Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
Now in our 29th year! -- 1996-2025

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Org: UKSSA (210 Posts)
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NASS Love Monkey British Open Slalom Championships Results:
On 7/19/2009 SamG wrote in from United Kingdom  (78.151.nnn.nnn)

The TS results are based on Saturday qualifying times due to the regular outbursts of badly behaved weather that showed up and off at inopportune moments:

TS Results

1 Sam Gordon
2 Mmedo Duffort
3 Mike Allison
4 Louis Selby
5 Paul Brunninkhuis
6 Chris Linford
7 Gabe Steptoe
8 Mick Reiss
9 Nat Halliday
10 Paul Taylor-Crush
11 Rob Ashby
12 Andy Makeham
13 James Parry-Jones
14 Sam Slaven
15 Ryan Cook
16 Terry St George
17 Nigel Allgood
18 Milo Linford

Sunday brightened enough to allow a sporadic, yet highly competitive and closely raced Hybrid Slalom event as racers emerged from the trenches:

Hybrid Slalom Results:

A Group

1 Louis
2 Nat
3 Clingfilm
4 Sam
5 Mick
6 Ella
7 Mike A
8 Gabe

B Group

1 Nutsac
2 Paul T-C
3 Rob
4 Andy
5 Sam S
6 Ryan
7 Terry
8 Tim

9 Nigel
10 Milo Linford
11 Mike S

Great going guys. And Nat Halliday, what a brilliant result!

Overall Results:

1 Louis Selby 50 + 100 = 150
2 Sam Gordon 100 + 50 = 150
3 Nat Halliday 29 + 80 = 109
4 Chris Linford 40 + 60 = 100
5 Mike Allison 60 + 36 = 96
6 Mmedo Duffort 80 + = 80
7 Mick Reiss 32 + 45 = 77
8 Gabe Steptoe 36 + 32 = 68
9 Paul Taylor-Crush 26 + 26 = 52
10 James Parry-Jones 20 + 28 = 48
11 Rob Ashby 24 + 24 = 48
12 Paul Brunninkhuis 45 + = 45
13 Andy Makeham 22 + 22 = 44
14 Sam Slaven 18 + 20 = 38
15 Ryan Cook 16 + 18 = 34
16 Terry St George 15 + 16 = 31
17 Nigel Allgood 14 + 14 = 28
18 Milo Linford 13 + 13 = 26

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Last Post before NASS - PLEASE READ
On 7/8/2009 RobA wrote in from United Kingdom  (86.157.nnn.nnn)

Only those who have pre-arranged to go down on Thursday can do so. I will be arriving on site Friday lunchtime.

On arrival you will need to park in the “Production Car Park” Then go to the main entrance where your name will be on a list, but ONLY IF YOU HAVE SIGNED UP!
(If you have not yet paid by PayPal (we know who you are) we will collect your money at the camp site.)
You will be asked to show some form of ID before being admitted.

Once in the show ground turn right and proceed to the Event Office for “competitor registration”. Here you will need to fill in a registration form before being issued your wristband – DO NOT LOSE IT! You will then be able to go back out to your car via the Production Car Park Gate by showing your wristband. You will have to carry you stuff to the Competitor Campsite as cars are not permitted on the showground. In fact vehicles are not allowed to move anywhere on the showground during the event opening hours - unless of course in an emergency or they are flying through the air off ramps etc.!

Click here for link

You will find site maps available at the Event Office; the Competitor Camp site is on the far side of the main event itself (almost in line with the office) beyond the main arena/grandstand. You will only be able to access the camp site by showing your Competitor wrist band. There is 24 hour security around the perimeter.
We will have our own Loo and Shower block – don’t get too excited The Ritz it ain’t, but it is not used by the hordes either!

For those of you that came last year we will try to get the spot we were then, along the hedge – look for Clingfilm’s’ large trailer tent!

