Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Long Distance Skateboard Pumping LDP

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Long Distance Pumping (LDP) (1492 Posts)
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missed the delivery.... ;-(
On 12/24/2005 Erin wrote in from Canada  (66.183.nnn.nnn)

Al, your package was here yesterday but I was not. It was noon and I was out having a birthday lunch. The delivery is rescheduled for Wednesday. No big worries though as we are having loads and loads of rain right now so not much opportunity for truck testing.

Have a merry Christmas all of you. I feel lucky to have you as my skate pals and I hope to be able to skate with more of you in the new year.

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"new trucks"
On 12/24/2005 silversurfer wrote in from United States  (71.192.nnn.nnn)

James it's cool that you got the package from "santa". I am expecting one too,
but it'll be a little later. So I'm curious how did you set these up exactly?
If you don't want to discuss it on the forum you can e-mail me or pm thruough sf. BTW what deck are you putting those on and what wheels will you use?

Chris Chaput has mentioned the fastest pushing time through 176 ft. (he was slightly faster pushing than pumping) but I don't know if he used just his primary pushing foot or if he switched feet skog style. Chris C. can you help us on this? I think everyone with trap times posted for 44 feet were pumping more or less slalom style. I don't know what technique would produce the fastest 176 ft trap time.

I agree with James that just pumping and seeing how far or long you can go without touching the ground with either foot is a blast and great excersize and would make a great racing series in short, medium and long distance categories. I also think the same categories could apply to skogging competions and rally's.

Adam thanks for offering C.Yandall a Q&A forum. I hope that he accepts it.
And what are your feelings about all this pumping stuff? I know you spent a lot of time searching for and dialing in your own pumping set up, with great results. No one that has posted a trap time has posted here to discuss their technique, equipment or anything. I think it would be a good habit to start to make comments here or on the skogging forum about recent skates and timed runs. I know many are already reporting feedback from their pumping, skogging or skumping sessions. Keep up the great work, it's fun reading.

Happy birthday Erin! Congrats on the "Special Fifty", a fine piece of rolling art and a fitting b day present for a skate queen. I'm glad you like your cx's
(I have a set on the way!). But I'm also really excited to read either here or in pm or em about the "seceret new" trucks. I'd like to know how you and James set them up as far as decks, wheels, ect.

Al what deck and wheels have you found works best for you on your long distance pump sessions?

And does anyone think that bearings, spacers or speed rings/washers makes any difference in pumping, skogging or LDP?

Happy Holidays to all! And when I get a chance I'll post the mysterious skateboard set up that I got myself for christmas with gift money....
Stay tuned...same pump channel...same pump time....pow...pop...pump...skump...

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catchin up with you all...
On 12/23/2005 peters wrote in from United States  (24.18.nnn.nnn)

Welcome back Chris! it has been a long time. 'Yandall on Skogging' is a great idea. I hope that forum might produce more meaty infomation on left-right pushing specifics from the skogging master. And it may produce answers to great mysteries, like did the animal Robin McGuirk who wins all the Portland Push races, switch push legs? I'd like to hear switch-pushing theory from others who are doing this. For example, some say they're going to "skog the Trap" but I don't think one would skog inside 176 feet, seems like foot switching would detract from maintaining the fastest possible speed with the more efficient single push foot? Seems skogging might rather be on the half-mile++ distances... My assumptions might be proven wrong!

And thank you again Eric, pavedwave.com is there in hopes to do exactly that - share discoveries in flatland pumping and inspire more of it. I'm always glad to hear feedback both positive & critical to improve the site! My interest from the start has been 'purist' pumping with the end goal of seeing what happens when you actually push the limits of distance and endurance and keep pumping places even when you know its faster to push. I get a great high from having worked up the stamina to cruise non-stop like this. At the same time, a carefree, beer-run cruise is all good, where it doesn't matter whether 'pushing, skogging or pumping', though in terms of forum/discussion that's vague and kinda falls into the "sidewalk surfing" arena. So I've always felt long distance pumping fits this forum nicely, and I wouldn't want to segment away from the rich pumping theory talk here too quickly, unless 'skumping' were really to take on a life of its own.

Al, you got the stoke-master Santa award! Can't thank you enough. Ready to test!

