Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Lords of Dogtown Movie

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Lords of Dogtown Movie (472 Posts)
Topic Discuss the Movie
On 5/2/2005 sc wrote in from United States  (68.4.nnn.nnn)


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9 Million
On 5/2/2005 Jack in Aurora wrote in from United States  (207.69.nnn.nnn)

$9,000,000 first weekend.

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Oh, almost forgot
On 5/2/2005 MikeR wrote in from United States  (68.226.nnn.nnn)

I'd say 22.5 million.

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On 5/2/2005 james roh wrote in from United States  (204.210.nnn.nnn)

im going to say $18million. Somewhat in the middle.

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Old School
On 5/2/2005 Kevin Carroll wrote in from United States  (12.135.nnn.nnn)

yeah, now we are all going to be called 'posers' !!! Be interesting to see the impact of the film on contemporary skate culture. The pace of innovation in skateboarding seems to have collapsed, all the boards, wheels and trucks all look the same save for different external graphics. Innovation spured spending on skate gear and kept the industry from getting 'stale' There was always that next best thing you wanted, not so much now - the kids have got to be smarter than spending $$$ on the same skategear with different graphics.

Lots of retro gear out there but very little of it can be found at most skateparks - hope this movie begins to bring innovation back to skateboarding.

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New Fad?
On 5/2/2005 MikeR wrote in from United States  (68.226.nnn.nnn)

I've recently picked up the sport of longboarding. I'm afraid that after this movie comes out I'll be labeled as a "poser." Doesn't really bother me much, and either way more skaters will most likely join in on the skating.

Since I'm new, I'm not exactly sure what dogtown is, but my guess is it's a story about teenagers, right? If it's a story about teenagers how can it be directed at older people? I mean if it was faithful to the times, then it'd be cheesy and what not, which apparently is being directed towards teenagers, which in the end is what the movie is about...so...yeah...

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Opening weekend..
On 5/1/2005 Jimbo wrote in from United States  (207.200.nnn.nnn)

I'm in my thirties, so I'm a little worried about this movie being cheesy.Especially when they are targeting 11-20 year olds..but anyway, I predict $21.3 million for the opening weekend.

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Dogtown movie
On 4/30/2005 Kevin wrote in from United States  (67.150.nnn.nnn)

History of Bay street as follows:

2006- QUARTERS ONLY. Stupid parking meters

Ok I'll predict 18.6 million first weekend. What do I win?

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Lords Of Dogtown Movie
On 4/29/2005 Penny wrote in from United States  (64.60.nnn.nnn)

I manage a movie theatre in southern Ca. I am doing a huge in-theatre promo that will include a fundraising showing of Dogtown & Z-Boys on June 2nd. I am trying to make contact with anyone interested in getting involved with this promotion. I have, to date, spoken with 6 of the original Zboys. And one awesome Z- girl.(Debbe) I am hoping to get anyone with contacts to come out and participate in the goings on at my theatre. We are also having venders come out and offer their related products for sale. So, If you have any interest and want to find out more, please e-mail me! Any chance we can get some copies of Concrete Wave with the Confessions of a Dogtown girl? I'd like to display them during my promotion. Hope to hear from lots of you!!!!!!!!

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Viewing Suggestion
On 4/28/2005 North Carolina Longboarder-DownHill Billies wrote in from United States  (166.82.nnn.nnn)

Here is a great suggestion: Get as many of your skate buds together and their kids, family, whatever, and buy a block of tickets for the opening weekend and go together....then have a skate session afterwards. It will help the movie's "legs" the first weekend (which is what spurs more publicity and future support) and it will be one heck of a blast to do as a group!

I am going to be organizing such a film viewing/skate session for The DownHill Billies local crew! Get together and go do the same.

Hackett was there...listen to him...if he says it rocks it most likely rocks. Hackett don't like everything!

Marion Karr
North Carolina Longboarder
Proud Member of the DownHill Billies

"Fueling The Stoke One Hillbilly at a Time!"

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my guess
On 4/28/2005 Duane wrote in from United States  (68.15.nnn.nnn)

the local multi-plex theatre here already had big-ass promo stand-up posters for this film...that's pretty far in advance

how the hell can anyone who hasn't seen the film, weigh in on its merits or lack thereof ?

Does it make sense to target 11-20 year olds with subject matter about which they know not ? We'll find out.

anyhow, my guess 9.7 million opening weekend

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On 4/28/2005 red dog wrote in from United States  (68.216.nnn.nnn)

can hardly!

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On 4/28/2005 HACKETT - BLACK LEATHER RACING wrote in from United States  (68.71.nnn.nnn)

There have been a lot of movies about skateboarding
made into hollywood productions that sucked.

This is not one of them.

I attended a private screening for the film on the Sony lot
Tues. night.

I lived and rode all those pools and schools back in the day
and knew everyone of those characters.

This movie does a great job telling a fun, routy, story about Tony,
Jay, and Stacy, skateboarding, and how they fit into the Zephyr scene.

Once again, Stacy and crew will do more for skateboarding and style
than you will ever know.

The movie is funny, fun, great skating, great music and overall a very cool
film about three skaters who changed our lives and the face of skateboarding forever. I am honored to be part of it.

It doesn't show all the real sex, drugs and Rock and Roll that went down because
it's mainly for a wider audience- WHICH IS GREAT FOR SKATEBOARDING'S FUTURE!

Look for really funny cameos of some of skatings' greats.

Anyone who dosn't like this film is a stuck up kook.

Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Emile was probably the best actor in the film. His portrayal of Jay was

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HACKETT - I was there. You wern't.

