Riding Techniques (3851 Posts)
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On 8/4/2004
wrote in from
United Kingdom
DigitalDojo, I dont mean to miss the point and I know this isnt gonna involve technique but I need to take you up on your posts, before I do, my riding style of choice right now is the coffin. Now down to business, I wont hack your english coz obviously theres problems there and thats not your problem but.. We are not born ambidexterous, left or right side predomination is not a learnt responce, unequivically the predominant side of the brain is determined prenatally.
That liver and kidney stuff your talking aobut is the autonomic nervous system which incidently if you shot the head off a human would kick in and cause the immediate death of the individual by shutting down to save the brain thats not there, shock I believe its called.
Also I dont know about the liver working in memory, maybe it does but I know the memory is probably stored in the brain and I doubt any information goes to the liver before being stored in the proceedural memory. Thats the memory that means we can type a whole word with many actions to it just by thinking of typing that word. Its a basic function of memory that lumps tasks together if they're always done together. Martial arts itself may teach you better coordianation and a few skills to help the learning of physical skill but other than that.... Obviously theres alot more to martial arts but not as far as this topics concerned or so I believe. Anyways, hope this helps
On 7/1/2004 sam
wrote in from
(BEN DOJO) I was woundering what is up with the oregon team? Are things in place? and has a team been formed yet?
On 6/29/2004
Ben to Digitaldojo
wrote in from
To DigitalDojo
I have to questions for you. What is a Gravitational stop? i know that people from diffrent areas have diffrent names for things but i havent ever hear of that. Inless you mean just rolling to a stop. Second if you are putting together a video i would really like to see it. I have been trying to find videos of what other people can do and it is hard to find something that impresses me. Thanks for you help.
On 6/29/2004 silversurfer
wrote in from
You want to turn REALLY TIGHT? Get your self some Original Super Carve spring loaded trucks. Tightest turning trucks I've ever seen, pull u turns on a side walk.
On 6/9/2004 andy
wrote in from
hello, crowe wrote :
Want to turn tighter! if your trucks have a washer type cuppling at the bottom of your bushings take it out. I did it and it almost doubled how tight i could turn.
peace, crowe
Is it possible to anyone to go more in the details as i do not understand these english terms and i am very interested in being able to turn more tight.
Andy Switzerland
On 5/26/2004 crowe
wrote in from
Want to turn tighter! if your trucks have a washer type cuppling at the bottom of your bushings take it out. I did it and it almost doubled how tight i could turn.
peace, crowe
On 5/12/2004 fokke wolfe
wrote in from
what are Slideing or pulling Intension stops or Gravitational Stops,
On 5/4/2004 vaitus
wrote in from
DigitalDojo I guess you're talkink about "muscle memory"?
yeah being able to ride switch stance (ambidexterity) is a great way to improve fast, but don't let the secret out now ;-), just kidding, it feels so akward that most people won't do it anyways.
On 5/2/2004 Keith Johnson
wrote in from
Dojo Interesting posts by the way. Yes, hard to read. But, do you have that security camera tape? KJ
On 5/2/2004 Keith Johnson
wrote in from
Actually, in that context I believe it's pidgin. A type of dialect or patois. KJ
On 4/30/2004
wrote in from
Yeah, yeah, I can see the improvement in your spelling, grammar and capitalization already pal .
On 4/30/2004
wrote in from
My bad dude, English Hard to learn, I have thick pigeon accent. But I will Take more carein my typeing.
On 4/30/2004
wrote in from
Hey guys, glad to see your interest in posting but would it be possible for you to check spelling and grammar and, well go the whole way, and how about capitalization? It would help the rest of us a lot - well at least those of us who actually plan to read through your messages. thanks dudes
On 4/30/2004
PopGoesMyCherry (bloody down The Hill :) J/k lol,
wrote in from
Yea People Most of the new Post are from us, Like DigitalDojo And Gravity and some others. we can explain We Skate team for Central Orgon Downhill Team And us 6 Are all trying to leave post and s#@! from on cpu, K?.
