Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Q&A: McKendry on Speed (1810 Posts)
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Oh yeah but
On 12/20/2004 Jogger wrote in from Australia  (202.63.nnn.nnn)

But... we do get perfect skating days all through Winter so I guess it evens out

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Give the guy a break
On 12/20/2004 Jogger wrote in from Australia  (202.63.nnn.nnn)

This time of year is allways a bitch. Chris might be caught up in the "festive" season stuff that can catch us all out. you guys are lucky that Xmas falls in winter, we lose a few days of good skating to all that stuff as well.

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On 12/17/2004 SF wrote in from United Kingdom  (82.68.nnn.nnn)

yeah. that it isn't a problem to slide safely on wet greasy winter roads.

What is the best helemt anyway?

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the other cc
On 12/17/2004 herbn wrote in from United States  (152.163.nnn.nnn)

cliff colemann seems to be posting just fine, "sliding" has more potential than "speed" for chat anywaym,how many times can you ask about drafting and what's the best helmet?

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Gone again....
On 12/15/2004 Bilzo wrote in from United States  (24.167.nnn.nnn)

Looks like he is off again. It's been 11 days at my count. I don't care, whatever it takes to make great wheels and great boards. Feel better, Mr. Chaput.

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Hey Chris
On 12/14/2004 Rooney wrote in from United States  (198.81.nnn.nnn)

Good to see you have a column its been a bad winter Hughs mia Roger broke his leg big time every ones in a funk hope all is well with youre family hang in there spring is on the way .

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Our off season
On 12/7/2004 Kludy wrote in from United States  (209.242.nnn.nnn)

This is the time of year for us americans to heal,to be with family and just to not ride as much.Yes you can too bro. its O.K.Trust me it will kick in again in a month or so, NO WORRYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 I am getting better every day now and looking to race a young buck or two in 2005.Cant let little kludy beat pops any time soon!

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Chaput Chill dude, Come on down an Skog !
On 12/6/2004 Chris Yandall wrote in from United States  (168.253.nnn.nnn)

Hey Chris, you big wheel boy you :D

Come on down and hang out with this Chris in Sun Diego :D

Some headstands down the Mission Beach boardwalk ought to cheer you up.

Don't hesitate do give me a ring dude! Bring the bus down and we'll get 20 kids to bounce around the skateparks and stuff !

Chris Yandall

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All Funked Up!
On 12/6/2004 North Carolina Longboarder wrote in from United States  (63.167.nnn.nnn)

Chris: Welcome back! Believe me, I am the poster child for Obsessive Compulsive Manic Depressive Disorder...needless to say I am all funked up!

Go ride your board...it always makes me feel better. I am still a wacked out depressed dude but at least I'm smiling while I'm skating!

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You think that is bad?
On 12/5/2004 Bilzo wrote in from United States  (24.167.nnn.nnn)

You think that is bad? I have a condition which makes it so I can never shave my sideburns evenly.. : (

Glad to hear from you again, Chris.

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On 12/5/2004 herbn wrote in from United States  (152.163.nnn.nnn)

don't have to tell me about funks, my own personal funk might be a bit different,involving a reoccuring back injury that's taken a turn for the worse. So instead of burning off energy biking,skating,ect, i find myself in front of this computer at all hours(check my post times)with some bouts of insomnia,possibly due to anti inflamitories, and other stuff. Hopefully writing provacative posts is the only addiction i have,it'll be an easy habit to kick once the back gets better. I'm hoping for "only" disc reduction surgury,which has been discribed to me as relatively simple orthoscopic surgury for the back, where they grind a bit of clearence between a blown out disc and the nerve it touches when it gets compressed.

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The reports of my death
On 12/4/2004 Chris Chaput wrote in from United States  (66.116.nnn.nnn)

As Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) once penned "The reports of my death have been greatly exagerated...". I'm not dead. Not missing. Not banned. Not trapped under under a heavy object. I've been in a highly uncharacteristic funk for about a month now, and I haven't even looked at this website for a long, long, time. My sincere apologies to anyone to has felt ignored or abandoned. I feel bad about dropping the ball and hope that Adam will forgive me and give me a chance to catch up and come back with a vengence.

I'll read all of the posts here and do my best to respond to them all. There are a lot of really cool and exciting things ahead for me and for longboarding in general. I think that 2005 is going to be a kick-ass year for the whole industry. More soon

Chris Chhaput, MIA

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On 12/4/2004 Adam wrote in from United States  (66.121.nnn.nnn)

Chaput is not banned, I don't know where he's been keeping his cyber self.

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On 12/4/2004 silversurfer wrote in from United States  (24.62.nnn.nnn)

What did he do to get banned?

