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Yo: NCLB & WT(ref:BOA Stadium lot)
On 3/2/2005
John Dillon, Team Fun
wrote in from
United States
Try to catch the Red Bull rep to float u some for the next DHB Jam....& let me know what happens w/the BOA Stadium lot...if they don't let u sk8 there then I WILL close my acct!
Charlotte Spots
On 3/1/2005
Surfer Jer
wrote in from
United States
I'm not too familiar with the stadium parking lot but I'll see what's there. There's a lot of hilly areas in Charlotte, I'll look for one that matches your specifics.
I'll let the Charlotte Longboarders know about the jam on the 26th!
Fellow DHBer's
On 3/1/2005
North Carolina Longboarder- DownHill Billies
wrote in from
United States
Bros and Sistas....things have been crazy this last two weeks but I have worked on the site a bit and should put up an abbreviated version by this weekend. At first it is going to be simple but will develop as we move forward. I have talked with Darren and he thinks he should be able to start working on the shirts soon...(Local DHB'ers, we are going to need to get together and go help with the shirt production...Check in with Darren later in the week about a good night. I am taking the artwork over to him tomorrow.
Also, Local Crew....lets have a meeting of sorts this weekend and skate together....see if Sunday afternoon works for you guys. Call me and let me know. We can skate and plan the jam. I will be available after church and lunch. Check in with me via the mobile later in the week....email me if you don't have the number!
Lenny, dude I am stoked you are coming down. We are going to have a great time. Looking forward to it.
Marion Karr North Carolina Longboarder Proud Member of the DownHill Billies ONLY 25 MORE DAYS UNTIL DOWNHILL BILLIES JAM II
Happy New Month
On 3/1/2005 Lenny- Downhill Billies
wrote in from
United States
I'm not a big fan of winter mainly due to the cold and dark days which cut big time into my skateboard-filled obsession. I'm always of the frame of mind that if I can make to March, when things START coming back to life, I'm stoked. That said, now that it's March 1st, I'm stoked all around!
Dank, bro I'll be more than happy to give any pointers I can about cone-running. Remember, like Dave G told me the first time I ran cones, don't be afraid to put your rear end into it!
I'd defintely be stoked on a DHB party after the session(s). I'm down!
See you in 3 1/2 weeks, Lenny- DHB!
Rippin it up!!!
On 2/27/2005 Dankdownhiller
wrote in from
United States
What up fellow Billies? Can't wait to get together and shred again. This time I'm going to try the salom with a little help from my fellow Billies.Also, I think a party in store after the Jam.Come one, come all ,Jer be sure to bring a crew form Charlotte and well have a good ole time.Talked with Marion and the web site is just around the corner.Stay in touch. Later!!
D.D.H. Downhill Billie A.K.A.-Big pun
A month from today...
On 2/26/2005
wrote in from
United States
we'll be tearing up the hill at the DHB Jam II!! I'm already stoked like a wild man for it!!
March Jam
On 2/26/2005
Bandy aka: "Lil Shane"
wrote in from
United States
Marion, when will we have our next DHB meeting I was out of town when the last one was scheduled. Sorry, I have not called you about the food for the March Jam. We can discuss at the next DHB Meeting. I work in Food Distribution, so I'm sure I can arrange some donations from Manufacturers or Brokers.
Jay aka: Big Pun - "Keep your Chin Up" D-Holt aka: Powerslide - "Keep it Straight"
It is a beautiful Day and I'm going to ride in the neighborhood!
Tucker- I Will Go Scout It
On 2/25/2005
North Carolina Longboarder- DownHill Billies
wrote in from
United States
Tucker, If Jer says it is a possibility I will go down and scout it for us. I would love for us to have a race in Charlotte! I am there!
Marion Karr North Carolina Longboarder Proud Member of the DownHill Billies
Possible Spot In Charlotte
On 2/25/2005
Wesley Tucker
wrote in from
United States
Hey, Jer,
I got a question for you. I live down in Summerville just outside of Charleston. I've been meaning to do something now for a while but just haven't got around to it. You got any idea about the parking lot around Bank Of America Stadium? When I'm driving through on 77, I always intend to get off and go over and check it out, but usually for one reason or another I never get it done.
I'm not a longboarder, but a slalom skater. What we look for are long stretches with a good grade and no traffic where we can set up cones and courses and race. With the way the stadium sits up on that hill, I've always imagined the parking lot kind of slopes down around it. And in the off season I know it's probably empty on the weekends.
The management might be a pain with liability and all, but that's another bridge to cross. First I'd like to find out if there's a spot somewhere that's 5-600 feet long heading downhill where we could set a good dual course? I'll be coming up to the Jam at the end of March, but if you have any clue before then, I'd really like to know.
