Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Truck Reviews (15215 Posts)
Truck Review
bennetts and rake
On 10/18/2008 Glenn wrote in from United Kingdom  (84.9.nnn.nnn)

herbn, I don't agree about Bennetts, I ditched a front Splitfire in favour of a cut down Bennett and improved. I later replaced it with a GOG Bauman because it is essentially Bennett style geometry with added precision and adjustability and improved further. For me the rake on the front seems to make all the difference. Martin Drayton's original 50 cone record was set on a the Bauman GOG. My son's 25 and 50 cone world records were set with a Lazer on the front of his board. Possibly the only truck with even more rake than a Bennett.

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On 10/17/2008 herbn wrote in from United States  (71.255.nnn.nnn)

i read "changed at the baseplate" wrong, i think it's simantics but "if you change to different randal baseplates" whatever; the point is made,over made,made to death with precision ;)

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Steering you towards the CURB
On 10/16/2008 PSR wrote in from United States  (75.68.nnn.nnn)

Herbn, as I said, " If you change the baseplates on those R-II's, you'll have a very different ride! " , so Randal has what, 60*, 50*, 42* (on the R-II 125mm), and 30* (although you said 35*, which makes me wonder which is correct), which pretty much means that Randals can be swapped at the baseplates to get within 10 degrees of a desired steering angle. Fit that with, um, Khiro Rail Risers (which come in a huge array of angle combos--Me, NOT doing the Math! Ha!), and you're golden in terms of tweaking steering for at least any cruiser/pumper/DH/surfer/crosswalker for at least two/three weeks of experimental riding. Or buy a COG truck set, and go slowly nuts figuring out why certain angles do specific radii of turns... ;-)

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On 10/16/2008 Thane Magee wrote in from United States  (72.207.nnn.nnn)

Hi all. The Axcelspring ia an all in one suspension system built into the deck of the skatebaord. There is a shock absorber in the deck. Please read my story in Concrete Wave Vol.7 No.1 Summer 2008. The article is in Noteworthy Griffin Skateboards an interview with Thane Magee (page 29). I would like to be apart of NCDSA. So if you have any questions on Axcelspring or Griffin Skateboards please ask.
Thane Magee
Griffin Skateboards

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randal baseplates
On 10/16/2008 herbn wrote in from United States  (67.83.nnn.nnn)

when people talk about changing randal geometry at the baseplate they talk about changing to different baseplates,from the dh trucks(35 degree), or the luge bases (28 or 60?) i think thers's a 45 degree on a narrow slalom truck and the stock common basplate is the 50 degree. The other adjustment people do with randals is flipping the hanger which changes the rake,this does a little change with location of the contact patch in relation to the pivoting axis,but majorly changes the leverage of the axle on the bushings a flipped hanger tends to straighten out,return to center, more. There is no ajustment for the truck geometry in the baseplate.

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Steering better w/ geometry tweakage
On 10/15/2008 PSR wrote in from United States  (75.68.nnn.nnn)

Jake, read up on what Mr. Chewing linked in; But also know that Randal trucks can be changed at the Baseplate in regards to steering input, without extra risers, or in conjunction with selected angled risers. If you change the baseplates on those R-II's, you'll have a very different ride! Keep in mind how Slalom and Downhillers setup their angles, usually with more steering up front, and less at the rear. This creates a car-like steering bias (as opposed to fork-lift rear-biased steering!) with the front wheels doing the aiming, and the rear looking for more traction. If you pump your board, this is the way to set-up the trucks!

Bushings can also change how a trucks steers, feels, and it's stability/quickness in response to rider's input (lean, pressure, and torque). This is why I, a few years back, let everyone here know about Tracker Stimulators, as I'd found they ruled for high-speed riding. Luckily, a few companies have issued similar bushings (Jim-Z's being quite similar, but improved over Stims), and we've seen companies like Holey and Khiro put out great bushings recently. Alas, no new Stims from Tracker, yet. There's a few threads on this over on slalomskateboarder.com that have some good input on this, btw.