Please remember:

Some ID

Something for the bar-b-q

A gazebo - if you have one that you can bring?

A Chair(s) – stops yer bum getting cold!

Tents – but you know that right?

A broom - if you can fit one in? (The road may be a bit gritty at first – it is an agricultural showground after all!)

Air bed pumps! (Mick)

Please bring cones if you have some - rather too many than not enough, we may want to set up a Grom course?

I think that’s about it? If you have problems with admission please call me: 07765 236997

See you there.


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NASS - Barbie
On 7/6/2009 Clingfim wrote in from United Kingdom  (62.25.nnn.nnn)

It is the German GP so I will have a tiny TV with me if you want the Tour.

Barbie Q - and food poisoning
We want to have a big cook up this year, did not quite get to it last time.
If you arrive on Friday make sure you bring meat that is frozen in a cooler box. It should survive 24 hours to be cooked on Saturday. Bring extra for those who arrive on Thursday, Rob and myself especially.

I will be there Thursday night so will not bring meat but will bring a load of bread and salad stuff etc. Any others who go Thursday bring veggie stuff that does not go off.

Alternatively we will need someone to do a shopping run on Saturday afternoon.

I have a large BBQ and carcoal etc but feel free to bring your own.

Anyone a music system and batteries.



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NASS - Gazebo's/Spare a ride?
On 7/5/2009 RobA wrote in from United Kingdom  (86.157.nnn.nnn)

Rain or shine we all like a bit of shelter from the elements so if you have a Gazebo that you can bring with you please do - the more the merrier. We will need them for the PA, Timing Table/Race control as well as general shade/shelter during racing.

Does anyone going to NASS from London have a spare seat for Chris HG on Friday?
If so please mail me at the above mail address.



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NASS - What's going on when?
On 7/5/2009 RobA wrote in from United Kingdom  (86.157.nnn.nnn)

Here are the schedules and timings:

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Blighty Championships Images:
On 7/2/2009 SamG wrote in from United Kingdom  (89.16.nnn.nnn)

All of the following are by Ed except the first which is by Martijn

City of London from The Hill

Sam vs Donald

Nat vs Mike

Tony vs Luke

Sam vs Gabe

Verena on fiya

Hybrid H2H winner Ernst Jan de Boom

Grom Race Meeting

Grom Group Photo

Campsite grub-up with Team Corpes

Tony grinning through the pain of a multiple fracture of the wrist

Caspar taking a pearler

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Love That Monkey - NASS 09 Details
On 6/30/2009 RobA wrote in from United Kingdom  (86.157.nnn.nnn)

What you need to know!

Unlike last year we will not have access to the site on Thursday night there will however be a couple of logistical exceptions.

Please note: Cars are not allowed onto the site, you will not be allowed to park next your tent. (This was the case last year too!)

On arrival you will need to park in “Production Parking” then go to the Main Entrance, where your name will be on a list of competitors (but only if you have signed up!) and you will need to show some form of ID to prove who you are. You then go to the Event Office to get your competitor wristband. (If you look on the link below there is a site map showing where things are.)

You will need to carry your camping stuff to the athlete camping area. The campsite will be guarded by security and you will only get in with by showing your competitor wristband.

PLEASE NOTE: Access to all "competitor only areas" will be by your wristband - so don't lose it!!

On Saturday evening we plan to have a "Racers BBQ". Details to follow shortly on that.
We have a “Relaxation Station” kindly provided by Paul Nash of Glastonbury Ales and he will be on site with his crew for all of our “race fuel” needs!

There will also be the “Relentless Athlete Lounge” where you will also be able to quench your thirst, get snacks and fruit - or have a massage or a dip in the hot tubs!

What else is going on?

For those of you that can skate a bit of street bring your board, there will be a number of Pro and Am “Spot Comps” with cash, games consoles etc. to be won – these will be 20 min jam format.

Horse-boarding – yes horse and rider pulling rider on mountain board!

