Misc Equipment (2108 Posts)
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ARRRGGHH! Slide Gloves!
On 6/1/2002
wrote in from
Try scuffing up the surface of the cutting board before gluing it with Shoe Goo. I used a simple hand saw and sawed flat across the entire area to be glued, leaving scratch marks that the glue can stick to. And you don't need gobs ot Shoe Goo.. that just prolongs the drying process.
On 6/1/2002 Known Carver
wrote in from
I did it!!! I f _ cking did it!!! I made slider gloves. they are amazing. I thought they would be horrible but what do you know.
slideGlove testing upate (cont.)
On 6/1/2002
wrote in from
What I've found so far is that these things work surprisingly well for a first attempt at this design. One great feature is that I've been able to use them with a variety of gloves: leather work gloves, Kevlar ones, and best of all it fits quite well over wrist guards (I use Harbingers)! I found some discomfort w/o a layer of fabric between me and the plastic while sliding becuse the plastic is thin so it would seem like it could break the skin at one contact point if enough pressure was applied. This was easily remedied with a quick stop at a hardware store and some customising so now this design has three components and is an assembled item instead of just a cutout item. I have to admit that it's looking cooler everytime, kinda like hi-tech hand gear...
...looks like we've got a real viable product for future release here! Good to see the interest in this item. Thanks guys. You'll be hearing from me real soon!
slideGlove testing upate
On 6/1/2002
wrote in from
I can't believe the irony of it all. I've started the testing phase of the new slide glove module all because I am in recovery from an injury sustained because my wrist guards didn't provide enough slip during a fall. So I spent half the day testing my equipment doing nothing else but falling because I don't have the full range of motion on my shoulder to do a slide w/my hands out behind me. Armed with a battery of pain relievers I searched out a location here in Detroit and the best spot happened to be a hospital parking lot. How strange it must have looked to see me going through the motions of what could be an injurious activity so close to an emergency room. I'm getting a lot of practice falling though (ouch!).
ARRRGGHH! Slide Gloves!
On 6/1/2002
wrote in from
I can't believe how difficult this is! I can't seem to get the cutting board to stick to the leather gloves! I've tried contact cement, some kind of sealent and Shoe Goo. After 24 hrs in a vice none of the above worked. I tried the Shoe Goo again without clamping them down. I guess I was hoping more air would get at it and seal it better. After another 24 hrs they are still not sticking very well. I can still pry it away from the leather with very little effort. The only thing I can think of try next is to beat up the surface of the cutting board. Maybe it has some kind of non stick surface? I'm grasping now...any advice from the glove gurus?
Sidlogloves, er, I mean slider gloves
On 5/31/2002 Scabs
wrote in from
I`m in line, oops, off the curb but back in line. (I DON`T inline) Don`t fruit-boot. Never did, never will.
SLider gloves
On 5/31/2002 Mick
wrote in from
Where can i buy slider gloves and what do they go for?
On 5/31/2002 TheBoz
wrote in from
Dave, line starts right here. How's the whitewater in West By-God Virginny? psYchOLloyd, let me know if the Kevlar terry gloves work, the leather Wells Lamont are getting a little sweaty.
Tom Bosworth
Hand sandals
On 5/31/2002 Dave G
wrote in from
Not having used slider gloves, I never saw the importance until recently! This ole' body don't have much healing power left in it! After 2259 stitches/6 artificial joints/ knee surgery/ torn ligements/ permenently partially dislocated shoulder...I WANT TO SLIDE!!!!!!!!!! I've witnessed the quick evolution of the PsYchO Sandal and am sold!!! Where does the line start?
handSandal module of the psYch0Lloyd slideGlove
On 5/31/2002
wrote in from
OK, worked all night on this (the original design has evolved a bit, you see). Though I can't reveal at the moment just how this thing is attached, let me assure you that it is quite secure. The glove in the picture is a Kevlar knit, it "breaths" well enough, but isn't as durable as one would like to believe. I'll let you know how it tests out this weekend... ...if everything seems copasetic, I'll make them available for anyone whose interested. Only then will the secret be revealed! (maniacal laughter drifting off into the distance)
On 5/30/2002 Rainbow
wrote in from
Handals is a funny name. Hee hee.
