Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Longboarding (1457 Posts)
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how loose should my trucks be?
On 10/8/2004 Jamie wrote in from United States  (63.197.nnn.nnn)

i just got my first longboard- sector 9 46" supercruiser. but the trucks are really loose. i thought maybe it was for easier carving but i dont have as much control as i do on other longboards and sometiems i even lose my balance. are they supposed to be that loose? or should i tighten them?

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On 10/6/2004 Lenny wrote in from United States  (69.210.nnn.nnn)

HUGE props to my friends up north. The Downer opening day sounds like it was a great time!! Hope to see y'all in WV.

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"HOOTIN" all the Maryland LONGBRO'S
On 10/6/2004 G-FLASH wrote in from United States  (152.163.nnn.nnn)

YEAH! Longboarders are spreading O.G. surf style all over! Way to go bro's! Us older fellas get stoked when we here that the revolution is moving forward! I have this premanition that one day we too will be doing grinds on handrails and stairs in downtown metro areas,and will have a "zine" called "SMASHER" and all the interviews will be conducted from hospital beds and all the groms will burn their popsicles and all the bonk brands ads in the zines will disapear making room for full-on RAD pictures and on and on and I'm getting way off track here so I will finally say LONGBOARDERS RULE!!!

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A Longboarder wins Lansdowne Ollie Contest!
On 10/5/2004 John Dillon, Team Fun wrote in from United States  (151.200.nnn.nnn)

On saturday oct 2nd at Lansdowne's Grand Re-Opening and Skate Contest fellow longboarder, Ben Hurd, came up from southern Maryland, to win the board stack ollie competition. Ben was riding the 40" Gravity Brad Edwards model. He ollied over 6 stacked boards! Way to go, Ben!
Other longboarders tore the place up in the slide funtest...and Expression Funtest....Jen, from Va Beach or Richmond had the surf-style dialled in as did lbk and BP and North Carolina's Big ROn. JP's(Richmond,VA) vocal slides, Seth's full-on backside berts, Lansdowme local Mullen's sess slides and slides to switch-out were nuts. Alexandria's Nino had some stylish drop-knee carve lines that were insane through the snake run and into the bowl.Gravity boyz Cabbage(Baltimore and Lansdowne local) and The General(from Pa) were flowing through the snake runs and throughout the bowl and reservoir banks a la a chase scene
from a James Bond movie. Cabbage was also doing super long manuals all over the place. LBK and Nino performed numerous cross-stepping runs and Michael Smith came out of the woodwork and entered the 360 contest riding his longboard for the fun of it. His 1st contest in over 25 yrs...and he just started skating again as his young 6 & 8 yr old sons have gotten into it. One kid came up to me during the day and mentioned that there were sure a heck of a lot of people with longboards here at Lansdowne today....I replied that, yes, there were a heck of a lot of people having fun today. And thanks to 'dude' for sporting the big party afterwards...the hot tub was fun too!!Longboarding is alive and well in Maryland!!

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G-Flash Has My Back!
On 9/23/2004 North Carolina Longboarder wrote in from United States  (63.167.nnn.nnn)

G-Flash: Dude, you are dead on! Last night we all got together and checked on the boy and he is doing fine (he happens to rent an apartment from me and I told him if he doesn't wear a helmet I am going to evict him for stupidity! ha ha). We all basically decided that no one rides with the crew without the lid. It is just they way it has to be.

You were also dead on that I need to be the one setting the example and every time but the other night I do...the one time I jump on my board and take off with out scoping the new run three of us go down and one gets hurt bad. I can assure you that won't happen again. (Someone may get hurt, but it won't be because we didn't do our homework before bombing a hill, dropping into a ditch, flying up a bank, or whatever terrain we choose.)

Thanks for the support dude! Have a great weekend.

Roll on Brothers and Sisters! Roll on!

