Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Thanks for the sites.
On 6/12/2006 corinne wrote in from United States  (68.175.nnn.nnn)

Thank you both for the web sites. I think I will definitely try the foot braking first. I've been setting my foot down in the same direction as the board on the ball of my foot so, there's a lot of skipping. Thanks again and I will definitely let you know.

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On 6/12/2006 isabelle wrote in from United States  (72.192.nnn.nnn)

first work on footbraking and never allow yourself to go faster than you can foot brake to stop within 30 or so feet of when you initiate it.
once, you've that down, then work towards learning to power slide.
NEVER run-out if it can be avoided. work your side-to-side carves like sonwboarding.
timeshipracing.com has great tips on footbraking, so i won't rattle on.
PEACE and keep posted on your progress - remember, downhillers footbrake at 40mph, so just that skill alone can save to effectively.
you'll be ripping in no time!

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Corinne and stopping
On 6/9/2006 Cliff Coleman wrote in from United States  (128.97.nnn.nnn)


Check out my web-site, "cliffslider.com". Go to "articles", then click on the images of the article to read and or print them out. The article you want is, "Street Slidin" from Thrasher in 1982. It will help you get started sliding and learning how to stop.

Cliff Coleman

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Newbie in NYC
On 6/9/2006 corinne wrote in from United States  (68.175.nnn.nnn)

I just started longboarding and to be honest I am getting really frustrated. I started because I missed snowboarding so much that I thought it would be a good substitute. I love when I can actually get on my longboard and ride but, I CANNOT STOP without jumping off. Can anyone help me? I love longboarding and cruising but it really puts me in a bad mood that I have to jump off every single time!

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On 6/3/2006 isabelle wrote in from United States  (209.66.nnn.nnn)

I'm going to do another set of Downhill Diva clinics the last saturday of July, August and Sepetmber - females only.
Skills covered will be foot braking, slalom, sliding and basic downhill. Theses clinics are outlaw, free and after 20 bodies sign-up, closed; bring your own gear/snacks, no fear and a good attitude. Pass the word to those willing in the San Diego area.

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Skater for Life!
On 6/3/2006 Judi O wrote in from United States  (69.111.nnn.nnn)

My story in a nut shell as the Industry Profile on Malakye for the month of June. A little mention about slalom and other skate projects in the works. Thanks Chad for the support. Much thanks to Novak and Bob Hurley and many others that have supported me for decades. Who'd of thought I'd have city parks asking me where I want to hold a slalom race. More good things to come. Patience and persistence finally pays off.
Malakye Industrial Profile

Fausto's Memorial is today in GGP. 1:00-4:00

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iDB5 Picts
On 5/26/2006 Deano wrote in from United States  (209.181.nnn.nnn)

Here are a few pictures, this set is from the final heat which was in the rain and it really does not show the skill these gals posess. The gals start with the first photo and continue through the next 7 photos.

I also incorrect with the youngest ricer, that was Anna Oneil and not only did she place well, she BROKE her shoulder in an early heat AND COMPLETED THE REST OF HER HEATS!

Unfreaking believable!

Here is a theread regarding some of the womens action...


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On 5/26/2006 caddy wrote in from United States  (71.105.nnn.nnn)

any pics?

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10 women racers at Danger Bay 5!
On 5/24/2006 deano wrote in from United States  (209.181.nnn.nnn)

Congratulations to all the women who took on Carnage Corner over the weekend. The racers showed such passion and determination that it made the guys look bad. Everyone hit the pavemetn at some point and most ended up with some sort of road rash to take home with them.

Congrats to Briane and Carly, both of whom have been practicing and have improved ALOT in the last year.

My personal favorite was little Sadie Coates, all of 11 or 12 yeaers old(I hope i have her name right, please correct me if I am wrong). In an early heat she went into the bails HARD right in front of me and you could see the pain in her eyes. She found her board, pushed like a madwomen towards the finish. She went on to finish all her heats, including the finals in the rain.

