Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Region: Europe (5207 Posts)
Topic Info
On 1/30/2002 chris @ lush wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

for a easy to get to, single click, list of longboard and slalom events in the UK in 2002 hit the, er, "Longboard Events 2002" link at lush longboards. Easy!

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Invited to the Kona 2002
On 1/30/2002 Sammy Nogueira wrote in from (200.173.nnn.nnn)

Hello My friends of the longboard world.
I Hope all are well and that on this year of 2002 the longboard to grow more and more all over the world.
Well we are going to the that interests,: We would like to know of all you the longboard championship there will be been in Kona Jacksonville and in that it dates had happened.
I need fast information on this subject. I am setting up a project to take five Brazilian athletes for Kona and the sponsors need fast answers for us to can disposal of money and to lean on.
I would like to participate with all about the decisions to be taken.
Together we will still be able to get better more the popularization of this great event that is show for the longboard in my opinion.
keep in touch and let it ride
Beast Regards
Rogério `` SAMMY `` Nogueira
TVS> Brazilian Team

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Sheffield Board Fest 2002
On 1/30/2002 SSofS wrote in from (217.204.nnn.nnn)

Its a fairly informal affair, so lets get going as and when, midday fine by me...

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Sheffield - Cannes of the North
On 1/30/2002 Clingfilm wrote in from (195.195.nnn.nnn)

Lets start the training about mid day if the weather is good out side. I plan to go up Friday night. Paula probablyu will not go so my car may be empty. Lets log who weants lifts, who has transport etc.
Hopefully Sidewalk Magazine will cover it, so Guy who have stuff to advertise, get us your banners, posters etc. No charge, but preference to those who have stuff to give away.
Any Euros, I can pick you up from Ashford as I am not far from there.

Looking forward for a Turner shakedown. My one has not arrived yet, so its NHS vs Turner.

Looking good


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Sheffield Board Fest 2002
On 1/30/2002 SSofS wrote in from (217.204.nnn.nnn)

Sheffield Board Fest 2002 23-24 Feb @The House SkatePark

Feat. the Sheffield Super Sprint Slalom
(short course indoors)
Train with international slalom experts Simon Levene, Chris Linford and Michael Stride (others tba)
Outdoor underground slalom jam at secret location.
Lush Longboards Midnight Madness downhill-a-thon (safety gear mandatory!!)
Plus: Sheffield Ski Village for snowboarding.
Plus: Indoor ramp action in The House.

Meet at The House 4PM Sat 23/2/02


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2002 World Longboard Slalom Championships
On 1/29/2002 tasos wrote in from (63.57.nnn.nnn)

thanks to michael @ longboarder mag
new info at streetrecords.com

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On 1/29/2002 Michael wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

Hey my little french chums, I'll bet you 100 francs we win! Oh...I forgot, you don't have your own money these days....want to borrow some of ours?!

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On 1/29/2002 Jean-Michel ATTIA wrote in from (193.248.nnn.nnn)

Ok, ok...It was in 1415 and, at this time, french knights didn't like the tight (4 feet maxi !) english battle race !

And yes, GBJ, Agincourt is in France...and Cannes so, for the revenge !

Beware, Clingfilm, i'll be not alone, Jeanne d'Arc will be with me with his new Turner blade !

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jean michel
On 1/29/2002 fred wrote in from (172.128.nnn.nnn)

desole,je ne donne pas beaucoup de nouvelles...CA S'APPELLE LA GRIPPE...trop nase meme pour suivre les forums!
a bientot

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On 1/29/2002 GBJ wrote in from (209.48.nnn.nnn)

I'm pretty sure that Agincourt IS on "the Frenchies" home ground.

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FCR Series
On 1/29/2002 FCR Series wrote in from (64.165.nnn.nnn)

The FCR Series is now accepting PayPAl for registration fees. Use trilateralpartners@hotmail.com.

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We WON!!!!!
On 1/29/2002 Clingfilm wrote in from (195.195.nnn.nnn)

Well at least we did something right, once.
Thanks for history note. I can now go and conquer the Frenches on their home ground.
Those were the days.
We used to be good at cricket once.

