Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Misc Equipment (2108 Posts)
Product Review
ollie blocks
On 11/16/2004 hc wrote in from United States  (68.127.nnn.nnn)

Rob, you're correct, it's scientifically impossible to learn ollie past the age of 40. ;-)

But seriously, I recommend learning on a thin doormat using a regular board.
also, watch the ollie motion in slo-mo a million times.

I tried ollieing on the ollie blocks, they feel weird to ollie on.
But they might be good for learning other tricks.
A friend said he learned shuv-its on ollie blocks.
I am thinking about using it for kickflips.

Also check out soft trucks.

I have a good pop for my ollie, but my problem is that I freak out when I have to ollie over something. Tips anyone? (other than more practice)

Rob, when you learn the ollie, let us know. You might go down in skate history as the first person over 40 to learn the ollie.

Miko, you can be the first over 50!

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Ollie Blocks
On 11/15/2004 Rob in NH wrote in from United States  (138.162.nnn.nnn)

Anyone ever try to learn to Ollie from Ollie Blocks? I just won a set on E-bay, comlete with board, for $10. I am wondering if anyone has tried them and if they help. I am 40 and can't do an Ollie to save my life so I am hoping that I can use the Ollie blocks over the winter and maybe actually get the board to defy gravity. Or, at this age, is it just too late to learn??

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sticky (magnatron)
On 11/14/2004 hc wrote in from United States  (68.127.nnn.nnn)

Saw the guy yesterday at vans ripping up the pool.

He is selling them under the old name 'sticky'
He can do custom boards.


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On 11/12/2004 ICE wrote in from United States  (69.104.nnn.nnn)

That magnatron is tight! Kinda kookie but tight none the less!
It's awsome seeing the unsuspected watch him ride!! The look on there faces is priceless. No handed 360+ airs and huge gaps.
I've sk8ed with him in a few places and it's way cool.

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On 11/12/2004 hc wrote in from United States  (168.149.nnn.nnn)

ethan, the inventor is a local skater. Looks like he is clearing out his inventory. I would like to see him ride in person, heard he can catch some good airs.

btw, in the 70's they had 'suspenders', some kind of velcro attachment.

also, i spotted some dude selling slalom cones on craigslist???? , bizarre...

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Magnets in Shoes, Deck
On 11/12/2004 Ethan wrote in from United States  (192.12.nnn.nnn)

On Craigslist there is a dude selling shoes & deck with magnets embedded, for an effect similar to skyhooks.
kinda suprised this wasn't done in the seventies before the ollie...


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powered by kite
On 11/9/2004 Tom M. wrote in from United States  (198.26.nnn.nnn)

A non-skating friend emailed this link to me:


Sounds like a nice trip!

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On 11/5/2004 sharcsplean wrote in from United States  (67.84.nnn.nnn)

Check the flexifoil.com web site for info on kite landboarding. I am trying to learn to fly right now, and you better get some kite time before you get on a board. I have almost been pulled into the air by a 2m kite!!! it is a blast, and if you use a mountian board, you can deflate the wheels to add more frictions and keep you slow! wear lots of pads! I will hopefully be on a board in a few weeks, but I am still learning to fly. 4 line kites are nices, beacuse you can use the brake lines to instantly depower the kite.

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Kite on Board
On 10/28/2004 Rob wrote in from Canada  (216.249.nnn.nnn)


I do not know how well this would work, based on the fact that the kite would be pulling you. I have used windsurfing sailing rig on longboard - and it is a blast, but the sail/mast/boom is directly connected to the board.

The angle of pull of a kite might try to pull you up instead of out - that I think is the desired result.

If you get a kite - i think you would need some means of attaching your feet to the board - sky hooks.

Just my 2 cents.


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"Trainer Kite" for use with a longboard
On 10/23/2004 John wrote in from United States  (68.78.nnn.nnn)

Does anyone have experience with using a kiteboarding '"trainer kite" with a longboard? I am not a kite boarder but I think it would be fun to try this with a longboard. There are numerous brands, sizes, and options with these trainer kites. Specific recommendations about these trainer kites would be appreciated!. Thanks!

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On 10/9/2004 martin wrote in from Switzerland  (83.76.nnn.nnn)

Joakim, if I were you, I would never ever buy a Landingham speed helmet. Riding with such a speed helmet is really dangerous, and the advantage in the aerodynamic sections is not so big. Buy an ICARO 2000 SKYRUNNER, this helmet is much better than every other helmet on the market (for racing maybe a ICARO 2000 4FIGHT).

go fast

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On 9/13/2004 hc wrote in from United States  (68.127.nnn.nnn)

curt, got a pic?

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On 9/11/2004 Curt Stevenson wrote in from United States  (198.81.nnn.nnn)

Hey we made those tri lite trucks, and tri forge, they were made of forged aluminum. And we advertised them through poweredge.

Curt Stevenson / Larry Stevenson-Makaha

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On 9/9/2004 toddc wrote in from United States  (198.39.nnn.nnn)

"This patented innovation called a "Xeno Plate" solves the problem of screws
wedging their way threw skate board decks. "

I think they may help drop through decks to not look so ugly.