Erin, here's my condensed CX bushing manual in order of preference: 1. stock reds 2. Khiro blue or white 3. Radikal red or blue -- cool your CX's arrived!

I get jazzed and inspired learning things pump-related experientially...the long trail commutes, race sessions and events throughout the year. E.g., I've learned a TON from Brad Jackman just these past weeks about the potential of Trackers + a stiff wood deck, in fact hoping to make a new Cyber time tomorrow! And like you and all others here I'm equally grateful that Adam has created ncdsa where we can learn from experiences across the globe, meeting like-minded pump addicts, and speeding up the learning curve.

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New forum
On 12/23/2005 Adam wrote in from United States  (64.81.nnn.nnn)

Chris: If you're up to the challenge of moderating a Q&A forum on Skogging I'm happy to give it a try. Let me know..

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Pumping vs. Pushing...
On 12/23/2005 silversurfer wrote in from United States  (71.192.nnn.nnn)

I'm thinking that it would be cool to see who's faster over 176 feet,
the fastest pumpers or the fastest pushers? It's a natural rivalry, although most of us do both. I'd like to see people start adding their times to the trap listings and mentioning in the comments whether they pumped, pushed or both.

And I'm still interested in discussing the ideal equipment and techniques for the trap, as well as medium and long distance pumping and skogging.

Any thoughts on any of this? Anyone?

Thanks in advance for the input!

Happy Birthday Erin! Al's inserts are like a b day present to you.

And for me, when those inserts come along with some gear I ordered from mile high mark, I'm gonna be like a kid on christmas day. Thanks Al, I have'nt gotten such an exciting christmas present in many years! I know they wont be here for christmas day, but that wont take away from the experience one bit!

Thanks again to everyone here,


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Chris, Al , Erin , James, and all the pumpers and skoggers..
On 12/23/2005 silversurfer wrote in from United States  (71.192.nnn.nnn)

Chris it's great to see back on this forum. You have been missed. I'm wondering if you still have any of the 38"x9.5" pumping/skogging decks that you have mentioned in the past. If so, I'd really like to purchase one.
I have a pair of original trucks begging to be mounted on one of your special decks. please let me know my e mail is ronin391@yahoo.com .

I think anybody interested in skogging or push racing should e-mail Adam at
webmaster@ncdsa.com if he gets enough e-mails asking for a forum called "Chris Yandall on Skogging and Pumping" he may add that to the site. I'd also like to see a "James Peter's on Skumping (Long Distance Pumping) forum and a forum for discussing the Trap, although we do that here. So Adam, if you're reading this please consider this proposal. Thanks.

Also Chris, I had to pause my "Dogtown and Z Boys" DVD a few times, but I did see your name. You placed first at the 1975 Bahne/Caddilac contest in mens slalom! A better placing than any of the z boys and you weren't even really mentioned. I'm impressed with your past slalom performances and your current skogging and pumping skills and equipment. Please post here often on skogging and pumping untill you get your own forum. I'm very interested in reading your old piece on skogging and also I'm hoping you'll do a new series of articles to put on your web site or publish in concrete wave.

Al, thank you so much for your generosity in sending the truck inserts. Don't rush to send them out, whenever you can is cool. On the other hand, you can't imagine how excited I am to see and try them. Your work in design and pumping is facinating to me.

Erin you are my inspiration, your drive to learn and conquer first downill and sliding, then cruising, then slalom and now long distance pumping and skogging is really amazing. I've been following your path of skateboard mastery and have also been facinated and intrigued by your equipment discussions and choices. Watching you add and subtract set ups from your quiver is an education for me. Your rayne is a beauty and I just read on sf that LBL has just shipped a deck to you. Is this the mysterious LDP deck?

James, thank you for your amazing website. You and your crew have inspired me to go from short to medium distance pumping and long distance skumping is my next step. I'm hopping you'll be here to continue to coach and inspire me and the rest of the skumpers.

Also, I want to thank Chris Chaput for his input here (please post often!) and for the fine equipment that he designs and manufactures. Chris the zig zags and your up coming trucks sound amazing. Please keep working on equipment that is especially good for pumping, skogging and skumping. And your transformation from freestyle champ to downhill and slalom champ is a story worthy of a documentary and a movie, along w/CYA. Oh and you were great in LOD. Also curious as to what size and duro wheels you think would be best for trap, cyber slalom, medium and long distance pumping and skogging.

