Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Chris Yandall on Skogging

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Q&A: Chris Yandall on Skogging (417 Posts)
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skogging training
On 8/19/2006 herbn wrote in from United States  (64.12.nnn.nnn)

my guess is that EVERYBODY has done this while walking up a hill,your board is on the ground and you're walking,you push it up the hill infront of you with your foot and catch it when it rolls back down,and push it back up ahead. Which foot do you use to push the board? Try switching that up.

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if Original made cars . . .
On 8/17/2006 jetkin wrote in from United States  (38.101.nnn.nnn)

. . . they would run like that Carver thang

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on another note
On 8/17/2006 Chris Yandall wrote in from United States  (70.167.nnn.nnn)


only 30K!

i'll buy two!



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SK8 Kings Axe Board
On 8/16/2006 Chris Yandall wrote in from United States  (70.167.nnn.nnn)

y0 reneeeeeee!


there i was going down that damn hill faster than i have gone in the last 30 years. SCARY!

but coming up the hill, I was able to skog back up easily.

the technology you guys have for slicing up the cement is awesome. sticky wheels, and short wheel base makes for sweet cranking quick turns with insane stability.

you guys are my heros!


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The Axe ~ The Bomber ~ Elements bending !
On 8/16/2006 Rene CANNONBALL Carrasco wrote in from United States  (71.134.nnn.nnn)


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Chris -

I'm glad you got the SK8KINGS AXE board !

Did you know Richy can go so fast on those boards -
that he can literally 'bend the elements' around him - - -
buildings, basketball court posts, baseball backstops -
Seriously ! .......

here's a photo below to prove it !

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
PHOTO: By Rene Cannonball.

Take care,
...............-Rene C.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


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Rene' Rocks
On 8/14/2006 Chris Yandall wrote in from United States  (70.167.nnn.nnn)

pump house workout tonight.

:D thanks.

Rene' ended up yakking with me on the phone for hours.


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La Costa Open
On 8/11/2006 Lynn wrote in from United States  (66.91.nnn.nnn)

Chris, there is some really nice Rene Carrasco art featuring none other than one very buffed out CYa on the Slalom thread.

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On 8/9/2006 Chris Yandall wrote in from United States  (70.167.nnn.nnn)

at the skatepark today, for the first time in 30 years, i started doing nosewheelies again!

so now the challenge is on.

can i get a squat too ????

1 month! pictures coming~!

Chris Yandall

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On 8/9/2006 Chris Yandall wrote in from United States  (70.167.nnn.nnn)

right foot forward, left foot push, once, twice, place left foot directly behind right foot so its comfortable and then right foot becomes pushing foot, right foot push, once, twice, three times and then right foot goes back on board and left foot immediatley starts pushing on alternate side. then! switch lead feet~!



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Ouch !
On 8/6/2006 Chris Yandall wrote in from United States  (70.95.nnn.nnn)

herbn, curious. what kind of board are you on? and why would you cause potential risk by switching foot in traffic? comfrey and fresh aloe very straight from the plant is most helpful along with keeping the flesh eating bacteria away with a bubbly anteseptic often. if your palm leaks in bed, clean them sheets daily :D but try to let the air heel it when you rest and keep the flies away.

as for skating hurt... dude. only you can prevent forest fires.


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the worse
On 8/6/2006 herbn wrote in from United States  (205.188.nnn.nnn)

i stepped on the shoelace light enough to not notice but it did pull and untie,i was focusing on the double push and nearby traffic.At the light while rolling slowly ,feet back near the ends the untied shoelace wrapped around the rear wheel ,skidding me to an unabalenced stop, the board took off fakie and my left palm hit rough asphalt at unpleasant force, i'm pretty sure the injury was about 20% abrasion and 80% tearing this well scarred thick skinned area, the torn skin had to die/soften up for weeks before it would peel and that area is not very bandaid friendly, duct tape over bandaids is my tip, anybody got better, i was very close to actually trying, the crazy glue thing.

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On 8/6/2006 Chris Yandall wrote in from United States  (70.95.nnn.nnn)

... or are you referring to a recent cement slam of mine ?


falling down is a good teacher. and that beef/kneeslam was from fatigue and a footcrossover tilt where I couldnt recover :( my rightfoot clipped right front wheel )

oh well....

still learning!


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tie your shoes and learn the technique
On 8/5/2006 Chris Yandall wrote in from United States  (70.95.nnn.nnn)

watch the videos and stroke your alternating kick/pedal properly with the right board and stumbling over your shoestrings will result in something only the grasskoppers will experience.

itz a one-foot skating experience these days for me.


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skogging hazard
On 7/30/2006 herbn wrote in from United States  (205.188.nnn.nnn)

stepping on your own shoelaces,very annoying.

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D4mN skitcherz are 3v3rywh3r3
On 7/14/2006 Chris Yandall wrote in from United States  (70.95.nnn.nnn)

skoggalians welcome the skitchers.


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On 7/14/2006 Skitch wrote in from United States  (66.188.nnn.nnn)

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San Diego East Bay Skogging Route
On 7/9/2006 Chris Yandall wrote in from United States  (70.95.nnn.nnn)

chris yandall east bay skog

Glorious East Bay Skogging Route.