FMX Demos – men on motorcycles doing insane sh*t!

Goliath Ramp Comp – NASS own Mega Ramp, Skate, BMX and streetboard comps.

Skateboard Street, Vert and Freestyle comp – featuring Bart and Paul Brunninkhuis from Holland – you may have already met Bart at the Blighty Championships (they will also be racing!)

BMX Street, Vert and Dirt Comps.

In-line Street and Vert Comps

Roller Derby - Crazed women in fishnets racing to be the best (Google it, you won’t be disappointed). Think roller disco meets WWF… oh yes!

Oh and if that isn’t enough The Loaded Girls will be having a wet T-shirt competition!

For the music acts and further information on the events and how to get there then look on the main website:Click here for link

Any questions please post up here or contact me on the above addy.



P.S. Before we spend money hiring - do you or someone you know have a PA system that we could borrow?

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Paddle Round The Pier - Turn & Burn: 4th July 2009
On 6/29/2009 UKSSA wrote in from United Kingdom  (89.16.nnn.nnn)

Turn & Burn: 4th July 2009

Turn & Burn: 4th July 2009

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Hog Hill - Cabs from Fairlop Station
On 6/26/2009 RobA wrote in from United Kingdom  (81.158.nnn.nnn)

For those going to Hog Hill via Fairlop Tube Station here are some local cab numbers to call that pick up from the station:

Redbrige Radio Cars: 020 8550 4444 or 020 8501 4817

Forest Car Service: 020 8500 3333

Chigwell Cars: 020 8500 7777

See you all there!


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Bill Poster was 'ere
On 6/22/2009 Mr O Tang wrote in from United Kingdom  (81.158.nnn.nnn)

Don' miss out sign up now!

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Stop Monkeying Around
On 6/21/2009 RobA wrote in from United Kingdom  (81.158.nnn.nnn)

Don't let Slalom Ape have all the fun - join him at NASS!


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Double Dutch
On 6/18/2009 RobA wrote in from United Kingdom  (62.25.nnn.nnn)

Paul and Bart Brunninkhuis (Dutch Crew) are in competing at NASS in the Freestyle competition, they have also confirmed that they will race too providing the respective event timings don't clash!

Rob (LSD)

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Southsea Slalom Location
On 6/15/2009 SamG wrote in from United Kingdom  (89.16.nnn.nnn)

Missive just in from Nat:

Was down in Southsea today and they had blocked off one on the roads there to see the impact of pedestrianisation on the traffic. I took a few snaps as it would make an amazing venue for a slalom race and I'm sure the council would be behind it. Its right on the seafront next to the skatepark, flat and so so smooth. I've attached a few pics so you can see what it is like.

'avenue de caen'
statue of Monty on the corner!

I'll do a bit of rooting about and I'll drop them an email and see what they say.

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NASS Car Share/Lifts
On 6/12/2009 RobA wrote in from United Kingdom  (86.154.nnn.nnn)

If anyone travelling to NASS has a spare seat/space that they could offer to another skater in exchange for a bit of petrol money could you post up here. Much appreciated – lets do our bit to reduce our events carbon footprint!

(Cue Sam’s photo of Pelle crammed into the back of a Mazda to illustrate the afore mentioned “space”!)


Rob (LSD)

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Last years NASS Photos
On 6/10/2009 RobA wrote in from United Kingdom  (86.154.nnn.nnn)

Oops sorry folks I made a small faux pas with the link to last years NASS photos below.

Try this: Click here for link


Rob (LSD)

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Love Monkey British Open Slalom Championships 11th & 12th July 2009
On 6/10/2009 RobA wrote in from United Kingdom  (86.154.nnn.nnn)

Love Monkey British Open Slalom Championships 11th & 12th July 2009

The British Open Slalom Championships will again be held at this year’s NASS Festival at the Royal Bath and West Showground, Shepton Mallet, Somerset. As the title suggests, we have renewed our old ties with Paul Nash and his team at Glastonbury Ales - so bring your board and best beer drinking Vans too; those that attended last year will know I mean!

