Misc Equipment (2108 Posts)
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On 6/1/2000
wrote in from
I seem to remember some discussion here on this about a year ago, something about being able to adapt one from a bike or something. Try doing a search on this site for speedometer. Good luck,
Core Sports
On 5/31/2000 SXE Phil
wrote in from
I heard Core sports is already folding. Did anyone else hear about this?
A speedometer
On 5/31/2000
wrote in from
I'm looking for a speedometer that I can mount on my board myself for not too much $dinero$. I saw one online somewhere but it was $80. and you could only buy it installed on a deck you bought from the site.
X-Sports Mag = Core Sports Mag
On 5/30/2000
wrote in from
The Fuzz is Lord of things journalistic and all he decreed is true (especially the attitude part - see his post on the 15/05). The only thing that you didn't mention Fuzz is that X-Sports appears to be the UK/Europe version of Core Sports Mag(with a little jiggery-pokery on the old running order) and TWO POUNDS CHEAPER (£2.95)in Borders, where they are on sale together, and where I got mine. Not to mention that X-S has UK advertising! What value! Clarki xx
Chips and Decks
On 5/30/2000 Pre-School Rider
wrote in from
I can't fathom this.Take what is one of the free-est sports on the planet,and regulate it in this manner.NO!!!That's positively sick!I think Orwell would be worried.This isn't Blake 7,it's more like Logan's Run.Luckily,I've got old boards,and homemades,plus years of dodging the Boys-in-Blue under my belt,so I'm skating 'till The End,or longer.
On 5/30/2000
wrote in from
Mate, you're a mine of information... You ever watch that dodgy old British Sci-Fi series, "BLAKE'S 7"?... well if you were in that you'd be ORAX (that goes for Herb too).
FUZZ xxx
Smart Board
On 5/26/2000
hugh r
wrote in from
You need to be aware of the new technology in skateboarding that has been inspired by recent lawsuits here in the US.
Because of the increase in downhill and ramp-skating, partly inspired by the extra coverage that these sports are now receiving on cable, the liability lawyers are knocking on the doors of the skateboard industry looking for quick money.
As part of an agreement with the current administration, one of the builders has agreed to limit sales of their products to one board every 14 days per individual. In addition they have agreed to the developement and production of "smart board" technology. This would require the installation of a microchip into the deck, with a coresponding chip in the shoe of the owner of the deck. Thus preventing any unauthorized use of the skateboard by anyone other than the registered owner.
In addition, speeding boards would be able to be remotely disabled by and an electronic "blast" from law enforcement.
If this works out over here, you can rest assured that it will come to your part of the world...
(and in the spirt of the fuzz-meister I will sign off as... Orwelian Hugh)
On 5/26/2000
wrote in from
Hey herb, hugh... You wanna buy a new computer? You can have mine for $1, I'm sick of the bloody thing... Oh yeah, minus the hard drive, that's f***ed!
Think I'll stick to skatin' - and more creative stuff like shapin' surfboards and building skate setups...my mates reckon I've got the curse, anything electronic and it blows up!
GRRRRRR...pesky technology...DAGNAMIT!
FUZZ xxx
On 5/25/2000
hugh r
wrote in from
Hey Herbn,
What opp system do you use (95,98,NT, etc...) Also, which mail system do you use? You can set up a yahoo mail acct that makes it real easy to send up to 3 attachments per e-mail, and its free. Let me know and I am sure that we can walk you through the set up... have fun... HR
Slider gloves
On 5/25/2000 Herbn
wrote in from
Damn,I wish I wasn't such a computer illiterate,I have JPG files in my computer I can't even figure out how to Email them to Hugh to put on his web site ,much less post them directly (which i would prefer) I'll have to E-mail my friend Damikey who posted the Stroker pics for me,I just happened to be to busy to watch how he did it.Slider Gloves,to me, are work gloves that have UHMW plastic attached with laces through countersunk lace holes and are definitely the way to safely explore the limits of downhill skateboarding.
