Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Org: CSA (1772 Posts)
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BBQ Signups elimated???????
On 3/5/2014 BBQ King wrote in from United States  (38.103.nnn.nnn)

I don't know if people deleted themselves, or someone else did it, but there "were" 15 or 16 signups and now there's only 7 signups. So, not sure about what is going on there. Anyhow, I'm still planning on the BBQ and likely it will remain for Sunday May 18th 2014.

Adios - Paul

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"The BBQ"....
On 2/22/2014 Pskiwog wrote in from United States  (38.103.nnn.nnn)

Hey, Good news, the Salem Soap Box Derby Club has posted their 2014 race schedule and it doesn't conflict with the May 18th 2014 date posted for "our" event.

Even better: The Soap Box Derby Club is having events in on the same hill before our event which means less debris on the hill.

However: I still need to keep tabs on a few other things before I call "Sunday May 18th 2014" a solid date.

BUT STILL: People who bring and utilize leaf blowers are just simply the best people in the whole wide world. Basically. So bring your leaf blowers and be among the elite.

Stay Tuned - P

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Salem Slalom
On 2/7/2014 David Eye wrote in from United States  (216.17.nnn.nnn)

Hey there Paul! Great to see your still in action and scheming away. Not sure I can make your event, but would love to come. I'm still skating slalom and skate parks here in NoCo.
Would love to chat and catch up a bit, off-list can you contact me? thx!
take care, David

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Salem Slalom
On 1/24/2014 BBQ King wrote in from United States  (38.103.nnn.nnn)

OK, so it's posted! Right now I'm looking at May 18th Sunday but that is NOT definate yet. Stay tuned.


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Salem Slalom BBQ.......
On 1/17/2014 Pauliwog wrote in from United States  (38.103.nnn.nnn)

I'm looking into things for July 2014. So far the Salem Soap Box Derby Club does not have anything listed on their race schedule/calender for events in Salem at the Bush Park Hill for the whole month of July 2014. I find this to be dubious, they have always had at least one event there in July for as long as I've been looking at their calender over the past 8+ years. So, I'm leaning toward waiting and seeing what comes up.

Plus, I'd like to know if anyone else here in Oregon or Washington is doing anything so there won't be a schedule conflict or 2 events only 1 week apart, or whatever. So, if anyone else is putting something on, please post here on the CSA forum or email me with the email-name-click-thingy.

Adios - Paul

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Summer Slalom
On 12/22/2013 Paul Steiger wrote in from United States  (71.95.nnn.nnn)

I would appreciate any event this year, any month. Miss the Salem hill big time. Miss Mosier even more!!! That said, I was too lame to get to Cathlamet, hardley get to Portland and all of the cool Spokane crew left Spokane, so slam me for whining, it would be deserved! REALLY miss Mosier, though!!!!

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Slalom in Salem for 2014????
On 12/19/2013 Pauliwog wrote in from United States  (38.103.nnn.nnn)

Due to the spring weather unpredictability and trend toward being wetter, later, I'm thinking about putting on a BBQ slalom event in June or July. I'm leaning toward July unless someone else is putting on a "race" such as the "State Games"(um, cough, umm, Pat, ummm, cough) or one of those Cathlamet downhill and slalom things or some other "big thing" someone else maybe doing nearby or faraway.

Anybody out there have any thoughts?

Adios - Paul

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No Pauliwog sponsored slalom for 2013
On 3/29/2013 Pauliwog wrote in from United States  (38.103.nnn.nnn)

Yep, that's pretty much it. This year I'm just buckling down and trying to finally finish unfinished things that need finishing before I have a stroke over it.

So, if anyone else is thinking of putting on any events, please do so.

There's always the chance I might "if" I get the attic, gate, and a few other things done and "if" we don't have other stupid things emerge.

Adios - Paul

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On 11/2/2012 Paul Howard wrote in from United States  (38.103.nnn.nnn)

PSR - Hey, Thanks for the compliments and comments, My Dad and Sisters and I are doing OK, sorry to hear about your parents too. I've been wondering for the last 10 years when "that" phone call would arrive and who it would be about first.

Anyhow, Thanks again - Paul

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Mom's passing
On 10/31/2012 PSR wrote in from (184.61.nnn.nnn)

Having lost both my parents a few years back, all I can say is 'remember them well'... No apologies needed for putting this first. Of course, we all can see from here that your parents 'got it right', because of whom they left here to replace themselves! I hope God grants you Peace in these times.

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No Pauliwog sponsored Fall 2012 Slalom events
On 10/25/2012 Paul Howard wrote in from United States  (38.103.nnn.nnn)

Hey, Sorry for not putting something on like I had hoped to but my Mom just passed away almost 1 week ago, so my Dad, Sisters and I have been following through on everything involved in that. At 84, she went out from a massive brain hemorrage in her sleep which more or less is the way she wanted to go. Otherwise, I just have had too much on my plate for the last few months and now that the rain is here and back hard and heavy in Corvallis, I don't think it's worth planning anything ahead of time beyond one day in advance.

So, on that note, We "may" be skating in Corvallis Sunday Nov 4th but so far we're not getting our hopes up.

Thanks- Paul

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Dallas Connection.....
On 8/3/2012 Pauliwog wrote in from United States  (38.103.nnn.nnn)

(503)302-9795 is the number to call(David Mitchell) if you want to go have fun in Dallas Oregon this weekend.

Count on it.

Schlater - Paul

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Dallas Oregon Aug 4th/5th
On 8/2/2012 Pauliwog wrote in from United States  (38.103.nnn.nnn)

Young David Mitchell(not old Capt'n Dave Mitchell) is involved in a push race, slider-something sorta thing, slalom for longboards/Giant Slalom this coming weekend and wants help and participants.

