Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Banks & Ditches (2951 Posts)
Topic Message
On 8/12/2003 Tony wrote in from (67.0.nnn.nnn)

Praying to the ditch gods right now.

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slobbering on my monitor
On 8/12/2003 snoball wrote in from (68.200.nnn.nnn)

Tony, please throw your influence around with mother
nature and keep those blue skies going till the
end of august.


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Blood Bowl(s)
On 8/12/2003 Lenny wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

I realized my question may be a bit vague. I mean are they flooded still?

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On 8/12/2003 Lenny wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

I told my girl that I'd be unpacking the crap in our new apartment, but somehow I keep thinking "Hmmmmmm... I wonder what's up on NCDSA?" Is that bad?

Also, y'all in Columbus, what's the word on the Blood Bowl(s)?

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So Cal ditch contact?
On 8/12/2003 dano wrote in from (208.200.nnn.nnn)

Hey everyone,

I am the Uvas spillway contact for k-lee's ditch website
I have been getting alot of inquiries about so cal ditches, anyone in the so cal interested in being a local contact?
I am in nor cal and K-lee is in New Mex so we are not much help for locations down there. Send me e-mail and we'll get you linked up on K-lee's site.

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another beaut, 528
On 8/12/2003 dano wrote in from (208.200.nnn.nnn)

looks fun as f***, any grindable lip action? is it another mile and a half love fest? trannies look perfect.
thanks much for the photos, keeping me sane over here.

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On 8/12/2003 Lowrie wrote in from (65.161.nnn.nnn)

We call it 528, you don't need a broom, think of it as mother nature cones. It is good an fast though I like it. Cowboy Cody calls it his ditch because he lives right by there. Neighbors are cool too, they'll come out an watch every now an again.

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On 8/11/2003 Tony wrote in from (67.0.nnn.nnn)

What is the name of this ditch? It is west of 528 heading into Rio Rancho.It is across the street from Don Chalmers Ford. You cant see it from 528 because it is behind a wall.It is one of the fastest ditches I have ever riden. Scarey as hell. Bring a broom

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On 8/11/2003 Lowrie wrote in from (207.221.nnn.nnn)

Your email didn't seem to want to work for me. Try mine.

Oh yeah, palmer's gay

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Bear Kinks
On 8/11/2003 Steve in AZ wrote in from (192.175.nnn.nnn)

Hey, Lowrey...I only wish I could remember that "pep talk"...Hell, I only remember the skatepark the night before & dinner.

This is the first I've seen you post as to the events of that morning. For my own edification (and so I can tell the story accurately for those who ask), would you be so kind as to email me privately (to spare these good people the gory details of my demise at the Bear) with an account of my less-than-excellent adventure, from Breakfast to ambulance.

Most importantly, you address that "the board stopped, but I didn't"...That tells me that I was probably riding my other board with the Avilas and the 139mm RTX/S combo. I what I hear is true about my having a clean first run, I think I may have done that on the Kryp.44"RF/RII 180/83mmFlywheel combo (which has NO wheelbite).

Thanks! That's starting to answer some questions.

-=S=-, looking and feeling almost 100%

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The Kinks??
On 8/10/2003 Ray Davies wrote in from (67.99.nnn.nnn)

The key at the Bear is to BE scared. At least it is for me. That helps you focus. But also be aggressive, and you will be rewarded with one of the most exhilirating rides on the planet. I rarely leave that place without a boner.

Above all - don't ride that place alone.

And trust K-Lee or whoever your guide is... (as long as it isn't CW or Quantum!)

And find some 70mm wheels.

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the kink
On 8/10/2003 Lowrie wrote in from (207.221.nnn.nnn)

that kink is on both sides, the bottom of the trannies, it's more like 8in. an it's alot steeper than the rest of the wall. Steve got around the first cone, got to the bottom hit the kink then got wheel bite, or something, but his board stopped an he didn't. He was scared, I told him b4 he dropped in to relax an don't be scared, it probably made him more scared, I dunno? Anyway, don't go alone!

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Kinks and holes...
On 8/8/2003 Andre wrote in from (12.237.nnn.nnn)

Kinks and holes... It's starting to sound like a porn flick. That kink on the bear, is it on the left side only, or both? You are talking about that crease like gap about 6 inches (guestimating from the pics) above the transition, right? If so, it sounds like soft big wheels(70mm and up) are the way to go. Right? I hope so, cause my 76mm kryptos are wearing down fast, and my 65mm are EXACTLY the same size as my brand new 60mm no skoolz. Scarry stuff.

