Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Long Distance Pumping (LDP) (1492 Posts)
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Well, You Can't Ignore the Enthusiasm
On 4/18/2006 Chris Yandall wrote in from United States  (70.167.nnn.nnn)

24x7x365 pumpers. you go bro!

skumping owns. my favorite exercise.

senior citizen surfing!
2 hour sprints are enough for me. it's like a 1-a-day tablet.

you guys rule.. ok?

i like to pump but only in a skumping routine. for me... it works!

cant wait to see all you pro's rip. :D


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way cool pumpers
On 4/18/2006 derek munson wrote in from United States  (24.16.nnn.nnn)

i think it's totally cool if somebody can pump from sunup to sundown without putting their foot down. and i don't see how that could get boring any more than any other endeavor. I've been doing this long distance pumping thing for about 5 years. rather than getting bored with it, i learn something new every time i go out for a ride.
keep that stoke goin' james!

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On 4/18/2006 Erin wrote in from Canada  (66.183.nnn.nnn)

I bought my first camcorder last week and have been filming and editing ever since. I did a short video of some pumping action a few days ago. I'm not sure if its good enough 'go public' with but if you'd like to sneak a peek shoot me an email and I'll send you the link.

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what I'd really like to do...
On 4/18/2006 peters wrote in from United States  (64.236.nnn.nnn)

Al - the cool thing is that rides fit into my weekly routine partly by LUCK (home to work == one long commuting trail) and the fact that this replaces gym time and is far more productive. My only other wish would be to have months free for distance rides like the Jack Smith SAA crew, the Adam Colton gang, or Cornwaithe shooting across Australia. But THAT one's a hard sell to the wife, and my boss...

Erin, that rocks to see the growing community up north with Jeff and now newbie pumpers, if you get any events going be sure to let us know, and stick it up on the RoeRacing calendar! http://www.localendar.com/public/roeslalom

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variety indeed
On 4/18/2006 peters wrote in from United States  (64.236.nnn.nnn)

Chris, the last time I gave a rip about what other people thought of me or anything I do was probably 20+ years ago, the jitters of becoming a high school freshman.

Don't let what the skater kids say bug ya. I pass them on the trail and hear the sound of jaws dropping more than the crap you seem to hear on the boardwalk. For every one skeptic, I hear about ten people AMPED to know more about, or even get into pumping distances. 'boring and repetitious' aren't even in my skate vernacular. Switch pump stance is how you balance out the muscles, when you feel the need.

I used to play jazz, salsa, and classical trumpet, with 1 to 2 hour-long sets. I've found long distance pumping to be a pure extension of that. I never get "bored" trying new pump styles, switching pump stance, alternating rhythms, picking a never ending and always-changing horizontal fall line down the path ahead-- its mesmerizing and addictive.

With the advances in longboard decks, trucks, and wheels, skateboarding can go way beyond sprint muscle athleticism. Long distance pumping bumps up the game to a sustained cardio. 4-5 times a week makes any mellow, cruising weekend or evening ride with my bros feel like an easy walk through the park.

This all reminds me of one pavedwave article quote ... "When I hang out with inspired people, a conversation feels like jumping on a trampoline. When I hang out with uninspired people, it feels like being 100 pounds overweight, and jumping on the sidewalk."

Get out and skate! (Now just have to choose between my park board, carveboard, DH, slalom...)

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a new pumper is born!!!
On 4/17/2006 Erin wrote in from Canada  (66.183.nnn.nnn)

I am so stoked! This morning my skatepal calls me up and says, "Would you teach me to pump?" How cool is that?! I dropped what I was doing and leap up shouting into the phone, "Yes, FOR SURE!"

She brought over her Insect Big Bug and we wedged and jacked up the R2's on the front. New gumballs were fairly gleaning, we were set to go.
She caught on really quickly and the huge perma-smile on her face told me she was having fun, fun, fun.

I don't think it will be long before we're out there together making short work of my 12km loop. I can't believe my good fortune, someone else right here at home to pump with!!!!! How lucky is that?!

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Pumpin' Mumblin's
On 4/17/2006 Al Williams wrote in from Dominican Republic  (66.98.nnn.nnn)

Keep goin James!..Your a great guinea pig for all those of us who want to pump such distances but really can't because of exterior circumstances such as wives and work situations. Some of us are very interested in the limits possible for pumping, but know we will probably never be able to test them. Thus, our interest in your details, such as times..and even number of pumps! I like these scrupulous statistical updates. Anyway, many of us, I think, appreciate those, like you, who want to break barriars, blaze new trails and record statistics that will pave the way for the progress of this new sport.
Oh, and thanks Munchh for calling me a Guiness! ..but really I prefer Hieneken!
Hairy feet Rule!!

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why pump when you can push? :D
On 4/17/2006 Chris Yandall - Pumper from the Mid-70's wrote in from United States  (70.167.nnn.nnn)

variety is a the spice bro! and that's why there's a different msg thread covering alternate leg pushing. the young skaters kids today look at pumpers as a freak show. they are saying, why pump when you can ollie your way down the sidewalks. i get it all the time skumping down the boasrdwalks. but damn! pumpin owns!