And last but not least, actually most importantly thank you ADAM for providing this great forum and website for all of us to share ideas and experiences!

Happy Holidays to all the pumpers, skoggers and skumpers!

And thanks for the massive stoke that you've imparted to me.

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Truck inserts, etc..
On 12/23/2005 Al Williams wrote in from Dominican Republic  (66.98.nnn.nnn)

Erin and James, I'm just giving you a heads up that your trucks are on the way. Fed ex says that Erins might be in Vancouver today, But James' probably in Seattle by Saturday. Eric, I won't be able to get yours out until the 26th I think. I got a little late start on it due to the confusion over the shipping address...and now there are too many parties! However, I'll get at it very fast after Christmas! Everyone have a great and restful time with all your family and friends! And lets look to a bright new year for all types of skating and racing! I think this will be a good year with all the new products coming out! I'm especially interested in the new 'pump specific' wheels being made and can't wait to try them!
And yes...Chris is right..another thread on skogging is very justified! There are too many technicalities involved in both disciplines to have them so tied together. It leads to confusion, with many people thinking that they are the same. It's sort of like skiing and x-country skiing...yes, skiing all the same, but as everyone knows..very different from eachother.

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"Chris Yandal on skogging and pumping" & Sliver Srufer
On 12/23/2005 Chris Yandall wrote in from United States  (68.224.nnn.nnn)

I'd sure like to see skogging in it's own thread. i'm feeling "jogging" with my skateboard has become a nice fun "run" and would like to explain how I lost over 100lbs going on a skateboard exercise diet.

I guess I could share it here since I still love pumpin' me deck! but the two are seperate worlds.

If the admins decide skogging is a valid thread, I'd like to offer skogging.com to be a launching point of many threads here. I have much better videos, but too lazy to post them. Time to kick them out too. Send me your skogging videos you'd like to share. I'd like to see other techniques and styles.

I will repost an updated how-to .... i think over the last 30 years of doing this, I should be able to talk about how not to skog :D


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Toronto Tom
On 12/23/2005 Chris Yandall wrote in from United States  (68.224.nnn.nnn)

hi tom toronto

in those videos, i got some natural snap inherent in the camber/concave construct. it aint dead flex and it aint rubberband either. i have one pumpin deck that doesnt snap at all. itz all about the discipline you got strokin the pavaement.

i'm down in pb tomorrow skoggin up a storm as I've been consistently pounding the pavement the last 6 months doing the roundtrip pb crystal_pier to south_mission_jetty aerobic sk8ercise :D

pumpin and skoggin is a super workout for this old fart :P


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unbelievable! - Carver CX's
On 12/20/2005 Erin wrote in from Canada  (66.183.nnn.nnn)

I just got my Carver CX's in the mail today. Are they ever a huge step up from pumping with R2's or even Tracker rtx/s's! I started out with just the stock bushings deciding to try the trucks 'as is' before fooling around with modifications. I mounted them on the Vice-grip using the same wedging as what I had for the 150 R2's.
Granted, due to today's deluge of the wet stuff, I only skated the polished concrete of the hallways and parkade of our studio building - a common and very useful testing ground for new set ups I might add. I instantly noticed the ease with which the Carver's allowed me to propell the board forward. So much less effort required than on the R2's or Trackers.
As my neighbour exited his studio and saw me skate by he commented that the motion, which he had never seen performed on a skateboard before, looked like that of a dolphin swimming. I have to admit I was rather pleased with this analogy.

I can't wait to hit the bike path with these new trucks. What a difference it will make to LDP to have a truck that responds so efficiently to the pump. I can see what Al is saying about pump specific trucks making it much more attractive for a learner to take up skumping.

James, or anyone else pumping with Carver CX's, how have you set up your trucks and what bushings have you found to work as well or better than the stock Carver bushings.

