Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Riding Techniques (3851 Posts)
Topic Technique
how do i do an olie while riding
On 11/25/2006 danzel wrote in from United States  (65.189.nnn.nnn)

how do i do an olie while riding?

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On 11/18/2006 Cameron wrote in from United States  (64.136.nnn.nnn)

Man I can't ollie high.Can you give me a technique on how to ollie high?

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drop carve foot placement
On 11/2/2006 Lamdun wrote in from United States  (128.12.nnn.nnn)

I have a Landy Drop Carve and I'm starting to bomb some small hills. I hear that for stability, you're supposed to put your front foot halfway over your front truck. However, the drop thru design makes it kinda awkward. Can anyone else who bomb with Drop Carves tell me where my front foot should be? THanks

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On 9/29/2006 nic wrote in from United States  (208.57.nnn.nnn)

longboarding rules!!!!!!!

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On 9/24/2006 Derik wrote in from Germany  (193.7.nnn.nnn)

Just scroll two post down down and read "Fays ashtray board".

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On 9/23/2006 Billy wrote in from United States  (70.137.nnn.nnn)

Whenever I skate my board turns by its self, why?

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On 9/12/2006 Rex wrote in from United States  (207.200.nnn.nnn)

Newbie, I got into skating at the beginning of this year. Bought a Sector 9 and love every minute of it. Crystal got it right. NEVER start at the top of a new hill. I did that on April 2nd of this year. Got out of hand. Crashed at the bottom broke my tibia and fibula both, completely in 2 pieces each. Took a titanium rod and 3 screws to put it back together. OUCH!!! Worst of all, the crash was on video.

I am just getting back on my board a little at a time but will never take off from the top of a new hill again. Listen up!

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Fay's astray board
On 8/26/2006 Pre-School Rider wrote in from United States  (69.160.nnn.nnn)

Fay, the first thing to check is whether you can lean and steer your board smoothly. Your trucks have little cushions (bushings) that get sqeezed when you lean to turn. Those are adjusted by the big nut on the kingpin. You may need to get a 9/16" wrench, and play with that adjustment. You want enough leaning resistance to keep yourself from tipping over, but you don't want the truck too tight, either, as that'll keep the trucks from steering well. It could simply be that different bushings (either softer to lean more, or stiffer to lean less) are all you need. But, adjust what you have first, and feel out the differences a few turns of that kinpin nut can make.

If you're riding semi-generic trucks (Ventures,Macks,for example), the bases may have slanting parts, from the kingpin main bolt, to the base directly under that, or the hole pattern that mounts them to the board might not be accurately drilled. Any one of those things can make your board steer in a set direction without your input. They may also just have sub-standard bushings in them.

The first thing is to look your trucks over with a critical eye, see if anythings looks out of whack. A drafting triangle (squared 90 degree edge or carpenter's tri-rule can help you see if the kingpin is vertical or slanted, or can help you see if the baseplates are on the board crooked.
If it's the kingpin, or the baseplate area right at the base of the kingpin that's slanting, you'll probably have steering issues as long as you use those trucks. Buying better trucks like Trackers,Seismics,Furys or Grindkings will likely cure that.

If it's where the trucks mount, there's a simple set of fixes. Loosen 3 0f the 4 bolts a little bit, then grab by the axle/wheels, and twist to correct the truck's alignment along the deck, then re-tighten all four bolts. Repeat for the other truck. Roll the board by itself on a flat + smooth area, watch and see if it veers to the side. If it does, do the loosen/align/tighten sequence on one truck, check it again. You should be able to get the board rolling more-or-less in a straight line then.

It'll take a little tinkering, but be patient enough to work it out, because once you've got the board dialed in, it'll feel like it's an extension of your body.

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Boards making squeeks?
On 8/24/2006 Stevan Hemingway wrote in from United States  (72.0.nnn.nnn)

Bearings and wheels are allways the problem, evan more true if you do alot of slides. If you are on old trucks you might be bending them in an S shape if you are into slides and high speed stops. If you just got an all new set up, let the bushings ware in. Hardware can make noise to if its driven into your ply to deep and skateing will drive them in over time. It could also be you set up. These are just some other things you may want to look at.