That hole in indian school looks mean also. I can see it now, trying to carve over it, missing the mark, biting it...


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On 8/8/2003 dano wrote in from (208.200.nnn.nnn)

was checking some of the vids on k-lee's site, place looks scary fast, the stills don't really do it justice, where did Steve eat it? the bottom of that left hand wall? guess thats the kink you guys were talking about,could definetely see that being an issue

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On 8/8/2003 PALMER wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

Yeah just ask Biker about that hole and Indian School


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On 8/7/2003 Lowrie wrote in from (207.221.nnn.nnn)

The bear is so freakin gnarly because if your not to expeirenced, that crazy kink at the bottom, the steep a$$ hill it is on, or the size of the walls gives you to much speed to handle. I watched steve bail, and plenty others, none are ever pretty, maybe funny, but never pretty. Don't underestimate any of the other ditches. I've eaten my fare share of concrete at almost everyone. You have to push your limits to learn, but never forget DITCHES ARE DEADLY.
oh yeah, WATCH THAT HOLE!!!!

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miles and miles and respect
On 8/7/2003 dano wrote in from (208.200.nnn.nnn)

Freakin amazing, just paradise, we have a big, steep,scary ditch up here(uvas),it is long but gets to be unskateable(at speed that is) after about 1/4 mile.Gotta be respectful and fearful of the big ones or you will get served,Like surfing Waimeia or Steamers. Even the little ones can do it if your'e not careful(ruptured achilles on 5 ft banks 2 weeks ago).
You guys rock,can hardly wait for the leg to heal and get down there.

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Right on,
On 8/7/2003 Andre wrote in from (12.237.nnn.nnn)

I`ll be carefull, that`s for sure. The stoke is turning into fear, since I just crashed this monday because of a nasty transition on the chute. It hurt a bit, and I was SLOW. I`ll try really hard not to feed the Bear. Have enough scars as it is.

My brother wants to leave the bear for last, so we can hit the Indian School and other places before dying. Just a thought.

We`ll see you guys up there. Or is it down there? Who cares. We`ll see you.


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On 8/7/2003 PALMER wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

It's the speed and the 45 degree angle at the bottom. Watch out that place will f#@! you up.


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So I've experienced ('da Bear)
On 8/7/2003 Steve in AZ wrote in from (192.175.nnn.nnn)


The good news is that I don't remember any of it.

But I have a cracked skull in two places and probably a broken tailbone to remind me of my place in this world.

...and I'm no slouch of a ditch rider, either. This happened on my 2nd run at the Bear after a fast, clean 1st practice run from the start line (or so I've been told).


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So I`ve heard
On 8/7/2003 Andre wrote in from (12.237.nnn.nnn)

Yeah, I`ve seen pictures and heard stories of what happens when you eat Sh!t at the Bear... And since I pretty much bite it every session I have, respect comes naturally.

Why is the Bear so freakin dangerous? Is it the speed those massive walls give ya? is it the speed plus all the crap that paves the ditches? Whatever it is, I just hope I don`t break anything...

K-Lee, GMBII and Palmer, I should be arriving in less than a week, I`ll e-mail you with the details.


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On 8/7/2003 GBMII wrote in from (143.182.nnn.nnn)

You better be scared and respectful if your gonna visit the Bear... Not just anxious.

I'm not s#@!ting you.

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On 8/7/2003 -JC- wrote in from (63.184.nnn.nnn)

Have I seen it? I'm the one that sent it to GI Joe. Comes in real handy for scopin' spots. Someone mentions an area, and that's the first place I go.


That's the link for "new construction"... should clue us on virgin 'crete.

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On 8/6/2003 Tony wrote in from (67.0.nnn.nnn)

No, thats is Black Arroyo on the west side.Its off of Golf Course rd, a little
past West Mesa medical Center.

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did someone say map?
On 8/6/2003 K-LEE wrote in from (63.184.nnn.nnn)

Is that photo of the Big Pink? I haven't skated it yet, but I've seen it. Gotta get my butt to the Westside. Wallrides on pintails ROCK!

I like your map. Have you seen mine? It's too big to fit on this forum properly, as shrinkage would loose detail. But you can find it on my site if you look hard enough. ditch map

How much longer bro, like a week?

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