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this and that
On 12/19/2005 Erin wrote in from Canada  (66.183.nnn.nnn)

Chris thanks for the info on conversions.... though even the simplist math often boogles me, I think I can follow the steps you outlined for mph. (I have to add that though it may seem foreign to you, many people do in fact relate to and understand kph. ;-) )

Munchh, glad to see you back, I was wondering where you'd disappeared to. Sorry to here that the infections have plagued you. Hope you are indeed well enough to be on your board for your birthday.

Paul, in addition to checking out the links that Eric listed, you may also want to spend some time reading through this pumping forum. There is a lot of info packed in these few pages which help to understand long distance pumping and the set ups that people have found most efficient for this skate disicpline.

Eric, I support your request for a seperate forum for skogging..... Chris Yandal's enthusiam for skogging needs to be encouraged - Chris where have you gone, we haven't scared you off with all our pumping talk, have we?!

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High School 'skumping' clubs
On 12/19/2005 Erin wrote in from Canada  (66.183.nnn.nnn)

I've been mulling over your posts related to Al's idea about how to help 'skumping' gain a broader base of participants. I work in a high school with a population of 2300 plus students. Our campus has a couple of grass soccer fields and a gravel track on its grounds. We are located on a hill and surrounded by hills in every direction. I just tried to imagine the phys ed department incorporating 'skumping' into their curriculum and could quickly picture the challenges in terms of finding a suitable place to even practice the skills of the sport.
It seems like perhaps the a more realistic way of introducing the sport would be through a school club. That way interested students could meet in a safe area after school hours and using club equipment learn the skills necessary to enjoy the sport. Keen students would likely be happy to purchase their own gear so that they could skate on their own time as well.
If all the schools in the district had similar clubs, the schools could meet occassionaly for fun competitions and/or for group skates. I could also see slalom being incorporated into this type of skate club. The variety of types of skating could help draw more students and offer more possibilities for skate events.
I think the very fact that these aspects of skating are relatively new to the general public could really work in our favor in getting skate clubs going in schools. There's lots of kids that are very curious about something new and really want to give it a try. For example, in addition to skateboarding, I also like to go mountain unicycling. Last spring I frequently commuted to school on the one wheeler. Students not only were drawn to watching me ride but clambered to try the uni themselves. LDP would be easier to learn but still probably about as rare as unicycling. I think students would be excited to give this new style of skateboarding a try and school clubs would offer safe opportunities to do so.

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What is pumping....
On 12/19/2005 silversurfer wrote in from United States  (71.192.nnn.nnn)

Pumping is fun and good excersize!

Check out these links to get a better idea of what pumping is;




Does anyone else have any more or better links that fit in with this thread?

Chris thank you for your input on this topic. I like your scientific approach.

You are so good at so many skating disciplines and you make great skate

equipment. Will the Liquid trucks be good for pumping? I'm really looking

forward to those and the zig zag wheels. I'd like to see Chris Yandal back

contributing in this forum, too. Adam can we get him a forum on skogging?

And peters one on skumping?

Al I like your ideas, I think you are on to something.

Did you get my e mail?

-Eric ronin391@yahoo.com


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what is pumping?
On 12/19/2005 Paul Steuri wrote in from United States  (207.200.nnn.nnn)

What exactly is pumping? From what iI have heard it is a certain way of carving to keep going as an alternative to pushing. What kind of setup is needed?
any info would be just dandy!

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On 12/19/2005 Munchh wrote in from United Kingdom  (86.132.nnn.nnn)

Cheers Chris,

53.6448 meters it will be and mph is fine by me, that kmph is all nonsence in my mind, the u.k. is mph, although all our t.v. insists on talking about kmph, because then it can be used in mainland europe i spose??

Just checked your Retro skates site, are you gonna do decks, cant wait to see the zig-zags, i'm using 72a flashbacks on one deck and bertz on a smaller one, no skoolz on another and those 92a flashbacks that i shaved down a bit on my sliding setup, so you have sort of kicked my essensial Kryp's to the curb at the minute?

P.S. thanks for the maths lesson, hehe.

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On 12/19/2005 Chris Chaput wrote in from United States  (66.116.nnn.nnn)

176 feet is 53.6448 meters. Mark off a distance of 53.6448 meters and run through it on your skateboard. Since we all use the same measurement of time (seconds), this will be easy. Just take 120 and divide it by the number of seconds that it took you to run the course, and the answer will how fast (in Miles Per Hour) you went. Example: It took you 10 seconds to run the course. 120 / 10 = 12 mph. Simple, yes?