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On 1/29/2002 jonnyx wrote in from (194.238.nnn.nnn)


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Agincourt vs. Khe Sanh
On 1/29/2002 jonnyx wrote in from (194.238.nnn.nnn)

Agincourt was won by an English expeditionary army despite overwhelming odds in favour of the french. The English lured the french cavalry into marshy ground, impaled the charging horses on wooden stakes and cut the cream of french nobility to pieces in a few hours. The british archers consistently stayed out of range of the french arquebusiers, waving the two fingers used for drawing the bow as a taunt, hence the modern two fingered gesture of non compliance that we all know and love. The fact that this was little more than a family feud, and that english and french nobility are essentially one and the same has been largely overlooked.

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On 1/29/2002 Clingfilm wrote in from (195.195.nnn.nnn)

Hang-on. Who won Agincourt.!!!!

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On 1/29/2002 Jean-Michel ATTIA wrote in from (213.30.nnn.nnn)

The date: 8 february

The place of Tournament: Cannes

The Knights: CLINGFILM and Jean-Michel...for the moment !

Other slalom Knights are welcome (espacially The King STRIDE I, to die under my wheels !):
- i'm trying to contact Gianluca FERRERO
- Fred, es-tu disponible ?

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On 1/29/2002 Clingfilm wrote in from (195.195.nnn.nnn)

Anyone in southern France, Italy etc who fancy a skate next week, contact myself or Jean Micheal about it.


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On 1/29/2002 Jean-Michel ATTIA wrote in from (213.30.nnn.nnn)

C'est bien l'attitude d'un lyonnais, ça !

Cela dit, tu as raison de t'entraîner...Tu as comme ça une chance d'être moins ridicule lors de notre prochaine rencontre !

Plus sérieusement, appelles-moi au 06 21 03 90 56 pour que nous fassions enfin connaissance; je te rappelle également que je confirme demain une commande Turner...

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entant cordial
On 1/28/2002 "michel" wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

er, basically Fred is saying all i'll see are the backs of his wheels!!!! Well, yes, I guess I WILL have to give him a head start to make the race fair! I'll wave as I pass you though, Michael.

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france /angleterre....
On 1/28/2002 FRED wrote in from (172.157.nnn.nnn)

jean michel et michael
je crois que vous ferez votre petite gueguerre sans moi...ou plutot derriere moi!!!que vous soyez francais anglais,americains,(n'oublions pas nos amis martiens)ca ne changera rien:VOUS NE VERREZ JAMAIS RIEN D'AUTRE QUE MES ROUES ARRIERES.MEME POUR CA,FAUDRA VOUS ACCROCHER...
je vous laisse avec vos beau drapeaux,faut que j'aille m'entrainer un peu

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On 1/28/2002 Clingfilm wrote in from (195.195.nnn.nnn)

Cheers for the offer. Of course we can recipricate here for lodgings, me old matey, sorry accent again.
I will see what I can arrange.


I have not got your phone number, (lost it sorry)
I'll be in touch.

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Sheff dates... soon, soon
On 1/28/2002 SSofS wrote in from (217.204.nnn.nnn)

Paul K
Michael Stride is comin up tomorrow to look at our venue (Tues)and THEN we'll announce the date.

Clingfilm... I'll sort something out, email me!

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GRS pledges
On 1/27/2002 Scabs wrote in from (66.21.nnn.nnn)

I`ve got these three events planned on my schedule....
King of Kona - April 11-13
The Gathering - May 4-6
Worlds Longboard Championship June 23

I`ll extend sharing of my lodging to any Europeons (I always wanted to say that) at no cost. Consider it my GRS duties. I`ll probably have a rental car as well or should it be a bus??? ;-)

Hope to see ya mate and together we will skate.
Just promise to ease up on yer accent...;-)

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Longboard WC
On 1/27/2002 Clingfilm wrote in from (194.154.nnn.nnn)

Are there any longboard manufacturers wanting to support me, or an official team, to get to the World Championships.
If I can get the fare I'll be there.
Who can help


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On 1/27/2002 michael wrote in from (195.92.nnn.nnn)

Too right jonno, lets make it priority no 1. What was the deal with the Jam factory?

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