Tom Meakin
On 2/25/2005
North Carolina Longboarder
wrote in from
United States
Tom, The offer is a standing one so no problema on the time. Just keep watching the flights and if you see a bargain. You will need cash when you get here to shop at Walmart but we will feed you a bunch. (Before all of you anti-WalMart nazis out there get all jacked up about that last comment I just want to say- IT WAS A JOKE!) Tom, you and your boards are welcomed at our house. Good luck at Uni...Lenny, it sounds like we are just going to have to skate a bunch this summer huh?
Marion Karr North Carolina Longboarder Proud Member of the DownHill Billies Team Fun Wal-Mart Greeter's Son
Yo Tom
On 2/24/2005 Lenny
wrote in from
United States
Defintely wait until you're at Uni. I don't know about everywhere, but when I was in school there was ALWAYS some deal going on for students to go abroad to study and grants to foot most of the bill. There's a travel component required for my masters. I'm thinking of doing it summer after next. This summer, I've arranged to do NOTHING my first summer completely off since I was in 8th grade!!
On 2/24/2005
wrote in from
United Kingdom
i was looking for flights and the cheapest i found was £294 return tickets, which might be possibe in the fututre, but the flight was special offer and the next normal price was £350 ($700). I could save for these sometime(but need money for other things and i am going to uni in autumn) so here's to hoping that i win some money on the lottery LOL :)
I'm down!!
On 2/23/2005 Lenny
wrote in from
United States
One time I was going on precious little sleep and was fueled solely by Red Bull. That'll definitely do the trick.
Charlotte Longboarders and Statesville DHB's
On 2/23/2005
North Carolina Longboarder- DownHill Billies
wrote in from
United States
Jer: I have you on the email list for the DHB's and will let the crew know what you guys have going on. I know one of our crew has been longboarding with some guys in a parking deck in Downtown Charlotte but I am not sure where and when...Try to get some of your bro's to come up to Troutman for the jam in March. When it gets closer I will email you directions.
Lenny: Dude, we are DEFINITELY going to do the Downtown Night Riding in Statesville when you are here...we will just eat better and drink more Red Bulls...the official energy drink of the DownHill Billies....until someone gives us some sponsorship.
This weekend I am going to be working on the website. I will let you know how it progresses.
Later Dudes and Dudettes! Mark your calendar for Saturday, March 26th, for the DownHill Billies Skate Jam II.
Marion Karr North Carolina Longboarder Proud Member of the DownHill Billies Team Fun And Anyone Else That Will Have Me
Spreading the stoke!!
On 2/23/2005
Lenny- DHB
wrote in from
United States
Hey Jer, I think I speak for the rest of the Downhill Billies when I say "the more the merrier." I think Marion's right in that neighborhood too!
Being a good 4.5 or so hours away, I can't make that many "meetings," but I'm about always stoked for a jam session with some carving and cones and maybe a park. LOL
By the way, Marion, I'm hoping to carve up Statesville at night on the 26th. I was dtoked on it last time, but spent all my energy on the cones (and being full o' wings at night didn't help. LOL).
Charlotte Longboarders
On 2/23/2005
Surfer Jer
wrote in from
United States
Hello, all! I'm Jerry and I skate with a 43" Surf-One longboard. I also have a shortboard that I skate parks with. Anyway, I've started a club in Charlotte, NC called The Charlotte Longboarders. We only have a handful of members right now so you're welcome to join forces with us and hopefully vice versa. This club has just been started so we haven't had any meetings yet. I will be glad to keep you posted. You may also want to visit the Charlotte Locals & Longboards sections of www.skaterscafe.com.
Thanks! Jerry "Surfer Jer"
On 2/22/2005 tomt
wrote in from
I never knew something so good for you could be this intoxicating. Thank you to ALL the skate companies, large and small, for their contributions to the BEST THING IN LIFE. P.S. : Don't avoid off-roading...it's friggin AWESOME!!
Lenny Beat Me To It Tom
On 2/21/2005
North Carolina Longboarder- DownHill Billies
wrote in from
United States
Tom Meakin: Dude, if you want to come over and check things out you are welcome to stay at my house. I think you can fly direct to Charlotte, North Carolina from London. Statesville is only about 45 minutes from the airport.
The best time to visit here is in the Spring or the Fall. Summer tends to cook the English like a deep fryer does fish and chips.
