Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Banks & Ditches (2951 Posts)
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This thread needs more pics!
On 8/7/2009 ghotilongboards wrote in from United States  (97.123.nnn.nnn)

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so PSR......
On 8/6/2009 dt wrote in from United States  (68.96.nnn.nnn)

in your alias post....

I don't care about oversteppin nothing when I spend 40+ hrs a week since Feb looking for work. I have a flawless background, can save a life, rebuild high end cars, construct z-line rescue systems, demo out million dollar homes, blah blah whine whine - yet I cant even get a job as a dishwasher or a janitor at a mcdonalds cause I dont speak enough spanish. even part time at lower then min wage.

Looks like I will have to Be all that I can Be if things don't turn around.

In the meantime, I will skate my brains out in "private" ditches and paddle out and catch waves in the dark when the beach is "closed"

anyone trying to tell me to my face otherwise will be suffer a fate that is twisted, even by your standards.

ps. i did enjoy reading your post, not too sure where you stand though.

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Red Nectar (Millers Gig)
On 7/24/2009 Ditch Skater wrote in from United States  (76.102.nnn.nnn)

Is this really going to happen?

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On 7/18/2009 Tired of same 'ol sh_# wrote in from United States  (71.202.nnn.nnn)

Tired of looking here and seeing "That is F U 3 4 I N G awesome!".....had to post SOMETHING!

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Ditch Slap is Illegal
On 6/3/2009 LAVIN wrote in from United States  (69.49.nnn.nnn)

That is F U 3 4 I N G awesome! That's the kind of press you need. That is priceless PR. Go underground with it and exploit as much as you can man. LOL, flash flooding... maybe you guys should get some life preservers... Too funny. Go guys go!!!

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On 5/31/2009 shnitz wrote in from Canada  (24.66.nnn.nnn)

no, not me joe, but a great rant!!!!!!!!!!

ahhhhhhh, ditches...........

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"Alias" for Prez 2012
On 5/30/2009 Mahoney wrote in from United States  (76.173.nnn.nnn)

Right On....Silly Bureaucrat...Ditches are for kids!

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nearly a blankman post
On 5/30/2009 GI Joe wrote in from United States  (65.19.nnn.nnn)

I know it's you Jody! Who else can rant like that and mean every word of it?

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Damn those Ditches, Burn those Witches,+
On 5/30/2009 Not Me, but an ALIAS! wrote in from United States  (75.68.nnn.nnn)

Here's just a pragmatic view of our F%$#ed-Up world, IMHO.

Taxpayers (that's US, btw) have payed for these ditches that provide relief from rain overflow, which save, for the most-part, the Infastructure of any given community that would otherwise be flooded. So, our Txes increase, which makes us work harder, wherein we have less time to go socialize, or even give back to our community. Meanwhile, it becomes clear that, we, the Taxpayers, have funded a construction project that now lets US skateboard for a few miles past factories that make ugly things like Bombs + guns for our dear, depraved Govt. (which is supposed to represent US + keep the Peace), which would otherwise be disrupted by God's water as it naturally Overflowed during an abnorma rain season. So, we naturally use these conduits of banked concrete that we've payed for as our own Playground for Bikes, Skateboards, even Rollerblades, as these are easily utilized for a 'quick' speed+flow in an otherwise overscheduled and hyperstimulted lifestyle that limits our usual inclination for group recreation in cultured society. Ah, but now, in the act of using our own 'playground' that's actually been built for protecting those gun factories from the ravages of nasty, but rare, southwestern floods, we've OVERSTEPPED our cultural boundaries by using these concrete thruways for a Social Gathering and competitive race. ACK! The SIN of it! It's like, like, um, Duck hunting with the former V.P. without personal protective armour! You DARE NOT do such a thing!! EEek, even using that loathsome tool of Earl, a SK8board, for your non-gas-guzzling personal transportation, that's just DePraVeD BehAviOur, even bordering on AgOnoStIc, or otherwise morally corrupt social interaction. IT MUST BE STOPPED! NOW! Or, by god, we'll have to fly more E-9's into skyscrapers, and fight even more wars overseas,(Though, for what, besides Oil and religion, it's hard to foresee) just to learn ya irrecoverable delinquent antisocialist skateboarding perverts!

