Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Org: COSS (70 Posts)
Topic Post
On 7/17/2007 Mac wrote in from United States  (65.221.nnn.nnn)

Very cool

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Gary Fluitt's a legend!
On 7/14/2007 Nick wrote in from United States  (71.237.nnn.nnn)

We were riding lookout the other day standing near the bottom when a road biker rides by and asks "do you know fluitt?" so i'm like hell yeah. Then she's like "He's a legend!" then she asked us if we were his kids. Then we skated lookout 5 more times. good story.

anyways, with all this dh action happening in Colorado, it sounds like we need an organization to help us promote events and grow the scene.

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On 7/10/2007 Cat wrote in from United States  (67.117.nnn.nnn)

It was nice meeting all the COSS crew!

Congrats on the great results. Must be the Rocky Mountain air!

See ya soon!

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Vail Pass Freeride
On 6/17/2007 Brian Holden wrote in from United States  (70.58.nnn.nnn)

Edit*** Unlike my previous post, the Schduled Event for Go Skateboarding Day on lookout mountain has changed to take place on the Vail Pass Bike path on June 21st. Email me for more details.

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Lookout Mountain Freeride
On 5/10/2007 Brian Holden wrote in from United States  (67.41.nnn.nnn)

To celebrate National GO SKATEBOARDING DAY on June 21st 2007, Never Summer Longboards along with the Ninja Bomb Squad is holding a Lookout Mountain Freeride, along with a bbq at the park. Email me for more information.

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On 4/30/2007 Britney wrote in from Estonia  (213.168.nnn.nnn)

http://match-com-lawsuit.fv500.info/ http://box-cheatplanet-com-x.fv500.info/ http://everithing-girl-com.fv500.info/ http://malenita-msn-com-site.fv500.info/ http://dating-movie-com.fv500.info/ http://hotjobs-yahoo-com.fv500.info/ http://labview-ni-com.cv100.info/ http://nba-com-transactions.fv500.info/ http://agatha-christie-detective-fiction.cv100.info/ http://cross-stitch-needlework-com.cv100.info/

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On 3/1/2007 LBR wrote in from United States  (72.165.nnn.nnn)

Why am I not seeing more of my peers signed up for this? I am in the middle of juggling YMCA plans to make it.
Step up, fellow wigglers!

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On 2/14/2007 ian ruppert wrote in from United States  (204.98.nnn.nnn)

The lookout race sounds good, hopefully it works out this year. Soooooo pumped to ride that hill.

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Look Out
On 1/29/2007 GI Joe wrote in from United States  (71.213.nnn.nnn)

Preiminary reports suggest an early June event in Golden,CO.

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On 7/31/2006 Brian Holden wrote in from United States  (67.40.nnn.nnn)

Thanks for the offer fluitt, but I picked up Gib's Roe hester from him. I believe that somehow the mayor of abq is tied into the lookout race, and is trying to suck in more racers from CO to go to his town for SANDIA!!!

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slalom deck
On 7/24/2006 fluitt wrote in from United States  (192.18.nnn.nnn)

You probably know by now, the Lookout Mtn. DH is off for this year. Seems Maryhill was THE event and there aren't the sponsors to pull off another one. Joe is looking at it for next year though.
As for a slalom deck, I have several. What are you looking for, a tight slalom board, All around, GS?

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Extra Decks
On 7/16/2006 Brian wrote in from United States  (65.100.nnn.nnn)

Does anyone have an extra slalom deck laying around that they might want to sell? My snowboard deck slalom is falling apart, and I dont think it will make it to nationals. Thanks

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Contact David Eye
On 7/14/2006 Duane Gabel wrote in from United States  (198.178.nnn.nnn)

Hey Everyone,

I've lost touch with you all (including e-mail addresses, etc.); hope everyone's doing well! Does anyone happen to have contact info for David Eye? If so, you can just e-mail me directly.


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Lookout Mtn Sessions
On 5/18/2006 Brian Holden wrote in from United States  (67.40.nnn.nnn)

Lookout Mtn is waiting to be ridden, the race is sooner than you think, Im trying to set up some sessions to practice for the Timeship Race. Anyone up for it?

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estes park
On 5/14/2006 dan wrote in from United States  (66.238.nnn.nnn)

i'm working and living in estes park all summer and was wondering if anyone knew some riders up there. i'm mostly a downhill guy but estes is flippin loaded with amazing hills and gentle slopes alike. hell even if they don't ride i'll take someone who will stand at hairpins and car watch! any connections would be appreciated, feel free to email me, thanks!

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On 5/8/2006 Chris Miller - SRA wrote in from United States  (64.128.nnn.nnn)

Is COSS coming to the Bear? I saw Fluitt's name on the sign up. Is he the only one? Geo, Wax??

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On 5/2/2006 Brian Holden wrote in from United States  (67.40.nnn.nnn)

Hey Mark, I think i met you at the 1st drifter but I am located in littleton. co. So any in that area would be great.

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Bringing The DHB Stoke Train To COSS Country
On 5/1/2006 North Carolina Longboarder-Downhillbillies.org wrote in from United States  (166.82.nnn.nnn)

Just booked my flight for the Nationals! American Airlines is running some specials I guess from Charlotte to Denver so I got a pretty good rate!

Look forward to being out on ya'll's turf in Augustt! Hey Cbark, Mitch, Pirnack, and Philty: Way to bring it at the High Plains Drifter (got to get me one of those tee shirts some day).

Marion Karr
MC Hammer Head
DHB World Headquarters
Skatesville, North Carolina
MC Hammer Head

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Where you at?
On 5/1/2006 Mile High Mark wrote in from United States  (206.124.nnn.nnn)


Where are you located? There are quite a few cone-heads distributed around the Front Range and beyond.

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Next Practice
On 5/1/2006 Brian Holden wrote in from United States  (67.40.nnn.nnn)

Great comp on 4-1, hope everyone had a good time. I was looking to see the next time anyone would be setting up cones for some practice, it would definitely help me out. Thanks

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Yes you just did
On 4/25/2006 Mac wrote in from United States  (65.221.nnn.nnn)

This is crossing the line. I am not saying don't bring a friend, I do as well. But to publish a map it too much we are always walking a thin line when we ride on public streets. Coors tech has been cool with the cops for a long time but you throw a map up giving the impression that it is cool to be there 24/7 and then it is not cool ever. You should ask the folks that turned you on to the spot in the first place if it is cool to publish a spot.


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Posting Maps
On 4/25/2006 cbark wrote in from United States  (63.227.nnn.nnn)

That's a sure way not to get invited to any of my spots...

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COSS Rocks!
On 3/8/2006 North Carolina Longboarder-Downhillbillies.org wrote in from United States  (166.82.nnn.nnn)

Cbark came out and spent several days riding and working with the local DHB crew at the Khiro DHB Slalom Clinic. He did and awesome job and it was great to hang with him.

COSS Rocks! Consider the DHB your brothers in arms!

Marion Karr aka MC Hammer Head (Thanks for the nick Cbark)
Skatesville, North Carolina

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COSS session 3-5
On 3/6/2006 Mac wrote in from United States  (65.221.nnn.nnn)

Great day on the hill, AWESOME weather and lots of riders. Its good to be COSS!

Will be back at it on Saturday 3-11

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#1 Post on the forum!!
On 2/22/2006 GEO wrote in from United States  (64.207.nnn.nnn)

COSS Rules!

Image hosting by Photobucket

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