Sliding Gloves
On 5/23/2000
wrote in from
Where do you guys get these things?. What constitutes a 'sliding glove'?. Do you make them yourselves?
red 9
On 5/23/2000 scomo
wrote in from
i have rollin and big stick and they're awesome. is red 9 a good longboard video?
Re: Big Stick
On 5/23/2000
wrote in from
Bev, I've got the Big Stick Vid, and it's pretty good. More downhill action than the rest of their tapes, and it has some good sliding footage, which I think the others lack.
Something that longboard vids need to show more of is crashing! Well, crashes that the rider walks away from. (no I'm not psycho! much...) All my shortboard vids have at least a 10 minute crashing segment. Those rock.
Okay, I'm off topic...get the Big Stick vid. It's good.
Keep Carvin'
On 5/23/2000 Jon
wrote in from
I highly recommend all the Sector 9 series of videos. All three have a varied selection of downhill action, some amazing sliding shots, a little bit of surf action, I would say there is something for everyone. There is some insane footage of Rob Molt bombing hills as his alter ego Corpo Man and Jimmy Rao trick riding long boards. There is something to please everyone. I also happen to know that S9 have a sale on their video series set, check out their website, www.sector9.com and enjoy.
big stick
On 5/22/2000
wrote in from
hows the new sector nine video big stick? im thinkin of gettin it if its as good as there other movies thanx bev
On 5/18/2000
The Enchanting Wizard of Rhythm
wrote in from
What are some really good longboard and old-school videos?
By old-school, I mean lots of flat-land freestyle stuff...
Thanks, sK
angled risers
On 5/15/2000 nick
wrote in from
can anyone please give me any info on angled risers, as i can,t get hold of any here in NZ and want to try and make my own.I know how they work but want to find out what angle, height at each end etc etc.Any info greatly apprieated.Thanks.
On 5/15/2000
wrote in from
Picked up a copy of 'X SPORTS' magazine over the weekend (possibly UK only)...BIG LONGSKATE ISSUE Interviews with our mate MANU (nice one son!), female downhiller DEVON JENKIN (pppuuuurrr!), BIKER SHERLOCK and his surfing exploits, and CHRIS DIXON and CO. review some trusty stix... Good mag, the attitude thing gets a bit wanky though!
chewing gum on griptape
On 5/8/2000
wrote in from
HELP! There's chewing gum on my griptape and I don't know how to get it off. I searched the archives and I saw that Hizzout had the same problem once, some solutions were offered, but I don't know what the outcome was. So Hizzout, or anyone, please tell me what worked? Thanks!
Dual durometer
On 5/5/2000 Scott
wrote in from
Thanks for the info, Herbn.
Dualing durometers
On 5/5/2000 Herbn
wrote in from
hardnesses are measured in durometer A for most urithane D for harder types 50D is approximately = to 100a a dual durometer wheel like the spitfire powercored series has a harder 100a core and a softer 92a tire.
Dual durometer
On 5/4/2000 Scott
wrote in from
Not to sound dumb, but what exactly is dual durometer? I'm not incredibly mechanically inclined, so if someone is going to explain it please keep it fairly simple. Thanks.
dual durometer bushings
On 5/4/2000
wrote in from
hey Herbn, how much do you weigh? only I'm 6'4" and 14 stone, that's about 2m and 95kgs and I tear through 'em.
Barefoot Foam
On 5/4/2000
Nathan Alloy
wrote in from
Thanks Stu thats exactly what i was looking for. Though I am kind of disappointed there are no pictures of the foam on the website. Thanks a lot.
Barefoot Foam
On 5/4/2000 Stu
wrote in from
Nathan, Sector 9 sell foam grip tape on their website. www.sector9.com - check out their hardware section and you'll find it. 48" strip for $8. Hope this helps.