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On 9/8/2004 Alan Craker wrote in from United States  (205.213.nnn.nnn)

Hey what are Tail Devil Copers? Also check out Xeno Plates! http://xenoplates.com Like skate games? go to http://liquidstyle.tk

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On 8/14/2004 hc wrote in from United States  (68.124.nnn.nnn)

thx, psr.
can you scan it?

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Shiny truck parts,addenda
On 8/13/2004 PSR wrote in from United States  (24.53.nnn.nnn)

Ah Ha,found 'em! 1989 Poweredge mag has them as 'Tri-Lite' trucks. I wish my memory wasn't so,um,,,um,what was I saying??

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Shiny truck parts
On 8/12/2004 PSR wrote in from United States  (24.53.nnn.nnn)

HC,I believe those are the replaceable hanger/grind-bars to [Maybe,it's been awhile] "Tri-Wing" trucks. I might be way off with this name. I looked in my dusty old bin of mid-80's TWS + Thrashers,but couldn't find a picture.However,I do remember that the trucks these went to were made with this bar,kinda like the way Z does the Z-Roller,only that bar obviously dosen't spin,just grinds.I'll keep digging thru the archival mess that once was my magazine collection,but I likely gave the '83-'85 vintage mags away...

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On 8/12/2004 hc wrote in from United States  (67.120.nnn.nnn)


any info on those shiny thingamajig?
indy copers?

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chronocone bracketing spreadsheet
On 8/6/2004 psYch0Lloyd wrote in from United States  (198.160.nnn.nnn)

pat chewning created the chronocone bracketing spreadsheet and it rocks!!!

Not sure if he based it on the uk knucklehead, paul keleher's, bracketing spreadsheet because it is totally customized to work w/chronocone. whatever this guy puts his hands on is majik.

we're running it through its paces and i'm pretty sure he'll be distributing it along with his app as soon as it gets the blessing.

cones are set, course is ready...
...racers ready?

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let me rephrase that....
On 8/4/2004 psYch0Lloyd wrote in from United States  (198.160.nnn.nnn)

blew the links all to hell cause i was in such a rush but after reading that last post i just wanted to say exactly what i intended to in the first place, and that is:

"...when all this comes together i'm voting CHRON0CONE as the most important thing to happen to slalom (and racing in general) that's ever gone down!!!"

thanks again for putting your work out there pat.

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just a matter of time...
On 8/4/2004 psYch0Lloyd wrote in from United States  (216.80.nnn.nnn)

thanks pat, once again you have the right answers...

"Home-made tape switches which are very low in profile and will trigger
at approx 30 lbs of loading on a skateboard. These are constructed from two
strips of .006" thick stainless steel separated by a .060" thick mat used
for kitchen cupboard lining (with holes to let the strips come in contact
under pressure). This is then sandwiched between .006" thick vinyl sheets
and glued together. "

...now to build these while documenting its progress and offer it up as a
resource for anyone who's interested.

hey if you do nothing else, install href="http://home.comcast.net/~pchewn/Chronocone2004/Chronocone2004_Rev4_0.m
si" target="_blank">chronocone 2004 ver. 4.5, even if you don't have
the tapeswitch or hardware to hook it up to the computer. there are test
start/stop buttons to give you an idea of how it all works. open up a new
spreadsheet in excel and let her rip! check out the setup options (totally
customizable) set it to save to a comma delimitted text file (.csv). it's
what's goin on!

hit race... then start the timer (feel the adrenalin as the beep sequence counts you down).
stop the timer to simulate the race and set your cone count right there on the spot.
now save the race and check out the data (reset when you have recorded the run)... now get out there and do it!

setup page w/ bracketed sheet in the background

race control w/qualifying page in the background (backup txt file in forefront

click on pictures for larger images

still kinda sketchy at the moment as i had to configure the output for different parts of the spreadsheet (but pat said this is soon to be fixed). when all this comes together i'm voting it the most important thing to happen to slalom (and racing in general) that's ever gone down!!!

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Hacking Time - Build your own tape switches
On 8/3/2004 Pat Chewning wrote in from United States  (24.21.nnn.nnn)

I built my own tape switches and they work pretty well, but not as reliable as the ones you can buy at www.tapeswitch.com

For instructions, go to the "other site" www.S1a10msk8tbrdr.com , go to "timing system" in the forum and find "low cost timing system".

Ignore the rest of the system that is described there. It was my 1st attempt at a timing system. The Chronocone 2004 is much better.

-- Pat

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hacking time
On 8/3/2004 psYch0Lloyd wrote in from United States  (216.80.nnn.nnn)

been spendin' some time toying with pat chewnings chronocone project and found a way to bring paul keleher's bracketed spreadsheet into the equation. i think that in a little while we could have a pretty slick timing system that should be quite affordable to the masses.

picked up a cheap gamepad at a rummage sale and am now trying to imagine how to rig up a tapeswitch replacement to drop the costs down even more...

...see what i'm sayin'?

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On 7/19/2004 hc wrote in from (69.104.nnn.nnn)

I saw a clip on tv of a speedbiker on dirt. The guy's frame broke and he want head over heels. The scary part was that his helmet came off. He might have been wearing a landingham or something similar.

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