On 4/30/2004
Gravity SK8ter (Funny Story 2)
wrote in from
Hey guys i am useing the same computer has Stevan (DigitalDojo) I would like to make sure some people read these last 3 post. Stevan Tought me the same stuff And i Am Telling u it added like 7 years to my downhilling talent. Hes been Doing this For Quite Some time Infact there are more big time down hillers That dont evan come close my bro Stevan's Skill, We are currently editing a video to put on here. That i think The Downhilling skate community would very Much Enjoy. But for real If u are learning slideing or Gravity Stops or intension stops Treat as if where martail arts class do it over and over and over and faster and faster. I have skated with Stevan For 12 years Now. I and he has showed me the sickest s#@! i ever seen. He is Crazy mother f#@!er dude. We were in the Twin citys like a year ago and we had a place in a high rise on the 10th floor Downtown, Well Minnesota IS VERY flat. And i grab my trick skate Stevan Grabs his Little Missle deck and we go skateing right. Well i was grinding (or Trying to hehe i'ma downhiller 2) this marble wall and stevan was watching, after about 30 min. Stevan Gets bored And looks across the street and sees a underground Parking garage with a very steep in Ramp. So we get up there and stevan is looking down the ramp, Litterally The ramp was 45degree downgrade, Stevan Kind think yay or nah. After about 3 min. of looking at it he tells me to go to the bottom. I slowly Skate down there. Stevan Told me he was going for it becouase this in ramp had HUGE man made ruts going down it they were about 2 inch deep 1 inch wide and they went all they down the ramp forming arrows. Stevan Said the ruts will slow him down. So I am Like what ever dude. So Stevan Starts Going down the ramp, Now were talking 45degree down grade mad man made ruts and it was a bout 100 yards down. So as Stevans Going down The ramp, The ruts slowing him down like he thought but as he kepted going down The sound the board was making hitting the ruts Kepted getting Faster and faster and faster and faster. Now at the bottom of the ramp was the garages surcuirty office. but we not know. Now stevan Was Telling me after words a couple of things he forgot to think about: 1) The 45deegree transistion to level surface 2) The Extremly Smooth Silky parking garage pavment 3) There was only about 30 feet to stop, but he can stop at 40-50mph in 15 feet. How ever he did not add the silky pavement. So here comes home boy, hits the ramp Transition Almost eats royal s#@! Start his Gravitational Stop Slows to about 8-10mph gliding across the silky pavement lifts his board up alittle so that the trucks are going to smash into the curb. Well that exactly what happend it was a success. I'm all talking to him telling him that was THE s#@! when 1 officer and 3 surcurity gards come out. Ask Stevan And I to step in their office, so we do. When we sat down There played a video tape for us And the tape was from one of those automated camra cops, u know clocks your speed on parking ramps and stuff and takes pictures off your "car" Well the officer verrified that was stevan (which was not to hard) And writes him a ticket for Speeding 38moh in 15mph zone. Stevan Gets all Upset Like Woundering if this is f#@!ing possable. And thats when he learned that speeding on american road ways does not just apply to motor Veichles. Now Is that Some Funny Shlt Or what???? LOL
On 4/30/2004
wrote in from
Also I forgot to say this s#@! to. Another really usefull Thing i have learned Is Being Ambadextriuos (or how ever u spell it) Gives u a supreme Advantage over others. Now Dont say "well thats GREAT news but i am not ambadextriuos" Hear me out. Every human being is born As a ambadextriuos, (DONT forget there IS a differance in being ambadextriuos and right and left handed. Ambdextrizm Has to do with the cordantion value of ur left brain vrs Right) But we get to school at such a yung age when we learn to write. Whats that is doing Is u choose a hand to right with and your Brain is still in developing, And during this time Is were u would become mainly like a artist or some on phsyical. Now do u remember ur parents Tell u That Video game are such a waste of time? Well now there saying Video games that require good dexterity/Cordnation Actually correct this chemical imbalance in your Frontal Adrinolin, So as u play more and more the chemical imbalence is slowy correcting itself.
