Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Sidewalk Surfing (537 Posts)
Topic Message
On 10/10/2002 Paul K wrote in from (195.110.nnn.nnn)

go to


there you will find the Kisiwa

Paul K

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On 10/9/2002 Mathew wrote in from (65.174.nnn.nnn)

Who? url?

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On 10/9/2002 Slick wrote in from (198.81.nnn.nnn)

thanks for the confermatin on the green room heck i didnt know any one was still reading that post it was a long time ago, kinda.

you get the idea thanks

Yours truly Frak Kerstetter
AKA §Liç <

P.S. I will be makeing the rest of my posts with my real name instead of my nick name, you guys have been real helpful in my sidewalk surfing start thank you all and remember Slick is now Frank Kerstetter(my real name)

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Hec's Latest
On 10/9/2002 Hec wrote in from (172.178.nnn.nnn)

G'day all !!!

Thanks to everyone who replied to my questions, your feedback is much appreciated.

Still haven't purchased, but have pretty much decided to go for a shorter board between 40 and 50 inches (which is still a bloody big board in my books). Reasons boil down to practicality more than anything and it seems the shorter board is less likely having me slamming into concrete pillars in the work car park over the next few months. Come next Euro spring when the weather improves maybe i'll add a Kisawa to my collection and hit the local hills here with it. So for now i'll contact Lush and either look into the Legend 48, or one of those Kilima - 38/46/52 inch concave + cambered pintails (whatever that means! Anybody know?) Will keep you all posted.



PS. Slick I can verify that the "green room" is indeed the round cylindrical part of the wave. Also known as a barrel, or tube, or slot ... the rider is said to be slotted, shacked, barrelled, tubed etc... The ultimate!!!

pps. Joseph, i'm from Vic. Lived in a few palces Portland, Geelong, Jan Juc and Mebourne amongst others. Will be heading back towards the end of next year and will head up to 1770 in Qld for a year or so. Then back to Vic, or possibly the Gerringong area. Knew a guy who I think was from Cronulla ... Jason Kitzer (or SquidLips or Mad Dog). Met him in J-Bay a few years back. If you know him say g'day from Hec.

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On 10/8/2002 inlandsurf wrote in from (199.245.nnn.nnn)

i love my s9. that is i love my s9 deck. a few years ago i bought a 48" og pintail from sector nine and was immediately in love with it. the deck is now a bit warped and in need of some sprucing up so a month ago i put on some 180mm rII's and omg, it's so much more amazing now. if you're in europe anyway, you really should check out lush and all the completes that sport randal trucks. i'm a believer. the pivots worked just fine for me until i tried the randals. there is really no going back now. Hec, i'd go with the 48 if i was you, you'll have plenty of wheel base to make if feel like a surf session but you've still got the trasportability factor. if you want a real longboard surfing trainer, check out still stoked longboards; they offer a 72 inch longboard that you can practice popping up from and that looks fun. anyhow there's my two cents.

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board for hec
On 10/8/2002 joseph wrote in from (203.51.nnn.nnn)

if you get a sector 9 get the deck only and set it up with other trucks and wheels. its the general concensus that pivots suck and there wheels often have flaws and wear quickly. i recomen randals and abec 11 flashbacks. both available from lush longboards to make it easy. i dont recomend sector 9 though. i would easily take a lush longboard over sector 9. also what part of australia you from i'm in cronulla in southern sydney.

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first board
On 10/8/2002 Slick wrote in from (166.113.nnn.nnn)


For my first board I went with a 48" Sector 9, I have gottin up to the 35 mph plus range on it and havent wabbled much and still been able to turn with little or no slideing. I love it and if your looking for a good one get a Sector 9, Just remember to check for wheel size so you dont get little wheels that skid if u hit a rock, It hurts to fall. or if you want a better cruzer for more flat landish go with a 60" the choice is yours just tryin to help

Yours truly,
§Liç <

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Kisiwa and the rest
On 10/7/2002 Lush Longboards wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

hey :)
the kisiwa is very responsive for it's size - with Randal 180s and a powerful leverage from the wide deck you really can crank it round, but like speedy says it helps to ride it fast and low. You need a lot of space to get the best from it. The legend 48 is a better bet for town use - for one you can actually carry it without knocking half the population off the sidewalk....

but if you're after a true thoroughbred try the new Kilima - 38/46/52 inch concave + cambered pintails with randals (an excellent truck for anyone) and kryp 76s.

speedy - great to get that postcard from you! hope all's good over there, will send some fire shots tonight.


