Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Pre-1980 Vintage Skateboard Gear

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Pre-1980 Vintage Gear (6027 Posts)
Product Info
On 10/9/2001 psYch0Lloyd wrote in from (24.148.nnn.nnn)

That's pretty cool Brady! I have a surfboard from Jack's Surf Shop it's an 8' longboard from '61. I imagine that thing is worth a lot these days too!

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On 10/6/2001 Scabs wrote in from (66.21.nnn.nnn)

I was looking at an old SI (Surfing Illustrated) circa august 1965 and there`s 2 adds for skateboards...

Jacks Surf Shop Huntington Beach, CA
24" Jacks Bonzai lamenated Hardwood $12.95
30" Jacks Bonzai genuine chicago parts and wheels $14.95
36" Pipeline Built for Slaom Racing $18.95
(their typo not mine sloam/slalom)

Val Surf North Hollywood, CA
skateboard with FO-MAC Chicago Wheels
25" $13.95 30" $14.45 35" $14.95
skateboard without wheels
25" $6.88 30" $6.50 35" $7.00

Can you imagine what any of these in NOS would be worth?

Hope you enjoyed this blast from the past!

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Vintage Gators
On 10/1/2001 PSR wrote in from (209.198.nnn.nnn)

Those were slow,green wheels....

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On 10/1/2001 manley wrote in from (198.81.nnn.nnn)

I've got about a 40" calypso i got at a garage sale for
7 dollars. (original trucks & wheels) I put old indys
&new wheels, the thing screams, flat as a 2x4, I had
to learn to ollie again! anyway' the thing is probably
from the late 70's. sk-8 er die, mm

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Vintage Gators
On 10/1/2001 Herbn wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

What questions or conversations do we have about Gators? if you think of something i think we'll let it slide:)I had one of the first concave ones.

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pre 1980???
On 9/29/2001 shnitzel wrote in from (65.92.nnn.nnn)

sorry, maybe that post didn't belong here... pre 1980???? that means my gator isn't even vintage ;)

nite nite

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dh II
On 9/29/2001 shnitzel wrote in from (65.92.nnn.nnn)

well, i guess this is the right place for this post.....

tonight i talked to my old partner in crime Alex and the ORIGINAL DH II that i gave to him years back got stolen..... shit.

some lucky sticky fingered bastard has quite a treasure on his hands.... DH II #1 (the second lowered board i ever made) it'll probably end up wrecked... oh well.



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On 9/28/2001 Byrddog wrote in from (24.170.nnn.nnn)

Thanks Alvin!
I have a brother Named Alvin.
That does ease my mind.


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Big Foot
On 9/28/2001 Alvin wrote in from (64.218.nnn.nnn)


Your Big Foot looks like mine. It also looks like the one on Mike Teele's page. I wouldn't sweat it

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Dogtown Bigfoot
On 9/28/2001 Byrddog wrote in from (24.170.nnn.nnn)

I have a Dogtown Bigfoot (?) up for auction on eBay and I noticed a difference between mine a some other Bigfeet. Check out the wheel wells in my picture. They are not just put in by a cylindical beltsander, they appear to be sculped into the wood in almost a dish shape which then transitions to the stepdown type beveled edge.

Can any Dogtown experts out there tell me if this is a very early release of this deck or am I crazy in remembering this to be a Dogtown Bigfoot at all. What other deck of the era had these dimensions?

Wes, Hugh, anybody? Are you out there? Help me out here.

Man, I hate eating a big piece of crow pie, but I will do it.

The auction:



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Alva Wheels
On 9/27/2001 Duane wrote in from (65.201.nnn.nnn)

Leo, those could be worth quite a bit, a "set" of 4, two green two orange, is up to $86 on ebay, not finished yet http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1008399275
If alva is printed they are later and probabaly not worth as much

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Blizzard slalom
On 9/27/2001 John O'Shei wrote in from (64.12.nnn.nnn)

Tway, I'm interested in aquiring a Blizzard SL in good shape. I'm not a collector but I always wanted to race one of those boards. Maybe you'd like to trade for something? How does a Comet graphite sound? let me know at johnoshei@aol.com

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70mm Green Krypto's
On 9/25/2001 the Boardman wrote in from (12.80.nnn.nnn)

DOM- the green 70mm kryptos were SCARY as were any Krypto 70mm for slalom. I hooked up a set of red 78a's for one race and ended up on my head and hip. Try em on the front first. Maybe a combo of the OJ's on the rear. My fave setup was green 65 factory slaloms on the front and depending on how tight a course (the ARA courses were tough ones) would use the blue compound. Play with it....

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Alva wheels
On 9/24/2001 Leo wrote in from (146.18.nnn.nnn)

a friend found 2 alva orange wheels, very hard, i would guess 90a+, thei look like a bottle or something very conic. wnated to know how much they worth and where i can find more wheels...


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On 9/19/2001 mathew wrote in from (63.249.nnn.nnn)

I have green one. It's rather scratched up. I'd sell it.

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Sims Vector
On 9/18/2001 Glen wrote in from (216.102.nnn.nnn)

I see a skateboard on Ebay has Sims Bowlriders and what they call, Sims Vectors.
Any ideas about the Vectors. I have a set of the or maybe a clone set but don't know when they came out or what their deal was.

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Slalom wheels
On 9/18/2001 Dom wrote in from (213.56.nnn.nnn)

Thank you Dave
but what kind of OJ's are the best: the small 55mm
or the big 65mm?
do you know also if the big 70mm green kriptos where used in slalom .

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On 9/18/2001 Dave G wrote in from (208.29.nnn.nnn)

O.Js are GREAT! slalom wheels,best used on the rear for they aren't xtra fast in comparison of other harder wheels, but they grip nicely and when they break loose they are very predictable!

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blizzard slalom
On 9/17/2001 r.mendino wrote in from (208.30.nnn.nnn)

i'd say they're worth $66.60


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On 9/17/2001 Dom wrote in from (195.5.nnn.nnn)

can somebody tell me if the OJ's where good for slalom
and what size was the best 55 or 65
Thank you

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Blizzard Slalom Deck
On 9/17/2001 tway wrote in from (24.187.nnn.nnn)

I got a line on a few NOS Blizzard decks. Anybody know anything about them? Foam core? Age? Value?


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black Kryptos
On 9/16/2001 scabs wrote in from (66.21.nnn.nnn)

Anybody know the duro of the black Krtpyos?

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Variflex Newporter
On 9/15/2001 Drake wrote in from (24.218.nnn.nnn)

Picked up my first vintage board today at a yard sale for a dollar. Wanted to know if anyone had any info on it. Its a Variflex "Newporter" solid wood board 24" long and 6" wide. Championship Urethene Wheels. The bottom says "Jimbo MPL" and it looks like it has a red sun on it? Still has the safety sticker and inspection sticker on it.

By the way I took it for a spin and was amazed at how well it carves, maybe cause I am used to longboards.

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Old kryptos
On 9/15/2001 Duane wrote in from (63.21.nnn.nnn)

The old yellows were incredibly soft, supposedly 75a but really softer, wore out very quickly. Blue and red compounds measured softer than the advertised values, too. Orange c-62 and c-68 slalom wheels were 85a actual, don't know about other orange wheels like the "Krytpo" roller skate wheels.

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old Kryptonics by color
On 9/15/2001 PSR wrote in from (63.100.nnn.nnn)

Dom,Reds are 78A,Blues 86A(early),88A after 1979,Greens are 93A. Yellow,Pink,Orange were specialty compounds,with some differences in durometer depending on the wheel's mission.Gilmour or Rene would know what's up with those.

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