The number 120 comes from converting feet per seconds into miles per hour. There are 5280 feet in a mile, and 176 feet goes into that 30 times. There are 3600 seconds in an hour because there 60 minutes, each containing 60 seconds. 3600 / 30 = 120, which is the constant that we can use for easily calculating miles per hour.

The trick is, to pick a length of track that makes the math easy, and that is easy to measure and skate. 176 feet is good for mph, but bad for kilometers per hour. No one here understands k/h, but all the smart Euros can understand mph, so mph it is.

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back on
On 12/19/2005 Munchh wrote in from United Kingdom  (86.132.nnn.nnn)


They fixed my broadband, wouldn't be so bad that it took so long, if it wasn't for the fact that i work for British telecom!!

Hi guys, you lot have been busy, like the schools idea, dont know how it would go down in England, but worth a thought, think getting some sort of comp sorted 1st might help.

Al, your trucks are sounding a bit special, i'm not going to pretend to understand too much, but it sounds exciting.

On the 'trap', can someone explain the '120' part of the equasion for the 176 foot trap and whats 176' in meters? Ive got one of those wheels for measuring under ground cable lengths that i could measure out the trap with, but it only measures meters?

Well after this synus opp, i've had one infection after another, so still havent had a chance to get out and try my new board setups, now i'm gonna be off work till the new year, i've got to get a board made for a guy before christmas som how aswell, but i'm aiming to be well enough to be on a board for my birthday on the 30th (as long as it doesn't rain)!

Good to be back amongst you all, have a great christmas everyone.


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mainstreaming the Pump
On 12/19/2005 peters wrote in from United States  (24.18.nnn.nnn)

hey Al, I agree successful grassroots organizing of events, getting this in front of kids and raising their involvement is where the future is. I pump distances for the sheer euphoria, and originally for the soulful and practical purpose of getting from point A to B. At first, I found just getting a few guys out to ride flats for any length of time was sketchy, it takes an endurance-oriented mindset. Munson and I rode together solid for a couple years - both in good aerobic shape, he runs X-country and I hiked/snowboarded obsessively.

So with longboards it seemed nuts not to take advantage of technical advances in trucks, decks, and wheels - and 'skump'. Munson really wanted me to work on engineering new pumping trucks a couple years back, but my interest was more in promotion of pump events, and testing/beating the hell out of many trucks already on the market. In other words focus on pump techniques, benefitting from innovators like you!

Now I'm often evangelizing 'skumping' to help people overcome assumptions about what's possible on a skateboard. This happens on a daily basis on commutes to/from work, meeting people downtown. They initially think it's crazy to longboard more than 5 miles anywhere. Which comes partially from the notion that you're supposed to hop on a skateboard, bust a few tricks, then hop off. That's just what they're used to seeing.

But when they watch and understand that distance pumping is a series of connected, flowing, carving turns, and see the evolution of the longer, snappier deck and trucks, and wheels that absorb the impact of cracks - I see lights go on upstairs. That its a completely viable way of going distances normally only bikers *and bladers* would attempt.

I know a number of hardcore park bros that have a real hang-up about the whole blader culture, its an age-old animosity thing. The friendly chiding is fine, but the guys who hold a real grudge, that's just dumb. My logic was if the bladers "invaded" the skateparks then why not invade their gig? So from 2003 we entered the 26-mile marathons (along with approx. 180 bladers) and in 2006, longboarding will be on the brochures and an official part of the Multiple Sclerosis benefits! The woman who organizes the event and runs her own skate school has been one of our biggest proponents for longboarding and LDP - a testament to 'peace' between the cultures.

You're right about the schools buying in -- it would be powerful and we're hoping to slowly work it in, grassroots style. Munson incorporates mention of pavedwave, and LDP demos as part of his creativity speaking presentations to schoolkids! He also wanted to start school team competitions but I just don't have enough time. I donate Flexdex Pro60's to school auctions, taking the winning bidder out a few hours session and teaching them how to 'skump.'