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1st board
On 10/7/2002 Rich C wrote in from (62.172.nnn.nnn)


As far as I can tell, most people go for a board in the 40" range, as a 1st board. I've been longboarding since early 2000 and have only just got round to adding a 60" (In the process of making it.) to my quiver. I started on a home-made board 'bout 4' long, which I broke... Currently have a 41" home made and a 44" Libtech.

Have a word with the Lush guys. They gave me some great advise for components for my 60"! I'm sure you'll be stoked with whatever you end up with!


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Lush Kisiwa
On 10/7/2002 Speedy wrote in from (169.237.nnn.nnn)

I rode the Kisiwa almost excusively at the Lush Summer Session this summer. A wonderful ride. Yes, it can be carved, but you have to be sure to do it long and low. I've had this board up to 38 mph (Estimate curtesy of Andy from Lush), and it handled great. I had it in parking garages at half walking speed and walked all over it- it handled great. At one point, we had six people on it. It ...handled. Somewhat.
Altogether, I highly recomend this board. I like it better than the Sector SuperCruiser I normaly ride, and that's saying a lot. If shipping was so outrageous, I'd have the Lush boys mail me a Kisiwa out to the West in a heartbeat.

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On 10/7/2002 Slick wrote in from (166.113.nnn.nnn)

Thanks for telling me what the green room is like i said im new to sidewalk surfing I am a longboarder but decided to try something new and this is it, thanks again and i tryed it and thats fun as hell.

yours truly
§Liç <

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On 10/6/2002 longboardbuddha wrote in from (62.30.nnn.nnn)

longboardbuddhas tool of choice is his mahogany seven footer
which last week he grooved to a set of cones spaced at ten foot centers.....long is good.....ker dunk ker dunk ker dunk kerdunk ker dunk ker dunk rattle ker dunk dunk dunk ker dunk ker dunk

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Exxon Valdez
On 10/5/2002 h0dad wrote in from (202.37.nnn.nnn)

Best tool in h0dad's quiver for buildings is his 53-incher. Love that stick, it's like one must "coerce" it rather than demand from it. After getting in tune with it's particular feel, h0dad then goes barefoot down the building. Walking to steer rules. Very much like a longboard surf feeling. Barefoot not good if there is traffic to be wary of however and dragging may be required.

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about long longboards for Sidewalk Surfing
On 10/5/2002 Datu Ramel wrote in from (63.155.nnn.nnn)

Hey everybody, especially lbk and Hec, let me chime in about the Kisawi. I have ridden the 57 Ed Economy in a double row parking garage - center access aisle and two angled rows for cars on the sides, 16m or 50ft wide - and the 57incher can make linked turns, but you must be very precise about using all the width and turning a little bit uphill every few traverses to check your speed. I have a 46 Sector 9 pintail concave rocker that wiggles and cruises very well, but the Ed Economy with its length was a pleasant surprise when I found out I could pump it at a pretty good clip; a quarter mile (400m) in ninety seconds. I'm 170lbs and half a century old, and I enjoy how the teenagers freak out when I show up just carrying a longboard. The tandem possibilities with young children and lightweight non-males are another benefit.

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Hec, Lush Sidewalker Surfer
On 10/5/2002 lbk wrote in from (63.215.nnn.nnn)

In my opinion for sidewalk surfing flats or big mellow hills, I would go for that Kisawi board. But if you plan to ride parking garages you might need a smaller board for tight turns. Then again if the corners are wide enough, then go with the Kisawi.

Also it seems like the Kisawi has a similar flex to the Ed Economy Street Rider thus making the board fun to ride on the flats because you can pump it. Lastly, the bigger boards like the size of Kisawi allow for walking the board like a surfboard longboard.

-> More reviews on Lush Longboards try- Silverfish.cc

-> Skateboard Surf Gear- http://www.surfacemotion.com/gear/gearskt.html

-> How to Sidewalk Surf - http://www.surfacemotion.com/

-> How to Sidewalk Surf Basics- http://www.surfacemotion.com/basics/basics_conts.html

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Old, but new !!!
On 10/5/2002 Hec wrote in from (172.184.nnn.nnn)

G'day all.

I'm an Aussie trapped in germany for the next few months. Missing my regular surfs and are thinking about getting a skatebaord to ease the depression. At 35 i'm not interested in tricks, just wanna cruise. Have found a European place called Lush Longboards that seems to have what I might be after http://www.lushlongboards.com/.

