On 6/14/2010 samg
wrote in from
Sign Up: ... 466#signup[img:ph3ad3z7]http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4046/4699622828_eb57538015_b.jpg[/img:ph3ad3z7][b:ph3ad3z7]Entry Fees:[/b:ph3ad3z7]Friday/ Saturday = -ú20.00Friday/ Saturday/ Sunday =-ú30.00(-ú15.00 per day)-ú10 for one night of camping, price per tent. (2 nights -ú20)Under 16s attend for free!Race registration will be in the clubhouse on Friday at 12:00noon where competitor numbers will be allocated.Insurance and track hire have already been paid, so please get your entry sub in early via PayPal to:ukssa01@gmail.comTitle your payment '[b:ph3ad3z7]BOSC2010[/b:ph3ad3z7]GÇÖ and state for what you are paying - ie: one person/ Full event or one person /two days/ camping (1 tent). That sort of thing.[b:ph3ad3z7]When:[/b:ph3ad3z7] Friday 6th August - Sunday 8th August, 2010[b:ph3ad3z7]Where:[/b:ph3ad3z7] Hog HillRedbridge Cycling CentreForest RoadHainaultIlfordIG6 3HP[b:ph3ad3z7]Closest tube station:[/b:ph3ad3z7] Fairlop, it's a fair walk from the train station, if you have gear & are with someone else it might be worth getting a cab up the road. Make sure to check out http://tfl.gov.uk for engineering works which may require you to detour via bus.[url:ph3ad3z7]http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en=&q=barkingside&sll=51.572375,0.004807&sspn=0.348668,0.617294=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Barkingside,+Ilford,+Essex,+United+Kingdom&ll=51.594562,0.095186&spn=0.022448,0.038581&t=h&z=15&iwloc=A[/url:ph3ad3z7][b:ph3ad3z7]Camping:[/b:ph3ad3z7][url:ph3ad3z7]http://www.lambourne-end.org.uk/[/url:ph3ad3z7]Lambourne End Centre Location: [url:ph3ad3z7]http://www.multimap.com/maps/?zoom=15&countryCode=GB&lat=51.6315&lon=0.1376&dp=904[/url:ph3ad3z7]We have booked camping on Friday & Saturday evening on behalf of the UKSSA at:The Lambourne End CentreManor RoadLambourne EndEssexRM4 1NBTel: 020 8500 3047Fax: 020 8559 8481Make note that this is a site for Christian youth groups, so please try to avoid the customary animal crucifiction unless cooking your tea.This includes camping ground, shower and toilet facilities, but you have to provide your own tent and cooking facilities. We have had to pay for the camping in advance, so folks are encouraged to use the facility.[b:ph3ad3z7]Hotels:[/b:ph3ad3z7]Alternative accommodation for those who prefer not to camp: [url:ph3ad3z7]http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&q=travelodge&sll=51.58107,0.175438&sspn=0.037495,0.076818&gl=uk&ie=UTF8&radius=1.98&split=1&rq=1&ev=zi&hq=travelodge&hnear=&ll=51.585923,0.168743&spn=0.037491,0.076818&z=14[/url:ph3ad3z7]Travelodge Romford Central and Peterborough Eye Green - [url:ph3ad3z7]http://www.travelodge.co.uk/[/url:ph3ad3z7][b:ph3ad3z7]Food:[/b:ph3ad3z7]While there is an on site canteen at Hog Hill, it is also recommended that you bring your own food for the duration of the weekend, especially if camping. Limited supplies of very good meat are available at Lambourne End camp site.There is a large Sainsburys supermarket on the other side of Fairlop tube station in Barkingside.[b:ph3ad3z7]Freeride:[/b:ph3ad3z7] The track will be open for freeride on the back hills from 12:30pm on Friday and all day Saturday. The Giant Slalom will be run on the main downhill run on Sunday, so freeride will not be possible. Loose-truck speed-merchants, however are encouraged to give the GS a go.[b:ph3ad3z7]Kids Race:[/b:ph3ad3z7] will be run on Saturday afternoon following the hybrid. If the Hybrid is overunning then the Kids race will take place after the GS on Sunday.[b:ph3ad3z7]Dual & GS Slalom:[/b:ph3ad3z7] Setup for the Hybrid Dual Slalom - Friday will start at 12:00 noon. This will include the putting up of ramps, course setting and laying down of timing gear. Open practice will be run from 1:00pm (earlier if possible) with qualifying starting at 1:30pm. Qualifying will be the best time of two runs, one run in each lane. Starting for qualifying will be individually timed, but in order to keep up the racing impetus, racers are requested to go within ten seconds of being permitted on course, with parallel qualifying preferred (ie: racers going together ASAP). Time and numbers (and weather) permitting, there will then be bracketing into two groups of 16, A and B Groups. If there are any delays then a single bracket of top 16 will be arranged.<br><br>Starting in the heats will then be via the standard European system of 'five second warning, ' where, once racers are ready, a start will ensue at any point within the next five seconds. Anyone DEEMED to be jumping the start will be given just one verbal warning before being given the DQ penalty of 10per cent of the fastest qualifying time. Cone penalty will be 0.1 seconds per cone. If a cone is hit and remains either touching or in part of its circle then it is not to be counted as a penalty. If a cone is out of place on your run, then pull out of the course and raise your hand immediately. If cones are knocked out in front of you by the opposition's cones then do likewise. A rerun will occur. If these rules are deemed to be abused, then the organiser's delegated referee decision will be final. Even if wrong.Please can competitors cone-marshall on their way back up the hill to the start. There will be four posts dividing sections of the course. Move up one position after each race. Please offer to cone-marshall even if you have been knocked out of the competition. The heats go through very quickly as the final approached and accurate marshalling is critical.[b:ph3ad3z7]GS - Sunday:[/b:ph3ad3z7] We have the track from 9:00am onwards on Sunday, so setup of the course will begin then, using the hill that backs onto the hybrid course. It will consist of a single lane timed run with start ramp. Each racer will have three runs (time permitting) with the best of these runs counting as final time. A Top Gear style leader board will show the best riders and times to beat. Again, it is preferred that a competitor goes within ten seconds of the course being open to them, choosing within that slot the best start moment given prevailing conditions.Again, it is requested that competitors assist in cone-marshalling on their return up the course.[b:ph3ad3z7]Mandatory:[/b:ph3ad3z7] all riders must wear a helmet when on the track. No helmet, no riding.Let's get rolling!Sign Up: ... 466#signup