All we need are just more people like you, Erin, Eric and the pros and vendors that are willing to sponsor and support us!

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More on school race teams
On 12/18/2005 Al Williams wrote in from Dominican Republic  (66.98.nnn.nnn)

I'm probably more impatient than you. When we talk of more general races, we are still leaving the riding to the public, and more or less 'individual' domain, and the kids need to buy the set-ups themselves. This could take longer than finding some brave, private schools, who might think it cool to be the first to have a longboard racing team. The gear can be donated to them and then be maintained by the team. If the kids want to buy their own boards..all the better, and all the donors companies should find many new customers. Also, I'm sure the students would go wild over the idea! Regarding insurance? We can convince them to use proper safety gear, and that a sprint team is probably safer than kids who skate on their own at the local skate parks...without insurance also. Most schools have football and basketball teams, and really, these are not the safest of sports either! I think some statistics say that even street skating is less dangerous than football and basketball. So, its possible that the schools who see skating as 'cool' and popular, might be open to these new mainstream trends, especially since they are not 'destruction' orientated, as you say. Anyway, it might be worth a try..especially in a place like northern CA which has skate parks sprouting up all over the place.
As for me...I'm kind of stuck here in the Caribbean for the time being. (However, I can think of worse places to be stuck!) So I won't be able to 'skaevangelize' in NorCAL any time too soon.. I think. However, I definatly can do something here in Santo Domingo. Everytime I skate here, I have a pack of kids, young and old, who want to try the boards..and they usually manage to do preliminary pumping within an hour or so of jumping on a board. They can't resist trying to copy me, even when I try to convince them to carve 180's and normal turning, first. Actually, It might be easier to start something here, because this town and country, is filled with athletes. What makes them good at baseball, makes them good at many other sports, and a group of 'converted' marathon runners or LD bike racers might make a killer LD pump team. Believe it or not, Its possible the government would even help in something like this, because they are always interested in 'upscale' projects and skating here actually promotes a pretty good image!(that is..in comparison to dictatorships,banana republics,drug running..etc..) Anyway, Im just pondering these things..looking for ways to get these competitions going....fast?! Also, Eric..I'll be sending out the parts probably on Tuesday. So please E-mail me your shipping address. I'd like to send them all at the same time, and James' and Erin's shipments are basically ready to go.

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Pump Races
On 12/18/2005 silversurfer wrote in from United States  (71.192.nnn.nnn)

Al I like your ideas about getting skateboarding and pumping into schools.
It would be a great addition to a PE program. It's great excercise, develops balance and coordination to a very high degree and is fun. Should be perfect.
But for liability reasons and general distaste for skateboarding (due to destructive "street" skaters) it might be an uphill battle to get school administrators on board.

I think the first step is to get more long distance and sprint flat land races going within the longboard and slalom communites. Before we can convince anyone else we need to get a larger percentage of casual skateboarders into pump and skog races. Each of us could host local events, and the winners could meet for the world flat land racing series championship. Just and idea...

There are several good events already taking place on an annual basis. We could model events after them and promote the growth of this sport.
Peters event, the NYC central park race, the Portland Pusher race are all great events. I'd like to see more of them, and with standardized distances and rules. Along with a place on ncdsa for the following records; 176 ft,
1/4 mile, 1/2 mile, 1 mile, 3 miles, 7 miles and marathon.

I'd also love to see the following forums here at ncdsa;

"James Peters on Long Distance Pumping"

"Chris Yandal on skogging and pumping"

Adam are you reading this?

I'm asking nicely......Please?

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How to get pump racing into the'mainstream'?
On 12/18/2005 Al Williams wrote in from Dominican Republic  (66.98.nnn.nnn)

How can we get these pump races, both short and LD into the 'mainstream'..where they might be included in school phys.ed. programs like swimming and track and feild?? Any ideas or strategies? Say, for instance, we can develope the boards to sufficient quality, all being pretty easy and fast to pump..what else needs to be done?? How about these pump race competitions between schools, just like they do x-country competitions. And what about donating boards and equiptment to chosen schools?..maybe 10 race boards per school that is interested? And we can promise 10 more every year...if the sport becomes popular in that particular school. Then we can talk to deck makers, truck makers etc..to sponser schools?? Just an idea.