The NASS festival will feature vert and street skating, in-line, BMX, FMX alongside many other extreme attractions, rides, stalls and try-outs. There are also a host of music acts playing on Friday and Saturday night on the outdoor and indoor stages. Last years festival attracted almost 10,000 visitors.

Photos from last year:

Click here

The event runs from Friday 10 – Sunday 12 July.

Weekend camping is also available in the “competitor only” campsite.

The format for racing will be:

Friday – Set up camp, courses and ramps

Saturday – Dual Tight Slalom

Sunday – Dual Hybrid Slalom

Qualifying will be the best time of two runs, one run in each lane.

Starting for qualifying will be individually timed, but in order to keep up the racing impetus, racers are requested to go within ten seconds of being permitted on course, with parallel qualifying preferred (i.e. racers going together ASAP).

Time and numbers (and weather) permitting, there will then be bracketing into two groups of 16, A and B Groups. If there are any delays then a single bracket of top 16 will be arranged. We are not limited to a particular finish time on Saturday so we may be able to cram in some additional races as well as!

Starting in the heats will be via the standard European system of 'five second warning’, where, once racers are ready, a start will ensue at any point within the next five seconds. Anyone DEEMED to be jumping the start will be given just one verbal warning before being given the DQ penalty of 10per cent of the fastest qualifying time.

Cone penalty will be 0.1 seconds per cone.

If a cone is hit and remains either touching or in part of its circle then it is not to be counted as a penalty. If a cone is out of place on your run, then pull out of the course and raise your hand immediately. If cones are knocked out in front of you by the opposition's cones then do likewise. A re-run will occur. If these rules are deemed to be abused, then the organiser's delegated referee decision will be final. Even if wrong!

Camping will be away from the main public campsite in the separate competitor area.
Access will be limited to those wearing competitor wristbands (issued on signing into the showground) and will have 24-hour security.

There will also be medical teams on onsite with 24-hour cover.

Relentless, one of the main sponsors will be providing an “Athletes Lounge”, access to this area is restricted and access will be by “Competitor” wristband.

Due to the erection of crowd fencing, vehicular access will be severely restricted after the festival starts at 12pm on Friday; we will however have use of the competitor’s car park.

What we ask from all of you is that you sign up as soon as possible and make your payment by PayPal to ukssa01@gmail.com
Please make sure that you put ‘NASS Festival 2009’ in the header of your payment; stating, where necessary, on which day you will be attending.

£20 for one day
£30 for the weekend (All proceeds go to UKSSA).
Juniors: (15 and under) FREE!

We need to submit a list of all registered racers to the organisers by the beginning of July – if your name is not on the list you don’t get in! I know this is quite short notice but urge you not to miss out on this event!
As last year we will be encouraging other skaters etc. to “have a go” so please enter into the spirit of it – this is a showcase event!
The main NASS sponsors are Vans and Relentless. I would like to thank our own race sponsors, Octane Sport, Pavel, Seismic, Gecko, Foiled Concepts, Pistache and of course Glastonbury Ales for their support and generosity.

More details will follow as they are announced.

For more information on the NASS Festival, band line up and how to get there please visit the NASS website here: Click here for link
Map: Click here for link

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On 6/9/2009 UKSSA wrote in from United Kingdom  (89.16.nnn.nnn)

Lambourne End Centre staff member Rob will be available at Reception to do 'show and tell' around the campsite from 10:30am. We have not booked cooking facilities, but can cook by our tents using our own gear. The cooking shed including kitchen and dining area was an extra £60 so I declined. It's about the same price for group pizza delivery!
(Pizza Hut, 4 High St, Barkingside, Ilford, Essex, IG6 2DF, 020 85516543)

There are no other parties currently booked on that evening so ours will be the only noise they hear in the evening. We have been requested to moderate noise and not to disturb either neighbours or farm animals late into the night.