SO now... 2 nice skogging outtings begging whoever to join me and vision seek sidewalk surfing of this century. Skateboarding has many disciplines. This is something outside of the realm early forms of alternate legs skating using one-foot cruising.... that's the definition of skogging! Anyone can alternate legs. But the few, the proud, the skoggerrines feel the universal energy shooting up their spine as they alternate their weight all over the sidewalk whilst smoking up moves that gives them a sensation that some of us know as "skogasm" !

cheers matez
Chris Yandall

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razors can help?
On 7/6/2006 Chris Yandall wrote in from United States  (70.167.nnn.nnn)

But i have to agree with you, herbn. They rely on too much forward leaning a la handle bars which means weight is not quite right. And having your hands resting on something makes it too easy to switch stance. from a baby steps point of view, it can help but when transitioning to the skills necessary to pull it off... there seems to be something missing. like a ... SKATEBOARD :P

you gotsa be nekkid! expose your stride!

herbn, you ready to skog :P

bring it bro! meet you down at the boardwalk anytime. it's me office!


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On 7/4/2006 herbn wrote in from United States  (64.12.nnn.nnn)

there are a few things that you won't ever see me do, and there are a few things i'll never do.Riding a razor, while not at the top of those lists,is fairly high up on those lists.

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Alternating Legs
On 6/28/2006 Ed V wrote in from United States  (12.27.nnn.nnn)

I have found that kicking a Razr scooter helps to groove a non kicking leg
into a kicking leg. The foot switching technique is different but the re is
groove and there is glide and as we say in Minnesota. . .
"it could be worse"

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Ed and Crosstraining for skiis
On 6/27/2006 Chris Yandall wrote in from United States  (70.167.nnn.nnn)

Hey Ed!

alternating legs is no new idea.

skogging on the other hand is something many of the bone heads on ncdsa just dont get. and they probably wont until they get off their fatasses and make an attempt to master it. and if they dont, they can go on and brag about how they can get down a steep hill with 10,000 cones the fastest. GREAT! but someday when they cant keep up the with younger generation that will blow them away, they might consider going for a stroll on their board with their wife and kids and "sidewalk surf" like they never imagined... knowing when they surf, snowboard or skateboard, they will have a bit more balance in control while reversing their bad habits NOT to switch!

NOW dammit! How can such a simple technique be ignored by the older generation while the new kids who discover it find a great way to move their butts from A-Z "au naturelle!".

I'm fed up with all these stick in the muds thinking they cant do it when in fact they can with a little bit of practice!!!!

and the old downhill surfing on a skateboard downhill movement will change when we get "true" skoggers makeing waves down the smooth pavement or flatlanding sidealk surfing.

sorry you had [rpblem,s posting here but if you dont post fast enuff that number getS ASSIGNED BY THE NEXT POSTER. A :(

so it more blessed to write your post in a text editor and paste it quick! or the number you see on the screen gets reassigned and you get that error! :P

======================================= ================================================= ==================

Name: Ed Vogel
Email: ed_vogel@yahoo.com
Quote_Description: Hi Chris,
I was trying to post to the ncdsa skog site bit kept asking me for the "black box" number. Anyway. . .

I started longboarding last week to keep in shape and balance for cross country skiing and telemark. Those roller ski things just seem to contrived to me. I think skogging is truly an inspired idea.

Thanks dude,
Ed V.

PS - So anyway maybe there is a marketable link between free heel skiers and long boarding gear that you can find a niche in.

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original medium tension springs
On 6/25/2006 clem wrote in from United States  (66.75.nnn.nnn)

thanks chris for your reply!
have you tried Original's medium tension springs for pumping? i'm thinking i should give those a try.

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How loose is a goose?
On 6/21/2006 Chris Yandall wrote in from United States  (70.167.nnn.nnn)

Very quick turning trucks that have a parabolic swing can produce a very nice medium for quick turns. I've rollerskated for many years and love that one foot schwangggg on a high performance deck. It's not only alternating legs but overall weight shifts for near spills and thrills! it's what sidewalk surfing is all about in this century!

Mixing it up with pumpin your deck makes for a good exercise routine. And for me, I need something new and beasty to hug. Plop on your favorite tunes and work some rhythm into your skogging flow.


So to answer your question.. mileage varies. I go for no tension on my curvy swervy deck and on my straight ahead no turning cruises... www.trackertrucks.com target=_display> !

Mess with it and make the quick turning capability work for your style.



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original trucks
On 6/21/2006 clem wrote in from United States  (66.75.nnn.nnn)

Hi Chris, just wondering how loose should original trucks be when you're pumping? i have the s8's also. thanks!

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Roe decks....
On 6/21/2006 silversurfer wrote in from (71.233.nnn.nnn)

Chris check these out;


Roe's e-mail is sales@roeslalom.com


Perhaps you can get in touch with them and work something out?

Also James Peters of Pavedwave and the Pumping forum has some contacts over at
Roe, so you may want to get in touch with him as well.

Let us know what happens!

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