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On 12/16/2005 silversurfer wrote in from United States  (71.192.nnn.nnn)

I have a dream....to be able to pump around my local bike paths the whole way without touching a foot to pavement.

With Al's truck inserts and all the technique and equipment advice and discussion available here, that dream will be a reality by this time next year or sooner.

The evolution of skateboard technology is very exciting. I like skateboard history and vintage gear for the reference point it gives us.

We are lucky to have urethane wheels and precision bearings.
But the future is looking very bright for skating and pumping.
I think we all need to do what we can to turn everybody on to this fun form of skating. I'd like to see more people entering trap times on the trap forum,
and as I said before a longer distance trap would be great.

And long distance races with flats and mild hills will enable a lot more less experienced and younger skaters to race which will help to ensure the future of this disipline.

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On 12/16/2005 Erin wrote in from Canada  (142.22.nnn.nnn)

Al, I have talked with JimZ and my pal Toby, a long time skateboarder and machinest, about the lack of evolution in skateboard trucks. I agree with you that this is one area that is shockingly lagging in comparison to most developments, not only in skateboarding specifically but in sports equipment generally.
Gear isn't everything but often when I see someone try a sport for the first time I notice that gear is a big part of what determines whether they'll stick with it or not. Put simply, crappy gear leads to a crappy experience.

"Everything begins with a dream". So dream on my friend and we'll celebrate where it takes you!


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past and future pumping!
On 12/16/2005 Al Williams wrote in from Dominican Republic  (66.98.nnn.nnn)

You got one idea very right! Get the 'tikes' on a good turning board very early and they are hooked for life! This is true! When I bought my first Banana board back in about 1975.. I thought I was in heaven. I can remember well riding it home and how good the urethane felt on the smooth asphalt. I was 'hooked' at that moment. About 3 years later I had a friend who pumped around a Safeway parking lot for a few minutes, and that also I couldn't believe. This was when I first learned how to pump, probably in about 1978/79. I was so impressed with these aspects of skateboarding that it stayed with me all these years. The only real problem was that the trucks never felt perfect, they were always too stiff and turning was always a little hard. I think this was why longboarding sort of died out for a while. Everyone turned to easier sports like surfing, skiing, rollerblading and cycling, because in all of these 'velosity' sports turning is very easy and people of all ages/genders can master them. It is only skateboarding that didn't keep up! This is why women are excellent at all the other sports and almost all are included in the Olympics...but the BEST SPORT OF ALL,skateboarding, is left out. For the most part, people only joke about it as being an Olympic event!
Now how did all of this come about?.. when all other sports are so highly accepted?? Because of the POOR PERFORMING TRUCKS!(Yes..even as Dan Gesmer says!)The decks and wheels have always been 'pretty good', even back in the seventies. It's the trucks that have always lacked! Since they did'nt turn well they were looked down upon, and, generally speaking, only teenage boys could participate in the sport. Only they had the youth and agression to control the 'stiff' riding trucks. Women, now, for the most part..don't even try! Anyway, I think you all know this sad story of longboarding!!
Now, however, I think things are changing! Now there are multiple new inventions, more and more sophisticated trucks, decks, bushings and bearings. Now, all of the things that kept skateboarding 'back' for the last 30 years are being repaired. Soon, I think, the skate technology will be so good and the skaters so many...that skating as an olympic event ..will be...the most popular event of them all!! Think of the agression, adrenelin and suspense of.. Trap,200m 1K, 2K, 5K and marathon skate events! Cycling and swimming, then, will be what the grandfathers watch! People will watch only to see the 'recks'!... Just like they watch car racing!The decks will probably be 5ft.Carbon fiber w/ detachable nose and swivel tails and with rails to increase and decrease wheels base. 15-17mph will be a slow time for the 1 k...etc.. See! I told you all I was probably the biggest "dreamer" of you all! However, a dream is terrible, if only a dream. I want to see these dreams reality! And I, like many of you..are working hard for it! But,of course... having fun all the while!

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Pump Wheels/Formulas
On 12/16/2005 matze wrote in from Germany  (195.125.nnn.nnn)

Chris, do you have some pictures about the ZigZags for us? (maybe those lovely renderings)

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