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squeeky wheels
On 8/23/2006 Daniel wrote in from United States  (216.176.nnn.nnn)

Derik I think my deck is scerwed.I've changed the wheels bearings and I just put brand trucks on.I think it is what I am skateing on.I build ramps and take them out to our park and are park has a lot of dust on it and every time i skate in our skate park it only make that noise if I havent cleaned my bearings. I dont know but when I get my board from ccs I will only skate at the skate park or my gargae

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Squeeky wheels?
On 8/23/2006 Derik wrote in from Germany  (193.7.nnn.nnn)

Wich wheels are you riding? When do you hear the noise? Could be the core. Could be the bearing. Could be the pivot. Could be the bushing. Could be a flatspot. If it makes noises when you tilt your board standing still, its the bushing or the pivot: no problem. If the sound gets louder during a carve, its a bearing or a wheel. Check the bearings, maybe one dry or even broken. If its a loose core, you hopefully have a wheel with a good bonded core, so the cores stays inside.

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Squeeky wheels
On 8/22/2006 Daniel wrote in from United States  (216.176.nnn.nnn)

HI was up people. I am a new skater. I just started about two weeks ago.I just learned how to kickflip and I started skateing when all of a sudden my wheels strated squeekying.I tried to fix it but nothing worked.I tightened my trucks loseing the wheels but nothing happened.I dont understand Idont know if I eigh to much or my wheels or worn. Nothing. Plz all u pros I need help bad. Help me ur fellow skater.

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A great source for surf-style
On 8/22/2006 Derik wrote in from Germany  (193.7.nnn.nnn)

If you like the surfing style of the gravity riders, check out this page: http://www.inch.com/~joso/public_html

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ringing sounds
On 8/7/2006 Derik wrote in from Germany  (193.7.nnn.nnn)

Could be the washer of the bushing. If you ride your trucks verry loose, your weight compresses the bushings and the bottom washer will rattle. Or its the spacers, sometimes they rattle if they have a litlle play.
Powerslide? Try the one with a hand on the ground first. When you are a master you can try the stand-up slide. Longboard wheels are pretty sticky and a stand up slide isn't easy.

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going straight
On 8/6/2006 Derik wrote in from Germany  (193.7.nnn.nnn)

What kind of setup do you ride? If you ride Randals it's pretty normal that you ride carves. You need to get used to balance the board. While trying you tilt from side to side and that results in carves. Try to tighten the rear truck more, to get a more stable stand.

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On 8/6/2006 Fay wrote in from United States  (162.84.nnn.nnn)

i just started skateboarding yesterday and its very hard for me to keep my board going straight is there something wrong with my board or am i not moving it correctly?

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my longboard makes ringing sounds
On 8/3/2006 kovie wrote in from (72.134.nnn.nnn)

hey, Just bought a sec. 9 like 2 weeks ago. ive upgraded to randal r II 180s and when I ride at faster speeds, it makes ringing sounds..i cant seem to figure out where it's coming from. i have only upgraded trucks and loosened the trucks so it has a greater turn radius. any ideas where it comes from? also the back trucks make squeaky noises....and how do you powerslide without putting your hand on the ground? anyother tips are cool to..cuz ive just started..my transportation for college....email me at cocopuffs809@yahoo.com

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Rule Number One
On 7/25/2006 Crystal wrote in from United States  (69.37.nnn.nnn)

Alright, Newbie, I'm new to the sport too, and one thing I've learned is never start at the top of a new hill. Looks can be decieving. Next thing, wear a helmet and slide gloves. Even if you're not going to slide, wear them. Unless of course you want your palms to look like hamburger patties....

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On 7/7/2006 dylan/hsfyc wrote in from United States  (70.220.nnn.nnn)

yeah wear a helmet

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On 7/4/2006 a wrote in from United States  (71.126.nnn.nnn)

hey. im a new rider in longboarding. i mostly want to cruise and carve, but id want to try bombing hills too. i was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for me as a new rider. thanks.

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On 6/30/2006 Dude wrote in from United States  (207.69.nnn.nnn)

I need some teqhniques on how to Ollie, I just can't get it right, Sometimes I go a bit high and land 90 degrees, or on one foot. Please Help, my Email is rockerhim44@yahoo.com, Please Help.