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Hog Hill evening food
On 5/19/2009 SamG wrote in from United Kingdom  (89.16.nnn.nnn)

I have provisionally booked a table for ten at the Camelot pub for supper at 8:30 pm on Saturday 27th June. The pub is at its busiest on Saturday evenings, so do book in advance as a small group if you are planning to eat there. They have said that I cannot increase my group because that evening is its busiest.

For other pubs in the area type PUBS after the postcode in the map here: Chigwell area

The Maypole on the junction, for example, back in '66. It's in colour now, and full of chavs.

Other options are the statutory skater meal of beer and crisps, or eating picnic stylee at the campsite.


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Blighty Championships 27th & 28th June Details
On 5/15/2009 UKSSA wrote in from United Kingdom  (89.16.nnn.nnn)

Setup for the Hybrid Dual Slalom on the Saturday will start at 12:00 noon. This will include the putting up of ramps, course setting and laying down of timing gear.

Race registration will be in the clubhouse at 12:30, where competitor numbers will be allocated.

Entry fee for both days is £15.00. Entry fee for one day (either Saturday or Sunday) is £10.00.

Insurance and track hire have already been paid, so please get your entry sub in early via PayPal to:


Open practice will be run from 1pm (earlier if possible) with the racing starting at 1:30pm.

Qualifying will be the best time of two runs, one run in each lane.

Starting for qualifying will be individually timed, but in order to keep up the racing impetus, racers are requested to go within ten seconds of being permitted on course, with parallel qualifying preferred (ie: racers going together ASAP).

Time and numbers (and weather) permitting, there will then be bracketing into two groups of 16, A and B Groups. If there are any delays then a single bracket of top 16 will be arranged. We have the course until 4pm, but 6pm has been made available should it be required.

Starting in the heats will then be via the standard European system of 'five second warning, ' where, once racers are ready, a start will ensue at any point within the next five seconds. Anyone DEEMED to be jumping the start will be given just one verbal warning before being given the DQ penalty of 10per cent of the fastest qualifying time.

Cone penalty will be 0.1 seconds per cone.

If a cone is hit and remains either touching or in part of its circle then it is not to be counted as a penalty. If a cone is out of place on your run, then pull out of the course and raise your hand immediately. If cones are knocked out in front of you by the opposition's cones then do likewise. A rerun will occur. If these rules are deemed to be abused, then the organiser's delegated referee decision will be final. Even if wrong.

Please can competitors cone-marshall on their way back up the hill to the start. There will be four posts dividing sections of the course. Move up one position after each race. Please offer to cone-marshall even if you have been knocked out of the competition. The heats go through very quickly as the final approached and accurate marshalling is critical.

Camping Click here for link

We have booked camping on Saturday evening on behalf of the UKSSA at:

The Lambourne End Centre
Manor Road
Lambourne End

Tel: 020 8500 3047
Fax: 020 8559 8481

Location: Click here for link

Make note that this is a site for Christian youth groups, so please try to avoid the customary crucifictions and playing of Black Sabbath.

This includes camping ground, shower and toilet facilities, but you have to provide your own tent and cooking facilities.

We have had to pay for the camping in advance, so folks are encouraged to use the facility. Depending on numbers, costs per head should be about £10.00.

Evening food: and refreshment is available just down the road at the Camelot pub:


GS - Sunday

We have the track from 9:00am onwards on Sunday, so setup of the course will begin then, with choice of slope depending on weather conditions. It will consist of a single lane timed run with start ramp. Each racer will have three runs (time permitting) with the best of these runs counting as final time.

A Top Gear style leader board will show the best riders and times to beat.

Again, it is preferred that a competitor goes within ten seconds of the course being open to them, choosing within that slot the best start moment given prevailing conditions.

