Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Slalom Skateboarding Pro Mike Maysey

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Q&A: Slalom Pro Mike Maysey (2489 Posts)
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On 7/12/2003 mike maysey wrote in from (65.234.nnn.nnn)

m - If you're making cones doing what you're doing, I wouldn't change a thing. Here's what both Jack and Paul taught me...make the course clean, build speed. This will develop your style as well.

To me, style is all YOU...well and me. We all have our own style. It's about how you position your body, where you put your hands, how you hold your arms, all that...angulation of your rear leg, where's your back knee go on toe-side turns. That's your style. That's why you recognize little twitch someone has. When I was into the surf scene, I could watch...literally, 5 seconds of many top pro surfers and know instantly who it was based on their style. They had totally recognizable style. Style cannot be duplicated.

Case in point...when I recently viewed the Luca footage, I thought it was on fast forward. I was like, "okay, let's see it at normal speed...whaat do you mean that was regular....holy ----" I was amazed......amazed I say. Anyway, I saw that guy and decided I wanted to be able to skate that fast and I thought the only way to do it was to skate just like that. Copy his style. Remember what I said earlier? I threw unconsciously threw that out the window. After all, I figured, if it worked for him there must be something to it. It MUST work for me, right? I went out, set up the board, messed with foot position, messed with arm position, turned my shoulders, blah, blah.

You know what I learned...I'M NOT LUCA, d-oh, HELLO. Learning experience #58693, don't copy...here's howI did it before and now after. For some reason, I thought...for a second...that the rules had vanished. Anyway, as I was saying, I like to barrow ideas, movements and theories and make them my own. I watched and skated right along side of Jack Smith and Paul Dunn when I was learning. I tried to copy, but all I could do was barrow their ideas and theories and translate them to myself, creating my own style.

I don't know exactly where or why that just came out, I just hope it isn't too far off the subject. I just wanted to share that little tid bit with any interested parties.

Peace Out

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On 7/12/2003 mike maysey wrote in from (65.234.nnn.nnn)

Sup BB - yeah I saw that too! Can't wait to see that guy, it's been a while. Reminds me, I gotta call him up. He called me a few days/week or so ago and I keep forgetting to return the favor. See you soon sukas!

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On 7/10/2003 m wrote in from (198.81.nnn.nnn)

working on my pumping.watched some video of well known racers and my upper body doesnt seem to gyrate like other racers but i still make my cones.im just training new again after a twenty year layoff.
Thanks for any input,m

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On 7/10/2003 Richy C wrote in from (198.81.nnn.nnn)

Hey Maysey did you see the contest calendar -- MDP is signed up for the Double threat weekend in LA and is yoked and angry! Rumor has it he has been weight training like a madman!

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Check your email bombsquad and midtown
On 7/9/2003 John Kim wrote in from (165.247.nnn.nnn)


Bombsquad, Mike, and friends check your email please. Looking for Cliff and a few other Nor Cal riders. Hoping you can contact them.


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Perfumo Cyn , SLO - 7/26
On 7/8/2003 hg wrote in from (208.14.nnn.nnn)

Looks like a go. We'll use Cambria as a backup in case we get booted. Terry or I will post details in coming days.

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On 7/8/2003 mike maysey wrote in from (65.234.nnn.nnn)

hg-sounds goot...other than Lauren losing skin that is!

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On 7/6/2003 hg wrote in from (208.14.nnn.nnn)

Just back from checking the condition of Perfumo. There's now a locked chain link gate across the entrance to the riding area with a "absolutely no mountain bikes" sign (nothing about skateboards). However, there's no new construction, so we could get the road into rideable shape with a gas powered blower and some brooms. Without a cleanup, it's a bit like ice skating - Lauren slide out on her first run and left some skin.

Let me check with Jack, PD, Terry, et al, to see if they want to help support this.

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Central Coast Race
On 7/5/2003 mike maysey wrote in from (67.192.nnn.nnn)

Perfumo Canyon huh? I skated a good portion of Perfumo Canyon about a year ago. There's certianly some good sections that would be great for racing. Looking forward to it. Is your clan gonna make the JPL/WLAC weekend?

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On 7/5/2003 hg wrote in from (208.14.nnn.nnn)

At the moment, our leading candidate is Perfumo Cyn, which is wide enough for 2 lanes. The Avila bike path would be a great location, but we've generated some complaints from locals with less than 10 skaters in practice in a single lane, so I don't think we would get away with a race there. Don't know about Cambria - I'll ask Jack. In any case, I think it's better than 50/50 we will be able to organize a local race, most likely on Saturday, June 26.

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Location Location Location
On 7/5/2003 mike maysey wrote in from (67.192.nnn.nnn)

HG, is the Cambria hill an option? Or maybe a single lane race at "the path." Or how about some hill in a new development around the county. Like that one we got thrown off of in Arroyo Grande or one of the ones out in Paso. Just throwin' ideas out cause I wanna come down and race.

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SLO grass roots
On 7/2/2003 hg wrote in from (208.14.nnn.nnn)

It's not official, but we are thinking of running a grass roots race on Saturday, July 26 in SLO, followed by a BBQ at the ranch as a sendoff for the cross-country boys. We'll try to nail down the details in the next few days - main issue is race location, since this will likely have to be outlaw.

