Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Lords of Dogtown Movie

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Lords of Dogtown Movie (472 Posts)
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Old school Setup
On 5/13/2006 Bil l in FL wrote in from (74.225.nnn.nnn)

I recommend an Alva 77 reissue deck, tracker midtracks, and new reissue Tunnel Rock wheels. Can't get any sweeter than that!

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old school setup advice
On 5/11/2006 jason wrote in from United States  (216.162.nnn.nnn)

Anyone have any suggestions for the best setup for a lords of dogtown style board that will be good for everything (cruizin, banks, parks, pools, bombin, carvin). I was thinking about the z flex jay adams 29 in deck, with some tracker full tracks or mid tracks, and some kind of old school wheels like cadillacs, road riders or tunnel. maybe some retro bertz, or some kind of bulldog wheels. how soft of a durometer can the wheels be to carve really hard in a pool, but still pull berts on the bank?

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On 5/8/2006 caddy wrote in from United States  (206.135.nnn.nnn)

Yeah A Girl!!

J and A, and now V!!!

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On 5/4/2006 caddy45 wrote in from United States  (71.105.nnn.nnn)

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Lords of Dogtown and History
On 4/26/2006 Cliff Coleman wrote in from United States  (67.161.nnn.nnn)

There has been many discussions regarding whether or not the movie is acurate historically. I don't believe it was meant to be. However, it is thought of as historical fact by many.

Did Stacy win at Del Mar? No, it was Steve Picciolo, (sp?). Steve taught Hackett how to ride vert. Steve was also the younger brother of Chris Picciolo who was on the Hobie Team in 65.

Also, once I was at a regional park in my hometown of Berkeley, CA. A kid about 7 walks up to me and says, "hey mister, you know it all started in Dogtown". I respond, "there was even skateboarding before Dogtown". He walked away shaking his head. He must have thought that I was an old kook who didn't know squat. It was a very funny moment.

Who was the first black skater? Once again the posters here and others seem to think that it must have been someone from Dogtown. When those guys, (Dogtowners) were new-borns, in 64/65, I was skating with my best friend Raymond Hamilton who is black. Was he the first? That is an impossible question to answer. It's like asking who was the first skateboarder. We will never know.

Don't think of the movie as historically accurate. If you saw, or go to see the movie, just try to enjoy it for what it is, a movie and not an historical documentary.

Cliff Coleman

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On 4/25/2006 Audra wrote in from United States  (71.36.nnn.nnn)

listen up brahs, i'm gonna need an extremely primitive board almost exactly like the one that jay's riding when he's skating down biknill hill. email me! thanks!

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On 4/20/2006 guy wrote in from United States  (71.137.nnn.nnn)

man i never even watched it

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Bill in Fla
On 4/7/2006 Fatboy wrote in from United States  (67.94.nnn.nnn)

I'm about an hour from NYC

drop me an email next time you hit the Apple!

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On 4/7/2006 caddy wrote in from United States  (71.107.nnn.nnn)

9 years old

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Reply To Fatboy
On 4/7/2006 Bill in FL wrote in from United States  (208.54.nnn.nnn)

Hi Fatboy,

I go to NYC from time to time, and would love to take a skate with me next time. How far are you from there?



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Surf Style 101
On 4/2/2006 h0dad wrote in from New Zealand  (132.181.nnn.nnn)

h0dad saw a documentary on the making of Lords of Dogtown and was thinking how extremely cool it would be to be one of the actors who were taking workshops on surf-style from Tony Alva and crew. The actors ruled, how they picked it up the way they did.

h0dad would readily give his left gonad to receive such teaching.

h0dad would also like to make the observation that, for some of us, such as punx like the h0dad, it is the exploitation, the tirades of abuse from taxi drivers, the commercialisation, the stigma, the preconceptions that help to *define* the raucus rebellion that is our style. Bless the yuppies, the taxi drivers, the producers, the lawyers, the Man, it is them who enhance the esprit de corps that exists between many skaters.

Note that h0dad speaks for his culture, while acknowledging the validity of other skate philosophies.

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On 3/17/2006 blondie wrote in from United States  (170.91.nnn.nnn)

i loved the movie because i can relate to it and my whole life is about skating and music and on top of all that i've always been into surfing!

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Bill in Fl
On 3/15/2006 Fatboy wrote in from United States  (67.94.nnn.nnn)

Hey Bill, if you're ever in Jersey - look me up! I like the way you think, I'll skate with you any day. We can look stupid together while other folks shout about how core they are. And then we'll make fun of Marky Mark and his "fake" movie! What a dork - Jennifer Aniston had NOTHING to do with Judas Priest! Gosh, what kind of fools do they take us for?

Also, if I buy leather pants that means I can be in Steel Dragon, right?*

*all of the above was written sarcastically...............well except for the part about hangin' with Bill - THAT I meant ;)

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Still Skating Regardless...
On 3/10/2006 Bill in FL wrote in from United States  (72.144.nnn.nnn)

I grew up in a little Hillbilly town in N Ohio. I was the only skater in town, and had lots of fun bombing hills; loved it so much it kept me from playing baseball. I went on to play in the minors, so I guess I really liked it. There were no pools, because Hillbillies can't afford no "Cement Ponds."