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On 12/4/2004 herbn wrote in from United States  (205.188.nnn.nnn)

there's three fairly funny scenes with this big dolly, that definitely looks like a long board. One , it's rolled at him from off cameram,he does a stationary ollie(on a regular short board) to nosewheelie on the dolly,technically he's riding a(on) longboard. Two, he rides a nosewheelie on said dolly,and lastly the closing scene is a handstand across the field of vision with "bye" written upsidedown on his t shirt.i'm glad someone else actually reads this page despite cc being bannedm, i just find it funny that he was "dumb enough" to be banned,maybe he just didn't feel like writting it anymore. While he may say he respects rodney, rodney probabely knows who cc is ,and on some level the might even get along BUT chris chaput quit pro skating after coming in third to rodney mullen and steve rocco,after a long string of firsts. He might say alcohol problems were the real cause, he might deny that ol skate tale entirely,it might not even be true. But he can't do that ,,,because he's banned, that idea is humourous to me. So i guess i'm making the banning more severe,or just giving him easy subject to cover when he's unbanned. I just happen to feel that getting/letting himself get banned was dumb, i think he's a good source of infom, and generally writes good posts maybe he won't let himself get banned again. Though his "antiollie" posts sounded fairly moronic ,to me.

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On 12/4/2004 yo wrote in from Germany  (82.83.nnn.nnn)

rodney rides longboards?

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ollie the unridable
On 12/4/2004 herbn wrote in from United States  (205.188.nnn.nnn)

rodney,actually the whole team,but rodneys footage is exeptionally sick,ride this bank with a 12-15 inch high wall at the bottom.Bt ol school, this 5 foot x quite long, perfectly smooth slab of concrete would be unridable(maybe dropin from the top, once)rodney has an unbelievable number of tricks herem,including a frontside 360 fingerflip,that uses a bit of ollie(of course) to make it work but is essentially an old school trick. Ollie to nosewheelie,heelflip straight from that nose wheelie. There's a bit of "goofing around" footage of the whole team having what appears to be a onefooted tailwheelie contest,heelys,i am physically old:)so i remember it's old name too) daewon and rodney having a handstand time contest sans board, and various members of the team ,learning/tring to learn caspers ,railwalks ,and multi 360's, either that or they wer goofing on rodneys tricksm,though on some level,at some point, it won't be entirely a goof.

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On 12/3/2004 herbn wrote in from United States  (64.12.nnn.nnn)

hey while he's bannedm,on his own page ,let's talk up how frigg'n unreal rodney mullen's video part is in the new "almost,round three" skateboard video. he does moving sliding flowing tricks on every side of his board,handstand variations.

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On 12/1/2004 gOAd wrote in from United States  (64.218.nnn.nnn)

one word "BANNED"


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cc mia
On 12/1/2004 herbn wrote in from United States  (205.188.nnn.nnn)

25 days and counting since the last post by the illustrious green one(and that was about wheel inventory).I guess it's like that kaffy klatch lady bit on saturday night live, "i'm a bit ferklempt right now, tawk amongst yourselves".Not even the bit of chat on embarassing old pics brought him out, you figure he's gotta have some really corny family pics that never made the mags,something where chris' got even less hair than now:) A bit more seriously,how are those trucks comin?

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guy's chris has already talked about this
On 11/29/2004 sean c wrote in from United States  (65.175.nnn.nnn)

"On 12/18/2002 Chris Chaput wrote in from 63.168.xxx.xxx:

I remember where I was on the day that rubbers became cushions and when wheelies became manuals. It was pre-HIV.

Since I'm not a vendor of either trucks or bushings, I suppose it would be okay to answer the question where it was posted. If I were to market trucks, they would not be called Abec 11 (see The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding : Law of Extensions). If I were to market trucks, I wouldn't first make bushings that would improve everyone else's trucks and then be the last one in the game. If I were to market bushings, I'd probably have this great sales program called "Buy my bushings for the price of the trucks and get the trucks free".

Then the only question would be, what color do I make the bushings? "

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APB-Chris Chaput?
On 11/29/2004 North Carolina Longboarder wrote in from United States  (63.167.nnn.nnn)

Hope you and your family had a great Thanksgiving. I wanted to reinterate what Silversurfer said...Any chance you would look into the bushing biz?

I just got a set of Khiro's to try and I like them but they still are not like the Yellow Stims I just conjured up from a lead giving to me on the Trucks Forum.
I think a Green Bushing from ABEC11 would be the stuff, man. But heck, what do I know, I am an old newbie!
(see posts below and on Truck Review for discussion regarding an idea about ABEC 11 making bushings )

Merry Christmas

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I hope
On 11/28/2004 Bilzo wrote in from United States  (24.167.nnn.nnn)

I really hope the 76mm Flywheels are going to be ready by Christmas... eBut I understand that all great things take time, so don't mind me...

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On 11/28/2004 rustyburrito55 wrote in from United States  (24.194.nnn.nnn)

i wonder where he ran off to. about when are the 66mm strikers going to be on the market

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On 11/23/2004 gOAd wrote in from United States  (67.67.nnn.nnn)

yo chap, you dead?

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