Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Pre-1980 Vintage Gear (6027 Posts)
Product Info
On 1/17/2001 Herbn wrote in from (216.107.nnn.nnn)

That picture of Jay Adams grinding that pool,the raised block of coping supposely is loose,supposedly loose from repeated impacts,and he would hit it hard enough to lift it,in that pic he just came off the block,and its dropping back into place.........Well it was impressive back then.

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looking for info on Capitola Classic
On 1/16/2001 Ryan M wrote in from (165.236.nnn.nnn)

looking for info on the Capitola Classic downhill on 8/30/80 or any other dates if there were any, specifically lists of riders, thanks in advance!

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On 1/15/2001 Doug Hitch wrote in from (24.4.nnn.nnn)

Help me out here...I have 3 (three) C-68 Kryp's and if I rember right you need FOUR.... so if you have one or two laying around make youself a couple of bucks and email me...

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Downhill Ice
On 1/15/2001 roger wrote in from (198.206.nnn.nnn)

Hugh, SoCal has ice! It can be found on ski runs and is commonly referred to as "spring conditions". Make me think of intentionally covering a bunny slope with water and let it freeze overnight, skiers and snowboards would hate it, but ice skaters and ice boarders would get into it! I can see it now, ice skaters on ski lifts.

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Ice blades
On 1/13/2001 Herbn wrote in from (216.107.nnn.nnn)

I could have sworn there were iceblades with a convex grind(like a iceskate)and the push foot gets a single or a couple of spikes near the toe,which on a fairly narrow board hangs off.The windsail attachment still seems like the ticket.

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alternative solutions
On 1/13/2001 GBJ wrote in from (207.172.nnn.nnn)

Actually, Duane, at that age I was also very involved in track and field and running sports, so the obvious pushfoot solution was a spiked track shoe. However, I quickly realized how difficult it is to ride a skateboard while wearing a track shoe, and just how much damage those spikes can do to your otherwise precious (at that age) griptape and deck surface.

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Ice Blades
On 1/13/2001 Duane wrote in from (168.191.nnn.nnn)

Obviously GBJ didn't feel ripped off enough by the Ice Blades to make a "push foot" shoe consisting of an old sneaker and short drywall screws, driven through the sole. A last, desperate attempt to get them to work. Still didn't work.

Yep, all those Maryland lakes have Maryland dams.

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ice blades
On 1/13/2001 hugh 3 wrote in from (205.216.nnn.nnn)

Here in Southern CA the only ice we usually see is in the trays of the frig! But I would like to own a set of the ice blades you all are speaking of just to add to my small collection.

I have an old skeeter, which is a skateboard type deck, funky trucks, and big ol wide ski things. Never actually tried it the one time five years ago I had snow on my hill. The decks plastic and I am not a thin guy! I figure this thing must be from the late 70's when the rest of those crazy products were out on the market. Any one know for sure? HR

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p.s. ...
On 1/13/2001 GBJ wrote in from (207.172.nnn.nnn)

Little known fact..., Maryland is the only state in the U.S., with no naturally-occuring lakes.

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Ice Blades
On 1/13/2001 GBJ wrote in from (207.172.nnn.nnn)

Wow, Duane, are people in Maryland the only people who bought (or kept) those damned ice blades? I have a set, too. I will take and post a picture today. Duane is definitely correct about them though. Unlike an ice skate blade which literally has two edges separated by a shallow depression in the middle, the ice blades were single edged. This allowed the blade to bite too deeply into the ice. I couldn't push on them, because the friction between the board and the ice was greater than the friction between my push foot and the ice. They were "tic-tac"-able though. I, who due to my vast experience in the sport of Curling am very adept at getting around in shoes on ice, would make a running start across the ice, make a flying (barrel jump) leap on to the board, and then it would actually go. It was actually slightly pumpable. Eventually though, the deep bite of the blades would slow and stop the board. It's also funny that Duane should mention that the last year lakes froze in Maryland was 1977. That is, until this year. We actually have some naturally frozen skating surfaces this year, for the first time since about 1977.

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Powell Bones Cubics
On 1/12/2001 Hal wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

If any one needs cash to buy all those juicy old Powell boards and vintage stuff, Then serious folks can drop me a line if they wanna sell:

***Bones Cubics*** 64mm/64mm any color, full set, new to near new. I don't have anything to trade. I just want my old setup from 1984. I will work you a good deal, am serious, and can pay fast.