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Angled Riser pads described
On 10/15/2008 Pat Chewning wrote in from United States  (15.252.nnn.nnn)

Try this link:


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riser pad setups
On 10/15/2008 Jake in monterey wrote in from United States  (75.244.nnn.nnn)

while searching around and brusing up on my knowledge before I invest in a new stick I kept finding tidbits of info on setting up angled risers in different configurations to achieve different results. this me blew my mind.
can somebody post a quick overview of the basic proven setups? I've got my hands full running through the variables I'll run into on my first pair of seismics and the options angled risers sound like they offer could change the setup for me. my main board is a blacktip with rIIs and 80mm krypto classics with no angled risers, would adding them dramatically change the ride? I'm sticking to surfy carving/soulriding for now until I get my balls back from being off my board so long. thanks.

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On 10/12/2008 herbn wrote in from United States  (71.251.nnn.nnn)

if i put up a post explaining why other top trucks are superior to bennetts someone would no doubt come up with a rider who does really well on bennetts, there is a fairly clear difference (to me) between what i've seen as top slalom trucks and bennetts,but talent goes a pretty long way and if someone is really used to bennetts the tech differnce could be minimal.Bennetts have a lot more rake than most top slalom trucks,if someone was modifing bennetts.ie offsets, that alters that aspect.Rake may make the trucks swerve real nice but i think it probabely scrubs traction just a bit, ok ,like i don't think anyone is gonna set the fifty cone record on bennetts. That would be an interesting experiment,change the equipment on the record holders' board,he's gotta be cooperative of course:) and see exactly how much of a difference each change makes,but then someone could say it might take a rider a while to get dialed in on trackers(for example) so the difference of swapping trucks would be huge on the first few rides,but a couple hundred rides later it might be virtually unnoticable.

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radikal talons
On 10/11/2008 tyler h wrote in from United States  (69.115.nnn.nnn)

does anyone have radikal dragon talons?
maybe a trade for something is possible

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On 9/14/2008 sc wrote in from United States  (72.211.nnn.nnn)

Kapu trucks are long out of production and parts are not available. You might try trimming an Exkate bushing way down to fit.

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Building the board
On 9/14/2008 grant wrote in from United States  (209.234.nnn.nnn)

Can someone e-mail me how to build the full board

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KAPU Trucks
On 9/8/2008 FM wrote in from United States  (68.101.nnn.nnn)

Where can I get bushings for my KAPU trucks?

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great oportunity of bussines!!!
On 9/4/2008 cassio wrote in from Brazil  (189.0.nnn.nnn)

i'm looking for trucks, decks and another parts of skateboards!
I would like to start bring over to brazil, if you know some contact please let me know to get in touch.
good chances of bussines!!!

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acs kingpins
On 8/12/2008 charlie wrote in from United States  (195.93.nnn.nnn)

curt,thanks for that--i managed to get a hold of 6 sets from one of the collectors in the us--charlie

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Lazer Kingpins
On 8/11/2008 Glenn wrote in from United States  (159.153.nnn.nnn)

Curt, did you find replacement oversized locknuts? When I replaced the kingpins on my Lazers I could only find standard sized (as in the same size as the head of the bolt) nuts to use as Lock nuts.

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ACS Kingpin
On 8/6/2008 Curt wrote in from United Kingdom  (91.111.nnn.nnn)

Hey Charlie,

As a Lazer and Bennett Truck collector I have sourced all Kingpins from
my local Nut And Bolt Store. Portland Road. Hove. U.K.
If you really must have the real deal. Perhaps contact:

Gavin. Who owns and runs Surrey Skates. He also founded Holey Trucks.
But don't tell any one!

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nos acs kingpins
On 7/30/2008 charlie wrote in from United States  (195.93.nnn.nnn)

hi,i,m looking for some acs nos kingpins to fit 430,500 and 650,651,s--i have all other parts,money via paypal waiting--many thanks,,charlie

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On 7/26/2008 herbn wrote in from United States  (67.83.nnn.nnn)

cool site, but i think the stock bushings on the ones in my store are the 90a orange, i was thinking 85a or softer. Bones yellows are 90a and they're ok, on my top end speed boards i usually put one blue up front , those are standard one inch bushings.