I was the only skater in town, and got laughed at by some but I really didn't care. I didn't have long hair, didn't do dope and didn't bang girls at random, but skating for was as real as it gets. I read the magazines, and that is about as close as I got to CA for the next 20 years.

Sure, you guys took it to your own level, and that's great! I saw the movie, realized it was way off on some points, but enjoyed it anyway. Now I'm 43 and skate with my 10 year old daughter. This is how it is for me today, and again it is as real for me as it was then. I like the old stuff, and ride Bulldogs 'cause they're cool. I never was hardcore, will never be hardcore, and you guys will always laugh at the "Yuppie Poser" type guys like me who ride like I do.

Too Bad. I don't care. I'm havin' fun!



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Dogtown Book for sale
On 3/9/2006 Paul Howard wrote in from United States  (64.5.nnn.nnn)

Hey, since we're having so much fun on this forum talking about the movie, would anyone like to buy a used but in good shape hardback edition of "Dogtown, Legend of the Z-Boys" by Stecyk and Friedman? $20.00 gets it shipped to your door in the USA. Email me with the name/email click thingy. Thanks-Paul

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bah 2.0
On 3/9/2006 kuurmudgdeon wrote in from United States  (24.172.nnn.nnn)

hold on folks, i'm not attacking anyone personally here at all. dont wrinkle your knee-socks just yet! i just dont like the movie...not one little bit. my opinion only, at least i have that. i think my attack is actually too late, as i shouldve ranted the day it came out. chris, if that post was to me, let me say this in my defense. yes, i am, like you, an owner of skateboarding. we ALL own it, we ALL shape it, and we ALL keep it going.

i'll say one thing positive about this topic and then leave. if this [stupid] movie gets new skaters to actually carve and turn their boards, then its a gift to skating.

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lords of dogtown
On 3/9/2006 Matt Antoine wrote in from United States  (64.12.nnn.nnn)

Yeah maybe I was getting alittle to caught up with everybody saying how Lords of Dogtown was fake and a waste of time, but now I see how people lie, if Crhis Chaput says it was fun instead of buizness than I'm sorry for what I said I just thought that people who didn't know what was going on back then were in-controll of the project so thats why I said that, Sorry again if I affended anyone.

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LODT was fun
On 3/8/2006 Chris Chaput wrote in from United States  (66.116.nnn.nnn)

Lords of Dogtown was a great project to be a part of. No one is trying to buy skateboarding or history. Several skaters who are a rich part of skateboarding's history were involved in making it happen. They did their very best to make it as good as they could, and the moments range from epic, to cringeworthy. But they were out skating. Out there doing their best. And you couldn't ask for anything more than the opportunity that skateboarding got.

But please, continue your childish little diatribe about how everyone is trying to take skateboarding away from you, as if you own it.

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soul sk8brn
On 3/8/2006 caddy wrote in from United States  (206.135.nnn.nnn)

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hope ur not 11
On 3/8/2006 Ethan wrote in from United States  (64.12.nnn.nnn)

att u seem like a tool. i hope ur old enough to give advice. if so my bad. but the brah, bro, its a lifestyle, peace sk8 4 lyfe just sounds better in person. maybe ur a poetic person and im a jerk

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Exactly Bro
On 3/7/2006 Matt Antoine wrote in from United States  (205.188.nnn.nnn)

Your right bro, skateboarding is a lifestyle not a market, you got to live by the sport not feed off of the material possetions. Lord of Dogtown was just another wasy to make money. If you want to experience what it was like back then your too late, your best chance is to be friend with one of the original zephyr boys. I' just looking for one of the prop Zephyr decks because there said to be just like the real ones. I'm looking for something to motivate me a keep me progressing a skateing. thank for all the true skaters who understand. Peace and skate 4 life.

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On 3/7/2006 kuurmudgdeon wrote in from United States  (24.172.nnn.nnn)

f#@! that movie! just another way to capitolize on skating. seems to have worked too. just like the "dot-com bikers"; a bunch of meal-worms climbing out of the woodwork now buying zephyr gear...f#@! you too! you arent skaters cuz you buy it...you CANT buy skateboarding. you cant buy history. you can put those stickers on everything you own, and wear your zephyr team shirts, but you'll still never know s#@! about being a real skater.

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On 3/2/2006 Paul Howard wrote in from United States  (64.5.nnn.nnn)

I can't believe people still talk about a fictional film rendition of a semi-fictional legend. I like the question about the 1st black skater, that's a good one, Can I qualify for the 1st skater with strabismus of the eyes?, Dang, I thought I had that in the bag. Adios-Paul

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Repro-zephyr skateboard
On 2/24/2006 Matt Antoine wrote in from United States  (64.12.nnn.nnn)

Listen up brahs, I need a zephyr skateboard like the one used in lords of dogtown anybody have one to give up? Used or new dosen't matter...peace.

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On 2/19/2006 sc wrote in from United States  (65.35.nnn.nnn)

The first black skaters? Are you kidding us with that question? How can anyone
really know that?

In '72 I had a black friend who skated regularly who was not Marty. How many
others were there like him? Many more no doubt and there's no way of knowing
who they were. Maybe you mean: The first black skater put in a magazine?

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