The 2 models that caught my eye are the Legend 48 and the Kisawi. The Kisawa looks sweet, but is 5 foot long. Can these things be turned? Do you need big hills for these or will they work on a flat. The weather is going to turn bad here very soon, so most of my skating will be done in my brand new work car park which is huge and has 4 - 5 levels.

Anyone have any ideas or recommendations? Would either the 48 or the 60 be able to provide me with even a fraction of the enjoyment my regular surfs used to provide? Sorry for the vagueness of these questions, but I haven't skated since about 1978 and know nothing about these boards.


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On 10/5/2002 will wrote in from (66.57.nnn.nnn)

drop-knee land boogie

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Northbrook velodrome
On 10/4/2002 Datu Ramel wrote in from (63.155.nnn.nnn)

Hi Carl and everyone. In the Chicago area, Northbrook had bicycle races for many years at an asphalt banked track off Waukegan Road by the old sled hill. I haven't been by there in a while, some condos have been built blocking the view from the highway. I'll check it out.

In the west suburbs my buddy at Sally's Coffeeshop by the commuter station says the sidewalks around Lake Ellyn in Wheaton are very smooth with lots of elevation changes. He adds that the parking lot at Glenbard West has a slope.

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Surfing the Velodrome
On 10/4/2002 C-Money wrote in from (63.184.nnn.nnn)

We used to skate a velodrome in a suburb of Seattle back in the mid-70s. It was great. Silky smooth concrete, and pumping up and down in those steeply banked corners was a real surf-like sensation. I hadn't thought of skating a velodrome in years, I'm going to start looking for one here in Chicagoland!


carl kincaid
knucklehead racing team

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Duck Diving
On 10/3/2002 lbk wrote in from (64.157.nnn.nnn)

The end of the sidewalk was coming up and I decided to kick out and then tried to duck dive and broke off my front teeth.

To tell the truth, I did break off my front teeth 20 years ago but it was on a Rock-n-Roll that went bad. Thought I was in the deeper end of the bowl and didn't get my arms out in time.

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sidewalk surfing
On 10/3/2002 brazilian sidewalk surfer wrote in from (200.180.nnn.nnn)

It's very nice find out people around the world feeling the way I do feel when I grab my longboard and start sidewalk surfing. I'm 31 yars old and hadn't been skating for ten years. One of these days I saw a 44 incher of a friend of mine and fell in love! I decided to buy one for me, and now I've been sidewalk surfing almost all night, when I get back home after work. The wind breezing on my face makes me feel a way I do feel only when I surf a 4 footer left on my favorite spot... Another thing I like is the expression of the people when they see me whith that big funny skateboard. Probably they think I am crazy to be a skategeezer. They will never feel the feel I'm talking about...
sorry for my poor english, I live in Brazil but I'm a passionate sidewalk surfer.

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Sidewalk surfin Ft Lauderdale
On 10/2/2002 george wrote in from (159.87.nnn.nnn)

one of my favorite memories is from the summertime on the beach at Ft. Lauderdale circa 1976-79. we would take the bus down with our skateboards and hang out. get a Lenmon rush for $1.00 and look at the girls. (we were groms they didn't look back) there are never waves in Fl in the summer, i have water skiied the ocean during the evening glass hours. but cruising on my skateboard with my friends from the old Elbo room to the Candy Store the visions were awesome. ride all the driveways get shooed out, the cops never bothered us just told us to leave and we'd move on. hit the bridge when a boat went by, try parking garages, Pier 66 parking lot. i don't think it could be done anymore. hop the bus up Oakland Park to Solid Surf and skate til dark. good memories.

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Green Room
On 10/2/2002 h0dad wrote in from (132.181.nnn.nnn)

Hedge barrels...thats the green room on land.

h0dad kicks his tanker hard then assumes the position, drop knee, five on the nose with hands out front to pierce the air.

The fat vegetable axe, 10 olympic swimming pools of leaves closes out behind as he's blown out of the barrel.

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green room
On 10/1/2002 erik wrote in from (68.99.nnn.nnn)

Slick I think the green room is a reference to getting tubed when you are surfing because you are surrounded by green water, hence you are in a green room.

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Green Room
On 10/1/2002 lbk wrote in from (63.208.nnn.nnn)

The "Green Room" is in your head.

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