Here is the finishing order as posted at Coastlongboarding.com:

1 briane davis
2 carly richardson
3 chiara pocente
4 haven anderson
5 rachel oneil
6 anna oneil
7 sheryl adams
8 samantha stebbe
9 sadie coates
10 louise leslie

Who is willing to take Briane on at Maryhill in a month?

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On 5/24/2006 Lynn Kramer wrote in from (75.11.nnn.nnn)

Thanks go out to Donald of Pavel Skateboards for the largest womens prize purse I have ever seen for a slalom race. I'm sure there will be an extra large contingent this year, I estimate 25 women!

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Happy Mother's Day
On 5/14/2006 Maria C. wrote in from United States  (152.163.nnn.nnn)

Happy Mother's Day to all the skate moms out there!

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Props to Lynn
On 5/13/2006 Maria C. wrote in from United States  (64.12.nnn.nnn)

So proud of Lynn. Awesome stats from last weekend's race. Way to Go!!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

There are some heavy hitters in that line-up. Killer to see YOUR name so close to the top! Wish we could have been there to witness this great moment in slalom history. Congratz!

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On 5/12/2006 isabelle wrote in from United States  (72.192.nnn.nnn)

right on richie...lynn's the female "brown bomber" for sure, strong, aggresive and lots of talent.
she skated some serious downhill and GS last sunday and kicked some major male ass along the way - hackett included!!!!!
pleaseure to have been there to participate, and get a front row seat, too.
can't wait for her in europe this summer. it's gonna be good.

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Crossover Race!
On 5/11/2006 Richy C wrote in from United States  (207.200.nnn.nnn)

Congats to Isabelle and Lynn on going for it at the Crossover Race! Lynn did something there that no women has yet to do of late! Rumor has it that Elana S of Russia used to beat most of the men in Tight Slalom back in the day! Hey Lynn didnt you beat her in Paris........Great Job!

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looking for...
On 5/9/2006 Rod wrote in from United States  (71.65.nnn.nnn)

hey girls, my name is Rod from Brazil 26years old,and i want to go in July to California to visit,but i dont known were is the best points to skate(longboard)and also i don't known no body in Califa, so i would`like to known if any body wants to be my contact in California...must skate too....thank.s my e-mail is hara_rdc@yahoo.com

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Concrete Wave
On 5/7/2006 Lynn wrote in from (72.132.nnn.nnn)

Be sure to get the April Concrete Wave, then check out the "Letter of the Month". The rest of the world is catching on...

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Hooked Skateboarding
On 5/2/2006 Andrew wrote in from Canada  (24.80.nnn.nnn)

If there are any female rippers wanting to share their trials and tribulations about entering the scene of longboarding please let us know! We are looking for some interesting stories of close calls, fun times and good friends... Include some pictures to help exlplain your experiences. Please send us an email if your interested!!!

Check out our web site at: www.hookedskateboarding.com

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Women's and Women's Masters Division
On 4/29/2006 Judi O wrote in from United States  (68.125.nnn.nnn)

Please email me your birth dates in so this site can be updated.
Slalomranking or you can send them directly to there contact info.
Izzy I know you just had a birthday!

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On 4/6/2006 isabelle wrote in from United States  (209.66.nnn.nnn)

some of the world's top pro skaters created an organization whose primary mission is to take female skating EQUAL to the level of men in the pro venues AND PAY.....

did you know that top male vert skaters can get over $50,000 for a first place in the X-Games and females get $2000 - that's 5%...WHAT THE F$#^$#^!!!

get pissed, get involved, get motivated to CHANGE this faulty system of male supremacy.


JOIN us for us by us - FEMALES rule too!