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it's a Hollywood movie..
On 4/28/2005 Michael Brooke wrote in from Canada  (67.70.nnn.nnn)


yep, it's true...it's a Hollywood movie. But, it's the best skateboarding movie ever to come out of Hollywood. Sure it has all the cliches you mentioned..and there are some cringeworthy moments, but in short, it is highly entertaining and perfect for that 11 to 20 year old demo...

I live thru Dogtown via SkateBoarder Mag. That's all I knew of it...Over the past decade, I had a chance to meet some of the players. Some have even become business associates. The reality is that Dogtown was based on a myth...with some reality thrown in....This movie is based on that myth/reality.

To put things in perspective, if you compare this film to something like Grind , it's like comparing Citizen Kane to The Mask 2 (which was the biggest piece of crap I have seen in a long time!).

Bottom line, the movie will have some impact, but the marketing of the film will have even greater impact.

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On 4/28/2005 CM wrote in from United States  (216.243.nnn.nnn)


So you've seen it? Without discussing content, would you say it is a film that treats the story and the viewers with respect and just tells a great story while stoking people up with awesome skating? Or is it like most movies with cameras wiggling while they film so the idiot audience will be impressed with the "action"? And way too many close ups, so close that while you see an axle grinding, you honestly can't tell if there is anyone on the board or not (or if they landed it). Or scenes that are only 0.5 seconds long, actors that can't act, "recreating bygone eras" by playing bad period music and saying things like "groovy!"? Will they insult our intelligence by over yellowing the scenes where it is supposed to be hot outside? Or over blueing for when it's cold? Will there be the gratuitous sex scene(s)? Is it another stupid movie where they they know there will be no sequel, and they know in advance about how many people will pay to see it, so they better make it totally crappy and spend no money in order to maximize the return on their precious dollars?

As you may be able to tell, my opinion of hollywood is not real high. I almost never go to see movies because I am sick of their insulting stupid little things they do to try to cover up for the fact that they have no story, no good acting, bad directing, bad effects, but hey, throw in Tom Cruise or some hot chicks, make it super dark, lay down some bumpin' jams, and the kids will love it!

That time period is something I remember as being very special. I just hope the good folks at Sony Pictures treat it with the respect it deserves.

Wow, I think I might need a nap.

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who buys movie tickets????
On 4/28/2005 Michael Brooke wrote in from Canada  (67.70.nnn.nnn)

As some of you know, I have seen this film. But I am not here to discuss content....I don't want to spoil it for you. However, I do want to point out two things...This movie is a PG 13 flick - aimed at those under the age of 20. The vast majority of movie tickets are bought by people under 20 - and the movie industry has a pretty amazing marketing machine in getting the word out to those folks.

If you are in you are a skater in your late 20's, 30, 40's or beyond, and go with an attitude that this film is pure entertainment, you will be satisfied. You will be blown away as to how authentic the film looks...They did an incredible job of recreating the 70's.

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On 4/27/2005 AP wrote in from United States  (66.214.nnn.nnn)

Chaput as Russ?

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Who is he???
On 4/27/2005 Marcio wrote in from United States  (69.114.nnn.nnn)

Who is that guy??


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The Movie Wheels!
On 4/27/2005 Marcio wrote in from United States  (69.114.nnn.nnn)

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Movie opening weekend $$$
On 4/27/2005 Tom wrote in from United States  (205.188.nnn.nnn)

I'll take a guess at 4.3 million for the weekend

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This movie will kick ass
On 4/27/2005 Robbie wrote in from United States  (68.7.nnn.nnn)

when i first saw the ad i had my doubts about this movie. i saw dogtown and z-boys when it first came out and i was stoked when i heard they were coming out with this movie. the problem is, if everyone goes to see this movie, then old school skating might become overrated. all in all, i still believe this movie will be bitchin and it can show people what real skating is all about...(now all movie people has to do is come out with a video on hardcore downhill skateboarding and slaloming...)

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the movie
On 4/27/2005 david wrote in from United States  (67.100.nnn.nnn)

is it just me or does it seem like this movie kind of sucks, the acting is'nt even that good. i saw the preview for it, great, now even dogtown and the z-boys is hollywoodized. don't get me wrong, i would love it if longboarding was given the same amount of respect as street skating, but in a way i like longboarding and speedboarding because it is not very well known, and it does'nt really have any large corporations leeching themselfs on longboarding(x-games exluded) and turning it into another way to make a profit. in a way i like the fact that most people don't know what the hell i'm talking about when i mention downhill skateboarding.

i'm sure i'm going to get alot of sh*t for this post, oh well, just voicing my opinion....

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lords of dog town
On 4/27/2005 charlie wrote in from United States  (207.235.nnn.nnn)

dude i've been watching grind and skate vids over and over but now i'm ready for some old school movies i saw the commercial and was stunned i cant wait until it comes out but when it dos im there

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good idea, Adam....
On 4/27/2005 Michael Brooke wrote in from Canada  (65.92.nnn.nnn)

I wonder what the opening weekend of this movie will be...?

go to boxofficemojo.com to find out about predicting movie openings...

The person who guesses correctly to the nearest dollar will win a free Concrete Wave t-shirt and Lords of Dogtown book ...

just start posting...and we'll see what happens...

I predict it will do $27 million on its opening weekend.

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New forum
On 4/27/2005 Adam wrote in from United States  (198.144.nnn.nnn)

From the webmaster..

The Lords of Dogtown movie will be released to widespread distribution on 03-Jun-2005, and I believe it will have a significant impact on old school skateboarding, possibly (and finally) upsetting the undue dominance that street and vert skating have enjoyed of late.

This forum will serve as a space to discuss the movie and its impact.


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