On 5/30/2002
wrote in from
I'll put in my vote for a well made retail slider glove, something at least as good as one you could make yourself, not like the spock gloves. Who's with me?
psYch0Lloyd slideGlove
On 5/30/2002
wrote in from
I’m leaning towards modularity in the design where components can be worn or eliminated depending on the rider’s needs. The basic item could be worn w/any glove or alone, kinda like hand sandals (nice name I think I’ll use it), at approximately $15. Then depending on people's preferences a high tech fabric glove and finger guards could be had. The key here is to maintain dexterity in the digits and that means not limiting the opposing thumb. This whole system could be purchased for a substantial discount than all of the components if purchased alone. Then again I have my doubts if the world is really ready for the psYch0Lloyd slideGlove. Nah… too late. It’s in my head and now all I have to do is make it a reality!!!
Still not making any promises, Alan Sidlo Knucklehead Racing Team
Slider Gloves
On 5/30/2002
wrote in from
I've been playing around w/slider glove concepts from its simplest form to the ornate ever since I sustained an injury after a fall and I think that I've come up with a pretty original concept. This product is still in the earliest of development but I hope to have something to test out pretty soon.
Hey Cliff, if you're out there let me know, I'd like to bounce a couple of ideas your way.
Slider gloves
On 5/30/2002 MIck
wrote in from
what is the average privce for slider gloves
Knee sliders
On 5/29/2002 Duane
wrote in from
I have two unused sets from leathers. Both have the plastic molded right onto and into the velcro. The ones off my texport leathers, the velcro was so good I had to use pliers to pull them off. That's the way to make slide pads if anyone wanted to do it commercially, but the knee sliders are concave on the inside to fit the knee, and thus do not fit the palm well at all.
Slider Gloves
On 5/29/2002
wrote in from
Has anyone tried using Motorcycle knee-sliders to make slider gloves?
These things are designed to slide on the road without being "grabby", and are designed to be replaced. My only thought is that they may be to large for use with gloves without cutting them down. Any views or experience?
Cheers Sparker
Indo board
On 5/28/2002
wrote in from
has anybody used or made or has a balance board(i.e. indo board)
what are their benefits? anyone has the specs of the indoboard(size, width)
On 5/28/2002 kanufi
wrote in from
The best gloves are the ones you make yourself.Go the cheap construction gloves, get the cutting board stuff ad shoe goo and bingo you own the best sliding gloves ever made.
slidding gloves
On 5/28/2002 Mick
wrote in from
Hey what are the best slidding glove for a reasonable price. thanks
Kebbek Slider Gloves
On 5/28/2002
wrote in from
They are leather on the top and bottom (kinda cream coloured) and they have a white piece of plastic in the shape of the palm attached to the palm (appropriately enough) The plastic used to have "Kebbek Racing" engraved in it, but I've worn it off now. (Probably not the smartest place for your logo guys but I don't really care about brands anyway.)
I don't even know what eloura gloves are. Are they any good?
Board chekc
On 5/27/2002
wrote in from
I too have checked my board, both bagged and unbagged. Never had a problem, no dings ever. Then again, I'm talking about my die-hard 8-ply Beer City pool deck. I'd have to be crazy to check my Roe the same way. The Roe is getting bagged up with my clothes in my duffle so it has plenty of padding.
Travel Bags
On 5/27/2002
wrote in from
I was in a similar situation a few times recently, and I just checked my boards with no bag. They didn't get dinged or anything. One women at the counter made me put a plastic bag over it (they supplied the bag), but it didn't need it.
I used to put my board in a box I pieced together out of a couple other boxes. I taped it up pretty good and it worked fine too. But I didn't feel like hassling with it last two times so I checked the board without the box.
Just some food for thought.
Good luck.
On 5/24/2002 hc
wrote in from
i hope these are not relabeled eloura gloves, (aka lobster gloves, or Spock gloves)
any pics