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Safety rules to LIVE&SKATE by!!!
On 9/22/2004 G-Flash wrote in from United States  (152.163.nnn.nnn)

NC-Brah, You should be setting the example for your growing gang of six! I remember posting on your skate commandments and how safety above all else is so important especially at our age! Remember we must keep skating for our health and for our sanity. You should have reemed your no lid bud even if you were so exited that you forgot to scope the hill. See your #2 .We must do all we can to increase our numbers and skate into our golden years.Hope your bud's wrist heals quick cause they are very important for slides and the stops!Now go call him to check on his wrist and reem his HOLE for the no lid rule infraction! Now GO ROLL ON NCL-BRO!!!

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Stopping (continued from last night)
On 9/22/2004 North Carolina Longboarder wrote in from United States  (63.167.nnn.nnn)

...or you can try stopping the old fashion way like me and two of my skate buddies did last night on one of our runs.....totally busted are ass we did...one of the riders broke his wrist in two places. NOT RECOMMENDED as a stopping technique.
(see CRASHING forum for a detailed description)

Roll On Brothers and Sisters! Roll on but be Safe!

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On 9/21/2004 North Carolina Longboarder wrote in from United States  (63.167.nnn.nnn)

I agree with Lenny that learning to slide is a big deal. I actually practice sliding and stopping a bunch in case I need it. I also have been learning to foot brake but I have a long way to go with that technique. Learn how to slide facing both toe side and heal side. Different situations require different directional stops.
Invest in good slide gloves and knee pads. They are worth the price of admission. You can make your own slide gloves inexpensively.

Roll on Brothers And Sisters! Roll on!

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On 9/17/2004 Juan wrote in from Venezuela  (200.44.nnn.nnn)

Hi Lenny,
many thanks for taking your time and making me realize how lazy i am. I'll practice some advices from both mentioned forums and also i'll try yours if i wont breake myself into pieces while trying (i'm 43).

i'll love my pintail G&S 44.

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On 9/17/2004 Lenny wrote in from United States  (68.254.nnn.nnn)

Juan, check out the sliding and stopping forums. The common practice for breaking is normally sliding. Another one is carving really hard (which sometimes turns into a slide) and slowing down into a stop. Hope that helps.

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Underground Race in Virginia
On 9/16/2004 Longwood wrote in from United States  (159.230.nnn.nnn)

Hey hey hey, i am trying to let as many people know as possible that i am trying to organize and underground race on the BLUE RIDGE PARKWAY. This road is located in virginia and is the best road i have ever skated. If anyone is interested in find out about this. Please Go to silverfish longboards forum section and post under Skate sessions. I am looking to see if i can get alot of interest going. This isnt an easy road and when my friend and i hit it last we where going anywhere between 30 and 40 for over 3 miles. This was not even bombing that hard. If you are interested post and we can work out the details.

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On 9/16/2004 Juan wrote in from Venezuela  (200.44.nnn.nnn)

i posted a question on the safety post but apparently few guys are checking it. I'm new in skating and even newer on longboards - i just love it - but my problem is breaking. Can you guys let me know how to breake on a longboard when you are going fast or slow? Is there any hard breaking method?
Pics are welcome.
Many thanks...

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Warren Bolster Book
On 9/14/2004 North Carolina Longboarder wrote in from United States  (63.167.nnn.nnn)

Dudes! If you were a skater back in the 70's I am sure you followed the sport through the bible of skating, SkateBoarder Magazine. If you did, then you will recognize the name of the most influential skate/surf photographer of that period, Mr. Warren Bolster. Concrete Wave Magazine has just published a collection of his photos from the 70's that is incredible. I just got my copy yesterday and the photos and the explanations of each mesmerized me.

If you are a fan of skating and are interested in a history on the sport, this book is a visual primer that you need! You can buy the book at www.tailtap.com
Hurry, there were only 4000 printed and I imagine they are going pretty fast.

BTW, I am not connected in any way to Concrete Wave Magazine or this book. I just think it is awesome. This was completed unsolicited.

