Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Pools & Parks (4228 Posts)
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Parks, pipes, on FB
On 11/20/2022 PSR wrote in from United States  (166.182.nnn.nnn)

All of 'Pipeline', was pre-Lawyer, pre Police-Chief-killing-of Sk8ing... But, while it Lasted, it WORKED!! I Saw what 'the Law' was doing, and Went Away, for MY Sanity (doing DH, Slalom and Luge), while talking to A.D.'s at Rec-parks about 'Contests' built-into "small-parks", or by making Ramps in back-yards (or, in my case a quonset-hut, then my Barn, then-sold to a Town nearby), or by talking to Ski-Resorts here in VT, about better Ramps. I never QUIT that attempt at 'Conversation' with A.D.'s, Youth Camps, Resorts, nor Towns, about BUILDING BETTER!! The Issue, has usually been 'Funds or Grants', and Site usage. Digging into the Ground, as Tony Hawk has espoused to 'Make' a "park" was, for DECADES, counter-intuitive to making 'Little gains' in Park Design, but, FAR MORE Permanent, and Lasting. I can take a group of Ramps, re-build, re-orient to save their Platform Foundation, and keep them going another Decade, Easily. But a Cement Structure (if built right, unlike what's in Brattleboro now, in, or, Outdoors!?), should last 15-20 years, and in Southern Climes, More years. While, I'd love to do, what I did, 25 years ago, again, at a much-smaller-cost than Parker's F.U. in Bratt, for small towns near me, it simply isn't Viable; the A.D. needs to 'Sign-off' on a "grant", that meets Tony's agenda. Kinda, at times, pisses Me off, having an Arc-Tech Degree, knowing just 'What' I can BUILD with Wood that can LAST (if done right!). My last 'Public' ramp was at Stowe Resort, steel & wood 1/2 pipe. The Chester Ramps, while made well b4 that, lasted 14 years beyond (even though, being 90% wood) the Stowe project, and, they, were, built initially ten-years before going to Chester Township. I never built 'Junk'. WE, as Sk8ers need to ask, 'WHY DID LAWYERS COMES AFTER SK8PARKS IN 1979??' WHY DID The POLICE CHIEFS Target US? Why? WTH!?

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On 4/15/2017 loneskater wrote in from (174.238.nnn.nnn)

Kona still rocks, 40th Anniversary in June. They have a website. While I won't make the party, at least I got there this year. Kona!!!

The snake run is awesome.

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Park Rats, et-al.
On 11/8/2015 PSR wrote in from United States  (65.96.nnn.nnn)

Lenny, I just re-read your post... Yes, the Parents do need to note this, but, IF they're like my Ex, they are more involved with the next Text incoming than actually Watching their kids , or what just occurred 'in the real world'! I've seen my Ex-wife, using video-capable I-Tablet, totally ignore a great Gymnastics run both our Twins pulled in Gym-Camp, because she was busy 'chatting' with an acquaintance online. Luckily, I got the video footage, and took a few snapshots of the Ex, sitting, glued to her text-messages...(I wish the Courts would allow that as witness to her parenting kills, but, she's Female, so, She Wins, and the House is long-gone)

But, despite my personal issues, here's the Thing to Note;

Kids in a Park don't always have that 'awareness' of where they are, or who'd want that patch of Park at that moment! They're KIDS, and as such, Learning As They Go! Some of the lines used by faster riders (or bikes) conflict directly with in-liner's and scooters, and those park users wouldn't even conceive of the speeds or Amplitude needed to Use those Lines!
I've learned to be Agile, and a bit less aggressive in Parks where Groms Roam, at least until I can establish a fast-circuit run that they can see I'm working on.

One other thing here, though, is this; We (and I mean any Adult-Sized rider) need to make sure that the Etiquette in Parks is passed along by US.. Why US?? Because we've been there, and are there (even if only with a camera in hand to film the Next Gen), so Our Experience needs to be DIRECTLY Communicated to those who are younger/less experienced, but Nicely, and with concern. If we don't make it known, then the "Rent's" will end up knowing of it only after the Ambulance texts them it's coming to pick up their kid...