Marion Karr North Carolina Longboarder Proud Member of the DownHill Billies
Hey Tom
On 2/21/2005 Lenny- DHB
wrote in from
United States
Man, if you ever decided to hop the pond for a session, I'm sure one of the DHBs would be stoked to give you a place to crash!
hey again
On 2/20/2005
wrote in from
United Kingdom
Another jam? dudes are you trying to make me move to the US? I really do wish i could get to some of those... I am so glad i longboard and slide now though, my snowboarding comes so much more natural and stylish even after a year of no practicing i could huck myself down a moghuld black run with ease(i was in Austria this week). I especially liked the way that when i slid out on ice (i realised afterwards)i was penduluming it back without trying to. The only bad point was that i couldnt pump on snow hahah. Incidentally, my favourite feeling while riding on a snowboard is the same as on my longboard, a pushed out toe-heel turn right before it slips out, the difference being one is on concrete the other powder.
Does anyone else share the stoke when snowboarding just like longboarding?
p.s. my instructor(i went on a school trip) also longboarded which was cool :)
Jam II Thoughts And Stuff
On 2/19/2005
North Carolina Longboarder- DownHill Billies
wrote in from
United States
Dave G: Dude, that would rock if you could bring more of your quiver for the local DHB's to all have a go at some slalom! We will jam the day away on that pavement!
Lil Shane: Dude, give me a call at the office or on my mobile this week.
Talk to you soon. I'm Stoked!
Marion Karr North Carolina Longboarder Proud Member of the DownHill Billies s
Jam II
On 2/19/2005
Dave G
wrote in from
United States
I'm gonna have to jam here myself! But can't wait to be in better mental status to run that fine hill!! And to see the Local members of DHB's I've got several set-ups I'll bring if anyone wants/needs to play on!! Those curbs are sweet for foam core runaways!!! I won't mind loaning out any of several "delicate" decks, knowing the curbs will simply launch them into grassy knolls!! Good on ya' Marion!!
Back to your normally scheduled programming I gotta get back to the high school!! (long story)
DownHill Billies
On 2/19/2005
Bandy aka 'Lil Shane"
wrote in from
United States
What's Up DHB's. I can't wait for the March 26 Spring Skate Jam. I hope to see everyone that came out to the first skate Jam and hopefully many more new comers. Tough News about D-Holt (aka: Powerslide)MCL, that will have in down and out for at least 5 Weeks, however I know he is keeping it "straight".
Marion lets work on that party! Maybe we can have a little get together with some eats at the March Jam. I need to catch up with you to get my dues paid. Please let me know when the next DHB meeting will be (When, Where and a time).
D-Holt, I will be more than glad to Help you for FREE to get some of the Shirts printed just give me a heads up when you are ready to get it done!
Big-Pun - can't wait until tonight when we get to see Gov't mule Rock!
Hope everyone has a Great Weekend!
I'm Out! Lil' Shane
Saturday March 26 High Noon DHB Statesville Skate Jam II Announced!
On 2/17/2005
North Carolina Longboarder- DownHill Billies
wrote in from
United States
The DownHill Billies Announce The DHB Statesville (Troutman) Skate Jam II for Saturday March 26 at The Spot in Troutman, North Carolina. (This is Easter Weekend) It will be a combination of slalom, hill bombing/carving (with shuttle service for the hill bombers to the top of the hill...no walking!), sliding, enjoying the vibe, and sharing the stoke! Slalom experts and slalom newbies will be there to offer advise, introduction to the sport, and the sharing of equipment. If you missed the first one do a Search on this Forum for post first jam postings...everyone came away from the session completely stoked and motivated! Also check out these photos from the jam:
We welcome all of you to come skate and join the fun.
Drop me an e-mail for more information.
The DownHill Billies Website will be up and running by the end of this month. www.downhillbillies.org Darren, the official screen printer of the DownHill Billies, tore his MCL last week and is down and out a bit. Shirts may be delayed but will definitely be available for purchase before the March Jam and also at the Jam itself.
Any one wanting to purchase slide gloves please drop me a line and I will have them ready by the Jam.
Out of towners contact me for directions, details, and other information!
Marion Karr North Carolina Longboarder Proud Member of the DownHill Billies
wrote in from
United States
What up fellow billies.It's been a while.Lenny,Dave G,(Still planning a trip to West VA. to snowshoe so keep me posted about the condition. Yes our fellow billie has a torn Mcl(he was comin to Snowshoe)but that want be happin.Marion you are a hard dude to get a hold of.I'm ready for a good ole sessio at the spot.This isn't goin to be here for ud to ride forever the building is a comin.Nail down a date and I need to see you for the dues. W.T.-Hate I missed the ridin Sun.I was sick as well.Hold it on all four.Later Billies!!!!!
Keep it Rollin, D.D.H. Downhill Billie For Sure!!!! The shirts are in the works!!!! Keep it goin!!