Roll on Brothers and Sisters.

North Carolina Longboarder (and soon to be a Slalom rider?)

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lol its ok
On 9/10/2004 tommeakin wrote in from United Kingdom  (81.77.nnn.nnn)

you dont have to follow everything that people say, do whatever :) and your music taste isnt that old; i am 17 and like original ska from the early 70s late 60's, so really, do whatever, and think of it this way: the more people who declare themselves 'no school', the less people declaring themselves old school, so you will be more original (if my logic follows :P).

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"School's been blown to Pieces!"
On 9/8/2004 PSR wrote in from United States  (24.52.nnn.nnn)

This kinda makes my online moniker of 'Pre-School Rider' obsolete?! I'm going just bury my ears in some old Alice Cooper tapes on my 8-track and Koss headphones now... ;-)

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thanks for the explanation :)
On 9/8/2004 tom meakin wrote in from United Kingdom  (84.66.nnn.nnn)

thanks for that info NCL, i understand what you mean, especially seeing as i am one of the new younger generation who like all of it (except vert: it scares me lol). I would like to skate together, but the fact that i live in birmingham and it takes easily 5 hours by train is a bit off-putting, especially as i am at school at the moment :( , oh, and dont get too hyped if you do go; the weather is bound to be nasty until you leave, it always is, unluckily. If you mail me before you go, if you do decide to go, i will try and get up there though, no promises as my mom wont even let me go to gigs ten miles away, nevermind skating in scotland lol, but i may be able to sway her if i am lucky.
ride fast; slam hard >:]

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SCHOOL'S OUT Explanation
On 9/7/2004 North Carolina Longboarder wrote in from United States  (63.167.nnn.nnn)

Tom Meakin: Dude, I may be heading to Scotland in October and I am thinking about packing a board for the trip...I am going to be in Glasgow and hope to skate a bit while I'm there. The trip is up in the air right now due to some business stuff here and the girl's soccer.
The SCHOOL'S OUT tag line comes from a discussion on the "Michael Brooke - Publisher, Concrete Wave Magazine" forum a few weeks ago about the rub between Old School and New School and how those phrases are on the verge of becoming passe because of the blend of skating that is starting to trickle down to the new skaters. For the longest time (and it still is a great deal) there was this great divide between all of us who began our skateboarding journey in the 70's and early 80's and the X Generation skaters/street skaters/rail riders etc. Concrete Wave Magazine is beginning to make strides in recognizing that gap is actually closing a bit and you are now seeing younger skaters becoming interested in longboarding, slalom, pool riding, flatland freestyle, carving, sidewalk surfing, etc. In the discussion we decided that we needed to no longer define ourselves as "old school" skaters or "new school" skaters. We are all, including you my friend in the UK, a part of the skateboard universe....Dude, SCHOOL'S OUT is a mantra to bring us all together.

Roll on Brothers and Sisters. I am no longer Old School!
To quote the great Alice Cooper- "SCHOOL'S OUT Forever!"

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On 9/7/2004 PSR wrote in from United States  (24.52.nnn.nnn)

Curtis,look into Slider Gloves (Slide Gear,as an example) as well as the usual pad set-up.If you're used to putting the knees down (which I do in Ramp/Bowl),you'll want beefy kneepads,such as the Pro-Design or Rector Fatboys.You can add padding to most kneepads with Smith underlayer pads(kind of a knee wrap),but you'll lose some flexibility.The forementioned Slider Gloves are great if your tendency is to Slide on your kneepads.These slide very well,and allow you to put your hands down(a bonus when crouching low in hard turns),but often do Not include any Wrist Protection like you'd find in Wrist Guards.Bozi was making/selling wrist-wraps with slider pucks built in,while other companies simply add the slide puck to a decent leather glove.Unlike regular wrist guards,Slider Gloves tend not to Catch,so three-point or four-point landings in a slide (albeit in a crawling body position) are much more survivable. Keep in mind that on a Longboard,it's easy to go Faster than you can Run! Tumbling can be a bad,bad thing (RagDoll,Over da handlebars!),as you can get flung elsewhere.Some of the Slalom Racers out there are also going with either Leather or full-on Chest Protectors,just in case... Meanwhile,Don't go Skate fast until that collarbone is truly,fully healed!!! That's one of those types of injuries that can haunt you for many decades if you don't give it a rest and let it heal .