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Burlington Waterfront Park
On 11/4/2015 PSR wrote in from United States  (65.96.nnn.nnn)

Sorry, but no photos yet; Still, after WAITING or 8 Years, it's finally done! We've got a world-class Concrete skatepark in Burlington, and it's down near the WaterFront community that Bernie Sanders (back, what 20 yrs. ago!) declared as an Economic Recovery Zone, which now features both park areas and a few industrial sites, all on the waterfront to Lake Champlain. So, it's an epic location, and also has a great local core of skaters who also snowboard the mountains nearby. Being Concrete, I think it'll do well in the winter, when many ramps (well, not Mine! My ramps held on 20+ yrs.) have issues with rain/snowpack degrading the wood and making repairs a constant issue. This park will be open more often, with less repair, and it's layout accommodates both skaters and BMX Freestylers.

If you're up this way, come and check it out!

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Just Have to Vent
On 7/8/2012 Lenny wrote in from United States  (76.26.nnn.nnn)

This has been bugging me for a day or so and I figure this is as good a place as any to get it off my chest.

Personally, I couldn't care less if you get your jollies skating, riding bikes, inline skates, tricycles or clown cars at the park. If you're stoked, you're stoked! This is not a skater versus biker argument (though in this case is was a bike). And I have no problem with kids at the skatepark. Skating with your kids is awesome! BUT teach kids etiquette!!!! A 7 year-old repeatedly snaking and getting in the way of a full-grown adult coming off round-wall at full speed is not just as annoying as heat rash, it's a recipe for a trip to the ER! Parents, teach your kids. The broken bones you save will likely be theirs!!

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Day of the Shred
On 3/7/2012 MoHo wrote in from United States  (68.110.nnn.nnn)

Don't blow it...Lance is watching

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Park wheels for sale......
On 10/8/2011 Pauliwog wrote in from United States  (38.103.nnn.nnn)

Rainskates Avalanches for sale on buy/sell/trade forum

Thanks - Paul

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New Skate Vids
On 1/9/2011 rawdogg wrote in from (99.233.nnn.nnn)

These vids are from a comp this past summer Battle at the Beaches at Ashbridges Bay in Toronto, Canada.Best Trick - Big Sethttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tR_MMcUg6xgBest Mani Trickhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lG1C-Jjzs2k14 and Under: Best Trick (Small Set)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x790t69iSM0&feature=relatedMen's Openhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uH4rIQPVbPsPROMO Videohttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4E9bwfrkp4________________________________________________________________FREE DECK up for grabs!!! Just add Raw Dogg to win!!!http://www.myspace.com/rawdoggproductionshttp://www.youtube.com/user/rawdoggproductionshttp://www.facebook.com/pages/Battle-at-the-Beaches-Skate-Jam/172377076119998?ref=ts#!/pages/Battle-at-the-Beaches-Skate-Jam/172377076119998?v=wall

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Real Pools only
On 7/11/2010 minhduybk09 wrote in from (123.22.nnn.nnn)

Great topic. Lol, Thanks for share___________________________[url=http://w ww.marginup.de:2ob66u37]wholesale computers[/url:2ob66u37][url=http://www.k atrinaparrisflowers.com/flower-delivery-new-y ork/:2ob66u37]manhattan flower delivery[/url:2ob66u37]

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Park photos
On 11/9/2009 mahoney wrote in from (76.173.nnn.nnn)

You know you have style when Lance Mountain is checking you out....[img:2mjhvugz]http://i197.photobuc ket.com/albums/aa149/Switch587/Day%20of%20the %20Dead/DSC_0236_edited-1.jpg[/img:2mjhvugz][ img:2mjhvugz]http://i197.photobucket. com/albums/aa149/Switch587/Day%20of%20the%20Dead/ DSC_0404_edited-2.jpg[/img:2mjhvugz]photos: mahoney

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Venice Skatepark Grand Opening
On 10/13/2009 sk8norcal wrote in from (98.234.nnn.nnn)


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Real Pools only
On 10/10/2009 pre-school rider wrote in from (75.68.nnn.nnn)

Yes, 3 men can bail quicker than a sluice pump, but can you do that quicker, stealthier, and why deal with the hassle? Forgive me, I'm old, and don't relish bailing water when small, convient devices can do the work, and still keep the 'target' quiet enuff. As for 'code of silence' on sessionable terrain, yup, gotta understand, some spots are cool, or at least user-friendly, others are forbidden to outsiders :shock: , and thus unobtainium to the rest of society. No need to explain further... ;)

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Real Pools only
On 10/9/2009 zakariahunbelievable wrote in from (98.96.nnn.nnn)

