w/my students showing them how our grammar and usage has changed from decade to decade.
a real recent example is "espeak" or the language we use in conducting online communication!!
also big props to all those stokin' the vibe by sharing your adventures and your passion i'll add some of my own soon ...i've been busy gettin' ready for our huge 4th celebration!! ...we really go full tilt here in provo,utah the parade goes through our neighborhood and we have a blocked off street party the day & night before the parade and have in general 3-4 days of bbq's and homemade ice cream feeds and the like it's off the hook! y'all have a blast!! (pun intended)
peace ...monson
AdamH's DT
On 6/28/2004
wrote in from
Yeah Bro! Rock it! I knew youd have a caddy ride on that set up! Let us all know how the KONA works out! I'm so stoked for you! Those 76's might be a little big but they are faster then the 70's. I have those 76's on two of my rides.If anything bites,maybe go to some 70's Flashbacks in a 82 duro! You should be fine unless you loosen those trucks too much!Make sure you wear your lid on your test rides before KONA! Is YOUD a word? That's almost beats GOTTEN! LOLOLOL!
MoMatt's Recovery
On 6/28/2004 North Carolina Longboarder
wrote in from
MoMatt: Dude, I forgot about your injuries. Glad you are starting to heal. When I was mountain bike racing (before blowing out the disk between c6 and c7 verts in my neck in 1999) I used to take my dog Molly with me on my training rides at the local trail. She could run all day and was like your dog, very good at anticipating so that I didn't run her over or she didn't run into the back of my wheel. She is a too small to try to have her pull my big ass around on a skateboard but it does sound awesome. Keep healing! Talk to you soon.
AdamH's New Dogtown
On 6/28/2004
North Carolina Longboarder
wrote in from
Dude, that sounds like an awesome ride! Keep kicking arse! Roll on Brothers and Sisters! Roll on Roll on!
Adam H.'s Dogtown...
On 6/28/2004 ss
wrote in from
Adam - I'm glad that set up is working out for you! If you want to make sure not to get wheel bite and make it so that the wheels don't stick out from the side of the board you could try some center set 70mm wheels like the new abec 11 grippins. Would make a good set up for carving and cruising. For park riding a set of no skoolz would work great. Of course it sounds like it's working pretty good right now. But I love to experiment. Once you have a couple of complete set ups you can switch around wheels and stuff to try things out.
For a long cruising, carving board check out the Original Freestyle 43 and Freeride 47 at www.originalskateboards.com. They use the coolest, tightest turning spring loaded trucks. Great for carving.
Mo Dog Days
On 6/28/2004 MissouriMatt
wrote in from
NCL, I've been checking the board and reading. My riding is coming in short spurts infront of the house with very little epic adventure to share. Still trying to get the body back in shape for it. knee is swollen, sternum has slight tear and back is... well, I don't know cuz I keep putting off the Doctor visit. Anyway, I've been here with little to say, but couldn't pass up dog board stories of days gone by. It could be years before I get another dog, hopefully Sara's got some healthy years left. When I do get one, ability to pull a skate will be a consideration. I probably had a couple of years where I took her with me 50% of the time. She got very, very good at anticipating our runs and knowing when she needed to conserve and when I wanted a boost and how I wanted her to handle traffic. If you get is all dialed in it is crazy fun. If your dog gets skidish or keeps making you stop to get her redirected, out of traffic, behind you on a hill, whatever... that can kill a good ride. As she got older I found myself right back where we started. I'd take her out for a short ride, then head out by myself. Now I'm down to the short ride and she's just chill'n.
If you have a good dog, think about the harness and dirtboard. It was a rush to bomb out of controll down a Mt. Bike trail, then mush with her through the flats, jumping over roots, kicking and flying down hard packed dirt trails. I'd pick up the board and jog up the hills, then back on the bomb.
Days gone by. My next story will be of a recent ride. Until then, I'll be checking the board. Ride on.
Dogtown Longboard
On 6/27/2004 AdamH
wrote in from
I finally got everything together for my new Dogtown For Life Longboard. The deck is 39.5 x 9.25 - the trucks are Randall R2 180's with 1/8" soft risers. The wheels are Kryptonic Classic 76mm 8Oa Blue with Bones Reds bearings. The whole thing cost about $160.00. It rides like a dream. Smooth and it turns great. I can't wait to get it to KONA. No wheel bite...uh..yet. I attribute some of that to the fact that the wheel wells are carved out. The wheels only stick out about 1/4" past the edge of the board and it has a very stable feel about it. Anyway, so far, I'm pleased. My next venture is going to be a pool board, then a real long board after that. 44" or longer.
Dog Days of Summer Redefined
On 6/25/2004
North Carolina Longboarder
wrote in from
MoMatt: Where you been Hoss? Dogboarding redefines the phrase "Dog Days of Summer" now don't it? I tried cat boarding once but the damn cat didn't like being dragged down a hill at 40mph! Neither did the Humane Society....(just joking)
Roll on Brothers and Sisters and Canine! Roll on Roll on!
On 6/25/2004 MissouriMatt
wrote in from
Here's a post from my dog at the end of her pulling days...
On 4/9/2002 MissouriSara wrote in from 208.141.xxx.xxx: I am the dog of MissouriMatt. Walker Hound and Pointer. Ten years old, and two years out of my pulling prime. Usually I don't even get up when he rattles the harness. I don't know what made me get up tonight. I just felt like a run. He grabbed the 58" and off we went down the drive way, around the corner and down the quiet, tree lined Lakeshore Drive. I pissed every where I could. Let those other bitches know I was there. It felt good to get out. I drank some water and chilled.
On 6/25/2004 MissouriMatt
wrote in from
Roboto, I've done a lot of dog boarding(1996 - 2002), both on and off road (I called it Missouri Dirt-dogg'n. The off road stuff was outragous. I'll always remember passing a biker one day down in a flat section of the trail, we we're cruising at 10-15mph, she was pulling hard and with the toe-straps I could get up over all the little roots adn rocks... good times, good times...). My dog is now too old for the sport, as she's 12 and slowing down in general. I bought a very nice comfortable harness for her and used a retractable leash. I could just "click in" when I needed a little boost here and there. I tried not to use her up hill unless the incline was very slight and she was wanting to go hard. I had her trained to stay behind me on the downhills and out in front for everything else. She knew several key commands, too. "Easy" was her sign to back it down. "Easy" at the top of a hill meant get behind me and chill. "Watch me" ment go right, "over" was go left. Of course, "YAH!" meant kick it up. We had some great times cruising. There is a smooth, low traffic, 1/4 mile mild downhill run that starts at the bottom of the hill that I live on. We'd get going on that and carve like I was getting pulled by a boat. She's a Walker Hound, and in her prime was 65 pounds of lean running machine.
Have fun, and be safe. I let a friend try it one time and he sent the board in the back of her legs. She was spooked for several months after that. Also had a few close calls in traffic. Pick your spots well. MUST have a retractable leash and harness. A collar and rope are trouble waiting to happen and no fun for your dog.