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oh, and
On 9/7/2004 tommeakin wrote in from United Kingdom  (84.66.nnn.nnn)

what is the SCHOOL'S OUT comment for NCL? i dont get it and didnt see it on my scan read of the other pages either. it just makes me sad that now i am stuck in school all day not riding :(

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On 9/7/2004 tom meakin wrote in from United Kingdom  (84.66.nnn.nnn)

you were definately not speaking to yourself christopher, that was a really good review, and even though i am in the UK, it makes me want to go out there just to skate.
It sounds like a longboarding nirvana, hopefully i might get to ride that place before i become old and boring (may it never happen). I think a google search of idaho scenery might be in order... :)

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Idaho Bound!
On 9/7/2004 North Carolina Longboarder wrote in from United States  (63.167.nnn.nnn)

Christopher: Dude, great review of the Inland Northwest! Sounds like an awesome place to ride. I see a major freakin' roadtrip in my future some day!

Roll on Brothers and Sisters!

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A plug for the Inland Northewest
On 9/7/2004 Christopher wrote in from United States  (68.64.nnn.nnn)

I may be speaking to nobody, since it is that none of you may care. However...
I have skated four major sections of the U.S. and Canada (Mid-America, B.C., California, and The Inland Northwest), and I am by-far the most impressed and in love with the inland Northwest(i.e. Spokane, Wa.-Sandpoint, Id.). Like most regions that find people barreling down slopes at uncontrolable speeds, North Idaho presents a varying degree of challenges to the downhill community. Everything from the gentle slopes of bunny hills, to the treacherous runs of Triple-Blacks. In a state of only a million+ people, most of whom find themselves in the lower 1/3rd of the land, traffic is minimal. And the topography couldn't be any more heavenly. Natural rises jutting up from the lakes, 1,000-3,000 foot vertical climbs and miles of fresh-paved, lightly touristed, roads to fully sate the road-warriors appetite. If ever given the chance to ride in an ideal setting keep Idaho in mind. If you jones it enough, look up pictures of the terrain in the North, and realize/imagine that every single mountain that you see, has a road snaking its way down through the trees. You'll be riding some of the finest terrain in the U.S. And besides my guys and I, you'll be cutting through virgin asphalt. Ride swiftly, and do so in peace.

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Thanks skaters for filling out the Bowie survey....
On 9/4/2004 John Dillon,Team Fun wrote in from United States  (69.143.nnn.nnn)

Hey fellow long boarders....thanks for your support for the Bowie survey...I'm still healing from the auto accident (not my fault). Yo Fatboy: Bowie is 20mins due east of Wash,DC ...and will be as popular as the Smithsonian Museum if it is built right.

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Yo all ye longboarders!
On 9/4/2004 John Dillon, Team Fun, DC Chapter Surfrider Foundation wrote in from United States  (69.143.nnn.nnn)

Mark your calendars for sat sept 18th, Lansdowne Grand Re-Opening...ribbon-cutting 11:30am-noon, then we charge the skate park....FUN contests begin at noon....17 and under must have parents sign them up for free rec skate card, 18+ can do so themselves...practice begins at 9:30am......longboarders welcome! Anybody else want to bring prizes? Age groups from grom to 50+ welcome! Be there or be square!!

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Az skater
On 9/1/2004 d wrote in from United States  (66.235.nnn.nnn)

hey curtis, I see shawn from Az on the coastlongboarding website from time to time. www.coastlongboarding.com

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