On 4/30/2004
wrote in from
Ok, Some of u may have heard me say this in the Crashing Forum, But Its something that all Downhilllers need to know, And No its not about Slideing or pulling Intension stops or Gravitational Stops, Tho They Are ur best Freind. No this technique Is to Greatly Help any body out learning With a form of Education Thats puts Knowledge into u instincted, This Method Of Education Is called Martial Arts People, And yes u are wrong Martial arts IS a form of education developed by the chineasse Its not about Defending your self or fighting, tho those are some very popular skills want to learn useing Martial Arts. Martials arts Teaches Ur CYP2D6 Sigma Recepter ok for u people that dont know the human body CYP2D6 Sigma Recepter Is housed in your liver, It is the first thing that develops when u are conceived It Is also called the Inactive Brain or Subconsious. Martial Arts Make u do something so Repetative That i go into Ur Short term Receptor to the Long Term Receptor then off to the PhotoGraphic Receptor, Thats 3 outa 4 recepters in ur Brain, The 4th Is the CYP2D6 Sigma Recepter and ur liver and livers filters protect it. in other words u could blow off the head to a humman and keep feeding that headless body its food and nutrients to keep it alive, just in the human eye a human is not alive if there active mind dont work. Any way Martial arts takes Knowledge That is so Repetative That it goes into the CYP2D6 Sigma Recepter and the CYP2D6 Sigma Recepter Burns THe infomation into the Instincted Memory Banks, So In other words U dont evan Have to Think about somin to do it. In My skate boarding life I used martial arts to master A all ready Perfected Gravitational Stop. Years later after My Real Bad Crash I implied Martial Arts Into Crashing. I trained in crashing at slow speeds
On 4/30/2004
wrote in from
Um YeaA really good Post in speed boreding, That seperates Slideing at high speeds from stoping at high speeds. See i will give u u a quike intro into that post to get ur attention, It all started when my phsyics professor Saw me Do the So Called Slideing/Stop Method And he told me the phsyics of why u are able to stop so quikly doing this so called slide/stop, And he called it a Gravitational stop, U know the slideing/stop method were u pull a rapid 180, then after that 180 has finished and u know it spins back around the same way so its like a 360 but with 2 180's, Thats the method talked about in my post. My Post Is under the Speed Boreding Forum. Now that was like 2 months ago and getting lots of racers seperateing Sliding from slide stoping that This Method SHOULD acuaully be called a Gravitational Stop, Or somein Like it.
On 4/29/2004 vaitus
wrote in from
heelside = frontside
skate terminology comes from surfing and in surfing a heelside slide is performed on a frontside wave (facing the wave) as a cutback, therefore is called a frontside slide even though you're actually turning back.
On 4/24/2004 Scott S.
wrote in from
Heelside = Backside
On 4/21/2004
wrote in from
I've been skating for about 6 months now and it suddenly occured to me that I may have my terminology messed up - yikes! So help me out here, I ride regular (left foot forward on the board ) and if I slap down my left hand in its sliding glove on the ground for a slide I am doing a 'heelside slide', right? Would that direction of sliding or cornering also be called 'backside'? Airin, who just thought she better check on herself!
On 4/18/2004
wrote in from
scott.s if hes a skater and would be keen for a skate (if he's in sydney) get him to e-mail me!
On 4/12/2004
wrote in from
Reeve, read this..
ScottS, looks like your idea turned reality, cool!
hc http://www.geocities.com/sk8sanjose/sliding.html
On 4/12/2004
Reeve McNall
wrote in from
should i grabe the rail when sliding?+is it easier to slide fully and longer when skating with speeeeeeed?
On 4/12/2004 Scott S.
wrote in from
HC they put a sliding post, I think you should keep this forum keep going because you know so much about sliding...I am also going to do my best to keep it going!