It is requested that competitors assist in cone-marshalling on their return up the course.

Once racing is complete, then the track will be open to Freeride until 5pm. Longboarders are encouraged to enter the GS which should suit a more carving flow rider style.

If time and weather hold, then an informal Vintage Race will take place on the Indy Circuit as used on the Saturday.

Click here for link

Boards from the seventies are to be encouraged, however anything crap will probably do. Unless it wins.
Nutsack, Frank, Leon, Charalambous, Clingfilm, Levene, Sweeney and Ed might well be handicapped by being forced to use boards made in this millennium.

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Hog Hill Camping
On 4/29/2009 SamG wrote in from United Kingdom  (89.16.nnn.nnn)

The Lambourne End Centre

The Lambourne End Centre
Manor Road
Lambourne End

Tel: 020 8500 3047
Fax: 020 8559 8481

Multimap link

Nearest Pub:

The Camelot, Romford

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Zurich Tunnel Race: WestFest 2009
On 4/28/2009 SamG wrote in from United Kingdom  (89.16.nnn.nnn)

Took a little too many snaps:

WestFest 2009

Team GB

Tunnel Entrance

Ramon vs Pappas in the Final

WestFest 2009

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Blighty Championships
On 4/10/2009 What next at the Hill? wrote in from United Kingdom  (89.243.nnn.nnn)

Blighty Champs sign up here

Blighty Champs sign up here

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Hog Hill Hot X Slalom Pics
On 4/10/2009 SamG wrote in from United Kingdom  (89.243.nnn.nnn)

More pictures are go:

Ian Stone Pictures

Sam Gordon Pictures

Jason Bishop Pictures

Semi-final. Sam takes Brazilian Bruno under grey British skies.

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Hog Hill Hot X Slalom Results
On 4/10/2009 SamG wrote in from United Kingdom  (89.243.nnn.nnn)

Skateboard Racing - Hog Hill Hot Cross Slalom - April 5 Final Results

Dual-Lane Hybrid Slalom
April 5, 2009 • Redbridge Cycling Center – London, England

Daniel Gesmer, Official Timekeeper

Hybrid Slalom, Open Class
1 Louis Selby
2 Sam Gordon
3 Bruno Olivera
4 Nat “Wafflesole” Halliday
5 Jim “Nutsack” Parry-Jones
6 Gabriel Steptoe
7 Mike Allison
8 Paul “Crowbar” Nolan
9 1 David O'Connor
10 Jack Corpes
11 Pat Holden
12 Rob Ashby
13 Richard Norberry
14 Ian Cranfield
15 Richard Snarr
16 Tony Lord
17 Andy Makeham
18 Terry “Losthobos” St. George
19 Jesse Tighe
20 Ryan Cook
21 Federico Barboni
22 Lewis Davis
23 Alessandro Latini
24 Graeme Reece

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Hog Hill Hot X
On 4/6/2009 UKSSA wrote in from United Kingdom  (89.16.nnn.nnn)

The final saw Pavel riders Louis Selby and Sam Gordon battling it out for the honours. Sam, whilst being 0.2 seconds ahead after the first round, hit three cones in the second and handed first prize to Slipa by just thousandths of a second.

Nat Halliday took on the Brazilian Bruno Olviera in the consolation round, with Bruno showing his recent form and taking third place in a close run race. With trophy in his suitcase, the Brazilian immediately headed to Heathrow and his homelands.

Louis vs Sam in the final - pic: Bish

Slipa celebrates his victory!

Gabe picked up the SPECIAL award for best-dressed male; Gecko hybrid prototype in hand/ Bruno on his charge to 3rd place.

Special mention must go to the travellers - Dan Gesmer of Seismic Skates Systems sorted out the timing and spreadsheet work having just flown in from Colorado, whilst Alessandro Latini and Federico Barboni headed over from Italy for their first ever slalom race. Lucas in the making?

May there be many more to come!

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