It's posted on Facebook, maybe elsewhere.

I'd go but I am likely already doing other things.

Adios - Paul

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State Games
On 5/26/2012 Pat Chewning wrote in from United States  (98.246.nnn.nnn)

I had tentative plans of June 23-24, but then my new job is overwhelming me and another event (at Mt Tabor) was scheduled on that day. Then I checked with the State Games overall organizers and the availability of my time and the soap box derby hill. I offered August to the State Games folks, but they said that's too late.

So an official event being run through the State Games organization is out of the picture.

If we want to do a more unofficial event, then the only schedule conflicts are the weather and the soap box derby races (their schedule is online).

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Sunday in Rainy Salem and NO slalom!
On 5/24/2012 Pauliwog wrote in from United States  (38.103.nnn.nnn)

Hmmmm, well, Brad, Corey, Thad, Paul Steiger, Pete and I showed up, one course got set and chalked and the rain hit, we hung out from 10am-12noon blabbing while it showered repeatedly then we collaboratively decided to call it a bust and everyone split and pretty much went home. I ended up going to Aumsville about 1:30 (after running some errands in Salem), and by about 2pm it was totally dry at the Aumsville skatepark on the cement but the town's asphalt was still wet-to-damp which tells me that the asphalt soap box derby hill in the shade probably would have still been saturated and wet. Dang.

OK, The Future:
-I'm guessing the State Games race isn't happening from what I'm not seeing here or the official Oregon State Games website. So, on that note, I may try putting on something in late Aug or Sept if people are interested, but I really, really, really don't want to make people drive any big distance twice and possibly have yet another debacle like last year and this year's BBQ/Non-BBQ non-sessions went.

So, post your thoughts here on the 'ol NCDSA CSA forum.

Thanks for showing up and sorry about the weather everyone - Paul

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Salem Slalom
On 5/20/2012 peters wrote in from United States  (67.160.nnn.nnn)

Have faith guys... I see it's raining now but it looks like the rest of the day should be overcast / DRY. Hopefully it'll burn off and you guys will be posting some slalom action by tonight!! Miss everyone- jp

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Salem Sunday Weather report
On 5/19/2012 Pauliwog wrote in from United States  (38.103.nnn.nnn)

20% rain after 11am according to www.weather.gov(NOAA).

Compared to past years, that's not much of a "big deal", so I'm still calling it a "GO".

I'll check again before I leave work around 5pm and see what changes if anything.

Adios - Paul

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On 5/19/2012 Tim wrote in from United States  (130.76.nnn.nnn)

You guys have a great time tomorrow. Unfortunately the race conflicts with the Snohomish Motorcycle show. It's been a long winter and I miss my Sk8 buddies. Ride hard or stay home ;-)~

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NO Food and stuff.......
On 5/18/2012 Pauliwog wrote in from United States  (38.103.nnn.nnn)

FOOD(or lack thereof) - OK, it's official, I am pretty much full of germs so I WON'T be bring food or the BBQ. So, it's officially B.Y.O.F.

START TIME - I'll hoping to arrive at the hill between 9:00am and 9:30am and have at least one course developing/chalking by 10am.

BRING YOUR CONES, BROOMS, DUSTPANS, AND CHALK! I will likely be leaving by 3pm just to get home and finish more damn stuff on my house that needs finishing before the rain comes on Monday.

Thanks - The Management

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On 5/18/2012 Brad"Jackhammer"Jackman wrote in from United States  (75.172.nnn.nnn)

Cant wait to hang and skate with the Salom crew!

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Salem Slalom and NOROVIRUS!!!! and B.Y.O.F.
On 5/16/2012 Paul Howard wrote in from United States  (38.103.nnn.nnn)

Hey, I have been brewing some viral bug for the 2nd week which I suspect is the norovirus they've been talking about in the news and a lot of my patients at work have come in with.

So, with that in mind, I am probably NOT going to be cooking/handling food nor actually BBQ-ing and thus spreading whatever I've been fighting off. I'll try to make a more solid "yes" or "no" on the food issue as things get closer.

Thanks -P

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Salem BBQ
On 5/15/2012 skip wrote in from United States  (24.20.nnn.nnn)

Can't wait to skate with you guys! We are going to do Robin's P.Town Throwdown in the AM, and head down after (noonish?). If anyone wants in, get in touch..The Throwdown is from Tabor to Sellwood Bridge, mostly downhill, super fun route.

See you suckers then...

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Salem BBQ
On 5/13/2012 Paul Steiger wrote in from United States  (71.92.nnn.nnn)

Looking forward to the event! I'll be getting in on Saturday, so lets talk set up times Sunday morning. Weather permitting, of course!

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Salem Slalom BBQ....
On 5/9/2012 Pauliwog.... wrote in from United States  (38.103.nnn.nnn)

So far, things like changes/additions in my work schedules and the Salem Soap Box Derby club race/event calender do not seem to be getting in the way of the Slalom BBQ. We'll see how the weather plays out.

Stay tuned for further details - P

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The People's Slalom and State Games
On 1/26/2012 Paul Howard wrote in from (173.8.nnn.nnn)

Hopefully I will be attending both events, However, due to both my jobs being pretty low-yield for the last year and projected to be the same over the next year, I am only committing time off to 3 planned trips that were already planned a while ago. Everything else is on a "back burner" for now. Including Stone Age gatherings - that's a complete nix this year for me and my Wife.

That means that if either job wants me to work on any day, I'm going to take it because I need the money.

So, that said, if anyone wants to step up and be the backup or the main course setter(s) for "The People's Slalom" or the "State Games of Oregon" races - By all means PLEASE do so and notify Pat if you are thinking of the State Games.

Thanks - Paul

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