Damn, it's getting harder + harder to justify bein' The Man, with LAWS U Must Obey... ;-)

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Ditch Slap is Illegal
On 5/29/2009 TimeShip Headquarters wrote in from United States  (65.19.nnn.nnn)

Here's the actual newscast stories form channel 7 and 13. The first ever helicopter footage of pack riding the ditches! Cliff Coleman reads from his own laminated copy of the constitution!

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South Jersey
On 5/28/2009 Mahoney wrote in from United States  (76.173.nnn.nnn)

I grew up in South Jersey near Toms River(a couple good garages here)....there are no ditches, sorry to say. The Sayreville Skatepark has a good bowl and an over-verted bank....and as far as hills go...Island Heights is cool(cops suck though) and Roosevelt City out by Whiting has some hills....otherwise you gotta head north, like the PNC Bank Arts Center, some bombers here and a wicked, narrow run behind the Vietnam Vet Memorial, and Holmdel is pretty sick too...Happy Skating

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Any Good Spots in South Jersey?
On 5/27/2009 Joe wrote in from United States  (68.82.nnn.nnn)

Is there any good banks or pools or ditches in South Jersey or near it? Any good hills?

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banked ditch Race Aug, 1st
On 5/26/2009 J Miller wrote in from United States  (75.15.nnn.nnn)

Well , it' on. Aug 1st at high noon the 1st annual Red Nectar invitational Ditch Race..
Central Coast of California, the Ditch is huge , great trans, big banks.
Look for the invite list soon, if you want to nominate a racer, send email to Miller @ outlawranchproductions@yahoo.com.We have started a list, so if you don't get picked this one, then come down and support our events, those who represent our events get priority. Must be pro rider...Look out this one will give out over a 1,000,00 dollars in purse $$$$$$$$$$$$. contest calender coming soon..

Later, Miller

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On 5/23/2009 braddah wrote in from United States  (70.95.nnn.nnn)

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The One, The Only...........
On 5/20/2009 Cat wrote in from United States  (98.210.nnn.nnn)

Jonny "Thriller" Miller

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who is dat?
On 5/20/2009 Answer Man wrote in from United States  (69.3.nnn.nnn)

It's Thriller Miller in SLO, CA

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who is dat?
On 5/19/2009 deep rice wrote in from United States  (76.26.nnn.nnn)

i'm assuming that is chris miller form ABQ posting?...if thats the case, I'm in!

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Red Nectar
On 5/19/2009 Devon Talley-Bailey wrote in from United States  (97.119.nnn.nnn)

Miller, what is your e-mail? And where is said race? Will there be try-outs, or is it invite only?

Sounds sick!

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Baked slalom race Aug,1st
On 5/18/2009 Miller wrote in from United States  (75.15.nnn.nnn)

I found one hell of a good ditch, very fast ,big walls ,and perfect transition. Aug,1st will be the RED NECTAR invitational, I will take names(nomination's) .
I have a list that i started from racers who have supported our racers in the past, it will be 1st come 1st serve..just can't have every body, so ,sorry to those who can't come. next one it's on.
look out for the list , you can email me your nominations, i will pick the pack from the list. If you want to get involved,contact me.. vai email.....
Thanks, Miller

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On 5/15/2009 Matthew franklin wrote in from United States  (66.90.nnn.nnn)


Send me your email, I'll send you a pic!

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Ditch Slap
On 5/15/2009 Jason Mitchell wrote in from United States  (67.176.nnn.nnn)

Thanks for the good times Timeship and everyone who took part. Cool pics and film, burly racing. Ditches and beers comming out of our ears. Epic!

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On 5/13/2009 local wrote in from United States  (75.161.nnn.nnn)

Looks like you guys had a great time!

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Ditch Slap Video from Durango Boards
On 5/13/2009 TSR Headquarters wrote in from United States  (65.19.nnn.nnn)

Thanks Chris, this video is SICK! Hope your head is feeling better!

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DS pics
On 5/12/2009 Devon Talley-Bailey wrote in from United States  (97.119.nnn.nnn)

Thanks! It was such a blast hanging out and skating!
I can't wait till next year.

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Ditch Slap Pics
On 5/12/2009 TSR wrote in from United States  (65.19.nnn.nnn)

Here are some Ditch Slap pics for you Devon



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