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On 7/21/2008 rwadley wrote in from United States  (170.141.nnn.nnn)

Sk8kings has softer replacement bushings for Tracker fasttracks.

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traCKer fastracks?.....!
On 7/18/2008 herbn wrote in from United States  (71.125.nnn.nnn)

just saw them live and in person, i really like the bushings. Ireally like the ideas behind oversized bushings like that,but i feel that they seem to stiff. Is there a super soft replacement bushing from tracker. If there was i might need to make a set of trucks that they fit into.

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On 7/14/2008 Keef wrote in from Spain  (88.8.nnn.nnn)

Thanks PSR, and everyone thats come back to me with advice, I've had several emails aswell as a couple of posts. I must say that I didn't expect this much help. I guess i was comparing it to the help I got from most surfers when I started surfing 18 months ago, i.e. none!!
The general answer is my setup is good, and can be tuned a little with wedge and bushings. Most recommend Jimz black or white. I can order them from Daddies.
Foot braking and sliding I can do, all be it slowly at the mo. I guess my fastest slide is about 15mph....wow!!!
Thanks again.

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Bushings for Speed
On 7/12/2008 PSR wrote in from United States  (75.68.nnn.nnn)

Keef, the bushings you want, a pair of, used as lower(closer to the deck) bushings are Stimulators, either Blue or 'blue-green'[90a+- in durometer, and Fat!]. Ebay, or BST, or going to Skatekings.com would be the best routes to finding these. A very good second would be getting the 'black'[85A] Jim Z bushings. I think that Milehigh still has them? Kebbek or Landyatchz may also? I dunno, but I do know that these bushings are made to be as good as, maybe better than, the Stimulators in stability control[btw, 'white' JimZ's are softer, as are green or yellow Stims]. Radikal also makes "fat" bushings, but they're shaped for Radikal trucks[flat on one side, curved on the the other], so they might need some creative lathing to fit 'snug' on the truck's hanger. They do come in various durometers, from clear(78A)to red, blue, green, thru black (92A), so there's a good chance you can dial in the stability-turn response you need with these.
Back to Khiro/Bitch bushings for a sec... Good bushings, certainly on a par with anything 'normal' sized that Tracker made. The softer compounds have been given more resilience (white, orange, blue, red), but the top three hardnesses aren't 'bouncy' that much, though not as 'dead' as NHS/Indy stuff(btw,NHS hasn't made a 'square' bushing snce the early 90s). So, a harder Khiro (yellow, black, purple) will "dampen" steering and add stability in downhilling, but Also Will Decrease Manuverability. Using a harder duro Khiro will stiffen things up a good deal, especially in conjunction with a lower "fat" bushing from Stimulator/Radikal/Jim-Z. Tuning, or rather getting the tuning figured out, will take some time, lotsa laps, and careful attention to things like wedges, bushings, and even the washers you use, so be patient with it. Oh, and get FootBraking and Sliding totally figured before doing double-nockle speeds. Going Fast is Easy, going Fast Safely, with repetition and control, that, that takes Practice!!

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Basic first time DH set up
On 7/12/2008 Keef wrote in from Spain  (88.8.nnn.nnn)

I have just, like this week, started DH. I think it's gonna be a struggle to get over the 'OMG I'm going too fast' feeling but I'm nearly 40 years old, and have been skating on and off since I was 8 years old.
I have a Rayne Demonseed with 10mm grizzlys. I've flipped the hanger. I've also put the kingpin in the other way up to cut out the play. The trucks came with red Khiro barrel/insert bushing. I think these are classed as high rebound bushings, and I've read that low rebound are better as they are more stable. Could someone please recomend a bushing that will be okay to start out on. Is what I have okay? Any advice would be great.

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Kahalani axles
On 6/30/2008 luis lins wrote in from Switzerland  (84.75.nnn.nnn)

Im the official distributor from Kahalani's in Switzerland, you can get with me Weber the axels, send me a email and we will talk about.
You can come to zurich in Fibretec Manufacture and get your set with out of any shipping cost also can have a tour in Fibretec and check ours Boards.

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