Anyways, alternating your legs might help you move over to the other exercise gym set of muscle development. Pumping long distances is a great endeavor but like anything else repititious, get's boring and will give you way uneven body fatigue in my opinion. I dont have anything against pumping other than people who put on the blinders and think they are way cool cuz they dont put any feet on the ground from sun up to sun down. wow! you go dude! enjoy. hope your feet never touch the ground ever!!!!


Chris Yandall

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why push when you can FLY!!??
On 4/17/2006 Erin wrote in from Canada  (66.183.nnn.nnn)

Whoah, and double whoah! Those are some fast times and some amazing weekly mileages James! You be 'flyin' boy!

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why push when you can...
On 4/16/2006 peters wrote in from United States  (24.18.nnn.nnn)

We've had dry weather over the past weeks, meaning ALL PUMP commute days. Some really cool discoveries on fatigue after a solid 4-5 days, feeling it in the ABS and the BACK which must be a very good thing!! 260 miles, 22 starting pushes, 165,600 pumps... But who's counting ;-)

When it rains I bus it, or one-foot-push the rollsrolls, just going easy. Haven't learned alternate push thing 'cuz my goal's always been to keep the feet off the ground!

Munchh, will definately check into the rubber mat guy. And you should all know that wearing shoes for too long is actually THE #1 culprit for foot stank. Take 'em off and ride!! (but keep that stinky helmet on...)

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On 4/15/2006 Munchh wrote in from United Kingdom  (86.132.nnn.nnn)


just a quick hello to ya'll,

as usual the day we come home the waves are sweet, but got some time on those DP's on some lovley hills, Al your a genius!

Woolacombe is really to up and down for skumping, but i bumped into a guy who saw the 'Wasteland' sticker on my slalom deck who just happened to be in the same little village and 300 miles from home like i was and is going to the next one.

So 3 weeks to get the new deck built.

Peters, i'm stoked your on the Flatwave at last, have you thought of the old 'rubber' grip they used on GS decks for barefoot? Theres a guy on ebay that sometimes has some i'll check it out for you, he's your side of the water aswell?

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On 4/13/2006 Erin wrote in from Canada  (66.183.nnn.nnn)

fo shore' Al, fo shore'

what he said, da trooff, fo shore!

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dem dawgs!..as Erin points out!!! Stanky!
On 4/13/2006 Al Willums wrote in from Dominican Republic  (66.98.nnn.nnn)

James! Da problem is..you ain't o shouldn't be pumpin'a barefoot up there in Sattle in a wintatime! Isa a pretty normal conclusion that after 2-300 miles of rain o ice pumpin' you gonna get some pritty hairy dawgs!( as Erin calls 'em correcly). I sugest a good pair of woolen socks cuz those a sum stanky pair a dawgs ya got....doooood!!!

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holy hairy dawgs!
On 4/12/2006 Erin wrote in from Canada  (142.22.nnn.nnn)

Those are one hairy pair of dawgs you got there James! That can't be very aerodynamic...pretty give those puppies a trim....LOL!

OldStoke hope you survived your three wheeled episode .... Like James I often find myself cranking on three wheels, well actually less so since I started skating the Sandpiper but earlier on my other LBL decks and on the Rayne Vice that I set up as a pumper for while I definitely often skated three. Never had any spills but probably I was farther back on the deck than you plus the boards didn't have a swept up nose.

It is interesting now that I think about it that the Sandpiper doesn't seem to have this three wheeled tendency. Now why would that be James? Different flex, different shape....?

What I have run into with the 'piper is a slightly pulled groin muscle on my leading leg. I just can't seem to restrain my enthusiasm when pumping and I think I just cranked it too hard for too long and kind of fatigued that muscle to the point of it becoming a bit sore. Anyone else running in to muscle pulls from pumping?

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hey they're toughin' up already!
On 4/12/2006 peters wrote in from United States  (64.236.nnn.nnn)

Oldstoke, that barefooters.org is a very cool, informative site! I'll be spending a lot more of this summer nekkid from the ankle down.

Sounds like you rode that 'sketchy zone' out on the nose of the deck, hope you're okay? I've also heard comments from passing bikers when tripod-ing, just one rear wheel down while flying along at a fast clip. Even though it feels a little 'on edge' I still sometimes switch between that, and planting the rear foot for acceleration again. Although riding on WET trails will train you to keep the rear foot planted all the time!

Munchh, hope to get ride pics soon, after I shave my feet...

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I've gone global.....
On 4/12/2006 Munchh wrote in from United Kingdom  (86.54.nnn.nnn)

Hey Peters,

just thought i'd have a quick look, as i found a internet cafe, nice work man, just getting ready to get in the water, bit cold, but my new hood is sweet.

Just want some pics of you on it now,

Check you all when i get back.