Good idea. But I don't care. I only care that my bucket brigade will work their hardest for a Double Dubble, so 3 men can outdrain 18V. The worst is burning the spot. Little kids telling everyone on facebook about the pools we skate and using mobile uploads don't deserve the privelige. I've only skated ten pools in my lifetime, and each is a complete adventure, as in my last post. Nice to see a response so its good to know that people in these circles are riding vert as I think that everyone who calls themselves a skater should. Me, I'm 26, don't mean to sound overinflated, but I used to catch so much shit for messing up the secrecy, i.e. parking in front of the house, moving between pools and forgetting to forget the ones who are uninvited and blowing up the spot. Now, I understand what its about, and am not overly militant, but respect the codes of conduct.(I'll never tell how many pools I've skated in my lifetime or if I'm familiar with any of ur pools)

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Real Pools only
On 10/2/2009 pre-school rider wrote in from (75.68.nnn.nnn)

Zach, try this next time; :idea: http://www.northerntool.com/webapp/wcs/ ... allpartial Should make things go pretty quick with the right lenght hosing.(disclaimer; I've not drained a privately owned pool for the purposes of skateboarding in 20 years, therefore I'm beyond the statute of limitations for any grieviences or crimes herewithin described by siphon water from such locations) :roll:

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Real Pools only
On 10/1/2009 zakariahunbelievable wrote in from (72.129.nnn.nnn)

I want to start talking about real pools and how when you ride one, you're putting everything on the line and its worth the efforts, specially if you're bailing out water. I'll begin with my almost laying it all on the line story to be followed with the two or so pictures I have. Basically was spending the second day removing water from the pool. The weather was light rain with thunder and lightning. I'm standing with a full bucket of water in my hands walking out and then boom!! Lightning strikes the peak of the mountain less than 20 yards from the pool. It created a static charge that made my ears pop. As I'm deciding whether or not this is worth it, my buddy starts totally pussing out the whole time trying to bail. So when we're all packed up and ready to go, some hikers come carrying a sling type backpack. They start smoking my friend out and right when he takes a rip: crash, lightning. We're all scared and get our asses out. Maybe the next time it will be less dangerous. . .Wrong.The next day we come equiped with all our pool draining stuff and our surfboards. We spend literally 20 minutes before I become dead set on hiring a third guy to help us the whole rest of the day: Gravity my friends, but if you've ever siphoned a below ground pool down a hill, you understand the need for a really long hose and major sucking power. I located this pretty clean hose on the property, because it was abandoned, but had tons of unfreindly tagging like skate here, go to jail. What, some rich guy gonna shoot us for endangering our own lives, please agree that you've heard this empty threat////////Anyways, I coiled the hose in about a 6 foot circle and submerged it in the water, and walked around on it so that I was pushing all the air bubbles in the same direction out of one end, I would then try plugging it with my thumb, asking my best friend to make sure the other end stays in and run up out the shallow end crawl under a fence and then slide it down a 45 degree embankment until I'm lower than the end thats in the pool and open my end starting the flow. The first time failed, I had to clear all the air out or else it would flow for a second but when that first air bubble hit it would backflow and the air bubble would grow///////I almost got it 100% the next time and the next time, but kept failing and my accomplice was growing tired of watching me waste time I could be bucketing. Then I feel the rhythm on one, so litteraly flew out and under that fence but then, as I went down the hill, that became a lot steeper past where I was going to, I felt my feet slip. suddenly I took a little stumble and found myself perched above straight rocks and looking down at the tops of trees 50 feet below me, and I'm grappling for my life. I look at my hand, the hose, my thumb which I gently remove and splash!! A geyser out from there. I used it as a rope to get back up, my friend holding my life in his less than able hands. He doesn't even know I'm dangling off it, because its snagged under the fence. Anyways, I demonstrate to him that waters going out by the decreasing water level, and we take the rest of the day to surf. Then upon returning, there was about 6 inches of water left, the first warm day and we session the pool for the last time before some rebar and concrete were added by the pesky owner who got his revenge on us.//////Epilogue-My Jewish neighbor had a hard time writing checks, and found a newspaper article. Man severely injured in Malibu state park. The boy was hiking when a single misstep caused a 50 foot fall. Top of the World was the location that the article stated, a spot right across from where I was at. I asked about it, he told me the story of his son, and how much he was in a degenerative state with painkiller addiction. I was in that guys shoes except I was doing something more extreme that wasn't in as good of a condition, but my shoes gripped while his knees buckled with the initial drop. We create our own futures in life and in many of our cases, paths that cross all authority and standard that bind most people as slaves. I might have messed up my entire life, but fuck em, watch Dogtown and Z boys.

