Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Org: COSS (70 Posts)
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hey colorado
On 11/9/2007 Nick Cecchi wrote in from United States  (129.81.nnn.nnn)

Yo, what's up Colorado, hope you are enjoying the snow! Mac, congrats on the CD release. Martin and Zak you guys are f#@!ing ripping, just insane...

Colorado DH, it was good to see all you at Maryhill, now lets start skating together so we can dominate some races. Event next year? god, everyone hopes so... better start looking for another hill to hold it on.
Red Rocks Park
Rob had some good ideas for running TT on the Copper side bike path. I don't know, all i'm sure of is that WE HAVE TO HAVE A RACE.
Dubester, i wanted to talk to you about the website, i'm not on SF anymore, so email me ncecchi (at) tulane (dot) edu

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Many thanks...
On 10/30/2007 rich harrison wrote in from United States  (67.164.nnn.nnn)

just want to throw out a huge and grande !muchas gracias! for a ripping weekend at the Overlook Open. It was an honor to race with you all! Bodhi and the kids on my block are ready to roll now with all the killer shwag that was bestowed upon us...thank you thank you!
Good luck to those heading to the Dixie...wish I was going!!!

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On 10/24/2007 George Pappas wrote in from United States  (76.25.nnn.nnn)


Pirnacks cell number is(303)332-7490

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Ride to Airport after Sunday race?
On 10/22/2007 Pat Chewning wrote in from United States  (24.22.nnn.nnn)

Is there a chance I can bum a ride from the race (or after-race party) to the Airport?

I won't have a car at the race on Sunday, and I need to be at the airport around 7:30pm or so....

Does this match anyone elses schedule?

PS: I need to contact Pirnack .... phone? email?

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Geo's kegs
On 10/20/2007 WAX wrote in from United States  (71.196.nnn.nnn)

So Geo what beers are you bringing? any medal winners?
Gold medal winning IPA possibly? I heard it is a great beer
How about Silver medal winning American Hefeweizen?
Bronze medal winning Special Red Ale?

I coach soccer all day next Saturday, but we should be there Sunday for some TS action

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zak cbark
On 10/20/2007 donald20 wrote in from Germany  (88.76.nnn.nnn)

zak turned pro
i tried to talk him out of this,because i think he's too fresh in the whole thing.
there are others out there who stay am forever,so he could have done that too for some time(at least half a year longer).
zsk instead showed fearless bravado as did his buddies.
so there you go boys-best of luck and hats off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cbark doesn't seem to go,private stuff,i respect that.
next subject please...

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Shut up Geo
On 10/19/2007 Zak Maytum wrote in from United States  (67.173.nnn.nnn)

Geo, I am also going Pro at the COSS open. I just decided to after it was too late to change my signup. Don't worry about it. Now let's see you get on some podiums! They're wiiiiiide open!

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On 10/19/2007 Geo wrote in from United States  (24.8.nnn.nnn)

Congratulations to Joe McLaren and Martin Reaves of Team PPS stepping it up to race PRO in the COSS Open next weekend. I think Martin just started running cones last November. C'mon Zak, what are you waiting for? Give us old guys a chance!
I will be lucky if I am able to dig out the start ramps from my warehouse next week, I just received over 400 kegs from the GABF. I will pick out some nice beers for the race.
Is it true that C-Bark won't even race next week? A major race, next to his town?? C'mon Donald what's up with Team Pavel?
-Love and lots of beer-Geo

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On 10/12/2007 Kash wrote in from Canada  (75.152.nnn.nnn)

Friendly, easygoing, SWM,,,potty trained,,, cleans up after himself,,,wondering if any one had couch space and transport to the COSS OPEN?????,,,,,,,I can get to denver airport/ Longmont via bus,,,,,valuable race mileage needed and a great way to end the season

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C'mon girls!
On 10/9/2007 Cat wrote in from United States  (67.117.nnn.nnn)

Get signed up for Colorado.
Trish... ..

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On 10/5/2007 FLUITT wrote in from United States  (192.18.nnn.nnn)

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On 10/3/2007 mbl wrote in from Canada  (216.58.nnn.nnn)

hey guys..is there a race there the week-end before the Worlds? where is the info?

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On 9/21/2007 fluitt wrote in from United States  (192.18.nnn.nnn)

Since this site doesn't allow for ebay links (presumably due to the buy and sell section) you can look on ebay for myChron. they are kart racing devices. I'm sure you can find one up there. My is the old Mychron light 3. made in Italy. good luck.

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Thanks Gary! And.... question for COSS.
On 9/18/2007 Cat wrote in from United States  (67.117.nnn.nnn)

Nice coverage, Gary & great pics from Fadell & Farid!

Question.....What brand of timers do ya'll use? (the one's that attach under your board)

Where & from whom did you purchase them?

I'm looking for one!


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try again
On 9/18/2007 fluitt wrote in from United States  (192.18.nnn.nnn)

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mroe rad pics
On 9/18/2007 fluitt wrote in from United States  (192.18.nnn.nnn)

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rad picture
On 9/18/2007 fluitt wrote in from United States  (192.18.nnn.nnn)

Checking to see if ncdsa will allow this pic to post through

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Any sessions 1wk before Nats?
On 8/14/2007 Pat Chewning wrote in from United States  (67.189.nnn.nnn)

Visiting Denver (Morrison actually) The weekend of Aug 18. I'm wondering if anyone is planning any practice sessions that I could join in...

Unfortunately, the schedule is for me to leave before the Nats...

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On 8/2/2007 NIck Cecchi wrote in from United States  (71.237.nnn.nnn)

Does anyone from COSS check this thing?
This gnarly old school skater named Detox Dustin is looking to get into slalom, he's been skating for BOARD ROOM's team for 15+ years and he shreds street super hard, but he told me he's getting too old and wants to hit the slaler scene. If anyone knows when or where a session is going down, this dude would be incredibly stoked to come skate, and he would probably get along great with George and racerx.

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Colorado owns Ohio
On 7/24/2007 Nick wrote in from United States  (71.237.nnn.nnn)

Colorado dominates Ohio... watch for the DH'rs at Paskapoo!!!!

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On 7/17/2007 Mac wrote in from United States  (65.221.nnn.nnn)

Very cool

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Gary Fluitt's a legend!
On 7/14/2007 Nick wrote in from United States  (71.237.nnn.nnn)

We were riding lookout the other day standing near the bottom when a road biker rides by and asks "do you know fluitt?" so i'm like hell yeah. Then she's like "He's a legend!" then she asked us if we were his kids. Then we skated lookout 5 more times. good story.

anyways, with all this dh action happening in Colorado, it sounds like we need an organization to help us promote events and grow the scene.

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On 7/10/2007 Cat wrote in from United States  (67.117.nnn.nnn)

It was nice meeting all the COSS crew!

Congrats on the great results. Must be the Rocky Mountain air!

See ya soon!

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Vail Pass Freeride
On 6/17/2007 Brian Holden wrote in from United States  (70.58.nnn.nnn)

Edit*** Unlike my previous post, the Schduled Event for Go Skateboarding Day on lookout mountain has changed to take place on the Vail Pass Bike path on June 21st. Email me for more details.

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Lookout Mountain Freeride
On 5/10/2007 Brian Holden wrote in from United States  (67.41.nnn.nnn)

To celebrate National GO SKATEBOARDING DAY on June 21st 2007, Never Summer Longboards along with the Ninja Bomb Squad is holding a Lookout Mountain Freeride, along with a bbq at the park. Email me for more information.

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