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Barefoot Skump'n
On 4/11/2006 OldStoke wrote in from United States  (12.75.nnn.nnn)

You guys got the wrong idea. Don't baby your feet, let them toughen up naturally. I'm leaving tomorrow for FL, and even though I live in MI my feet are ready! I have alot to learn about pumping still, but I've got the barefoot part down. I read "Skumping", Ya'all got to check out www.barefooters.org
Hey Erin, while showing my sons how great I was pumping the old Gravity yesterday, I couldn't hear what my 15 year old was trying to tell me: "Your rear wheels are going up". A few seconds later I hit the nose to the ground, and a split second later I hit the ground as well. I'll remember not to try Skumping a board with a kick nose from now on, no matter how good it feels. The old Classic Concave has a nose almost exactly like it's kick tail.

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foam on top
On 4/11/2006 peters wrote in from United States  (64.236.nnn.nnn)

Yeah i'm just trying to find the right kind of grip for comfort on longer barefoot rides -- one time I shredded up my feet using regular grip and pumpin a couple miles. It was interesting to see where my skin was a little shredded afterward, quickly showing where my feet were pushing and pulling across the top of the deck. Then it hurt like hell to walk for a few days. I bought a soft and little sticky Yoga mat quite a while back, but just checked out the SF forum (thx!!) and the idea of the surfboard-foam top seems pretty smart as well. Maybe combine that with some PPS wedges?? I've got about 4 boards that all work great for this, all smooth or very mellow grip so it don't eat yo' feet. Gotta go show off my freaky looking toes again now that spring is here.

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green lake
On 4/11/2006 Erin wrote in from Canada  (66.183.nnn.nnn)

Green Lake loop, yes a lovely spot indeed. And if its about dodging dog poop, it needs to be a no touch skate for sure. But barefoot? Now you've got me going to another level. I am really intriqued as recently I have been having a fair bit of discussion with a skater from the 'fish who is a barefooter.

Any tips for getting started in the barefoot scene? Woo-who, always something new!

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barefoot skate loop
On 4/11/2006 peters wrote in from United States  (24.18.nnn.nnn)

Erin, I think you've been there before? - Green Lake's a 2.8-mile loop of pedestrian slalom, mostly flat. Best place to pump laps around the lake on weekends, first thing in the morning if you want some speed, but later in the day its great for just surfin'. We've talked about doing a "dodge the doggie doo" pump-only race around this loop but it would have to be uber-early (for the skate world, anyway) like 7 a.m. to avoid the masses...

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where are you barefooting?
On 4/10/2006 Erin wrote in from Canada  (66.183.nnn.nnn)

sounds intriquing James...where do you go to ride the flatwaves?

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On 4/10/2006 peters wrote in from United States  (64.236.nnn.nnn)

That deck's very stiff which is why I combo'd with extremely surfy RTR trucks. The grips are Munchh's cool custom cutouts and the rest of it is smooth, raw wood - not grippy at all which is my goal, to have at least 2 barefoot decks for the summer, the other's a 60" Flexdex -- one of my last ones!

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Munchh deck - wow'sa!
On 4/8/2006 Erin wrote in from Canada  (66.183.nnn.nnn)

Holy smokes James! That's a sweet deck Munchh made for you! How much flex does the board have? Is it clear silica grip on top or just the black grip design?

.....humm, a Munchh board is a very tempting idea.....hummm......

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barefoot Flatwave Classic!
On 4/7/2006 peters wrote in from United States  (64.236.nnn.nnn)

That fibreflex Z-roller combo sounds nice, curious to see how it rides and pumps, Zogs! I don't know if the Z's will be too stiff, but the FF decks usually have a nice snap and flex to them, so the deck ought to be where you get a lot of pump energy. Carvers / RTRs work best on stiffer decks IMHO, a little flex works as long as it snaps back quickly.

Finally got RTRs on my MUNCHH deck for a nice barefoot pump & carve session today. I'm keeping grip minimal on this one for barefootin' around the waterfront, its a great 36" pumpin' cruiser. I know you're offline for a couple weeks, but -- nice work Munchh!

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pumpin da gummies
On 4/7/2006 peters wrote in from United States  (64.236.nnn.nnn)

Cool hearing about your 20km hill Erin - cars verboten? Gotta hit that next time we make it to Vancouver! It's true even a DH can be turned into a decent carve/pump board, I've had exkates on my Landy for a very long time, just haven't been out to BOMB lately. My guess is it was 95% your improved pump skills and the other 5% is that new little edge of traction you got outta the Pink Gummies - Chris probably has more scientific stats than this ;-)

On Paul's Gummies vs. Flashbacks mention farther down, personally I think the diameter is far more important than the weight of the wheels. Flashbacks feel faster because the smaller wheels give quicker acceleration from lower speeds -- but with Gummies you'll feel the more efficient pumping speeds up over 10mph. So it depends more how fast a pumping/cruising speed you like to maintain. The thing I'm diggin about the retro Gums is it feels like the roll-speed is even better now, springy like a super ball??

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