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Dear Transworld
On 6/17/2006 G.Force wrote in from Canada  (207.194.nnn.nnn)

dear transworld skate magazine you suck. You think you are cool sporting your overdone attitude thinking you know it all and are king s#@!..well you suck. first of all competion is for sport heads; not true skateboarders. A true skater gives no s#@! to a trophey or medal, not all of us want to play your tired games and old borng tricks. you are so 1970's...punk music sucks and should have died when the seventies did and the dog town crew are the only true originals, the rest are just rehash trying to top a really old style..my advise to you is find your own. And you sell crappy s#@! that is made to look good and thats it, the quality of all these products you go off about is pathetic, your skate products suck as do all of the commercial brands of useless crap that you sell. next time you dish someone in your mag I suggest that you look at your lame ass self first, perhaps you will realize how boring and stupid you truly are! I skate because it makes me feel alive and that makes me a true skater. You pussys skate because you want fame and glory..go find a nasty punk band take your ego drugs and go pretend you are the best thing since sliced bread, nothing is more lame than an attitude like yours. p.s. I have been skating before you were even born so dont try telling me or others like myself what true skateboarding is, you only look and sound stupid doing so. this is a repost of a letter to the editor at that lame magazine, it says you SUCK.

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On 5/18/2006 chris seiber wrote in from United States  (66.5.nnn.nnn)

when doing a casper up a ramp or table do a small kickflip land like a casper and then do a 540 while in a casper then to get out of a casper 540 just do an impossible while in a casper then to top it maneul down to the bottom and ollie agian and then do a kickflip but when landing dont forget to bend your knees for better landing.(before landing picture the tricks in your head and then think about the fall and the other skate things needed to do.

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On 4/17/2006 Adam wrote in from United States  (67.103.nnn.nnn)

Hey Sean!!! Wow thats awesome glad school is going well for you!!! And i hope it stays that way. No problem about the late reply..i understand work before play always.....well....sometime....lol But anyways...thanks a lot for your information1!! Its deffinately going to help me out a lot! Ill look into both of those boards and see which is best for me. And yeah since im 6'5" i think id want a longer board...lol So anyway...ill let you know what happends..thanks a lot for your information! Take care, and i hope school continues to go smooth for you!-Adam

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Re: board for adam
On 4/17/2006 Sean wrote in from United States  (151.204.nnn.nnn)

Hey adam,
sorry for the late reply but ive been busy with college, traveling for the holiday and stuff. its nice to see your stoked about my reply, but i would like you to keep in mind that there are still many boards out there of which im still yet to try out myself. you should try and learn the physics of different boards before you make the purchase, which is why i reccomended checking out the silverfishlongboardin.com website.Ive been sufing for a while now and took up longboarding as sort of ccrosstrainer. Its more convienient for me than surfing and cheaper.
I think you'll like about a 40-46" board with about a 27-30" wheelbase, cutouts at both the nose and tail, R-II 180 trucks, and some big soft 76mm 78a wheels.
for more economic setups, you may like one of the Gravity 46" Carves or one of the gravity 42" Mini-Carves. THe 46" carve has more kick in the tail and is concave, so you will be able to ollie it or throw on hard wheels and pull a slider ( the concave will help keep your feet locked in). the mini-carve would be more ideal for just carving. With either deck your gonna want to opt for the randal trucks. im not sure whether they'll give you R-Is or R-IIs, maybe you can specify in the comments box (the r-IIS are 30mm wider and therefore more stable at speed, but heavier and therefore harder to ollie). Complete setups of either board will run you about $145 plus shipping and can be purchased directly from Gravity's website. heres the address to the 46 carve : http://www.gravityboard.com/pages/gstore/boards/c461.html

If your looking for a better overall setup the Landyachtz Drop Carve is really bad ass, but its also more expensive. The deck has drop through truck holes that will allow you to adjust the height of the deck (lower will be more stable for bombing but less carvey). Its also got good cutouts, a kick in the tail for ollies, good flex, width, concave. This bitch definitely comes with the r-IIs and the orange/pink kryto wheel shown are great for cruising and carving, while the green abec 11s are also and option when you buy the complete and are a little bit stronger, grippier wheel. THis setup will run you about $190 plus shipping and can be bought from Landyachtz's website here's the address: http://www.landyachtz.com/D25.cfm?PID=38
hope all that helps. let me know if you have any other questions. good luck and be safe, Sean

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