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home made
On 1/12/2001 joseph wrote in from (61.9.nnn.nnn)

looking to make myself an old school style skateboard and am looking for tips
please right back

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Tracker plastic baseplates
On 1/12/2001 Duane wrote in from (206.133.nnn.nnn)

I have a couple of sets of the ill-fated Tracker six-tracks with the plastic base plates (1980?). Like all of these, mine failed so that the hanger pivot pops out of the cup, trashing the baseplate. Is there any metal base plate available that can replace these?

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80's... old school?
On 1/12/2001 hugh r wrote in from (205.216.nnn.nnn)

I don't consider the 80's as old school... maybe middle school... definetly not new school, but certainly not OS...

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old school skate shop
On 1/12/2001 Ben wrote in from (206.55.nnn.nnn)

Anyone know of an old school (1980's) skate shop in southern California? Thanks for your help.

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Another Chapstik
On 1/11/2001 tropicalian wrote in from (206.107.nnn.nnn)

I almost forgot about the other board I recently saw on ebay, here ya go.
It went for a bit more than the other one did, but the reserve wasn't met. Good luck, I'll keep my eyes open for others.

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Vintage Chapstik
On 1/11/2001 Chris Chaput wrote in from (63.168.nnn.nnn)

Thanks Jay, I contacted the owner, we'll see.

BTW, you can browse the directory at: http://www.iceit.com.au/images and then click on the picture's filename that you want to see...

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On 1/11/2001 tropicalian wrote in from (206.107.nnn.nnn)

I just saw a Chapstik on ebay a week ag or so.
Here's a


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On 1/11/2001 Spork wrote in from (166.36.nnn.nnn)

From StevieB's post.. \http://www.iceit.com.au/images/belairchrischaputmint.jpg
Is the url for the Chapstik. That guy doesn't buy or sell, but he might trade.
Chris, you should get in touch with him and see what you can work out.

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The snow plough thing
On 1/11/2001 STEVIEB wrote in from (193.113.nnn.nnn)

Is this the snow plough ?http://www.iceit.com.au/images/skeeterside.jpg he also has something called a Belair CAPSTICK in mint condition

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Old stuff
On 1/10/2001 STEVIEB wrote in from (62.7.nnn.nnn)

Check out http://www.iceit.com.au/html/skateboarding.html its not kook stuff just a massive collection of mostly old school gear.The Benjyboard downhiller is excellent for 1977.

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On 1/10/2001 Duane wrote in from (206.133.nnn.nnn)

I'll see what I can do to post a pic of the ice blades. Folks 400 mi away and not too computer literate. Might take me a little while. Anybody remember Pacer wheels? Got a set of those, too. They had large OD bearings and where hard and fast on smooth asphalt, terrible on rough pavement. I'd like to still kick the ass that stole my board in 1978, with 70mm red (orange?) original Kryptonics, trackers, and a Rockit deck. Probably worth 3x what I paid for it, easily.

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ice blades and stuff
On 1/10/2001 hugh r wrote in from (205.216.nnn.nnn)

First Glen, thanks for the url... pretty cool stuff!

Scabs/Duane, I am interested in seeing a pic of the ice blades... maybe we can do some business... HR

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Crazy Junk
On 1/10/2001 Duane wrote in from (206.133.nnn.nnn)

There is a set of pristine "ice blades" in my folk's basement, where thay have been for all but 15 minutes of their existence. They were sharp, like a knife, instead of flat like a skate, so they didn't work at all! What a rip. Not to mention that 1977 was about the last year that any lake in the state of Maryland froze. Right along side the pristine Rad Pads, decent Road Rider 4's, and near perfect split axle Gullwings. Oops, those are my brother's. Sorry, Scabs.

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G&S Bowlrider
On 1/10/2001 Scabs wrote in from (209.86.nnn.nnn)

Here are a few pics of the Bowlrider I just put together. It`s my first true love of `77. Complete with Gullwing Split Axles and 70mm coke bottle green Kryptonics.
Pic #1

href="http://www.geocities.com/zarahedd.geo/skate/bowl2.jpg" target="_blank">Pic #2

href="http://www.geocities.com/zarahedd.geo/skate/bowl3.jpg" target="_blank">Pic #3

href="http://www.geocities.com/zarahedd.geo/skate/bowl4.jpg" target="_blank">Pic #4

The board and trucks are used and I need to upgrade to NOS. Trades or $$$...lemme know,,,

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