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On 7/1/2003 66 wrote in from (68.117.nnn.nnn)

i missed out last year because i was without skill, now i'll support every event they throw down

great experience, and for those of you who don't take the time to help setup/breakdown......you're missing out on some of the best conversations of the day

the level of athleticism displayed by the guys from the west coast who skated in breckenridge was amazing

and how did i spend 3 days in colorado and not manage to meet maysey???

looking forward to morro bay

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other race series ...
On 7/1/2003 hg wrote in from (208.14.nnn.nnn)

We had such a good thing with the FCR series last season on the West Coast, and it's really sad that there hasn't been anything like it this season. JPL and WLAC have at least given us in the west something to look forward to, other US regions seem to have put together good racing series at least at the grass roots level, and the Euros have a strong pro-level series with Paris / Gruningen / Cologne leading to the European Championship at Antibes in September, and in general, each of these series had a schedule that was published months in advance with enough detail so racers could make plans.

Maybe we'll see another top level race here before Morro Bay (Tahoe ... dates ?) that will help refocus racing energy, but a real race series has a committed schedule, and we unfortunately didn't get that for the US pros this season.

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Slalom Hybernation
On 7/1/2003 mike maysey wrote in from (65.234.nnn.nnn)

Funny you mention that HG...that's the boat I've been in ever since Breck. Without any races on the horizen, I just sort of lost focus. I think WLAC and JPL will help me get back into shape and ready to race.

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Slalom on the Central Coast
On 6/30/2003 Hamm wrote in from (63.175.nnn.nnn)

hg, I'd be down for the 12th or 13th, but I was thinking of the 26th or 27th as sort of a send off for Jack, Paul, Gary and ???. That way those of us that were into such a thing could hand deliver care packages to the America Crossers. I know I've got a tube of Ben Gay with PD's name on it.

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grass roots
On 6/30/2003 hg wrote in from (208.14.nnn.nnn)

Hamm - good thought. For some reason, the SLO locals seem to have gone into slalom hybernation, but maybe we can wake them. We could try to put something together for the 12th or 13th. Perhaps single lane at the Avila bikepath, as dual lane is a bit more of a challenge - I just asked Jack if he had any ideas on best location.

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On 6/30/2003 John Kim wrote in from (207.126.nnn.nnn)


Check your email ASAP and read it. Thanks.


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Grass Roots race
On 6/30/2003 Hamm wrote in from (63.175.nnn.nnn)

hg, I've actually been keeping an on you hoping you guys would be doing a Central Coast Grass Roots race some time soon.

Mike, almost all the LCB's were present for a Hybrid session @ Stink Hill. I had a chance to ride Shermans SR71 aka M^*# M^y#$y model and it ROCKED. Nice job! Real NICE

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Sunday, July 12 ?
On 6/29/2003 hg wrote in from (208.14.nnn.nnn)

Sounds good to me - I'll be glad to bring a timer. We could use grass roots rules with the timer to seed, and then best 2 out of 3 runs to advance. It would be nice to run a dual tight and then a single lane gs, as I'd love to test out a certain new 36" deck ...

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On 6/29/2003 mike maysey wrote in from (65.234.nnn.nnn)

Hey guys & gals,
I wasn't skating at all this weekend. Sirie sold her car on Friday, so we were carless this weekend. We pretty much spend all day yesterday and today just hoofin' it around the city. Today was pretty fun. There was a Pride Parade and a street fair following. I haven't seen so many rainbows in my life. A very diverse and friendly scene. Complete with a guy on roller skates wearing a leather vest and nothing else!! Well, he had on something else, but it didn't cover much and I won't tell you all exactly what it was. About next weekend, I don't know. I can say maybe at this point. I may be getting a car shortly since I really need one for work and Sirie will be getting one soon as well. Racing up here...don't know. Maybe something in GGP. I'd be willing to do something there. Maybe HG or Holl could bring a timer and I could set a good single lane or maybe a short dual course. Perhaps weekend after next? Anyone else think that sounds like a good date? It would have to be Sunday since that's when the street is closed and finish before 6pm.

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ditto that ...
On 6/29/2003 hg wrote in from (208.14.nnn.nnn)

Let us know as well about upcoming sessions. Actually, how about a grass roots race up your way ?

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S.C. Sessions
On 6/29/2003 Miko wrote in from (66.81.nnn.nnn)

Good Grief... I was available and dying to ride. No one told me about this. Please, please, please folks. I'd love to ride with you all!

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Santa Cruz
On 6/29/2003 Judi wrote in from (63.249.nnn.nnn)

Don't know when you guys were in town but we had a great session yesterday, Saturday. Hut, Holl, Ravitch, Kim and I. Next time you guys are around and want to skate we should meet.
Miko we did a few courses one we called in a Miko course. Fast bombing tight thing and then a Holl thing.

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GGP or Presidio?
On 6/28/2003 Bruce in Santa Rosa wrote in from (66.81.nnn.nnn)

Anybody gonna make it to either of these North Bay spots sunday? Mike?? Bombsquad???

Hope to see some of ya there!

L8r SK8r's

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