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Piling on
On 8/5/2009 JBH wrote in from United States  (165.134.nnn.nnn)

Hell, after watching Omar's epic rib shackle/lip tackle, I'm thinkin' he could have used a flak jacket too! Damn, that was one hell of a slam.

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No Lids at X-Games
On 8/4/2009 Kludy wrote in from United States  (99.160.nnn.nnn)

Not real sure that it was even a thought with them guys. They care more about ratings & Clothing companys than they care about saving some heads from openning up or brain damage.

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On 8/4/2009 WINSTON T.GRANT wrote in from Panama  (190.140.nnn.nnn)

WTF were the x-games organizers thinking?
Ther wasn't ONE rider in the park final with a lid on except andy mac--and then the knucklehead on the ESPN e-website proposed new rules --that '(get this)
"Next year,if you wear pads,you have to ride in the Legends group--' DID he think that s#@! was FUNNY? in the last THREE DAYS skaters all over the WORLD have died due to impact-related injuries!
and PS: KIDS have been watching this s#@! all weekend--i just caught it on Sunday by accident--there didn't seeem to be any safety requirement for the final--four baseball caps, no hat at all, and a helmet.Over on Facebook i've been kickin' this with some of the best in the business--and we are uniformly disgusted by the lack of concern shown by the sponsors, competitors, announcers, etc.what did you think ? did you see this travesty?

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On 7/20/2009 isabelle wrote in from United States  (209.66.nnn.nnn)

whhaa...i FORGOT the park...hehehe

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skateboard clinic
On 7/20/2009 isabelle wrote in from United States  (209.66.nnn.nnn)

The Skateboard Divas club and Poseidan.org are running another skate clinic for females this July 25th (saturday). the park opens at 11:30 and the clinic will run until 1pm. those coming soley for the clinic will be allowed free entry into the park, so TAKE ADVANTAGE of their generosity. come play, show your skills (or lack of them is kool too!), learn more and have FUN! pass the word......"skater girls rule!"
to SEE the flyer for the event, goto poseiden.org......C U THERE

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Event Horizon!
On 6/4/2009 David Baker wrote in from United States  (68.113.nnn.nnn)

Here it is!

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Running my first contest
On 5/29/2009 David Baker wrote in from United States  (68.113.nnn.nnn)

Here is the new park. Winston, Oregon.

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Running my first contest.
On 5/29/2009 David Baker wrote in from United States  (68.113.nnn.nnn)

I have some pictures of our recently completed park in Winston, Oregon. (where the h*** is that???) It has been a great success and the locals are ripping it daily! The park was designed by Dreamworks with the input from the local kids who worked on the committee raising money. There was talk at one time by the "adults" involved that the park should be simplified, a flat slab with rails etc. built bu a local building contractor. I talked with the Committee head and told her that i felt that was a bad idea because the kids would quickly get bored with it, making it a waste of money. Fortunately she saw the wisdom of that and we forged ahead, Dreamworks stayed involved and here we are! It sits in a park next to the junior highschool. Good thing there wasn't one like this when I was in school. "Cause I would have never been in class!

So, now I have been asked to run the inaugural contest this 4th of July. I am both excited and nervous. I really want to get this right for the kids. Fortunately I have had the benefit of learning from one of the best, my friend and yours, Jack Smith.

That being said, ANY input is greatly appreciated! I plan to keep it as simple as possible for this first contest, probably two events, street and bowl (vert?), trophies and prizes. It is a completly volunteer event tied in with one of the best fireworks show I have seen in years. I am working the local business for the basics, water, barriers, audio etc.

If there are any people out there who know me and would like to contribute street and vert swag it is also GREATLY appreciated! I really want to make this a success.

email: dabspok@yahoo.com

Thanks in advance and wish me luck!

David Baker

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Gunnair not Indy air
On 5/20/2009 Gunnar Haugo wrote in from United States  (76.206.nnn.nnn)

Just ran across the topic of my backside air, always called the Gunair or Gunnair.Just a little play on my name.If Dan Hughes and Livmojoe want to know more, Im still around and in the loop with the Kona Boys and skating.It was never the indy air and was copied by a certain individual and claimed as his own.I launched it at the Spring Valley Pool Contest on both walls in front of every body.The right people know where it started and thats the Kona and Valley Center skaters.

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thanks for posting
On 4/14/2009 seeger wrote in from United States  (70.246.nnn.nnn)

im glad you got shorts on, monkey planter.

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