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2006 Mighty Mama Skate O Rama
On 3/30/2006 Barb wrote in from United States  (72.194.nnn.nnn)

Hi ladies,

The 3rd annual Mighty Mama Skate-O-Rama is happening Sunday May 14, 2006 at the Laguna Niguel Skatepark in south Orange County, Calif. We expect around 60 to 70 women to skate this year (last year we had 41). It's just a fun session, full of good vibes. We also have our awesome raffle--all proceeds go to Orangewood Children's Home for abused and neglected kids. Last year we gave away over $5,000 in amazing goodies. Come on out (beginners welcome). More info on my website, www.skateboardmom.com


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where are the skater grrlz in florida?
On 3/30/2006 snoball wrote in from United States  (65.35.nnn.nnn)

That's pretty cool sis. Damn, is EVERY old school sister skater
out in Cali? lol Hey, if there are any skater chicks alive and well
in Florida, let me know. I love my bro's to my bones but you know ;-)
It'd be nice to session with a sis occaisionally. I get tired
of scratching my ass, spitting, and swearing. <--that's a joke

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Mighty Mama Skate-O-Rama
On 3/24/2006 Judi O wrote in from United States  (63.80.nnn.nnn)

This is from Barbara.

Hi skate moms and skate "aunties"!

I just got the official OK--we will indeed have the Mighty Mama Skate-O-Rama this Mother's Day Sunday May 14 at Laguna Niguel skatepark (there was a question on location for a few weeks there).

So, fire up those flyers, dear Kristin. And let's start spreading the word--skate bulletin boards, skate pals, websites, magazines, friends, enemies, anyone you talk to. The event begins at 10 am with
introductions of skate moms/aunties at 11 am. The raffle prizes will start going out at 11:30.

This will be our third year. My goal is to raise over $1,000 for our charity, the Orangewood Children's Home library (Orangewood is a county home for abused and neglect children).

For those of you out of towners, please know that I am trying to put together some low-cost accommodation. Some of the local skate moms are also offering free couch and floor space. If you are from out of state and think there is any chance you might come to the event, please let me know ASAP so I can start hustling up some cheap lodging for you. (I recommend checking www.airfarewatchdog.com for cheap flights.)

For the local moms who have been so generous in asking what they can do to help, here are some needs:

1. Raffle prize donations. It would be awesome if everyone could come up with two great contributions to our raffle prize table. We've had everything from skate gear to clothing to gift certificates to just
about anything you can think of (keep it PG rated at least). If you know anyone who has a business, product or service you think would make for a good prize, please ask. Hopefully it will be something on the local side (within O.C., if not within South OC).

2. Raffle ticket sales. I will buy a heap of tickets in the next week and start handing them out (yes, I will record ticket numbers) so people can sell them before the event. Ticket prices will be:

1 ticket for $1
12 tickets for $10
25 tickets for $20.

3. Baked good donations and taste test contest. We like to have a VIP area for the skate moms/aunties with stuff like bagels, muffins, snacks of all kinds. I'm hoping this year some of you will take the time to
actually bake something (I know, as if!). Our master of ceremonies, Danny, and my husband, Paul, will be the official test tasters. Whoever bakes the tastiest baked good (make enough to serve a dozen or so) will win one special prize that I will pick out and save for the end of the event. Ladies...start your ovens!

4. Decorations. I'm hoping someone will step forward and offer to supply a few fresh flowers for the ladies restroom, maybe some party streamers for upstairs, and possibly some big signs (the high school pep rally type).

5. Set up and clean up! You know, the un-fun part. If we get enough volunteers, it can be done in no time. No slouches, please. ;-) Set up starts the night before. Clean up starts around 3 pm.

6. Sales tables--raffle tickets, hats and T-shirts (if we do them), books (mine, with proceeds going to our charity). I need someone (well, a few someones) with no criminal record here.

7. Sign in table. Someone needs to man this registration area. Last year, Kristin did it since she couldn't skate. Thanks, K!

8. Other donations. Drinks, snacks, first aid...free massages?

That's it for the moment. I'm sure I'll think of a million other things in the next few weeks.


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On 3/21/2006 Camila wrote in from United States  (72.130.nnn.nnn)

Isa!! i lost my cel with all my contacts, so I don't have you phone! I want it again, and then i'll go down there for a ride... see ya!!

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On 3/20/2006 Carly midget Richardson wrote in from United States  (207.200.nnn.nnn)

Oops just looked back and saw you're from Aus. n/m!
Anyways, keep up the good work and research!

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On 3/20/2006 isabelle wrote in from United States  (209.66.nnn.nnn)

hey thing
we skate every weekend, pools, slalom and/or downhill.
come and play? call me!!!!!

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